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Florence61 Report 18 Sep 2023 11:38

Morning chit chatters

Raining still and very low misty clouds here. Grass cutters have not turned up but not surprised there as it is very wet.

I have seen a wonderful sight today, my little robbie appeared on the fence post after months of not seeing him. So delighted, he came back and I hope I shall see more of him.

Linda, I hope you are still negative and feel a bit better today. Dont be so busy today, just pottering as we say and rest in the afternoon until you recover. How are the girls today, do they have Covid?

The post office is dreadful. 3 cards posted 1st class last Wednesday for my daughter have yet to arrive!!! Such a disappointment for her and they were posted with 4 days grace.

I now post cards at least 7 days early in the hope they will arrive either before or on the day. Receiving cards after the event just isnt the same. She has very few on display :-(

Joan, glad all your guttering etc is finally finished. Its good to get a job like that done before the winter sets in but as you say, just waiting for the bill now!

Nothing special to do here today, just the usual chores and then I shall crack on with friends family tree i'm working on.

Have a good day everyone looking in

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 18 Sep 2023 11:59

Hello girls.
Florence what a shame the cards for your daughter haven't arrived yet, like you I also send off cards 7 to 10 days well before the due date.

A wet day for us today, not heavy but a steady pace, the new gutters seem to be working well, LOL.
A pottering about day for me today, not much to do indoors but I can't get outside to do what I had hoped to do, just have to flick the duster around the rooms...again, LOL.

A light meal for the 2 of us today, sausage banjos, I love a sausage sandwich & having had the usual large portion of the Sunday dinner yesterday we need to be gentle on the stomch today.

I hope everyone is well & Linda, I hope you are having an easy day today.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Sep 2023 16:55

I am having an easy day. I went for my weigh in this morning, only half a pound off this week, which isn’t good. I then went to Aldi and did a fairly small shop. I usually plan the menus for the week, but I haven’t bothered, I just grabbed a few things which I know Incan turn into meals. My next door neighbour came for coffee this afternoon, she had Covid two weeks ago, so it was fine fir her to be here.
I did sort out the under stairs cupboard after she left, but that didn’t take much doing, just a few things to throw out which we don’t use.

OH has started taking the sealant off the bath and all the sinks. He will do the shower room as well and round the kitchen worktops. Taking the old stuff off and cleaning it down is tedious, but he really hates putting the new stuff in as he isn’t very good at it.

My daughter is feeling a bit better today, but she isn’t working. SIL and the girls tested negative this morning, but Esme stayed off as she said she wasn’t feeling well. By late morning, they decided that there was nothing wrong with her, so she went willingly to school.

I hope your daughter enjoyed the buffet Florence, it is a shame about her cards, but you can’t trust the post these days.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Sep 2023 19:22

Good evening everyone. It has been a horrible rainy day here, very chilly as well, I am contemplating putting the heating on tonight.

I was going to get up early this morning ( for me) to give my next door neighbour a lift to the station at 7.45 but OH decided he would take her instead. Her partner is away this week, so she is on her own., it is a mile and a half from here. She was coming back late afternoon and said she would walk.As it was such a horrible day, I insisted on going for her. It was just as well I did as she was exhausted. She hadn’t realised just how much her recent bout of Covid had taken out of her.

This morning we drove over to my daughter’s house to take Esme’s prescription. They have filled in the forms to change doctors, but the change hasn’t happened yet. We also took the box of stuff OH forgot last time. We just put the stuff on the doorstep and talked to her from a distance. She is slightly better today, but still feeling poorly. She had Covid before, but this time it is much worse. SIL and the girls have been testing every morning before school. The girls are clear, but SIL had a very feint line. That means he is getting it. He has been looking after the girls since the weekend, while my daughter has isolated. Of course tonight when they FaceTimed my daughter was in charge wearing a mask and gloves. He said that he has been feeling ill for a couple of days :-| :-| :-| I will stop there and you can fill in my thoughts on that for yourself

This afternoon, I took a lot of stuff to one of the charity shops. I have two more batches to go to different shops, but there is no rush for that

I still have a headache, sore throat and cold, but I did a Covid test this morning and it was negative, so I am just ignoring it and carrying on.

