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Depression / Anxiety

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Carole Report 24 Nov 2009 18:36

Hi Gail thanks for letting us know you are ok. Pleased you had a little rain but hope you get more.xx

Barbara they are the same as prozac but a different maker. Can cause panic attacks in some, but are non addictive.
They take about three weeks to get into the system so hold on xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Nov 2009 19:30

Talking about prozac etc reminded me I have a book issued by our local Mental Health Pharmacy service, when I was involved with an OCD self help group

It had lots of info about different medications so if anyone needs any help then give me a shout. I just dug out the book and will keep it somewhere I can find it quickly if needed. It was written in 2003 but can't be too out of date, I wouldn't have thought.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 Nov 2009 06:28

Barbra, if you o.h. doesn't get on with the tablets, take a look at 5htp, a natural form of antidepressant. It's included in my lists from the hospital and I take it when I can get a supply, can't afford the full price but sometimes it's on offer at H and B for £5 a bottle of pills. It does help me stay calm, less anxious and get through stresses and is not addictive. I think it should be on prescription. If you o.h. is anxious you could get him eating oats, as they calm things down, also get Passiflora drops with ativa, they work too, always make me less emotional.

Good luck


Carole Report 25 Nov 2009 07:43

On seeing a doctor while feeling down one year he said oh you get like this every year when it's coming up to winter. You could have sad syndrome. Of course it could have been, but I think in hind sight it was depression. Also the fact that your oh (Barbara) gets panics sometimes, would lead me to think it's depression in his case. For panics we all agree rescue remedy, from Boots or a health shop.

Working today locally so local I could walk there! Taking stock of kitchenwares, gifts, household linens, and what a change from grocery!!! We take retail price and cost price, you wouldn't believe the difference!!

Carole xx


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 25 Nov 2009 07:57

Hi to every one. Still very smoky here as some fires still burning, plus controlled back burning being done to stop the fires going further. Some areas of my community are still in danger, but hopefully the fire trails will be in before they are reached.

We are now fairly safe, do not think there is much more to burn now.

Did I welcome Barbara, if not, glad to see you and welcome.

Love and hugs to all



David Report 25 Nov 2009 11:50

I usually sleep ok, if allowed to, but a succession of sleepless or poor quality nights sleep gradually gets me harrassed and ratty.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 Nov 2009 16:55

5htp helps with sleep problems, as do oats, and bananas have something in them that helps too, google and read up on these things. So much better than having to take sleeping tablets.

Gail, I am glad things didn't get any worse than they did for you - I knew how upset you would have been had you had to leave your chooks behind.



YorkshireCaz Report 25 Nov 2009 17:20

I'm so glad you and your family are safe Gail, what a worrying time for you, so pleased the chooks are safe as well, you know me and how I would worry. Hubby got so that he came through the door and say ' any more news from Gail', even he was worried as he knows of you through me.

Love and hugs to all
Caz xx


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 26 Nov 2009 01:53

The biggest job we had was rounding up all the chickens, as we felt they would have a better chance if let out of their pens, was suggested by Mick in Victoria. At this time of year we have about 30 very young chickens as well as another 30 full grown and roosters, mostly bantams. In the end we just left them alone with the gates opened and they went back in at dark, they did have a wonderful time. Because it is so dry and no rain we are also having trouble with bird lice, so it is a constant battle keeping the lice away.

Canada, England and Ireland are having trouble with floods, we are in drought. Funny old world.

love and hugs



Benjamin Report 28 Nov 2009 23:50

Someobody save me before I explode.

This lady on another forum has this weird idea in her head that my Thomas Musgrave returned to England to die after he emigrated. He is on the 1900 US census aged 72. I keep telling her that he did NOT RETURN TO ENGLAND AFTER 1900 AS I HAVE CHECKED AND CHECKED and she reckons his body may have been shipped back across the Atlantic to England after he died. What have I got to do to convince her that what I have researched is right.

If he returned to Briatian why cant I find a death? because he did in AMERICA.

It really annoys me when people try and brainwash me with their opinions and think they are right and who dont listen to MY facts.


Deanna Report 29 Nov 2009 13:10

Ben, relax and don't even think about it.
she was only trying to help, and we all make mistakes but her heart was in the right place....wasn't it??? ;-0)
You could always IGNORE IT if you feel that she is not listening, but I'm sure she thinks she is helping, which is nice, isn't it?

Hi everyone, still sitting in the midst of a hurricane but the kitchen floor is going down tomorrow then.... only the bathroom floor, the bathroom painting... two coats, and one more coat in the kitchen...... then we should be normal again.


Well, it has been a life long dream....
I am allowed to dream!! ;-0)
Love to all.
Deanna XXXX


Benjamin Report 29 Nov 2009 15:18


I have managed to finally convince her. Yes he did die in America. I just need to find the date of death now. I am 100% sure he died in America as for ages I checked and cross referenced any English deaths to no avail and now I recently found out why, because he emigrated.



Deanna Report 29 Nov 2009 15:48

There you are Ben, you know this to be a fact... so why worry about someone else's opinion?
Keep searching love, in this business it is the name of the game.
Good luck Ben.
Deanna XXX


AnninGlos Report 29 Nov 2009 16:10

Ben, time to rely on what you know and not what somebody on another forum thinks she knows. You have been here before haven't you? You believe what you have found out and don't worry about other people, they will mess with your head.


Benjamin Report 29 Nov 2009 16:17


I am just so pleased that I have proven he emigrated 100% but as I said OCD likes to mess with that and give me weird doubts which are illogical.

Gail said you dont need to ask questions as you already know the answer whether he emigrated and not to take notice of any OCD doubts.


Benjamin Report 29 Nov 2009 20:58

Yes I should know what I research. I have proven Thomas's emigration beyond doubt and in masses as well, so much so that doubts shouldn't enter my mind. The evidence is irrefutable.


AnninGlos Report 29 Nov 2009 21:29

Well there you are then Ben, you just have to believe yourself and not other people.


Carole Report 29 Nov 2009 23:01

Barbra pleased your oh is feeling the bennifit of his medication now, just make sure he doesn't stop it cos he thinks he is okay!

Ben your research is checked and several checked, it's the ocd trying to make you doubt what you know. Believe in yourself. I'm sure you have done a thorough search and your findings are acurate.x

Thinking of Y Caz who is needing some support from us xx
Deanna living in a war zone xx
Liz living with a ... I don't know what should I call him? xx
Gail, and her family in the heat.xx
Claire Jo xx
It's too late to do this!! Nite nite xxx


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 30 Nov 2009 02:15

We still had fires around us over the last few days, a lot was back burning, then a couple of small fires which were quickly under control. We then had another dust storm, and a few hot hot days. It is now RAINING, so hopefully enough to put the rest of the fires out.

Special love and hugs to our Y/Caz.

Love and hugs to everyone else

Ben do not let the OCD have control, you are very good at sleuthing and you know it, so go hunt that death certificate.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Nov 2009 02:34

Hi Gail,

so glad the dust and rain will help keep the fires down and out and glad you haven't had too much upheaval and are safe. Let's hope things continue that way.

Carole, what I would call him isn't polite enough to be put on here lol

Y Caz, you take care love, sorry haven't had a chance to call you, it's been a bit manic here - going to try and get out some afternoons next week while he is at home so might call then from mobile. Been thinking about you and all our friends here.

love and hugs

Ben, just go for it and listen to your gut feelings, you have done well so far so don't start letting others put doubts into your mind.