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Judy Report 7 Oct 2006 11:19

Yuk - can't stand the man! I was lucky enough to get a freebie for the tennis in Perth in 2004 - wonder if I'll be lucky this time. Jood


TonyOz Report 7 Oct 2006 11:14

Blimey..:>((( Someones got money!!! Barb has just returned home from Box Hill shopping centre after standing in a cue for hrs upon get Tickets to the 'Australian Open' Tennis in Jan 2007 She opens her purse and out falls ( like a deck of cards ) about 30 So i ask ( like most blokes ) much did that cost? Ummm.... she says $700 bucks ( Grinning )....but its a weeks worth, and I'm taking a week off in Jan to go to the Tennis. So how come......when I'm goin Fishin for a weekend.......i get.... dont spend to much.....:>((((( Is Leyton Spewitt that good looking. Think i need a V.B tablet. Tony Oz...:>(((


Judy Report 7 Oct 2006 11:06

Gwenda - check pm - I typed all the numbers out by hand Sorry they are small, but copy them to Word and change to a bigger font. Jood


Aussiegirl Report 7 Oct 2006 10:55

OH Laurie I had to laugh as when out son went to Adelaide to ask his furure FIL for the hand of his daughter pappa who is Italian said yes then took him out to the shed where he showed him his shotgun...We killed ourselves laughing ..and son has got the lovliest wife in the world but I bet it gave him a shock..Pappa has turned out to be a sweetie and mamma to but it was so funny...I dont know it he was saying .. done ya messa around with our daughter.. or else..or what..but we are thankful to have her as a DIL.. How is our queen tonight..been on the martoonies have we..I think the princess could do with one after her big day out.. Being only a smerf I had a B and D.. (a double) dont tell the queen... Must do the dishes so back later Love MAry xxxxx


TonyOz Report 7 Oct 2006 10:55

Laurie. I think thats priceless mate. The Church of the United He was keeping his options open, just in case they didnt like Catholic....C,, of,, E....Methodist...ect, so he covered all bases.......Love it. Tony Oz.....:>))) update: Gwenda..just checked me Email..and its bounced again mate..sorry.

Little fluffy yellow duck

Little fluffy yellow duck Report 7 Oct 2006 10:49

Thanks for Lotto numbers Tony and Lara. Thanks also for the census info. I have seen that somewhere on one of my census forms........must have another look. Oh Jood, poor chooken gave up her cackleberry for nuffin. Laurie what a magical day you have had..... Nighy nite, Yvette Pam


Gwenda Report 7 Oct 2006 10:44

Tony - didn't come through again but I have been able to email both my boxes and had a reply through on one so I don't know what's going on. Just let me know when we win - I trust everyone on here - pity we can't say that about a lot of peeps isn't it - a better bunch we couldn't have found - loves ya all Mary in case I don't get back - have a great trip, good luck with your fossicking, hope John is okay, look forward to hearing from you during the week. Laurie - sounds like a lovely spot. Glad the only company you had was the feathered kind - nature at it's best. Yvette - hope you're feeling better soon Off to eat pizza Gwenda


Anna Report 7 Oct 2006 10:27

Just back from Sizzlers - Katherine and I went by ourselves for a little treat! We went early so we didn't have to queue. Jood - I told you those chooks would make good chicken broth. They're more trouble than they're worth! Sad about all the visiting kids and the change overs. The little ones must feel like they're in a pass the parcel game. Soon time for Lotto - has to be good if it was bought in YarraWONGA! ~~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone. Anna Laurie - sounds like you had a lovely pic-a-nic. So - did Glen get her father's blessing - or wot??? F.I.L. should grab him quick smart - it's not every day a prospective son in law turns up who's been raised by the United Nations. PMSL


