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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 19 Aug 2024 10:26

Morning all,

Same here we will all be with you in spirit even T so keep that in mind and there's a (((hug))) from me too. Soon be over sending love <3 <3 <3

17 degrees here now and dull as dish water think we had a little rain in the night but nothing to speak of it started with that very fine stuff blowing in the breeze.


MillymollyAmanda Report 19 Aug 2024 09:01

Morning all,

We'll all be with you Anng ((( hugs))) from me too <3

Bit fresh here this morning but should get warm again .


SuffolkVera Report 19 Aug 2024 08:28

Good morning

You’ll be in all our thoughts AnnG and we’ll be with you in spirit. It will soon be over and you’ll be back home again. Sending you a (((hug))) <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2024 06:56

Good morning all 11 degrees and dull here so far. Feeling a bit like a condemned person and wishing this day away, the sooner it is over the better. So wishing that T was still with me.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Aug 2024 21:32

WE will all be with you tomorrow Anng hope you don't have too long a wait. XX


AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2024 20:41

Thanks for your thoughts. Yes hope I am not kept waiting too long. But like everything else day surgery appointments are very unpredictable as there are only a certain number of surgeries with a lot of appointments waiting.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Aug 2024 20:12

O Mandy I hope you can get to the hundred.

I have just been up to put the recykling out and in the middle of my field up the top was a huge buzzard just sitting on the grass. I hav'nt seen many rabbits up there lately so perhaps it is its hunting ground. I have heard the buzzard calling over the weekend and it does keep the rabbits down a bit.

Its just as well I checked as I had put this weeks tv program mag in the bag with the old paper so had left out last weeks so I had to fish down the bag and find this weeks otherwise it would have gone where my small sauspan lid went. I really miss that and its not the same putting a small plate on the top.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Aug 2024 18:49

Evening all,

It's been a lovely sunny day ,just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow Anng ,fingers crossed they don't keep you waiting around and this time tomorrow it will all be done .

Mel I still have the other poppies as its only on a Wednesday between one and three o'clock I can take them into the library, I'd like to get to the hundred for her .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Aug 2024 18:43

No they are still in the car boot. I shall get the sack barrow and unload them and wash out some fall ball buckets and pop them in those in the uti room.

Made the blackberry jelly mid day and my neighbour came down for eggs just as I was finishing but she did'nt mind waiting and said the kitchen smelt nice. She stayed and had a coffee and we chatted for a long while.

I did'nt eat till after 4pm well after and watched the telly with and after that. Now I m going to watch my little couple on youtube.


Annx Report 18 Aug 2024 14:18

Afternoon All,

A nice little breeze this morning so everything flung open to cool the bungalow. I must have slept in one position all night on my side as the skin was tender over my right hip when I woke. We were up early as the window man was coming. He soon adjusted the bedroom window, said the top bowing a bit often happens and meant the concertina side hinges and catch were out of position. Now we are ready for the next heatwave and can open it at night. He only charged £10 so that was good.

I did some HW, cleaned mirrors, hoovered round and cleaned the cupboard fronts one end of the kitchen and pulled a few weeds up, as well as cleaning the bedroom window inside after the man had gone while the windowsill was clear and blinds open. Then got lunch, chicken pie with cabbage, leeks, brocc carrots and peas.

Both Fitz and my friend I met the other week want to meet up soon. It seems we are all in the wars, as my friend had to go to A&E with bad pain, but it was her GP several days later, not the hospital that diagnosed a kidney infection, so she is on antibiotics. Fitz said he is due a second hip replacement next year and relying on a stick to get around. He's also managed to write off his 19 year old car, trying to demist it in atrocious weather one evening. At least he wasn't injured thank goodness and he has another car now.

Our Asda order is due this afternoon with more subs! They are sending a spicy pasta salad instead of chicken and bacon pasta salad, so that can go back as well as one of the actimel drinks and the substituted deodorant. Several things are out of stock too. How can we plan meals when they do this?

