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What kind of things do you remember from Childhood

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SuffolkVera Report 20 Aug 2024 12:30

It's now 22 degrees but very grey and cloudy. I have warmed up a bit now. It was too cloudy to see the super blue moon last night though I looked out several times as I didn't sleep well.

Mandy I hope Colin gets on alright when he has the wax removed and a hearing test. It's a shame the GP surgery doesn't do wax removal anymore. The last time I had mine done it cost me £80. You are doing really well with your poppies. The lady collecting them will be delighted when you give her 100. You deserve an award

How amazing to have Forsythia flowering Gwyn. The seasons seem all upside down these days.

I hope your stockings do the job Annx. At least they aren't quite as tight as you feared. Your OH is doing well with all the weeding. We don't need to do too much in the summer as our garden is so overstuffed that any weeds are either smothered by the big plants or aren't visible anyway. It sounds as though lily of the valley have had a field day in your garden. I've often wondered about getting some as they were my Mum's favourite flowers but I don't want them spreading like that.

Our week continues to get messed up. First it was all the hassle of getting my meds sorted, then Tesco not delivering till 9 pm. Yesterday our car should have been collected at 8.30 am and taken to the Volvo centre 15 miles away for its annual service. At 8.00 OH got an email to say they had a driver off sick and wouldn't be collecting till this morning. They have done that but didn't turn up till 11 am. We had an electrician coming around lunchtime to fix an outside light. I planned to do ironing and some other jobs before he needed the power off. He turned up at 9.15. He has sorted the light and OH asked him to give us a price for another job that needs doing. He named his price which OH agreed and he decided he might as well get it done while he is here. So I still have no power downstairs. I'm also a bit concerned as I can hear a lot of hammering and drilling going on. I hope I'm not going to go downstairs and find half the kitchen needs replastering. At the moment I'm keeping well out of the way upstairs.

We had a Club meeting last night and had a very good talk on John Constable. It was given by one of the tour guides at Flatford Mill and was more about his life than his paintings. She was very good and had some lovely slides. She spoke for an hour without any notes and she was very clear and easy to understand. We also had nearly a full house. There were only a couple of members who didn't make it. I won a pack of 8 boxes of Whittards fancy teas in the raffle - green tea, white tea, fruity and floral teas. They will be going the way of my daughter who will probably like them as OH and I only really enjoy "builder's tea", though in someone else's house I will be polite and drink what I am given. They all got "builder's tea" last night as OH and I were just putting our shoes on to walk down to the meeting (only 2 minutes from us) when there was a ring at the doorbell. One of the members had come running up to ask if they could have some teabags. Whoever did the teas last month had used the last of them and not thought to tell a committee member so they could be replaced. It's handy for us being close to the venue for lots of things we attend but it does mean we're the go-to people when there is a problem. Someone forgets to bring the milk, run up to Vera, there's a big event on and the car park's full, park at Vera's; we don't really mind.

I wonder if the electrician will stop for lunch. OH made him tea this morning but we can't really do anything else until I have some power in the kitchen. I hope all you ladies are having a better day and I hope AnnG is managing to get some rest. Enjoy the rest of the day


AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2024 11:47

The strange thing is, although both places were a bit sore yesterday, today they don't seem to be sore at all.


MillymollyAmanda Report 20 Aug 2024 11:16

Morning all,

Nice sunny morning bit of cloud at times ,no rain in the night but it did drizzle for about five minutes when we first got up and that was it .

Anng sorry to hear you had a sleepless night just rest up today and I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight ,your bound to be very sore after an op like that .

Getting ready to go out for Colins appointment soon .

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Aug 2024 10:09

16 here and pc says partly sunny but the suns out at the mo.

All ready for the shopping to arrive whenever he ghets here. Just cooling off after my shower.

The grounds very wett out so we must have had quite a bit of rain in the night. The patio was wet one third of the way across and I had left the white wash out over night but this morning it was just as wet as when I put it out.


SuffolkVera Report 20 Aug 2024 09:14

Good morning all

I’m sorry you had such a rough night AnnG. Do as Mel says and just rest and sleep for the next day or two. All the normal jobs can wait. Sending lots of good vibes your way <3

Apparently it’s 19 degrees but feeling 22, yet I feel chilly. My body temperature never seems to agree with what the weather people say.

