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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa
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Laurie | Report | 8 Oct 2006 07:54 |
Safety car out again . . . . the thrill of it all . . . Devily is on the edge of her seat . . . Teeeheeee Joodles I am so pleased for you . . fingers crossed for a repeat performance next week (least you can pop in the car and go meet him some place) XO Glad you had a good day out with Jade Oh Great Trifley. I need a coffee too . . . luv Laurie |
Lewella | Report | 8 Oct 2006 07:49 |
Why stomp your foot, O' Queen Trifles. You should just demand that you have a grandchild!!! Not only do I love Ikea, but I also love Freedom Furniture. Just had a swim. A bit colder today because of the wind, but still very nice :-) |
Trifley | Report | 8 Oct 2006 07:27 |
A tired, but happy Queen Trifley drags herself onto thread. Hi everyone...I had a lovely time at IKEA. Only bought a bath mat and some scrub brushes but really enjoyed looking at every thing. It was much better going with Jade. She liked looking and touching and opening and closing things.....just like me. The boys just stand there and say...'Are we finished yet?' I must have walked miles.....well at least one mile I think I might get a good nights sleep tonight. wonderful that you got to catch up with your son. I'm not surprised it has made you happy. Tony....not fair.....I want a grandchild...(Trifley stamps foot) Have fun and lots of cuddles. Hey Yvette....any rain with that southerly change? I think it's coffee time.... Big hugz to everyone else. Trifley X |
Lewella | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:47 |
You're allowed to rave about your family, Jood. You must be very proud of them. |
Judy | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:43 |
Doing a bit of a chuckle here mate - Lara - we used to go 4WDing on the Putty Road - no wonder you were worried - no comparison with the highway at all!!!!! Yes, I was thrilled about seeing my son Lara, he looks better, in fact, not a bad looker even if I say so myself. .. Pity I didnt take a pic of him today. Will send Lucas's pic to you - I do miss the little fellow - he's been away only 11 days - not that I saw him every day, but at this part of their growing up they are developing daily. .. He will probably be sitting up when he gets home in a few days. .. I was a very nervous new mother, and it does reflect in the child .. Jann being an older mother, and a school teacher to boot - is very relaxed and confident with Lucas, and it shows in his behavour, just one happy little soul. Gee I have been raving on about my family today .. pmsl. How's your colouring in going Tony? Jood |
Little fluffy yellow duck | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:41 |
Jood, what a lovely surprise. So happy he has made your day. Flucky |
~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:36 |
Anna Tassy would be literally glued to the television I can bet you she said she was going to do that at about 11am so there she'll be and she will not be a moving till its all well and truly over, lol glad you were able to resist the temptations in all the arty farty shops but I know whatyou mean re Freedom evertime I go in there I feel like coming home and selling all my furniture and getting all new stuff then I get ikey and think no it does the job and I won't spend the money . so we will have what we have till I win the big one lol cu later got to go and do that room hehe love Lara |
~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:18 |
Ohh Jood thats lovely I'm so thrilled for you , so he is a changed man eh just matured probably isn't that great so I would think you will be seeing more of him by the way I didn't get the photo of Lucas with the new toofies either was upset about that cause have special file for wattlers children grandies neices and nephews etc . If you don't mind can Nefer do the spanking please PMSL huh how was I to know what the rd. was like I knew it was a highway but didnt want to make Mike take the van up there if its like the Putty rd we came over when we first started caravanning from Singleton we thought for sure we were going to die up there bend after bend and me on the fally down side is not good we only had dads old van then too it was 16ft long so bit of a diffence as this one is 25ft long and not so light with me and all my stuff in it of course no weight in the golf clubs lol ''' Lew thanks Mate that's good we can take the van over then if we want too as she will have beds and we are not bringing you know who cant say his mame he might hear me hes paranoid over being left but Josh will be here so he will look after him for us just for a week as Mike's wants to also go the war museum in Canberra before coming to Mudgee or after don't know which yet and go and see Sue my sister so will a nice little break Off again to do some more of the dreaded H/Work Just heard from Cassie and the wedding was very nice a bit of a long day but it all went well and the bride and her mum were ok so that's good and her and Jason and Sampson will be here tomorrow afternoon best go and vac spare broom right now keep doing other stuff very easily distracted me bye Love Lara |
