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Just Jean

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AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2009 21:07

Hi Mo, the kitchen sounds great. Hi Sylvia, good to see you on here.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Dec 2009 20:43

Viv is Viv Sylvia,she will never change bless her. But I have missed Sherwood,and I dare say a lot off our friends on here would have thought us all mad. But by golly we did have a laugh didn't we.
Speak to you soon. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Dec 2009 20:40

Thanks Mo

I see Viv around on some of the other boards .... still as chippy as she was in the Forest!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Dec 2009 19:49

Oh Sylvia,it's so good to hear from you. As you say it's been months and months since we last spoke.
Sherwood was never the same after we has our sad loss of Thomas , I have not heard from Viv in goodness knows how long as well.
Everyone this is Sylvia,she's a lovely lady,and I am sure you will all soon see this.
We are a very friendly lot Sylvia,and we care and look out for each other,in whatever way we can. We give support to each other when it's needed.
Please join us whenever you feel like it.
Hope to hear from you again soon. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 7 Dec 2009 19:35

Hi Ya Mo

It's been a long time since Sherwood Forest!!

and I see some other familiar names.

May I join you??

I've just started looking around on General .......... a bit more time to spare.

Things are going well over here ...... OH wants to re-do our kitchen, daughter the architect even drew up plans 2 years ago. I'm being the slowpoke.

The big news is that daughter is expecting her first baby at the end of March. We'll go over there about April 10 ....... they live 3000 miles away on the other coast. The guest bedroom will then become the nursery ............ and we'll have to sleep on a hideabed in the family room on future trips!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Dec 2009 19:04

To update you on my kitchen. Well all the old units were out by 10.00a.m,
and by 3.00p.m all the base units and doors and handles were on. The oven's back in it's housing,and tommorrow the work tops go on.
It looks absolutely lovely,I am really pleased with it. I am so glad I chose the champagne colour doors,they make the kitchen look so light,and as it's such a small area,it makes it look bigger.
It sounds like we have all had the same weather Sallie. It's been so wet and miserable here.
Good to have you back Ann. The motorways are a nightmare when it's bad weather,arn't they. The lorries don't help the situation either. I sometimes wish that they were not allowed on the same roads as cars.
But thats asking the impossible.
I wonder what has happened to our Jean,she has been very quiet lately.
I hope she and J are o.k.
A big HELLO to Marie,Huia,Liz and Debbie.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 7 Dec 2009 17:48

Hi al

We are back now, we had one fine but cold day, the rest were wet. We enjoyed the break, the hotel was busy and the entertainment good but the food was not as good as it has been before. had a nice room on the 4th floor overlooking the marina. The journey back up the M5 was pretty atrocious, very wet and lots of spray and idiots with no lights.


Sallie Report 7 Dec 2009 17:45

Hi, just looking in to see if there was anyone about and to say a quick hello. Hope everyone is okay. I wonder how they are getting on with Mo's kitchen, I hope the weather is better there than it is here, this afternoon we've had rain, heavy at times.

Ann, hope you and OH enjoyed your weekend at Torquay.

Well, that's it for now, Alun wants to use this laptop. He's doing a website for the model railway club, so needs to get on with it.

Take care! Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 6 Dec 2009 21:33

Hi Everyone,

I hope that you are all okay. It's been very quiet on here over the weekend.

Mo, thank you for your Christmas card, we've received quite a few now, so it's starting to feel like Christmas. We've been busy this weekend, we've been changing over rooms, our dining-room is now our lounge and vice versa. With the help of Jennie, Michael and Janet's son-in-law, we got it done yesterday. Today, Jennie, Michael and Alun decided that I needed a craft room, so I now have the room that use to be Richard's bedroom as a craft room. Not sure about it though, as I always used the dining-room to do scrapbooking.

Ann, hope you enjoyed your weekend away, and that the weather was good.

Marie, I'll be in touch with you later on, I've been writing my Christmas cards this evening, trying to get myself organised. So now I can send all the cards tomorrow.

Jean, how are things with you and J? Hope you have finished your Christmas shopping.

Huia, glad you got rid of the mouse. We don't know what happened to ours, we put some bait down in a bait station, and we haven't seen it since. I'm hoping that he went out while the back door was open. We shall see!

Mo, good luck for this week, and that it all goes well, with no problems.

I hope everything is okay with Debbie and her family, we haven't heard from her for a while.

Speak to you all soon.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Dec 2009 20:37

Hello one and all.
I hope you are all well. I thought I had better pop in,to let you know you may not see me,for a couple of days,as my son is starting my kitchen tommorrow.
Total chaos is reining at the moment. I don't know what we will be eating
tommorrow,it may have to be a take away,snigger snigger,as I will not have a hob or oven to use.
We cant move in the dining room for boxes.
Does this ring bells for you Jean.
But it should all be finished by Tuesday night,thank the lord.
Bye for now,love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 4 Dec 2009 23:04

Jean, I got the e-card fine and was able to open it although it took a while to load.



JustJean Report 4 Dec 2009 21:45

Bit of advice Mo, cover up as much as you can use anything bed sheets cut open black bin bags, put what you can in bags, that way there may be a chance that you will avoid all the dirt and dust, I look forward to getting your pics, it will all be worth it,.....

