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For Aussies......and friends

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LindainHerriotCountry Report 27 Jul 2016 10:02

Thank you Mersey, I haven't heard anything else from his daughter yet.

It was nice in Whitby Sue. It has been raining all night, but is sunny now, despite the forecast saying it would rain all day. I hope it stays dry as Wednesday is my old lady shopping day.

I just booked a holiday last night. Two weeks in Cyprus at the end of September, well we will need it to get over the Centre Parcs holiday with Eve and Co. They are off to Barcelona this morning for a week with the other grand parents


Mersey Report 27 Jul 2016 09:48

Thinking of Tec,family and friends %26lt%3B3


SueMaid Report 27 Jul 2016 07:49

Was the weather nice in Whitby? I do love it there %3A-D


LindainHerriotCountry Report 26 Jul 2016 15:26

Iwasthinking about you yesterday Sue, because we decided to have a day out on the spur of the moment We ended up in Whitby, wher OH's brother has a static caravan. He wasn't there, so for once we went into the centre for some fish and chips. It was absolutely heaving with tourists.

We went on to Filey where OH's sister lives after having checked that she would be there.


SueMaid Report 26 Jul 2016 06:37

Hello %3A-%29

Not much to say - life is very quiet and simple at the moment. It's too cold to do much outdoors.

My love and thoughts are as always with Tec and family %26lt%3B3


Mersey Report 24 Jul 2016 10:21

%26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 and prayers to lovely Tec and all his family and friends %26lt%3B3


SueMaid Report 24 Jul 2016 01:18

Thank you Linda.....words fail me %26lt%3B3


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Jul 2016 16:04

Oh dear

I am so sorry to hear this ........... yet not unexpected.

Please pass on my regards and love to Tec and his daughter.

Thank you for passing on the news, Linda


LindainHerriotCountry Report 23 Jul 2016 15:54

I have had an update from Tec's daughter. Sadly things dont sound good. Thankfully he is mainly sleeping, they were called into the hospital on Friday evening because they were concerned about his breathing.

They are staying in Wales to be with him, she asked me to post the following

Please pass on our thanks to all his friends on line for their friendship and fun they have given 'Tec' over the past years.

It is a very sad time to know that we are losing such a lovely friend %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3 %26lt%3B3


LindainHerriotCountry Report 22 Jul 2016 14:06

It is race day here and for once it is not raining. We were in the market square before lunch and it was full of race goers in their finery.

We can hear the public address system from here, plus the shouts from the crowd as the horses come down the home strait.

And I quote from OH , I wonder if this is the tarty women's race, which rather sums up the attire of some of the ladies.

It is still very humid here, I am being careful after my mis adventure yesterday,.day when I picked a plum out of the fruit bowl and got stung on the tongue by an ant..


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Jul 2016 20:16

I taught Maths full time for the first three years of my career, but I cant remember most of it now %3A-%28

It is much cooler tonight, but still humid. I hope the alarms dont go off again


SueMaid Report 20 Jul 2016 11:04

Me do maths? No I'm afraid that maths was never my thing either.

Poor mum must be very stressed and so must grandma. Dad on the other hand sounds very offhand about his ill children. Yes I do understand that scenario %3A-%28


LindainHerriotCountry Report 20 Jul 2016 09:58

Sounds like grandma needs to do some extra maths tuition with them.

It was so humid overnight that the house smoke alarms went off at 3.30 am, then again at 5am. They are wired into the house alarm, so make an awful racket, I am sure the neighbours will have been delighted as well.

The twins are both at home and looking better. Yesterday morning, I checked and mums car was on the drive, so I assumed she wasn't going to work. It turned out that she had taken one of them to the doctors in the morning, then gone onto work, leaving grandma with all three of them. The father works from home on some days, so he was there.

That should have been fine, except for the fact that he is a keen cyclist, so went off on one of his two hour bike rides. Luckily the twins were having a really long sleep, but then poor grandma was shouting over the fence to see if I could come and help. Both twins had woken up and were howling for their bottles. They are amiable little things and just want to be held and are happy to let me help. I stayed and played until mum came back from work. The father came back just as I was leaving, so I wagged my finger at him. He said " What have I done now?" When I told him that grandma had to shout for help, he just shrugged his shoulders and wandered off. It is like water off a ducks back, but I know you understand the scenario Sue.


SueMaid Report 20 Jul 2016 00:17

Meant to say that I hope the poorly twins are getting better. Such a worry for their parents %3A-%28


SueMaid Report 20 Jul 2016 00:16

As Aimee would say "what a silly duffer" %3A-D Definitely time for a new phone.

The children are all back to school so peace reigns in the shopping centres. It's amazing what a difference it makes. Drew has decided he needs to work hard and concentrate on his maths because he's going to high school next year. At the same time Aiden got a shock when his half yearly school report went home. He isn't doing well in maths either. Both are big readers but neither of them are particularly good at maths.

The glorious mild weather is over for now - cold and wet here.


LindainHerriotCountry Report 19 Jul 2016 11:07

Oh my, it certainly is hot

I have just had to order another mobile phone for OH. He is forever washing them in various pockets. Amazingly they usually dry out and work fine. His current one was washed earlier this week. Yesterday he came back from tad cinema looking all forlorn. He had been painting bright yellow cross hatching on the Tarmac outside the emergency doors, using a type of specialist paint, all thick and gooey. Silly man had his mobile in his shirt pocket and it fell into the tin of paint.

It still works fine, but looks very silly, smeared in yellow paint. I have ordered the same type again as although it feels quite flimsy, it has withstood his best efforts to destroy it. It is very basics, just does calls and texts, but that suits him


LindainHerriotCountry Report 18 Jul 2016 18:35

It was 31 here today, it will be even hotter tomorrow.

I have ever been helping out with baby sitting next door today. One twin is still in hospital, but hopefully will come home today. The other one who was ill last week, is no w I'll again. He has gone to see the doctor this afternoon. The hospital have isolated the bug which is causing the chest infection, so he must have it as well, it needs a different type of antibiotic

I think I will have to get the fan out for a sleeping tonight


SueMaid Report 18 Jul 2016 11:57

Dear 3 again ladies %3A-0

We've had the most glorious weather today 23*C and sunny. We were out in the garden doing some tidying and had to take jumpers off.

Hope you are all fine ??


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Jul 2016 03:25

Linda ......

Thank you.

Please give my love to Tec and his family when you are next in contact xx %26lt%3B3


SueMaid Report 15 Jul 2016 02:08

Thank you Linda %3A-%28 Please pass on our love %26lt%3B3