Laurie Report 7 Oct 2006 10:19

Evening you mad lot . . . was that a coooo like the jokes around about poor cooo starkers . . . . I swear this thread is like a good wine! TLR & I had a lovely picnic. We like to explore new places along the rivers when we get the chance and the weather permits. Today we drove only about 30 mins from here - down to the Georges River. Found this little parkland, high on a cliff - not a popular place because it doesn't have access to the water, or the facilities of some of the others. We parked the car and walked a ways out thru the bush and found this fab place - a rock platform hanging over the cliff. So we set up our picnic and it was breathtaking, a canopy of big gums over us, and the upper branches of gnally gums below right in front of us. The only 'human' noise was that of the occasional boat on the river, and that was only a muffled background noise. We were serenaded by kookaburras, and parrots a plenty, a few magies, and a great flock of white cockys. It was hard to believe we were so close to the city. We had a spectacular view of the river below thru the branches, and only saw about 6 other humans in the 3hrs we were there. Only left because the thermos was empty! Glen has just phoned, and dont ever tell him I told you this story - but it is priceless !!! Glen & Nell have decided that she will move in with him, but being the kids they are they decided to talk it out with the parents before they went ahead. We had our little talk last weekend! Anyway, the kids have gone up to visit Nells parents this weekend and Glen has had the talk with the parents-in-law - said he was nervous as anything, felt like he was taking a walk to the gallows. Nells Dad told Glen that it wasn't what he wanted for Nell, that he had strong religious beliefs on marriage and he asked Glen if he had been brought up with religion in his life. Glen said yes, the Dad asked what church do you belong to, and my lovely Gleno said 'United Nations . . . . . ' At least mum it broke the ice - we all had a good laugh!' I have to go find my son a United Nations flag this week PMSL . . . Anyway folks, the squid and occi are just going on the BBQ - so catch you all later luv Laurie

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 7 Oct 2006 10:19

Good morning everyone :-) Jood I can just picture you driving along with an egg in container on your car bonnet pmsl and the splat bit when you slam on your brakes lolololol ;-) Mary if you find any gold it's mine ;-) As I'm an angel I'm above Queens and princess's so therefore all belongs to me hee hee ;-) I see Lew Lew doesn't have to be dispensing pills to make you all mad pmsl Have a nice day :-) Catxx (Head Angel of the Divine Kingdom)


Yvette Report 7 Oct 2006 10:18

hi, i need to moan got a head ache, several possiblities putting in pink light bulbs - looked too long at the other light first, spent too much time admiring one at the front door. couldn't find the other things i wanted at Bunnings. spent too long at cricket its windy and i've got hayfever read too much on here last night didn't have my saturday arvo sleep possum didn't stick media player back on when he fixed my puter, i'm too slack to fiddle and i can't look at the funny emails. now i've got that out tof the way, i'm getting some blue pills & laying down, it hurts my eyes to read . nite all love yvette x


TonyOz Report 7 Oct 2006 10:01

Hi Gwenda. Have just Emailed Lotto again, so will see what happens. Jood. Lol..Loved the story with the Egg...hee hee Tony Oz..:>))


Gwenda Report 7 Oct 2006 09:24

Hi SuzyQ & Tony - don't know what's going on with emails - got Suzy's about the Pilot and the Dog and have only 4 messages in that inbox - OH says he tried upgrading one of our security programs and it wouldn't and when I switched puta on it didn't start up normally either - I've also had probs with CD's - I can get first one to work but when I switch to the next one it doesn't and I'm having to shut down and restart - not good when you're doing research for someone. Back soon - hafta finish topping my pizza Gwenda