Yes what they also said about computers was that we'd save so many trees with less paper usage! Now though, we have to print off our own docs like car and home insurance, saving accounts paperwork eg. Companies have saved a fortune in paper and ink, employee time and postage and passed the cost on to us!! It annoys me when I see OH printing off papers for his meetings. Why oh why do they need to use dark backgrounds that waste so much ink! What a saga it has been with your tablets. Like you I wonder how some even older or less capable folk cope with these probems and wonder how I will cope in the future!

AnnG Tesco are good letting you choose long dates, which is something Asda have never done! Sometimes we have had that happen with the tv remote. I think if it gets dropped at all, it can slightly dislodge the batteries till they eventually don't contact fully. Is it working properly again now? OH just came through and said ours has done it too when we haven't held the button down long enough. If not, Mandy has some ideas.
Very best wishes for tomorrow. It sounds like you are ready with meals sorted etc. Like Mel said we will be thinking of you and waiting till you are able to post again.

A lazy time today sounds great Mandy and doing some poppies sounds nice and relaxing. I wonder how many you will make this time? I bet Max goes and flops down in a shady spot with you both too.

I don't know where you find the strength and energy for these jobs Mel. Did you manage to unload the sunflower seeds? Gwn's idea was a good one.


AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2024 13:26

I have just walked some books and other stuff down to Irene's it is 20 degrees and sunny so it is good that it is not too far to walk. so far I have changed the spare bed and washed the bedding, taken my nail arnish off and removed my rings. And packed a bag according to orders on my letter in case I get kept in.(Frantically crossing fingers that I am not). Written a letter to a friend who has fallen and broken her hip, and posted that. I seem to have been on the go aince 0630 this morning but can't think of what else I have done. Messed around on here I suppose. I did read the Mail on line.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 18 Aug 2024 10:05

Morning girls,

16 degrees here and pc says mostly sunny which it has been this morning so far.

Iv'e nothing planned for today so will see how the days goes and where it takes me. May load the rest of the stuff on the trailer may go round with the chain saw and cut some dead branches off the apple trees don't know yet.

Funny how two of us got late deliveries this week Vera but mine was'nt as late as yours. It throws the day out when you're waiting for something to arrive. It is good you got it in the end though.

Back on the poppies again did you give them all the ones you made earlier or are you saving them all up?

Hope you all have a lovely Sunday whatever you are doing.


SuffolkVera Report 18 Aug 2024 08:56

Good morning all

16 degrees and brightish at the moment but it should get to 23/24 again later. It was a surprisingly cold night, a bit of a shock after all the hot sticky nights we’ve been having.

Tesco came just before 9 pm. Apparently a driver was sick at the last minute so all the rounds had to be rejigged. It’s good that Tesco didn’t cancel any deliveries but I wouldn’t have wanted mine any later. As it was I was concerned about disturbing my neighbour across the way as she is not a well woman and often in bed by mid evening.

I don’t have any plans for today apart from a couple of household jobs so I’ll just see how the day goes.


MillymollyAmanda Report 18 Aug 2024 08:51

Morning all ,

Suns shining but there is a little cloud feels a little fresh when I opened the back door .

Vera hope your shopping turned up and you weren't filling the cupboards at midnight .

Anng it might be the power button that's stuck or sticking or the batteries are low ,but it does sound like its the button .

We're having a lazy Sunday going to sit out when it warms up ,I'm back on the poppies again .


AnninGlos Report 18 Aug 2024 06:54

Good morning all. A bit grey so far but 12 degrees now so not cold.
Hope your Tesco shop arrived in the end Vera. did they say what the problem was?

I am hoping I am not going to have TV problems now. Last night, the first three times I switched the TV off with the remote as usual after a few seconds it came back on again. It did finally stay off. I vaguely remember some time way in the past it happened and T fixed it bit can't remember (if I ever knew) what the problem was.


AnninGlos Report 17 Aug 2024 19:42

As long as they don’t cancel completely.


SuffolkVera Report 17 Aug 2024 19:15

It really isn’t my day. I had a text from Tesco saying they had technical issues at the store and were running late. The driver hopes to be here by 8.45 That was a while ago. Just had another to say still running late :-(. At this rate I’ll be putting the shopping away at midnight.

