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Depression / Anxiety

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clairejo Report 21 Nov 2009 22:39

Hi all
Not been posting much , have'nt really felt up to it if you see what I mean.
I did put a thank you thread up for the most beautiful flowers which arrived last week but just wanted to thank you on here as well.
Hope Gail is ok, very scary for all who are affected.
Take care everyone
C xx
Ps Carole I have'nt forgot just am very dozy !


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 22 Nov 2009 00:25

Still at home on standby. Yes Carole they are still here and packed and ready to go as soon as they tell us to leave. The longer we stay the more chance we have of saving everything, trying to round up the animals is the hardest. We have soaked all the chicken pens with water in the hopes they will survive, it is heart breaking.

I will keep logged into my computer until we have to leave.

No sleep last night as we were all keeping watch.

Love and hugs to all



Treehunter Report 22 Nov 2009 00:29

Keep safe Gail Hope all is ok soon for you all.

Take care


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Nov 2009 04:53

Gail, you will be especially in my thoughts, I hope things are calmer maybe and you can safely stay at home, altho wouldn't want you to put your lives in jeopardy. Positive thoughts for safety for all our friends, in whatever situation you find yourselves.
Daft eh, too much water in some places and not enough in others, you would think in this progressive age there would be a way to even things out so life wasn't so difficult.

Barbra, you stick around my friend, s*d those silly beggars who have nothing better to do than try and bully folk.

YCaz, you too have been in my thoughts and I will try to call you next week when dozey face is at work lol

Hazel, glad your boy is safe and hope you can work out a way for him to see his little one over Christmas without too much unpleasantness from the Mum.

to all my friends,
love and hugs
stay on top,

p.s keep up the good work Ben, you are doing a great job.


AnninGlos Report 22 Nov 2009 10:40

Well done Ben, you are getting there.

Gail, still thinking of you, hope you can keep the animals safe but you and the family must come first. Here's hoping they can get it under control so that you don't have to leave.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Carole

Clairejo, We understand, take time for yourself, you need to grieve, then come back to us when you are ready. Just pop in occasionally to let us know you are OK. Glad you liked the flowers.

Hazel, thinking of you too and hoping you can find a solution for your son.



Claddagh Report 22 Nov 2009 11:46

Once again, the sun is shining, it is a nice, mild day, except for the strong winds.Can only imagine what it is like to be in countries with extreme heat/rain. All those poor people suffering, it makes you feel so useless, not being able to help them, and makes your own demons etc. seem trivial. My heart goes out to all of them.

Wish I could follow your hypnotherapist's advice Carole, I have never liked me, would even use a stronger word.......

Carole, I have been on Amitriptyline 25 mg. since a few months after my aunty died in 2006. Am loathe to ask the g.p for different, stronger ones.Am actually amazed he still sends a prescription ever two months through to the pharmacy, seeing as he doesn't really approve of such meds......Another reason for sticking to the same that I need to keep a clear head for driving scared they would make me drowsy.
It is true what you say, I am so used to being found'strong', can't really talk about deep feelings, so tend to bury them as far as possible.NOT a good thing to do.

Take care.

Eileen x


Benjamin Report 22 Nov 2009 13:23

Hi Gail

Sorry to hear you are going through a hard time with your home at the minute with the bushfires.

I may have found a passenger list for my ancestor Thomas Musgrave.

The 1900 census says he emigrated in about 1887. It looks like his daughter went with him to join his other daughter Elizabeth.

Thomas Musgrave had a daughter Margaret born in March 1871 in Coundon, Durham. A Margaret Musgrave wed Thomas Prosser in Allegheny, Pennsylvania in 1889. The 1900 census says Margaret was born in March 1871 and emigrated in about 1887 so that looks like Margaret, daughter of Thomas.

In September 1886 a Thomas and Margaret Musgrave arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Lord Gough. Margaret was aged 14 and Thomas was aged 48, although my Thomas would have been 58 at the time not 48. My Thomas was a coal miner and the passenger list says he was a Labourer. Could that be a basic term for a miner?

Are ages given on passenger lists reliable? My Thomas emigrated in about 1887 so it does seem a bit of a coincidence. Any ideas?


