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JustJohn Report 30 Dec 2012 21:58

From OP:
"Dr Lewis told the BBC: "It was sorted out by me being given another Welsh-speaking cashier whom I spoke entirely in Welsh.

"I paid and left. Honour was satisfied.

"All I wanted was an answer in my own language, in my own country.""

Where does it suggest he bullied a cashier? He is a frail 83 yo - but with strong convictions about the Welsh language. And he made a very simple request of a cashier who had spoken to him in Welsh.

If I was in charge of Spar, I would find out what training they gave cashiers in Welsh speaking areas on how to deal with nice Welsh people who prefer to use Welsh in transactions.

It is a very simple situation where a customer is unhappy with the transaction. Managers deal with several incidents like that every day. Customers do ask questions and sometimes complain.

I managed a Tesco in Hendon 40 years ago. If I was not empathetic to my Jewish customers, would I have survived? You don't manage a Spar in an area like Pwllheli without realising you are going to need to provide services in the Welsh language.

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 30 Dec 2012 22:02

John,Can I ask you one question and get an honest answer with out a load of guff.

Is there a 100%welsh blood running through your veins.


supercrutch Report 30 Dec 2012 22:06

John would you have perhaps been one of the activists who either destroyed English language signs or sprayed them with graffiti around Lampeter?

Nothing to brag about.

He went over the top and I hope he stubs his toe and goes to the local A & E %3B-%29


Guinevere Report 30 Dec 2012 22:08

"The situation was completely blown out of proportion and left our member of staff extremely upset."

the words of Conrad Davies, who owns the Spar shop. Who sems to be surviving very well in Pwllheli so far.

Petty little man who stamped until he got his own way. I wish they'd taken him to the cells to cool off - but that's probably what he wanted.


Muffyxx Report 30 Dec 2012 22:10

"The situation was completely blown out of proportion and left our member of staff extremely upset."

Frail old man or not.......that girl was someone's daughter or grand daughter and deserved NOT to be used as a pawn in some old man's vendetta..she was only doing her job and should've been treated with respect in any language..and if that's the way you think young girls should be treated..then I despair.


Muffyxx Report 30 Dec 2012 22:11

Sorry Gwynne I think we cross posted there lol


supercrutch Report 30 Dec 2012 22:16

Sue my geography is crap but last time I looked Wolverhampton wasn't in Wales %3B-%29


supercrutch Report 30 Dec 2012 22:25


Hello Lynda %3A-D %3A-D

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 30 Dec 2012 22:28

Sue it just makes me wonder why he spouts off so much about Welsh speakers when if he hasn't 100% welsh blood in him and he don't even live there
Why should it concern him.

That 83yr old would have had short shrift in the supermarket where I worked.



Muffyxx Report 30 Dec 2012 22:30

I wonder if he'd have been so pedantic if faced with a strapping male shop assistant? In my experience he'd have paid up and shut the sad little man he is.


AnnCardiff Report 30 Dec 2012 22:30

my geography's not much cop but I know Wolverhampton ain't in Wales, although our "expert" in all things Welsh, and everything else under the sun, does apparently live in this fair land of ours %3A-S


JustJohn Report 30 Dec 2012 22:32

Could girl not have said it in Welsh when asked? Could Manager not have resolved situation without calling police? If it was a problem involving the Welsh language, were the police aware of that when they sent a monoglot? How will the Manager deal with the inevitable backlash from his lack of ability to resolve the situation?

Sue, No, not Lampeter. Bangor. Yes, deeply ashamed %3B-%29

Sue in Leeds. No. OH Welsh. Mother Welsh. Father from Wolverhampton. Would describe myself as Welsh rather than English. Brought up in Wolverhampton. Could speak some Welsh as a boy but when I went to Uni in 1966 in Bangor learned it to a reasonable degree of fluency. Never treated as any different to anyone who has been born and brought up in Wales.


AnnCardiff Report 30 Dec 2012 22:33

we should all be grateful we don't have to live with Cocky Robyn, or next door even - he sounds insufferable and he's certainly done no favours to the country he seems so proud of - a pillock


Muffyxx Report 30 Dec 2012 22:34

Unless it's part of her contract of employment..and as she was dealing in pound sterling..then I suspect she's free to ask for payment in either language rather than be dictated to by a high handed publicity seeking pedant.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 30 Dec 2012 22:35

Could the man not just pay his food bill without making a scene? Simples really isnt it %3A-D


supercrutch Report 30 Dec 2012 22:36

Sue John lives 19 miles from me (when I am in the valleys) or 90 miles from me when I go back to cardigan bay.


Muffyxx Report 30 Dec 2012 22:37

Nah much more fun to humiliate and upset a girl who was after all just doing her job to prove a point Hayley......clearly lol x


AnnCardiff Report 30 Dec 2012 22:40

we are rather restricted aren't we - I do wish Eldrick was still with us %3B-%29

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 30 Dec 2012 22:42

Yep bet he used the age card when the police turned up . %3A-D

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 30 Dec 2012 22:42

All I wanted was a straight answer either YES or NO.

Not a load of your explanation.

My brother in law is Welsh brought up in Bethesda North Wales all his ancestors are welsh right back to his 5x great grandparents.
Now thats what I call Welsh.

Not someone who's father was from Wolverhampton which as far as my memory serves me is in England.

he was a stupid person as he could speak English as well as Welsh.also Pwllheli is mainly English speaking.

He was just an 83 yr ols bullie.