In a bit of a rush this morning so must get on. BBL.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 20 Aug 2024 08:27

Morning all,

Rained in the night and this morning its grey and dull but the winds dropped at the moment. 16 degrees and pc says mostly cloudy.

Poor you Ann not getting a lot of sleep, just take it easy today and rest up after yesterdays ordeal. YOu have no reason to rush about and do things so just rest.


AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2024 06:56

Good morning all, good job I have nothing planned, going to be a dozy day. didn't sleep much ay all 14 degrees here and grey. Not cold though


AnninGlos Report 20 Aug 2024 01:56

Not slept much yet. Just to help matters, my leg has played up after sitting for 3 and a half hours and then laying on my back for an hour and a half.
It is 16 degrees outside, cloudy with occasinal gaps in the cloud for the beautify full moon.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 19 Aug 2024 23:21

O Ann I hope you can sleep ok. Sending love and wishes for a good sleep. <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2024 23:11

Thanks all. I just caught sight of myself in the mirror and remarked (to myself out loud) It only wants to be painted red and I would be fine for red nose day. Or a clown!! I am going to have to sleep with an extre pillow tonight in case of my nose bleeding if my head is low. :-(


Annx Report 19 Aug 2024 20:12

Oh Mandy you aren't far away from the 100 then! I'm amazed how fast you are. Yes I'm hoping the stockings might be a bit easier to put on. These are less tight than the next level which is for long distance travel. It's a nuisance though that most benefit would be on hotter days when I have knee length trousers/shorts as I get so hot. OH has already mentionned Norah Batty!! lol. I prefer to see if losing weight does the trick so it should spur me on I hope.

How good of your DIL and Lewis to wash your car and it sounds likely it will get a polish after your cheeky hint! lol. Son has done a few jobs too and it's good to get these niggly things sorted that we don't seem to get round to doing.


Annx Report 19 Aug 2024 19:58

I'm glad to see you are home AnnG and now you can rest up and take it easy and hopefully sleep well tonight. <3 <3 It must be a relief to have got this part over with and they may not have to do more, so it's best to just wait and see what happens when you go back next week. Look after yourself and best wishes. <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2024 19:51

Mel yes it was him. He is the one that you can see on google.


MillymollyAmanda Report 19 Aug 2024 19:46

Glad to hear your home Anng ,let's hope you don't need another op and that they have got it all out ,have a nice rest now ,I hope you can get a comfortable night's sleep ,can you take painkillers .

Ann those stockings might be easier to get on then if they are a bit looser.
I'm into the 80's now with the poppies :-D
Son came this morning and put a new socket front on in the kitchen where we plug the kettle and toaster in , the switch wouldn't turn off so he got a new one ,while he was here he also switched a couple of the kitchen unit doors as the one near the sink was a little chipped at the bottom so we switched it for one over the other side of the kitchen which we hardly open .
His car went in for its mot this morning so he's got ours while his is in the garage it failed on two things so needs some work doing , dil messaged me this afternoon she said Lewis and I have just washed your car, bless her ,I jokingly said a nice polish wouldn't go amiss and blow me she replied I might polish it tomorrow.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 19 Aug 2024 19:04

I'm pleased your home we have been waiting to hear from you. Was it Okonkwo who was disturbed that it had grown since the consultant saw it? I do hope they managed to get it all out so you don't have to go back.

<3 <3 <3


AnninGlos Report 19 Aug 2024 18:48

Just got in. Went in to theatre at 4pm and got back to my cubicle at 5,30. It was a very gruelling operation and white uncomfortable. Two surgeon The main one being Okonkwo who is the head of the department. The other one was obviously a junior doctor called James. He was very disturbed that it had grown since the consultant saw it and asked why the delay.  I did tell him what the other one said about it not being important and no hurry to get it done. He said he would feed that back, He is worried that this might not be enough (He also did a skin graft from my neck/shoulder which is uncovered and not to be got wet.  I have a dressing on my nose that is like a round white blob of clay. He will see me on the 28th and the results from today should be back in three weeks. He will decide next week if I need a further operation. I said does that mean going through all that hassle again. He said not so hopefully if I do need one he will book it in himself. Still it is done, It is very sore and looks really weird so it is a good job I have nothing planned for this week. Cynth can take me next week as well.


