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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2009 21:54

Oh Sallie,Mickey has come in from the cold and rain. But I don't envy you trying to catch it.
Huia found her mouse dead,and smelling the bedroom out. So search and search for it.
Have you received my card yet. I posted it yesterday along with Ann's.
Ann have a lovely weekend away. See you Monday when you get back.
Night Night everyone. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Dec 2009 21:20

Hi Everyone,

Hope you are all okay today. It's been really cold here today, and this evening we've had some heavy rain. I've been out for a few hours today, with my friend and her daughter. I got a couple of Christmas presents, and then we went to the pub for lunch, so it's been nice.

Ann, thank you for your Christmas card, it arrived this morning. Hope the weather is better there than it is here.

Mo, we have an unwelcome visitor in our kitchen, a mouse, not as bad as the visitor you had, but still bad enough. So we've been to Focus to buy some traps and bait. I won't settle until the thing is gone. Not sure how long we've had it, Alun first seen it this morning, scurrying into a small gap between the dishwasher and one of the cupboards. I think it's come in when the back door as been left open for a short time.

Huia, so pleased that you enjoyed the Christmas party, sounds as though you especially enjoyed the food. I would love to see you sing and dace with the dancing Santa in the store--you've made me chuckle telling us about it. Could you please send me your e-mail address.

Liz, could I please have your home address, so that I can post your Christmas card to you. I hope your other half will be okay at Christmas, surely he must realise that it isn't your fault that his children won't be with you. It's their decision on where they spend Christmas, after all, they are grown up.

Jean, Marie, Debbie, Sue, Marilyn and Grace, hope everything is okay with you all.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2009 18:58

My word Huia,did I read your post correctly,you had to do the breakfast dishes,and last nights. My word you had dinner as well as what you ate at the party. Now that explains why you could not sleep. LOL
Don't worry if you don't get your cards sent,there is always next year. And I am sure people would understand why you had been unable to do them.
What with all your worries earlier in the year over Phil,and not being able
to sleep properly,for so long.
It takes so long to get yourself into a new way off doing things,after following a set pattern for so long.
DONT let em get to you mate.


Huia Report 3 Dec 2009 18:48

In one of our shops there is a santa which starts to dance and since if somebody moves near him, so I love to go over to him and dance and sing with him. It sure puts a smile on the face of a lot of shoppers! I am allowed to be eccentric or whacky or whatever at my age.

The party started with the local school children singing some songs, then some adults from Pukekohe sang some Irish songs and we were allowed to join in, but I didnt know some of the tunes too well, let alone the words, then they did some carols which I was able to sing, including the descant for one, which a couple of their sopranos were singing. Then the cake was cut and we had afternoon tea - a typical marvellous spread. Guess who ate too much? Maybe that is why I had trouble sleeping last night.

I just wish people on these boards wouldnt talk about having shopped for presents and sent their cards. I havent done any of that this year. Probably just give money to the family and write a letter to everybody apologising for not sending them a card this year. Past years I have made my own cards, using copies of my granddads paintings. No time now.

Must get on and do the breakfast dishes (plus last nights dinner dishes). Then I will try to finish rearranging and cleaning the bedroom.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Dec 2009 14:52

Thank you for yours as well Ann. Mine also arrived this morning.
Liz,Rob sounds like he was quite a character. I love folk who have got that kind off outlook.
Far to many people think that have reached a certain age,and give up on living.
As far as I am concerned,life is for living,and live it to the full. And to heck with what others may think.
Sometimes,I act my age,but at other times I age like a teenager in an older persons body. LOL
My grandchildren love it,so thats all that matters to me.


AnninGlos Report 3 Dec 2009 14:40

Mo, just called in to say many thanks for the card, it arrived today. Beginning to look quite Christmassy in our lounge now that the cards have started arriving.

Huia, at least they have said it will heal in its own time so he doesn't have to be subjected to an op. Hope you enjoyed the oldies party!!

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Dec 2009 00:12

Huia, hope you enjoyed yourself at the oldies do lol and hope Phil's break mends soon, there is nothing much they can do except rest for the pelvic breaks. If he is eating fairly well and otherwise pretty healthy it should help.

