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Laurie Report 10 Oct 2006 14:38

Good taste in moosick there Tony . . . Pachelbel would go down well with a wee port. Your safe here . . we will hide you . . . we're the non agressive types! I realised tonight that I didn't spend all my birthday certificate money, so just having a rustle to see who is the next MUST haves. List is so long . . . his or mine . . . his or mine . . . mine . . . mine . . . mine !!! What you up to Joodles ?? L xo


TonyOz Report 10 Oct 2006 14:30

Jus sitting here with a nice Brown bros. Port..........listening to my favourite peice of classic...... Pachelbel Canon in D Johann Pachelbel. (1653 - 1706) ... Canon & Gigue in D Major. Wonderful...bliss. Tony Oz...:>)))


TonyOz Report 10 Oct 2006 14:11

Laurie. On this thread i can hide amongs the X chromosome....hee hee ....Am i safe on this thread? Toni...with n' i....:>)))


Judy Report 10 Oct 2006 14:07

Eh wot?? Tony - please eggsplain - about x -v- y - do you think I could make head or tail of what you were saying? :( Was it abart the birds 'n the bees or summat? .. pmsl Jood


Laurie Report 10 Oct 2006 14:02

Aye Tony . . . just had a thought . . . good thing it is the males that are going to be extinct . . . the alternative is unthinkable !! PMSL Laurie


Laurie Report 10 Oct 2006 13:59

Dying breed are ya Tony old pal . . LOL Just had a message from Jilly McMad one (who hasn't been around for a few days) She is doing OK, and will be back to annoy us all real soon luv Laurie


TonyOz Report 10 Oct 2006 13:55

Evening Wattlers. Dont know if i ever posted this link....quite a goodie for Oz and O/seas.,,,,but you may already have it in your favourites? http://www.ozgenonline(.)com/ 11 bells and all is well.....:>))) Some things in life are bad, They can really make you mad, Other things just make you swear and curse, When you're chewing life's gristle, Don't grumble, Give a whistle And this'll help things turn out for the best. And... Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the light side of life. [whistle] If life seems jolly rotten, There's something you've forgotten, And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing. When you're feeling in the dumps, Don't be silly chumps. Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing. And... Always look on the bright side of life. [whistle] Always look on the right side of life, [whistle] For life is quite absurd And death's the final word. You must always face the curtain with a bow. Forget about your sin. Give the audience a grin. Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow. So,... Always look on the bright side of death, [whistle] Just before you draw your terminal breath. [whistle] Life's a piece of shhhhhhhhiza.....:>)) When you look at it. Life's a laugh and death's a joke it's true. You'll see it's all a show. Keep 'em laughing as you go. Just remember that the last laugh is on you. And... Always look on the bright side of life. Always look on the right side of life. [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Always look on the bright side of life! [whistle] Jood.....I'm always smilin mate, cos us males wont be around much longer......:>(((((((.....lololol In the biological battle between the sexes, the Y chromosome has suffered defeat after defeat. The male-determining chromosome has seen its gene supply shrink from more than 1,000 genes when sex chromosomes first evolved, to what scientists once thought was only a handful of genes, a downward trend predicted to continue until the Y disappeared altogether. One by one, Y-chromosomes will disappear, eliminated by the relentless onslaught of irreparable mutation, until only one is left. When that chromosome finally succumbs, men will become extinct. Av a good un. Tony Oz.......:>)))


Laurie Report 10 Oct 2006 13:48

Evening Wattlers, TLR went off to a trade do tonight . . . brung me home the strangest pressie . . . . a 4ltr paint can full of Jelly Beans . . PMSL . . . I only like the black ones! Hiya Yvette . . . Ponders sounds familiar, born and bred in Cobar meself . . . send me an email with your links out there. See if I know any of them. Heather honey, if your Dad adores Gracie Fields then take it from me . . . he knows some very funny songs!!. If you want a really good laugh, then get one of her cd's . . Gracie Fields - Northern Sweetheart . . . has lots of the funny ones on it !!! I got most of them for Dad by ordering them in through any good music store. Dad loved to have music around him, last thing he would do when he went to bed at night was stack up his cd's and have them playing softly as he went to sleep. (teehee only time the volume was turned down on his player). Sleep well Wattlers . . . sweet dreams luv Laurie


Judy Report 10 Oct 2006 13:38

Great to hear from you again Mel. Donna - get those tablets into you asap (not the VB ones tho) Hz - enjoy your tomorrow when dd arrives home. Hope all the sickies are better. Miss ya Lew - and Trifley. Bit cold here, hope I turned my lecky blanket on, will be a rude shock if I havent :( .. <I just went to check .. praise be!, I have!> Off to bed when I get sorted out. btw - how did you get on with DD, Tony??? Jood