Anna | Report | 8 Oct 2006 06:09 |
Afternoon Wattlers Hot day here but no wind. No rain either. Katherine worked this morning so I had a bit of a window shop at some of the arty farty type shops around. Some lovely stuff - but just window shopping. Jood - what a wondeful surprise to see your son. I'm so pleased for you. Fingers crossed for next weekend. Very time consuming being a grandparent isn't it Tony! It's wonderful to have them but you sure don't get much else done! Oh Queenie dear - are you back from Ikea?? Have you got any flat packs for dear Graeme to put together??? We have a Freedom store here and I go in and everything looks so fabulous but I've never ever bought anything from there. Never seem to have just what I want. Tassie will be pleased with Lowndes doing nicely at Bathurst. A lot out of the race though. Not much else to tell. Have a lazy Sunday afternoon everyone. Cheers Anna PS Is Tassy watching the race or is she still away with all the people in their little white coats??? |
Lewella | Report | 8 Oct 2006 05:30 |
Oooo, Jood, I'm sooo pleased for you. What a wonderful surprise. And I can't think of anyone more deserving! Lew Lew xxx :-))))) |
Lewella | Report | 8 Oct 2006 05:11 |
Hello Wattlers and it's blowing a gale in Mudgee this afternoon! Lara, the road over to the coast from here is fine, as is the road to Katoomba, although you will have to navigate Victoria Pass. I've noticed that they've dropped the speed limit over the Pass to 60km, which is probably just as well, as many a driver has come to grief by driving too fast. Don't get blown off the balcoonie, Laurie. What'd you buy at Ikea, Trifles? Helping a friend with her family history research, so I'll check in later. Lew Lew xxx |
Judy | Report | 8 Oct 2006 05:08 |
OOOOoooh Lara, I'll smack your bum!!!!!!!!!!!!! “what is it like to go from Mudgee to Katoomba please” she says! .. Hmmmph. We are the main gateway from Sydney to Broken Hill if you dont' mind! Mind you there is the long drag up to Victoria Pass on the Blue Mountains, but hey – everyone and his dog goes camping and caravanning, and if that’s the way they have to go – they go!!!! .. If the big heavy goods trucks can get over, then you can! *gets down from her soapbox* I had the most wonderful surprise this morning. .. I knew my son was down here on business from Brisbane (I haven’t seen him for about 3-4-5 years, tho I have been in touch) – due to the nature of his work and the fact that he is separated – if I did go up there, he would be working, and I’d only see the girls part of the weekend anyway. Well, I expected a phone call more than anything else, because he had no transport, and I’m a long way from Sydney. This morning he rang from Bathurst (but no, he didn’t see any of the races, could hear them of course). His boss got the contract for promoting Telstra Next G (son is an audio visual technician – self taught) and they’d been out there setting up tents, computers, videos and the like – they are working all over the place. So he rang and asked if he could pop in on the way down to Sydney, (flying home at 4pm) the other boys opting to go up the street and find some … food!!! .. It was so very nice to see him, he looks so well, and so positive, unlike what he was like many years ago. .. I am so proud of him. .. He hasn’t had much of a life, but just adores his two little girls, 13 & 9 – he lives for them. .. Says he wants to set himself up as an example to them. .. What a shame his sister was still in Adelaide – he missed seeing his only nephew Lucas. .. He will be down again next week, still very busy, but working on the other side of Sydney this time, and if time permits, he will get in touch again. .. Wow! Made my day, I’m floating ! lol Jood |
Little fluffy yellow duck | Report | 8 Oct 2006 05:08 |
Afternoon all That wind down south has hit Bribie today as well. Very windy here. Not cycling today, would have a heart attack trying to pedal into the wind. Britney, enjoy you time with the oldies ....... errr I mean grandies. Tony will pm you about my Hardsman. Enjoy you day Pam |
~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ | Report | 8 Oct 2006 04:45 |
Good afternoon my tele won't be going on can't stand the brbrums revheads noise and the all fumes yuk so sitting here in between cleaning unpacking packing and washing too . My sports are Tennis ( for more refined peeps of course) LOL and Afl or really VFL like watching swimming and love to lie around in pool not one for doing laps hehe. My pool is lovely and warm too Lew but the wind out side is blowing a gale and its not too warm at all. Lew question for you please didn't you say you live on Cassiliss Rd please if so can you please tell me what it is like going over to the coast that way as my sister has moved to near Budgewoi (Spelling) and Mike said he will take me over there to see her when we leave Mudgee in February so as long as its not too mountainous we will take the van too if not scoot over there leaving the van in Mudgee for a couple nights also what is it like to go from Mudgee to Katoomba please have found my convict John Smedley is buried there and his wife and would like to go there too while up your way. Ok got to go and do more work Tony what else you doing to the house Mate just more painting or what ? will be back later on love Lara Laurie you snuck in there so glad you didn't drink my Baileys mate thought I heard you say it had Laras name on it now we can be friends again oh lovely princess did you get the queenie and princess email I sent ya hehe and are you still getting van before Mudgee please ? |