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 17 Aug 2024 17:36

Ann, that's great that Cynth will be able to help you with lifts on Monday.- one less thing to worry about.
I hope all goes well on the day.

Goodness Vera. That's enough to try anyone's patience !

Our doctor writes a prescription for 2 months supply of tablets at a time, but I often wonder why he thinks that 56 tablets are sufficient for 2 months, if I am to take one a day of one particular medication. The crazy thing is that the tablets are manufactured in boxes of 60 per box, so the pharmacist scribbles through the number and dispenses the prescribed number and cuts off the foil blister pack to adjust the correct number. Once in a while, I sometimes get a box of all the oddments to complete at least part of my request.

It's about 23 degrees here too according to my laptop, but I think it might be actually hotter than that.
We've certainly seen - and felt- plenty of summer sun in this area lately.

A shame you missed the library, Mel. I hope you can get new books soon.

If your new bag of sunflowers is too heavy, do you have a spare sack you could put in your wheelbarrow and wheel it to the car and bale out some of the seeds into this 2nd sack? When you felt there is sufficient in the sack, just wheel the barrow to your storage area collecting the original bought bag later, once it is lighter to lift.

I noticed lots of blackberries on the side of the path, when I walked home earlier. I do like blackberry and apple crumble, but with all this hot weather, we are not putting the oven on much and certainly don't need hot desserts, so I may just pick some blackberries and either just wash and freeze them or wash, cook and freeze them for when we do want them.
The other day, when the oven was on to cook a stuffed marrow, we cooked a tray of roasted vegetables at the same time, so they were ready for the following day.
I think it will be some sort of salad for our meal today, as neither of us need hot meals, when we are already feeling too warm.

Daughters have done a boot fair today and then took some of the unsold items to a charity shop. They like that boot fair, as the hours are more practical. Sellers are allowed to set up after 10 a.m. and sell until 1p.m. Not that long, but eager buyers were queued waiting to buy goods before they had unpacked the car :-0
I went up on the bus to see how they were getting on, but the buses to and from that village are only one an hour, so I didn't stay too long. It's what I call a 'proper' boot fair though. I don't think they have any traders there. As it's a village sportsfield, drinks, refreshments and toilet facilities are all on site, so no catering vans etc are permitted.


AnninGlos Report 17 Aug 2024 17:06

Not bored vera, just pleased that you have it all sorted. And mosy unusual for a pharmacist to change the number of pills in a box. At the very least your attention should have been physically drawn to it.

Yes I am deliberately keeping busy to keep my mind off Monday :-D it works for a while then I suddenly remember and my tummy somersaults and I have to find something else to do. Lots of jobs getting done anyway so that can't be bad. I am so used to having these BCCs removed and don't normally take much notice or worry too much. But this time it is not the actual cutting and stitching that bothers me, It is where and how it is going to be done. I have sorted out a pair of glasses that are a lot narrower lens than mycurrany ones as I thin the stitches will be up to where my currant glasses rest. Luckily my sight has not changed a lot in the three years since I had them and I think they will be ok for getting me home.

I have just had a Tesco delivery, one sub (notified to me on my invoice, no large avocados, so a pack of two medium (half the price) And I always state 'no less than 3 days BB and this week I have ordered ready meals in case I don't feel like cooking. 5 ready meals all very well in date except one (notified) that was for Monday. As that didn't fit into my menu plan I said I would not accept it. I had a very nice young lady today who said 'I will refund the money but if you want to, you can keep it'. Which I did and put it in the freezer. She also picked on raspberries with a short date and asked me if that was OK. I couldn't be greedy, raspberries actually won't go off in the time I eat them.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 17 Aug 2024 16:53

I can't get into anything this afternoon. Its cloudy now and 16 degrees so wish I could send some cooler weather to you and Mandy Vera.

Iv'e still got to find a place for this sack of sunflower seeds I bought. Its 12.5 kilos and I don't think my hands will pick it up. The lady in the shop put it in the car for me. May have to ask a neighbour.

I was'nt up that early this morning but I feel tired already. Its so miserable out perhaps I will feed the chickens and go and have another look at the Blackberries perhaps that will get me going.