Annx Report 19 Aug 2024 18:46

Evening All,

Yes I keep thinking about AnnG too and hope the op is all finished now and that she is just resting or on her way home. It's horrid going to hospital to have operations. When I was going with OH to have my hysterectomy and ovaries removed it was a lovely day and on the way I said to him that I wished we were going for a picnic in the country instead and he agreed. It must be worse with no hubby or partner too.

Mandy that would be incredible if you reached 100 poppies made! The lady would be so surprised and pleased to get so many from you! Colin with his ears tomorrow then! We all seem to get more medical appointments now. I collected my compression stockings from Boots this morning and they seem to be the least tight ones but I need to put them on first thing in a morning. The young Asian man who measured me recognised me. When we walked away OH said he must have recognised my legs!! lol. We called for a coffee next and then went to Aldi only to find it closed and diggers in the carpark! Apparently it is being upgraded and extended. I see they have stopped click and collect from all their stores from today as well. Onward then to the post office to post a parcel and then to call at the big Co-op to pick some salad things as Asda's subs for our usual ones were sent back yesterday.

OH cleared next door's Lily of the Valley that came under our fence and quickly covered a couple of feet and over 10 foot long, far to vigorous for our little plot although I like them. I wish he'd used the other small border spade instead of my nice, superlight one though but I bit my lip and was grateful he was making headway! It wasn't long before he came in needing a plaster though, having snagged his arm on the greenhouse door. At least it wasn't a splinter for me to poke out this time. He also made a temporary little step into the garage for me from a half slab and some spare blue bricks which is much better now. I cleaned the bath, but had enough then with the bending and reaching, so have left doing the floor and kitchen floor till tomorrow.

Did your blackberry jelly turn out ok Mel? That was lucky you retrieved your TV progs before the bin was emptied. It was a shame about your saucepan lid. Sometimes another lid from another pan will fit but not always.

Our garden bin is full ready for tomorrow's collection Gwyn. We cut stuff down to fit in too and it's good the weeds sink down making room for more in a day or two.


MillymollyAmanda Report 19 Aug 2024 18:10

Anng should have been having it removed today Mel and as she hasn't been on I should think the op has been done or being done if she was well down on the list .

My bil had a stent put in the other Friday and he didn't come home until ten o'clock at night .

Gwyn fancy having forsythia flowering this time of year ,yes if you cut the cuttings small you can get a lot more in the bin ,we do that when we fill our tubs up for the tip.

It's been a lovely sunny day and a bit muggy too ,I'm hoping for a little rain tonight to save me watering and also to fill the water butts .

Colin has an appointment tomorrow at spec savers to have the wax removed from his ears then he can have his hearing test which is due, we use to go to the hospital for him to have the wax removal but they changed it to another town so he decided to go to spec savers as it was easier but he will have to pay , his appointment was for 10.30 but they rang this morning to change it to 12 o'clock.

Mel Fairy Godmother

Mel Fairy Godmother Report 19 Aug 2024 17:15

Been to the library again today and got some books and order a load more. They will ring me when they are in.

Its 17 degrees here now and pc says windy which I can see and rain and its raining now as has been on and off all morning and its still raining but not enough really to do any good or fill my well up so I can top the ponds up.

Wonder how Anng is doing. I don't think the op is today, I can't remember what she said. She's been in my thoughts all day. <3

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 19 Aug 2024 10:36

Will be thinking of you Ann.

In my experience, it's the waiting and thinking about what's ahead that is worse than the actual op. so I hope you get called in fairly quickly and don't have to stay overnight.

20 degrees and very sunny here.
Had a good tidy round / cutting back in the back garden yesterday and was amazed to see a new flower open on the forsythia :-S
Garden bin is about 3 quarters full with plenty in there, because I cut a lot of things up smaller to get more in.
Rain later in the week is forecast, so even if I don't get out there to be busy again for a few days, the bin will be worth the cost.