Marie my e-mail wouldnt get through either,would you be able to share your christmas letter with us all on here? dont worry if you cant, .sent you an e-card and that hasnt got through...weird...I could understand if we had never exchanged mail before but we already fingers crossed, we will keep trying....

have a nice weekend everyone, hope it keeps fine....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Dec 2009 18:56

Marie,the attachment would not open. I could not open it,thinking it was me being stupid,so I aked my son to do it for me,and he said it has not
been sent. Oh I was so looking forward to reading it.
I am so pleased that you are feeling a bit more like your old self.
We have not heard from Debbie lately,I just hope all is well with her and her family.
Liz,have you ever watched "how clean is your house" with Kim+Aggie.
My god,I think I live in a palace compared to some off the people on there.
I can live with being untidy,but not filthy like some on that programme.
Jean,my kitchen is supposed to being started on monday,so fingers crossed for me.
And to top it all,he who must be obeyed,has decided that we need a new boiler. And that it should be fitted before christmas. Oh my lord,all the chaos thats going to be happening here,can I move in with someone else.
I have just put my decorations up,and finished my tree,but now I feel like taking them down. I am not looking forward to all the upheaval.
Sallie,how are you today. Have you been gadding off out again. I hope so,
thats the type off news I am happy to read from you.
It looks like poor Ann is not in for good weather,for her weekend away. But
she will enjoy herself I am sure.
Big~~~~~~~to Huia,hows you mate. Any more mews on Phil.?
See you all later. Love to all. Moxxx


Huia Report 4 Dec 2009 08:30

These rejections of emails are probably because you are on hotmail? I know some of the English servers dont want to know about hotmail. I had to get another email addy when I could no longer contact or be contacted by an English relie.

Huia (who has another email addy for safety).


JustJean Report 4 Dec 2009 07:42

Marie, it has just been rejected, so will you p.m. your e-mail addy to me please I must have done it wrong. I have had photos off you so cant understand why its refused Jean xx


JustJean Report 4 Dec 2009 06:38

Morning Marie, and friends, I have had stuff off you before Marie, so I wonder what went wrong, I will send you a e=mail just to see if you have the right one, hope I dont get left out in getting your letter....

Guess what folks we now have a leak in the boiler !! we also bought a large cupboard for the bathroom to store all the stuff that we took out when the washer and tumble dryer were put in, and the flippin door has fallen off taking a huge chunk of the side with it back to the drawing board.....
funny thing is we have painting still to do and neither of us can whip up any enthusiam to get off our bums and do it...years ago we would have had it all sorted right away, but not now.... I am so fed up still having boxes of stuff waiting to be put away, right moan over....

Have a good weekend lovely peeps,

love Jean xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Dec 2009 03:12

Marie, thanks for the Christmas letter, it was brilliant and lovely to hear about your family etc.
I have always said I will do one but never get round to it, so end up scribbling frantically in many cards to let people have updates lol

I usually get one from a friend's cat, they live in Texas and the year I don't get one will mean the poor cat has left the family, she is getting on now so won't always be writing to me to tell of the family's escapades through the year.

Sallie, have pm'd my address.

Huia, I am sure everyone will understand why you haven't had a chance to do the usual cards and let's hope next year will be calmer for you in every way. I too wish I was more organised, used to be till I got involved here with this dozy person!

Watched a programme last evening on bbc2 called Wonderland, it's been an interesting series, and this one was called (I think) The trouble with mother! Omg, it could be me in a few years time altho I do hope I keep my teeth better than the lady in the programme. Her home was chaos, she had the same hoarding problem as I have so her son is wrong, it isn't just pianists and talented people who hoard lol Poor man, she was so unkind to him tho and I do hope I am not that bad to my lad.

Take care everyone, and Ann, enjoy Torquay.



Zack Report 4 Dec 2009 01:21

Hi Its Marie again,
I forgot to tell you Mo I got your e-mail, very good I think she would be grounded for life.
Love to you,
Rudolph LOL.


Zack Report 4 Dec 2009 01:12

Hi All, Some of you should have received my Xmas Letter by Now ,but unfortunately June yours bounched back Huai yours did the same thing.Mo did you get yours? Sallie I will send yours as soon as I get your Addy.I have heard from Marilyn she is having a lovely time ,will be back for Xmas. Weather Report:::=== Fine, Windy, Very hot in the SUN, ok in the shade Xmas Shopping all Done yipeeeeeeeeeeeeee Cards All sent except the ones that bounced back D---m. I only have to wrap the Presents
LOL I feel good for the first time in months the dark deamon that takes over has been drowned in Xmas Spirit. HUIA I felt just like you in 2008/9, I had no desire to do Xmas I was in the clutches of misery so dear dont worry you will come out into the light in your own time. I am going to post my Xmas letter to you .
Has anyone heard from Deborah lately I would like her addy, so that I can send her my Letter.
Well folks I have to go and shift the hose. Love to you all
Marie the Rednosed Reindeer LOL.


Sallie Report 3 Dec 2009 22:24

Ann, enjoy your weekend in Torquay, I hope it won't be too cold there. Both of you take care and have a good and safe journey.

Love, Sallie.x