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Wattle Club Please don't post on here GO to Wa
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Jude2 aka Flakey | Report | 9 Oct 2006 08:02 |
Afternoon Wattlers, you have all been having fun with your sing-a-longs, colouring in chook chaseing etc although Lew seems to have been quiet over the weekend. I had a quick read through but couldn't find any mention of a large gold The wedding was beautiful, weather was perfect as was the food and the people. The brides Mum was very emotional, her first trip away from Japan and doesn't speak any english, but we managed to get by with lots of sign language.....poor thing was exhausted by the end of the day. OH got the honor of being best man. It was a very casual affair and the groom wasn't going to bother with anyone then changed his mind at the last minute. Back home, and the washing is in the machine and now I need to think about something for dinner. ~~~~~to everyone~~~~ hang in there Tassie, what ever it is you want him to do, just make him think it was his idea and you shouldn't have a Back later Flakey |
Judy | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:57 |
Tell us all Julie - I'm interested Jood |
.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:53 |
Morning everyone :-) Tony love your description of a teenager lol Pam you could have done your version of the wizard of Oz lolol Jood love that poem SuzyQ try asking Julie (nice name btw ;-) )about this light thingy. You'll probably find out more than you want to know lolol Jess on her way to school, Alex will be gone in less than 20 minutes then peace and quiet lolol |
TonyOz | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:41 |
Sorry Jood. I would ask Barb....but she's Deaf....:>))) hee hee...Tony Oz...:>)) |
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Judy | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:33 |
But Tony, it's true innit ??? - just ask Barb! .. lol Jood |
Judy | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:30 |
Oooooooer my bit of light heartedness came on top of some serious discussion :( .. Hadn't read the posts till just now. Lurved your description of the teenager Tony - spot on ! Jood |
Little fluffy yellow duck | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:23 |
Afternoon all Really really windy day here. Thought the house was going to lift off about 4 this morning. No big day out for me today, just grocery shopping yuk ! Did notice Christmas stuff starting to appear on the shelves..........thought you'd be happy Laurie Shaz and Vonny, glad you enjoyed your weekend away. Vonny hope the sickies are feeling better. Tassie, a lot of us have been there done that.......if you want to pm me, go ahead. SuzyQ, please don't tell me we have this to look forward too. Tony LOL Pam |
TonyOz | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:22 |
lol..Jood. Sounds very Ostraliyan.....but no comment....:>)) cos. Tony Oz....:>))) |
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Judy | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:15 |
Couldnt resist WOMEN'S POEM Before I lay me down to sleep, I pray for a man, who's not a creep, One who's handsome, smart and strong. One who loves to listen long, One who thinks before he speaks, One who'll call, not wait for weeks I pray he's gainfully employed, When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed. Pulls out my chair and opens my door, Massages my back and begs to do more. Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind, Knows what to answer to 'how big is my behind?' I pray that this man will love me to no end, And always be my very best friend. MAN'S POEM I pray for a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs who owns a liquor store and a golf course. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a s**t. |
SuzyQ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:14 |
Now that would cause stress no cold VB tablets. Off wiv some ones 'ed. Criminal offence. Thought you would have an automatic closer |
TonyOz | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:12 |
lol...Susy. Just go with the flow mate. Be damned if you do and damned if ya dont,,,,,comes to mind. Tony Oz.....who dosent suffer from Stress...I'm a carrier...:>))) OMG..someone left the fridge door open, now the beer wont be cold....:>((( |
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SuzyQ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:05 |
Thanks Tony. Did these people offer up sacrifices to their gods. If they offered virgins I think Julie will be fairly safe. Why can't people just enjoy life. Why does their always have to be some deeper meaning. Whats wrong with singing happy songs, dancing , painting, skipping or just sitting and watching the world go by. Make mine a simple life please. |
TonyOz | Report | 9 Oct 2006 07:01 |