Judy Report 7 Oct 2006 08:45

Ermmmm. .... sorry to change the subject, I gotta tell ya about my day. .. I duly went up to dd's place to haul the broody chook off the nest (she actually had an egg this time, quite warm, but then she could have made it warm) - so kicked chook off, topped up their food, checked water, walked to the car, met dd's neighbour. .. Place my warm egg in a small container luckily I had with me (the lid wouldnt quite shut) - on the bonnet of the car, while I exchanged pleasantries with said person. .. Down the rocky drive I drove, back onto the road, all ready to drive off - oh nooooooooooooooo the b*****y egg!!!!! Brake-crash-splatter :( ... I'm thinking that drivers are gonna worry how an egg came to be dropped in the middle of the road .. pmsl. But wait - there's more. .. I had arranged to meet a g/f at local shopping centre there, after which we sat in the sun, then in the shade watching the world go by. .. (There were only two shops open, the liquor store and the take-away). G/f nudges me, and says 'see that car over there, the kids are getting out and into another car. .. Dad has returned kids to mum'. I was surprised. .. G/f says it happens a lot at this shopping centre. .. About 3/4 hr later another car pulls in front of us, another mum gets out, two kids, another car pulls up, said kids get in car with Dad and off everyone goes. .. Not a word spoke. .. True - and sad. And there endeth my day. Jood


TonyOz Report 7 Oct 2006 08:30

Love me FH..Trifley. Not always i find what I'm looking for, but sometimes its an education along the way. Biggest problem on Census forms with this DIL - SIL is that sometimes we find two Adults Head: John HULL ( Widowed ) Mary: HULL ... ( DIL ) and think its automatically the Daughter-in law ( eg:....Married to one of John Hull's sons ) but tis not always, and could also be a first marriage Child/Adult of......... Mary HULL nee SMITH who has died...... Its a good one to watch out for. Tony Oz.....:>))) Lara. Best way is to check ages of these two boys. If there under marriage age, then one could possibly say they are the sons of Fanny ( to her first marriage )

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~

~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ Report 7 Oct 2006 08:23

Thanks Tony thats what I thought Id read somewhere so thats what it has on this census entry William head Fanny wife John Son In Law Bob Son In Law Bruce ' ' ' So for a minute I'm thinking son in law well where's the daughters ? thought they might have nipped off for a girly weekend or sumpin LOL then I thought harder and sort of remembered reading just what you have said somewhere so the old brain does work sometimes mate LOL thanks alot just needed it confirmed he is thew son this william of the only smedley left in the uk and lo and behold no kids hey just my luck so no go with his descendants eh his wife must have been married before the so called SIL's were all Atkins and were all Lacemakers and the DIL was a lace drawer have you any idea what that was please does it mean maybe she drew the patterns for them to make ?? Nottingham lacemakers darn would have been nice if they had been my lot might have made some famous pieces streory of my life close but not close enough guess its no use putting him down on lost cousins as no descendants anyway thanks again Tony back to the drawing board love Lara

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 7 Oct 2006 08:16

oooh dear, my sides hurt ......roflmao............. the tears started when i got to 'phlebs'.................. i think I need to go and lie down.................... serf Hz


Trifley Report 7 Oct 2006 07:58

Tony you are a font of all things FH. I find you amazing :) TX


TonyOz Report 7 Oct 2006 07:49

Hi Lara. On some census forms, when a man/woman remarried that already had children to their first spouse, they sometimes were called...SIL.....DIL son in law/daughter in law related to the head. Each person is put down as: Related to the Head of the House. Head: John HULL Wife: Mary HULL Child: Mollie SMITH .....daughter of Marys to first hubbie ( sometimes put down as DIL....related to Head of Household...(daughter -in-Law) ( Step daughter )to John HULL Child: James SMITH......son of Mary's to first Hubbie ( Sometimes added as SIL......related to Head of Household...Son -in - Law )..( Step son ) to John HULL Child: Eliza HULL....dau ( Child of John & Marys ) Child: Ezra HULL...son ( child of John & Marys ) Tony Oz...:>))


Trifley Report 7 Oct 2006 07:46

PMSL.....that joke must have had a lot of spice to was better when it was repeated...Heeee heeee Thanks for the Lotto Tony fingers XXX'd they are good ones. Hi SuzyQ....glad you are feeling better....just keep those germs at your place... I don't need them. We need rain but I hope it stays dry around the polo fields for tomorrow. But then again....if it rains they could play water polo...heeee heeee Nah.....that's no good.....the horses might drown! Drinkies time No! Not that sort......just a fruit juice Hugz Trifley X