You saying you are one of the oldies, reminds me of my late aunt's hubby, Rob. His hobby which had figured hugely in his life, was music and he played the keyboards and sang at many old people's homes and parties, even tho lots of the time he was probably the oldest person there. Even at over 90 he was driving himself to the Christmas get togethers and singing naughty songs among the carols etc as he played the organ or keyboard or piano, whatever was available or he carried with him (keyboard) I half expected him to pop in to his own get together after his funeral and start the singing.
He was brilliant and always used to say he was off to entertain the old folk bless him. He took a month's holiday in Benidorm one winter when he was in his early 90s and got bored after a couple of weeks as, to quote him, there weren't any single ladies about that took his fancy ( this was after his third wife had died, my aunt was his second wife and they married when he was about 60+) He said he went into Benidorm old town and saw an ad for a piano player in a bar, so he auditioned and got the job, said he came home with more money than he went with and some silk shirts and leather shoes lol What a character he was, wrote a couple of books about his life and sold them for funds for the Cancer hospice in which his wife died, and another home that she had stayed in too.

Mo, o.h.'s kids are rarely around since they grew up, they either stay with their mother who makes a fuss if they came here, or they are with girlfriends/partners and their families. They just used to hand in their Christmas lists and that was it!
Didn't bother me as it saved me a lot of work! One year I did go to my son's and then girlfriend's for Christmas Lunch as the older son was home from uni and his Mum wanted to go to her brother's in London, so he was supposed to be with his Dad for lunch. He turned up late and by the time I called o.h. late afternoon, he had gone back to his Mum's empty house to sleep off his hangover from the night before so o.h. was on his own and in a mood.
No wonder I don't enjoy Christmas.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Dec 2009 19:59

Huai,how the heck did Phil do his pelvis in. I know he had that fall,but he must have landed really awkwardly to have done that damage.
Enjoy yourself at the party today. Eat,drink (in moderation) as you will be driving,but most off all have fun.


Huia Report 2 Dec 2009 19:29

I phoned Phils hospital yesterday and asked what he had fractured. She gave it a long name and I had to ask was it hip, leg, ankle. She told me it was a bone in the pelvis. No op. It should heal itself in 4-8 weeks (I think that is what she said). So they are wheeling him around in a wheelchair. I am going to visit this morning so must rush - wash dishes, go to loo, get dolled up. I will be coming back to Hunua at lunchtime as there is a Christmas party for oldies at 1pm. I am one of the oldies, although I dont feel like it.

Enough chat, will see you all later.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Dec 2009 17:44

Hello everyone.
Liz,I am sorry to hear your OH's children are not coming to you at christmas,and that "him that must be obeyed" is taking it out on you.
That's not very fair,after all it's not your fault,that they have gone against what he wanted to happen.
We have to accept that eventually our kids go their own way in life,and that we get left behind.
Make sure you put that knife down next time he riles you,as we don't want to have to send you e.mails in prison. Lol
Huia,have you any news yet on Phil. How is he getting on,have they said yet what he has broken.
Big ~~~~~~~to Jean,Sallie,Marie and Debbie,cant wait to hear from you all
Bye for now,love to you all. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 2 Dec 2009 01:46

Sorry all, been a bit busy sorting lots of things out.
O.h. doing his usual power thing at the mo, he is in a strop cos neither of his boys will be around at Christmas and are making him annoyed over different things, but as usual I bear the brunt of his temper so it's been a bit fraught last evening. One of these days ..... had a kitchen knife in my hand when he started last evening as I was preparing dinner - my self control will disappear one of these days, hope you will all speak up for me in court! Or at least send me cakes with files in if I end up inside!



Sallie Report 1 Dec 2009 22:30

Hi Everyone,

Mo, I've sent you a pm. Sorry that you lost at darts last night, not too keen on smarty pants teams either. Some of them really love themselves, 'I'm the greatest 'and all that.

Marie, so glad that you are much better, it's nice to be able to go out and meet your friends. I'll pm you my e-mail addy, and could I please have your's.

Ann, I'm sure you are right about talking to the therapist, it brought something to mind that made me feel that way. Everything is a bit of a struggle at the moment, but I'm slowly trying to get right.
Not sure if you want my home address or my e-mail addy, so I'll PM them both to you.