I hope you are all well and no one else has annoying bugs.


JustGinnie Report 20 Sep 2023 11:24

Morning all,

Well it's a really horrible day here so no chance of gardening or outside work for OH and washing is staying in the basket for today Done the ironing as didn't have much in the basket.
OH has been watching the Jeremy Vine show and my goodness the woman on there likes to shout over everyone. JV doesn't seem to be able to control the discussion at all.
Has anyone been watching The Woman in the Wall with Ruth Wilson on a Sunday evening . I wasn't sure at first but have continued to watch and now like it although not a Ruth Wilson fan.

Looking forward to Strictly starting properly and hopefully some new programmes starting in the autumn as fed up with the all the repeats that are on.



Florence61 Report 20 Sep 2023 13:30

Afternoon JG and anyone else looking in.

Another miserable wet day here too and quite windy.

Not having the best of days :-(
A friend had promised to come take me out for the day awhile ago but things kept cropping up and she kept cancelling!

So this morning, she messaged at 9am to say are you ok for today, hubby just fixing the car and then Ill be over? Well i was just out the shower and then the power went off twice but thankfully came back on. I rushed to dry hair which isn't easy as halfway down my back and takes ages.

Anyway all ready by 10.30 and was just about to try and get my boots on when she messaged to say" so so sorry, I meant tomorrow(Thurs). As you can imagine, I was more than upset as I haven't been out since May of the house when my friend stayed.

Just seems to be the story of my life. people say they will phone the next week and then they dont or they promise to visit for coffee and always seem to have better things to do.

When you cant drive anymore and have no family who drive, its pretty awful as I am totally reliant on someone offering to take me out.

So indoors feeling rather down today and just hope no hitches tomorrow.

Threw myself into doing a basket of ironing and dusted all the shelves.

If I wasn't such a strong minded person, I honestly think I would have had a nervous breakdown by now!

However Linda, you saved my sanity today by making me howl with laughter when i read you post about SIl and him not feeling too well :-D :-D :-D :-D Thankyou for restoring my sense of humour :-D :-D

Well well, looks like the sun is finally appearing lol and its dried up.

Florence in the hebrides


Amokavid Report 20 Sep 2023 14:13

Good afternoon to you all, shame about the cancelling of your trip out today Flaorence, but something to look forward to tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Not a bad day here, it was raining first ting, but it soon stopped & the sun has shone for most of the day, it is a bit windy but not at all cold.

Our daughter came over to collect our car, she needed to take it to the local garage, not far away in the nearby village to have 2 tyres fittted, another bill to look forward to, they are coming thick & fast at the moment.

Not done much today, written my shopping list for my trip to Morrisons tomorrow, also scraped some of our favourite mucky new spuds for our tea.

Goodness Linda you are still being kept busy toing & froing re your family, give yourself a break lass.
Hope everyone is keeping fine, bye for now.



LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Sep 2023 15:53

Oh dear Florence, that was such a disappointment for you, I hope your friend turns up tomorrow. I can’t imagine not going out for so long. Do you have anywhere reasonably local which you could get a taxi to, just for some lunch or shopping?

It was miserable here this morning, then absolutely tanked down at lunchtime. It is sunnier now, but very windy. I just went to Tesco because I need a Butternut Squash for dinner. I only needed a few things apart from that. Of course they didn’t have one, so I had to go over the road to Lidl and luckily they did have one. While I had the car out, I took the second batch of stuff to one of the charity shops.

This morning, I went through the stationary drawers in the study. I got rid of quite a bit of stuff from there, so it is all tidy now. I need to go through a few box files of family history things, but that won’t take long. Apart from that I just need to go through the drawers in my bedroom and through out all the single socks!


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Sep 2023 19:25

Another one down. Esme has gone to school every day, having done a Covid test every morning. She went on a school trip today and apparently had a very good time. She was a bit snotty when she got home, so my daughter did a test and it was positive. She has just FaceTimed and her nose has suddenly gone really red. It is a worry that Esme will have given it to her class, but the school were happy to have her as long as she did the test every morning
My daughter still has a bad cold and isn’t feeling well, but she did work today. Esme is going to sleep with her tonight, so my daughter won’t get much sleep. There is only Eve to go now, being a teenager, she spends a lot of time in her room, but she has been in the car with SIL going to school each morning


Florence61 Report 20 Sep 2023 21:29

Eve all

Oh Linda poor Esme, hope she feels better soon.