Hi SusyQ. I think your Julie means Mayan......:>)) Mayan Civilization: (ancient south Americans indians ) The ancient Maya civilization occupied the eastern third of Mesoamerica, primarily the Yucatan Peninsula. The topography of the area greatly varied from volcanic mountains, which comprised the highlands in the South, to a porous limestone shelf, known as the Lowlands, in the central and northern regions. The southern portion of the Lowlands were covered by a rain forest with an average height of about 150 feet. Scattered savannas and swamps, or bajos, appeared sporadically, interrupting the dense forests. The northern Lowlands were also comprised of forests but they were drier than their southern counterparts, mainly growing small thorny trees. February to May was the dry season characterized by air that was intensely hot and uncomfortable. At this time of year, the fields had recently been cut and had to be burned in accordance with their slash and burn form of agriculture. The skies filled with a smoky grit, making the air even more unbearable until the rains came in late May to clear the murky atmosphere. Many dangerous animals occupied this region of the peninsula including the jaguar, the caiman (a fierce crocodile), the bull shark, and many species of poisonous snakes. These animals had to be avoided as the Maya scavenged the forest for foods including deer turkey, peccaries, tapirs, rabbits, and large rodents such as the peca and the agouti. Many varieties of monkeys and quetzal also occupied the upper canopy. The climate of the Highlands greatly contrasted with that of the Lowlands as it was much cooler and drier. Both the Highlands and the Lowlands were important to the presence of trade within the Mayan civilization. The lowlands primarily produced crops which were used for their own personal consumption, the principle cultigen being maize. They also grew squash, beans, chili peppers, amaranth, manioc, cacao, cotton for light cloth, and sisal for heavy cloth and rope. The volcanic highlands, however, were the source of obsidian, jade, and other precious metals like cinnabar and hematite that the Mayans used to develop a lively trade. Although the lowlands were not the source of any of these commodities, they still played an important role as the origin of the transportation routes. The rainfall was as high as 160 inches per year in the Lowlands and the water that collected drained towards the Caribbean or the Gulf of Mexico in great river systems. These rivers, of which the Usumacinta and the Grijalva were of primary importance, were vital to the civilization as the form of transportation for both people and materials. The Maya Culture Contrary to popular beleif, the Mayan civilization was not one unified empire, but rather a multitude of separate entities with a common cultural background. Similar to the Greeks, they were religiously and artistically a nation, but politically sovereign states. As many as twenty such states existed on the Yucatan Peninsula, but although a woman has, on rare occasions, ascended to the ruling position, she has never acquired the title of 'mah kina'. Tony Oz..:>))) |
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SuzyQ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 06:50 |
Can you now please explain the strange behaviour of a 45 year old and all this new world yibberish What exactly is 'light Work'. Nothing related to working a bit less or flicking a duster instead of using elbow grease. I think it may have some thing to do with the mind. Notice I didn't say brain. Think that may be missing in this instance. |
TonyOz | Report | 9 Oct 2006 06:42 |
Arvo. Nuther nice day in Melb. Teenager (noun) 1) A mammal found extensively throughout the planet, often clustered in groups in front of television sets. Thought to be a member of Homo Sapiens due to physical similarities, though social and emotional behavior leads many researchers to consider Teenagers to be a completely different species altogether. Very territorial. Teenagers are extraordinarily social animals, seeking contact with their peer groups to such a great extent they will forgo family, chores, food, and responsibility. The males of the species forage for food constantly and can consume three times their weight every day. When in full plumage, the males are usually drab, marked by loose fitting garments which slide off their backsides and look ridiculous. The females, on the other hand, sport striking colors under their eyes, throughout their hair, and on the tips of their fingers. Females often attract males by wearing garments to accentuate chest development. Males indicate their approval by staring at the display. The call of the female is complex and shrill: 'Like, O m'Gosh! O m' Gosh!' Males are less vocal, signaling to other males with a salutatory 'Yo. Yo. Yo. S'up? S'up? S'up?' Teenagers line their nests with discarded undergarments. The females hold telephone receivers to their ears an average of six hours a day. When challenged for possession, they snarl and warn intruders, 'I'm doing my HOMEWORK. My HOMEWORK. My HOMEWORK.' The males lie immobile for hours at a time, conserving energy and listening to violent electronic signals from radios. Male Teenagers concentrate on important information by rolling their eyes, shrugging, kicking dirt and sighing. Females burst into tears and slam doors. Many Homo Sapiens families have a host-to-parasite relationship with one or more than one Teenager. These host families often develop a resistance to the parasite, rejecting them some time in the eighteenth year of life. Often, though, this rejection is merely theoretical, with the Teenager continuing to live off of the host Homo Sapiens family for many years afterward, often at great sacrifice. 2) Of, relating to, and especially EXPLAINING irrational, intolerable, or inexplicable behavior. ('She's a Teenager.') 3) A request for sympathy, offered by adult parents to each other in support. ('I have a Teenager at home.') Often accompanied by sighs, head shaking, tongue clucking, and shoulder shrugging. Tony Oz......:>))) |