Jean, how are things with you and your family? Hope you are managing to get some more Christmas shopping done. I've still got quite a few more presents to get, the problem is knowing what to get.

I've got to go now, I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Take care!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2009 16:32

Jean p.m sent. Love Moxxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Dec 2009 13:34

Hello everyone. From a very very cold Kent.
As I had suspected,we lost last night. 4-2 in the team game and 3-0 in the pairs. I tried to trip the opposition up,threw my darts at them instead off the board,but I could not put them off. Oh how I hate smarty pants teams. No thats sour grapes isn't it. They were the better team on the night.
Coee Marie,"our little red nosed reindeer". If your nose is red,it must be from sunburn,and not the cold. Now in this country,a red nose is the signs
of a rotten cold,where one has had to keep blowing ones nose.
Mine is not running at the momentm as I have got icicles having from it.
It's so good to hear that you are feeling a bit better. And was able to meet up with your friends for luch.
It's surprising how just meeting friends,can make you feel better. They can empathise with how we are feeling,at any given time.
Bye for now my friends,I will pop back later. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 1 Dec 2009 12:03

I only have Jeans address so anyone who wants a card please PM me your address.


AnninGlos Report 1 Dec 2009 12:02

Sorry that was me deleted in error.

Good luck with the darts tonight Mo. Positive thinking, you can do it.
Glad you have a hoverer as well.
Sallie maybe talking to the therapist brought some things to the fore in your own mind which was what made you a bit shaky, it will be interesting to see how it goes.

Do we have any budding panto players here, the panto thread is great fun and sadly short of players!


Zack Report 1 Dec 2009 11:11

Marie, the Red((( nosed))) Reindeer,
Hello all I am feeling a lot better I actually went out and had a Christmas Fingerfood lunch with the girls at the GYM and it was lovely to see them all . Guess what ! I have done all my XMAS cards and have posted them, it has taken me to days to write them all. I have yet to do my e- mail messages, I thought I might hang off for a week,then you will all get a newsletter I have done, now I do need some e-mail addy's please as there are Photos on the News letter.
Sallie, Deborah, Ann in Glos,I dont have your addy's if you dont mind also**** Purple Sparkly Diamond*** may I have yours also.
Well I think that is enough excitement for one day I am rather weary, Lots of ((((((((((Hugs )))))))to you all especially to Sallie great going Sallie you will make it .I made a copy of the weetbix cake June. Good luck Mo with the darts.
Love Marie


JustJean Report 30 Nov 2009 18:58

I have put it in the culinary thread, hope you all enjoy it.

Sallie, you are doing very well , it is surprising how much the therapist can tell just talking to you, next time wont be as stressful for you, I am sure good will come out of it, so hang on in there, we are 100% behind you in fact all round you smiling ...

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Nov 2009 18:48

Thank you for the update Sallie. No wonder none off us had heard off this new approach,as it is so new.
Fingers crossed that it helps you love,but if not back to the doctor for you,
Yes I have got darts tonight,thank you for your good wishes. Fingers crossed,but the team we are playing tonight,are top off the league,and are very good,where as we are a mediocre team.
I firmly believe we have all got a hoverer in our households. And my kitchen is so small,that when I turn round,I fall over him.
See you all tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 30 Nov 2009 18:10

Mo, it rained all the way home, really heavy at times. Are you off out to play darts tonight? If you are, hope your team will win. Good Luck!
Hope everyone is alright with you and the family.

Jean, also hope that you and your family are alright. The Weetabix looks lovely, I might give it a try. As Ann suggests, you could add it to the culinary thread.

Ann, hope all is well with you and your hubby.

Right about the therapy. It went okay as far as I can tell, the therapist was very nice and went through the questionaire that I had answered, with me.
Apparently, therapy over the phone is a new thing, Derbyshire brought it in two weeks ago, one session a week for six weeks, hopefully it will work. If it doesn't, I will then have to go and see another therapist, possibly at our doctors surgery. So, we will see how it goes. She told me that she had picked up a few things when I spoke to her today, and that she is sending me some things through the post.
Not much to report on yet, but I felt shaky and a bit frightened after speaking to her. I don't know why, because as I said, she was very nice.

Hope everyone else is okay. Speak to you all later.