You have been busy again today Linda but remember you need to slow down a bit, Rome wasnt built in a day!

Well tonight its been like a disco in my house! Blooming power going on & off all evening so I have my LED torch on me lap. They have engineers investigating but not sure its sorted yet!.

Friend has confirmed 11 am collect me tomorrow and yep, we are getting strong gales, you couldnt make it up lol We will be flying to town at 70 mph not driving.

Linda there are no taxis out in the rural villages only in the town. A trip there and back by taxi costs over £100!! Also no shops here. Villages are just settlements really with the church of course and some have a small PO but nothing else.

Just sat and watched me soaps, Eastenders & Corrie which were quite good tonight.

Right off to make a coffee whilst I still have power.

Florence in the hebrides


Florence61 Report 21 Sep 2023 10:21

Morning from the Wild West!!

Trip to town is def a no no as the weather today is just so horrendous with torrential rain and stormy winds, we would for sure be blown over and we both have sticks!

So coffee and cake at mine and a good chin wag.

At least she is making the journey over here bless her.

Was watching a lively debate last last re the Rutherglen Bi election. Did anyone see it? It was on very late and didnt finish til well after midnight?

Hope all is well with everyone looking in and if you have some sunshine, please can you send it north ty lol :-D :-D :-

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 21 Sep 2023 13:30

I had sunshine this morning Florence, but it is clouding over now, so maybe it is on its way to you.

I walked into the market square this morning to get some more Covid tests from Boots. OH did a test before he went walking this morning, but it was negative. He is sharing a car with others, so he just wanted to be safe. I also bought him some Russett apples which he had seen in the greengrocers

I then went out for a litter pick as it is a few weeks since I did my local round, I got a very full bag full. I am going to have a lazy afternoon, probably doing some family tree.


Florence61 Report 22 Sep 2023 11:40

Morning everyone. What a day!!

Its gale force winds and pouring down so def indoor day today.

Friend and I spent the day catching up and she bought some cards and bookmarks from me which was great. I feel uplifted after seeing her and she promised to come and take me out when the weather is better.

Linda, glad you are slowing down a bit lol. Hope your daughter and the girls are getting better.

Daughter came back yesterday but has been very unwell. She doesnt have covid but high temp of 38.5 and has spent most of the time in the "bathroom. Think it was something she ate that upset her.

So just pottering about and tidying up and having a lazy day today.

Hope all is well with everyone else.

Florence in the hebrides


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Sep 2023 15:41

Oh dear, I hope your daughter feels better soon Florence.

We had a drive over to my daughters new house this morning to deliver a weeks worth of post to them. She also asked us to get some more Peppa Pig yogurts for Esme. She normally has one every evening with her crushed tablets on top of a spoonful, but since she has been ill, that is all she would eat. When we got there we discovered ( from a distance) that Eve was off as well, because she has tested positive as well. So far Eve hasn’t got any symptoms, so she was just happy not to have to go to school :-D

We have decided that we are going to move to Harrogate as well, that is why we have been doing so much work on the house.I contacted all the local estate agents yesterday to find out how much their sale fees are. Mainly 1% plus VAT seems to be the answer. We will arrange some valuations for next week.
We have been looking at the different areas in the town to try and work out where we like. We went to see some new show houses this morning. The little estate they are building is very nice, in a lovely setting, but I am concerned that it is not close to a bus route as we wouldn’t want to be driving into town. There are some lovely parts of the town, but they are on the opposite side from my daughter. It is all very confusing. Of course we have no idea how long it will take to sell this house and once we do, will we be able to find something we like to move into. Last time we moved was a nightmare, and we were much younger then to cope with it.


Amokavid Report 22 Sep 2023 18:25

Good evening girls.
I do hope your daughter will be on the mend soon Florence, it sounds as though she has not been well at all.
I also hope that your family are starting to feel better now Linda, not what your daughter needs so soon after moving house.