Little fluffy yellow duck

Little fluffy yellow duck Report 10 Oct 2006 13:36

Orf ta bed, have to have son up at 5.30 Nighty nite, sleep tight Don't let the bed bugs bite Ducky

Little fluffy yellow duck

Little fluffy yellow duck Report 10 Oct 2006 13:02

Evening all Jude, glad the books balanced and you had an early mark...... Sandra, the male eating machine doesn't get any better... mine is now 30 and still eating !!!!!!!! Lots of lovely singing today.......not what I am used too, my Dad's favourite was Mario Lanza (sp). Have never ever heard my Mum sing. Was thinking about that recently after reading the wattlers thread. Thought it really strange..... Hi Mel, glad to see you are still in the land of the living .... and no problem children thinks that needs to be changed. Get you in practice for the years ahead. Hi Yvette Hz, enjoy tonight together and enjoy tomorrow even more.....mmmmmmm .pizza sounds good Pam

~~~Hz by the River~

~~~Hz by the River~ Report 10 Oct 2006 12:01

Good evening all, OH and I have had a bottle ’o bubbly tonight to acknowledge our 19 days without DD15 – we have had a chance to talk over our past together and our future together, and we both miss our little duck too……………. She called last night from Kyoto, and today took the bullet train back to Tokyo for a last minute shop and evening meal together, and the group flies back to Melbourne overnight. We expect her back at about 1pm in Albury - (aren’t mobile phones GREAT!! ). DD15 sounded fantastic last night, her host family was wonderful, but she wants PIZZA tomorrow!!! Gwenda - send all and any photos my direction, especially Washington DC where OH and I met and I lived for 5 yrs (OH 13!) ……….I hope you visited Mr Lincoln. Donna – yay tendernitis - take the pills (no, not Lew’s lol) !!!! - what a relief to get the good news. Laurie - is this the same Gracie Fields that my 87 yr old Dad adores LOL I don’t think he heard of that one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the songs Tony and Laurie, keep 'em going! Mel – gal after my own heart, while DD15 has been away in Japan OH and I have made do with: cooked chook from deli, leftovers, toast with leftovers, salada crackers with tomato and leftover cooked chook, saladas with tomato and cheese, boiled eggs and toast soldiers for tea etc etc – grocery bill paid for my hair cut and colour today!!! NOTE TO SELF – try to simplify the evening meals, we might all enjoy eating simpler and lighter. Vonny thinking of you and dau’s family, its such a busy time, with tiny babe in the house every day is full. Glad you can ease the burden by looking after Mia. Hope the car business gets sorted straightforwardly. Just had dear, dear friend drop by to invite us for next Australia Day – her hubby of sixteen years is to be Naturalised on next Jan 26th, she’s very pleased !! Hmmmm – I think I have to plot and plan a surprise box for him – eucalyptus mints, Rawleighs, Anzac biscuits, etc etc…………….. Hmmmmmmm Must go now and have a (relatively) early night. I am so looking forward to DD15 being home tomorrow, I’ll let you know the eagle has landed as soon as I can, but I imagine that life will be pretty social for the next few days ( phone has already rung a few times with peeps asking when is she back !!) And as we share this family ‘puta – I may not be on quite as much LOL ! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to all, Hz

Jude2 aka Flakey

Jude2 aka Flakey Report 10 Oct 2006 09:50

Hi Cat person~~~~ Tony, Laurie your singing my Dad's favourite songs today, along with 'Two Little Girls'. Bringing back lots of memories of Sunday drives in the FJ. Donna glad you have some answers, Vonny hope your lot are feeling better. ~~~~Mel, wondered where you'd got to. Have to get dinner going BYEEEE Flakey

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 10 Oct 2006 09:20

~~~~to Yvette~~~~~~~ I know the feeling about remembering everything lol. I usually write it down as I go along but didn't have the energy this morning. Donna I'm glad to hear that the pain is caused by something that can be cured (((((hugs))))) to help you feel better. Laurie and Tony thanks for the songs lol Hope you all have a good day :-) Catxx


Yvette Report 10 Oct 2006 09:10

All I can say is hi, all that stuff is just too much to take in. Glad you have had some good news Donna and i'm sympathetic to those who are hosting male eating machines. When i drive into town i always see the lucky ones (with c/van in tow)embarking on the Mt Ousley road on their way up the coast. I hate that road, but its the way to QLD. made me think of you lara with your next trip. Do you go the coast way to wollongong? Are your visitors the ones from Cobar Laurie, will you ask them if they know any Ponders please? its a minute chance but worth the ask. i thinkn its pretty nice that you hang out with the Austr. bunch Julie. Never mean to be mean to ya. jood, did you dream about young fellas last night? ok, same story- get ready for work. its chilly hey? anybody been swimming today. love to you all see you later love Yvette


Loopy Report 10 Oct 2006 09:08