Laurie | Report | 8 Oct 2006 03:57 |
Should have come on here about half an hour ago and read your post Yvette . . . the southerly got us !!! Never seen a beach empty so quickly !! Nor have I seen the old pines in front of us bend over sooo far!! Fortunately we still have a little nook on the balcoonie where we are out of the wind and thats where I am at the moment ! Lucky grandies . . . lucky daughter to have grandies close enough to do the duty . . . more important lucky little girl to get to have grandie time! Enjoy it Tony & Barb. All I want for Christmas is my gtgtgran, yes me gtgtgran All I want for christmas is me Leah gtgtgran, So I can trace back even further !!! Think the only way I am going to find her is to go to Isle Of Wight myself and pick apart every parish record!!! (The correct surname wouldn't be half a good start - everywhere it's different!) Off to Danish archives for frustration on yet another level !! luv Laurie |
TonyOz | Report | 8 Oct 2006 03:08 |
Arvo Wattlers. Sunny day in Melbin. A few scattered clouds but a reasonable nice day, with a bit of wind blowing through the trees. What a shame for Skaife...:>(((( *being a Holden boy meself* Can see Devily with a wry smile on her We are doing the 'Thank god for Grandparents' bit this weekend. Eldest daughter has just dropped off grandaughter, Britney for us to mind till Monday, while she works tonight. Teena my eldest girl works as a Publican, and because of Bathurst there was extra work today, and a late night coming up for her at the Pub. So Grandparents are minding the fort, as this was the daughter who gave now ex Hubbie the flick, and he cant be bothered looking after his own stuff him,.......grandad and grandma will do it. So we are seated at the Puter with Coloring book and pencils and about to color Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck in......No Fluffy.....i said Donald Duck..not Fluffy Av a good un everyone. Tony Oz..:>))) |
Researching: |
Yvette | Report | 8 Oct 2006 02:52 |
hi wattlers, get ready for the southerly bluster thats racing up the coast. we went for a walk and it was lovely, then got blown home. Hasn't anybody told Julie we don't do 'oo' numbers any more? (are you reading this) there is a secret wattle number now with napthalene flakes on it, so really Miss Puss you didn't get it. lol byeee yvette x |
Researching: |
Laurie | Report | 8 Oct 2006 01:52 |
Morning Wattlers . . another glorious day on the Bay - sadly going to waste as rev heads either have their heads glued to TV screens or racing the streets pretending they are up on the mountain. The only giraffe with its head raised is a ring in . . . brought in to work on the upgrade of the port and the erection of the new giraffers. Only a few little boats out fishing, and another thing about Bathurst . . . thankfully it seems to have changed the Sunday habits for today of the revheads on jetskis. When I was a working girl I belonged to Zonta . . . but must have been guest speaker at a dozen Probus club meetings. Have a nice little collection of pens, glasses, mugs etc given as gifts for speaking at Probus, Lions, Rotary and other service Clubs. Not that I am a very good public speaker - its just they were interested in the work that I was involved in. (In fact I am a very reluctant, nervous public speaker) One less Holden for him to beat Devily (and a big one at that) . . Ray just called over to have a look at the shots of the tyre - taken under the car . . .amazing !! Lew . . . you forgot to put the catnip out again . . . shame on you cat . . . you only love us for our numbers!!! Lara, I dina give away your Baileys luvvy . . . it's still here - waiting for you - we will have to watch the use by date though !!!! teeeheeee Nells name is Narelle, lovely young lady, works in property searches for the Electicity mob that Glen works for . . . country girl . . . grew up among the cattle, but no bull about her !! (and she is a great cook too) Glen dina have to put anything in writing, father settled for the intentions. Go a long way to find a better son-in-law if I do say so myself -!!! Last weekend I did suggest to Glen that he should put the engagement ring belonging to my gtgran (Ann Charlotte for Joodles) to use - and he told me it was in being redesigned to suit - so we wait further development! Well I have some FH to sort so be back to see what your all up to later. Have a great Sunday luv Laurie |
.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. | Report | 8 Oct 2006 01:01 |
I did post earlier lol It's on page 3 now lol |
Lewella | Report | 8 Oct 2006 00:50 |
Well, well, well. What a surprise. And I was just thinking we hadn't heard from the Cat for a while! psml |