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SuzyQ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 04:43 |
Afternoon Wattlers, I think you all know that I don't have children of my own, but do like to share of Nevilles. I have always had a very good relationship with Julie, his youngest, who is now 45. Well just recently there are been a bit of tension, from her side, with both Neville and I and we don't really know why. Today I have had the strangest email. She was telling me how difficult it is to explain to people about the light work she does. Well, in my inocence I thought she meant she was doing lighter work because I know she has had a shoulder injury, but it seems to be some weird new world stuff. All to do with the myons ( sp ) I think they are some ancient south Americans indians. She met up with all these people in Greece and now they contact each other. And what is the moral of this story. Laurie, be thankful that Glen is a member of the United Nations Church, I think it will be a bit more normal than Julie's choice. Luv SuzyQ |
~¤§ Lara Linga Longa §¤~ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 03:32 |
Hi ya all, Its the sheila from up Yarrawonga way here thanks Tony I knew there was song but hadn't heard all of it Laurie loved yours too and Anna's and Joods as well is there more Jood it doesn't just stop that way does it ? Sue (((((((S)))))))) for you will PM you ok I sent Mel an email as thought she may have overdosed on that choccy stuff in the laundry but havn't heard back. have to go talk to yoy all later on Cassie and Jason coming at 3 yippee and cant wait got to get the roast dinner ready for tonight love ya and leave ya Lara |
Yvette | Report | 9 Oct 2006 03:24 |
a quickie, we have cocks too. cockadoodle doo. seiously. nason seems to be our connection to them. oo tassie, hugs, have 3 sons, 2 have been '17', one is still feral - but i love him. you're not on your own there love Yvette x |
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Sandra by the sea | Report | 9 Oct 2006 02:33 |
Morning Wattlers, Very fresh in the Gong today, have had the pc out of action again this morning for a while, a loose something or other in the tower, we have now changed the cables around and done a bit of dusting ect, so ok for now. SusyQ it was me with the Cock name. was your person in UK? send me an email with details and see if we have any links, surprisingly it is a very common name. tassie. hang in there with son, Laurie is so right with what she said. living away from home they make their own choices no matter what you say. Catch you all later Sandra in the Gong |
SuzyQ | Report | 9 Oct 2006 01:20 |
Morning Wattlers, Bit overcast today, would be nice if it would rain. Didn't get to the Pink Polo Picnic Day, but it was a nice day, lots of helicopters about, so it must have been a good day. I couldn't find any one to go with. My try next weekend, its the Australian Championships then. Anyway, Neville decided to move things around in his 'Music Room'. Just off that room there is a tiny office that we don't use because it gets too hot, so we moved out the desk and the filing cabinet and have just put in racks and bookcases and it is now a library come store. We then had to move 2 sofas, 6 organs and a lot of music equipment. It is just about done now. I have inherited the old filing cabinet, so have spent this morning dumping heaps of old stuff and now I have a drawer for my FH stuff. Yippee. This morning I saw next doors cat just laying in the middle of the road about a kilometre from their fence line. Being a softie I went and picked her up and carried her home, no one in, so I carried her up to the main house, about another kilometre away and what seems like a vertical climb, it is so steep. No one home again, so I left the poor cat, who luckily wasn't injured, up there away from the road. It seems everyone was riding down the back of the property. Anyway, they were happy that the cat was okay. Trouble is, my Sophie has seen Panda on the road and has now decided it look an exciting place to be. Guess who has been grounded? You all seem to have had a good weekend, especially Just Jood, having seen her lovely son, and Tassie who's cheering for Ford paid off big time. Laurie, your picnic spot sounds lovely, all you need now is a dog to take with you. Trifley I have never been to Ikea, Neville won't take me, I wonder why. I forgot to mention and there is no polite way to say this, I have a Cock in my family, and I am sure I heard some one else mention this. Maybe we should get our heads together and see if they are one and the same. Take care every one, don't work too hard, there is always tomorrow. Luv SuzyQ ( whos cold has taken a step back today ) |