So Linda you are hoping to move house, I hope that you will find something quickly & that your current home sells quickly, you are moving from such a lovely area of Yorkshire but Harrogate is another lovely place, or it was when I was last there, a long time ago now..

Been a funny day here, wet then dry & sunny, then wet again followed by more sunshine,I ventured out at one point to rescue one of my planters, it sits at the side of our back porch door but a pair of Swallows chose to have a 2nd brood & chose to build their 2nd nest in the space directly above the planter, & what a right mess the chicks have made !

Droppings have hit the sill at the side of the porch door & more droppings gave landed all over my rather smart planter, such a mess.
The chicks are well up now but the parents are still feeding them, I had thought they might have fledged before now so that I could get the mess cleaned up etc

Anyway I decided to remove the planter & get it cleaned up but the parents wouldn't stop bombarding me, so I gave up, lol.
I just hope the babies fledge soon & move on, & though we usually have the Swallows till September this pair are rather late with these latest chicks, I'm not sure they will have much time to "fatten" up before setting off on their long journey to wherever it is that they are going to.

Well it's time to check out the TV magazine & see what I can find to watch on the telly, hope everyone has a nice weekend.



Florence61 Report 23 Sep 2023 16:28

Afternoon everyone looking in today.
Gosh Linda, you are full of surprises ;-) Moving house eh well I do hope you get a sale quickly and also more importantly find your dream home too.

Makes sense now how you were spring cleaning so much! Are you really too far from your daughters that you need to move?

Dull day here but earlier on as it was dry, went outside for a bit and had a good look at all my plants . Fuchsia still in good bloom and new shoots on the roses. Carnations are also still flowering as are the marigolds and hydrangea. So still some colour in the garden.

Daughter is much better but oh my what a few days we had. I have made a chicken chow mein today, basmati rice and some naan. Not used soy sauce either.
Made a small apple crumble for desert as had 4 bramleys that needed using up.

I have just realised how flat calm it is outside .Hmmmm false sense of security that lol as it usually means, another gale heading this way!

Been online and ordered several xmas presents and dad birthday gifts for end of October so getting organised early as per. Simply cannot do this last shopping, no no far too stressy for me.

Hope all ok with everyone.

Off to check me oven and sort out rice etc for tea a bit later.

Hope Casualty is on tonight after Strictly or Michael McIntyre I think is starting tonight...The Wheel show.

Florence in the hebrides


AnninGlos Report 23 Sep 2023 16:44

I think Casualty has finished for the series now Florence. Michael Mc big wheel followed by Blankety Blank are on after Structly.


JustGinnie Report 23 Sep 2023 17:53

Linda I hope all goes as planned with your house sale and you find one you like as well.

We have both had our Covid jab this morning at the gps., he was running 20mins. late so we were in the waiting room for about 1/2 hr and the gps room for 2 mins. lol.
still all done now.

Will be watching Strictly tonight and The Wheel but not keen on Blankety Blank.
Hope everyone is ok



LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 Sep 2023 19:38

We are about half an hour down the motorway from my daughter Florence, but we would like to be nearer for when we are old and decrepit. The problem is that Harrogate is more expensive than here. I have booked two valuations for next week, we will see what happens then.

My house is part of a small enclave of houses built by a local builder about 1997, they are all slightly different and hardly ever come up for sale. A few months ago a lovely old man in his nineties died and his house has just gone on the market yesterday. It is slightly larger than mine, the same as the house next door which was last sold two years ago. Everyone is shocked by the low price it has been put on the market at. It is on for £25000 less than the house next door sold for two years ago. Having said that, it has never been modernised since it was built, so is very dated. He had no children, it has gone to two nieces, I guess they just want to offload it quickly. That might affect the valuation of this one. If we don’t think the price is good enough, we will wait until the spring and see what happens then.

I am watching Strictly, some of them look like they have good potential, then there is Les Dennis :-0


AnninGlos Report 23 Sep 2023 22:18

I thought there was quite a lot of talent for the first week in structly. Made a nice change to have a decent programme on a Saturday evening.
Good luck with you house Linda, I wondered why it was getting a deep clean.