AnninGlos Report 22 Nov 2009 16:22

He could have lied about his age if they had a limit on older people emigrating Ben. Labourer /coalminer not a lot of difference, depends what he told them/what they wanted to hear. Sounds very likely it was them doesn't it.


Benjamin Report 22 Nov 2009 16:27

Hi Ann

Thomas's wife Ann died in December 1885. If they left England in say late August 1886 for a 6th September arrival in Pennsylvania that was only 8 months after his wife's death.

I dont think there was that many Thomas Musgrave's who emigrated in 1886-1887 who had a daughter with them called Margaret or even Thomas Musgraves as the 1900 cenus lists very few Thomas Musgraves born 1825-1840 in America and most of them were American.

Plus the Margaret daughter to Thomas is the only one born 1869-1873 in England with a father Thomas that fits. Any further ideas? Shall I be safe with my conclusion on the record?


AnninGlos Report 22 Nov 2009 17:17

I know as a perfectionist this is going to be difficult Ben but I think that is the closest you are going to get to proof. Even if it was a short time after Ann's death, his journey could have been planned before. And maybe he decided on a 'new life' to get over her death. Ithink you are safe assuming that it is he.


Benjamin Report 22 Nov 2009 17:24

Hi Ann

I think him leaving 8 months after his wife died fits it all in even more. That must be why he left. I would say that it is the right Thomas and Margaret as there are too many coincidences. It looks like I have found his emigration record.

But I am 100% certain that the Thomas Musgrave in America in 1900 is mine as all the evidence fits especially with the info on his daughter Elizabeth and now I have found his other daughter there. That is proven beyond all doubt I'd say.


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 23 Nov 2009 01:53

Just to let you know we are all safe and well and at home, though very tired. I have put a bit more on my temperature thread.

I will let you know more when I am less tired.



AnninGlos Report 23 Nov 2009 15:42

Thank goodness to see you Gail, glad you are safe.


Deanna Report 23 Nov 2009 16:46

Stay safe Gail. Thinking of you and yours.
Everyone else.... take care and I am still here, just not fit enough to do all that I would like.
When the work is done, I will be back to normal.... well........ I never have been normal, but you all know what I mean, right? ;-0)
love Deanna XXXXX


YorkshireCaz Report 23 Nov 2009 18:00

Oh Gail thank goodness you are safe, I've been terribly worried about you and your village. Is everything ok now and the fire out?
We will just have to pray for rain for you now.

Caz xx


maxiMary Report 24 Nov 2009 06:09

Oh dear Gail, I am so relieved. Stay safe dear friend. Will continue to hold you in our thoughts and prayers,
love and hugs,


Carole Report 24 Nov 2009 07:29

Pm sent to Gail last night. No answer, so do hope everything is ok with Gail. It's like lying in bed at night, waiting to go to sleep, but you can't until the kids are home from their night out!!

~~~~to you all xx


YorkshireCaz Report 24 Nov 2009 08:48

Carole there will be a lot to do there so she may not have computer on yet. Or maybe they are so exhausted with the tension of it all she is sleeping, poor love. She knows we are worried so she will be on as soon as she can.
Sending positive thoughts that they are all ok.
Caz xx


GranOfOzRubySlippers Report 24 Nov 2009 08:48

Sorry Carole, did mean to reply, just so tired. We are okay, the change in weather is a relief, we received 4 mil of rain last night, not much but it is water none the less.

We still have helicopters and spotter planes around all day, usually there is helicopter around in the summer anyway, but still have a few now. As we live fairly close to the national park it is kept an eye on most of the time. It is very much a wilderness, (national Park) and a great deal of it has never been explored. Parts of the park are called the Never Never for a very good reason.

We have still not unblocked the gutters, so must get that done. The gutters are blocked and filled with water, any sparks are then hopefully put out before any damage is caused.

Will be back tomorrow.

Love and hugs


PS Why does it take more time to unpack than it does to pack.


YorkshireCaz Report 24 Nov 2009 15:22

Hi Barbra, I take two 20mg Fluoxetine capsules a day for depression. I have never had any side effects from them, they are better than the ones I used to take but I can't remember the name of them.

Caz xx