~~~~~~~ Waves to Everyone ~~~~~~~ I hope you are all well and smiling : ) I am still alive and kicking........ Ohh yes the kids are on hols, but I promise I don't feel like kicking them at all, not even when they are waking up when it gets light at 5.20am.. LOL I just have not really had a great deal of time to get on the computer, I have now finished the front and back gardens and now am starting on the painting of the bedrooms, I sometimes find it hard to sit still and as OH says stop spending all ' his ' money !!! LOL OH is away OS at the moment so the kids and I are living it up having toasted sammies for dinners and if I really want to get complicated we even have spaghetti on toast with melted cheese. The kids think they are the best dinners I have ever cooked, god bless their little cotton socks !!!!! Talk soon Mel


TonyOz Report 10 Oct 2006 08:19

Hi ya Julie cat person.....:>)))) Yea'h ..i remember that one Laurie. A goodie. I'm humming this one at the ( waiting for a Phone call from DD's ) Dad's Daughter's....LOL Do not forsake me, oh my darling On this our wedding daaay Do not forsake me, oh my darling Wait,........wait along I do not know what fate awaits me I only know I must be brave For I must face a daughter who hates me Or die a coward, a craven coward Or die a coward in my grave Oh, to be torn twixt love and duty Supposin' I love my fair haired beauty Look at that big hand movin' round Nearin'...... high noon Do not forsake me, oh my darling You make that promise as a bride Do not forsake me, oh my darling Although you're grievin', don't think of leavin' Not while I need you by my side Wait along, wait alongggggg Wait along, wait alongggggg Tony Oz....:>)))) Time for a


Laurie Report 10 Oct 2006 08:11

Ah Tony that one is sooo sweet ! Made me start singing this one . . . . Ma, he’s making eyes at me Ma, he’s awful nice to me Ma, he’s almost breaking my heart I’m beside him Mercy! Let his conscience guide him! Ma, he wants to marry me Be my honey bee Every minute he gets bolder Now he’s leaning on my shoulder Ma, he’s kissing me Ma, he’s making eyes at me Ma, he’s awful nice to me Ma, he’s almost breaking my heart If you peek in, can’t you see I’m goin’ to weaken Ma, he wants to marry me, Be my honey bee Ma I’m meeting with resistance I shall holler for assistance Ma, he’s kissing me This one brings back lovely memories of my Mum singing and hamming it up big time - only one she did better was Annie Get Your Gun !! Can see her up on the dinning room table (which for our lot was the size of the stage in the local hall) getting right into it !! I am so luck to have had so much laughter in my childhood from mad parents, hope I have managed to pass enough of it on (makes mental note to overdose sons next visit north) luv laurie

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•.

.•:*:•. Devishly Angelic Juliecat & Panda..•:*:•. Report 10 Oct 2006 08:05

Morning everyone :-)


TonyOz Report 10 Oct 2006 07:50

hee hee..Laurie. Your allowed to lose the plot mate. Lost mine years Lost it, then found it...then lost it again, so went and bought meself one at Springvale Cemetery...LOL THE MEN IN MY LITTLE GIRL'S LIFE Seems only yesterday, I heard my daughter say: 'Daddy! There's a boy outside - his name is Rod. He wants to play in our back yard. Can he Daddy? Can he Daddy? Please - Daddy.' There wasn't so long ago She came to me and she wanted to know: 'Daddy! There's a boy outside - his name is Lee. He wants to carry my books for me Can he Daddy? Is it all right - Daddy? He's got freckles, Dad. Then came pony tails and jeans My little girl was in her teens: 'Papa! There's a boy outside - his name's Tom. He wants to take me to the prom. Ok Papa? He's cute Papa! We'll be home early - Papa.' Well, before I knew it, time had gone My, how my little girl had grown: Then it was: 'Uh! Father! There's a boy outside - his name is Eddie He wants to know if we can go steady? Can we Father? Yes Father? Oh! can we borrow the car Pop?' Yes, it seems like only yesterday I heard my lovely daughter say: 'Dad! There's a boy outside - his name is Jim. He asked me if I'd marry him? I said yes, Dad! - Got something in your eye - Dad? I love him Dad.' Refrain: A child, an adolescent, a young lady, a wife Oh! and oh yes, Heh! Heh! There's another man in my little girl's life 'Hi Dad! There's a boy outside - his name is Tim. I told him Grandpa was gonna baby sit with him. Thanks Dad. Bless you Dad. Goodnight Dad.' Tony Oz..:>)))