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10 Dec 2009 07:56 |
Hi all.
Please take care of yourself Liz, we would all hate to see you vanish from the boards.
I visited Phil this morning. He was asleep as usual. I will have to try to get there at 6am, but then I think the visiting hours dont start until 10, and anyway I dont fancy leaving home at 5am. I did some shopping back in Papakura, bought a couple of rugs for the bedroom as the mats we have in there were given to us 50 yrs ago. These rugs are larger. We dont have carpet. It is much easier to clean with rugs.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
10 Dec 2009 05:19 |
Sylvia, you must have been so chuffed with yourself for walking to the coffee shop Hope you can do things like that again soon but not so you do yourself a damage! Huia, hope the eyes will be ok again soon, I think you have to stick a note up to remind yourself that mowing makes your eyes sore so not to do it! Great that you can find someone to come and do that chore for you. Take care.
I was on tablets for the vit d for two months before I had the jab, it was supposed to help more as of higher strength and to last for a year so going back on tabs probably won't help unfortunately. I have had this tiredness for a long time now about 11 years and it's connected to the fibromyalgia as I never wake up refreshed which is due to not having the right kind of sleep for long enough. I also have chronic fatigue syndrome which is often linked to fm.
Ann, I never know from day to day how I will feel so do what I can when I can and try to do something that will shut him up to make life easier lol Yesterday I left him a note to switch the washing machine on before he left for work, as it was all ready for doing the sheets etc then when I got up (he brings me up a cuppa before he goes at 1.30pm and sometimes I get up soon after or sometimes I fall asleep again, have to sleep when I can as well) Anyway I came downstairs about 3pm and the machine hadn't been switched on, so it was late when I got things out to dry and had to have them hanging round lounge as it's the only room with any heat source, try to have them out of his way when he gets home as he moans and groans, don't know if he thinks I have a blasted magic wand that can dry laundry, he moans if I use the drier because of the electricity and in truth, I prefer not to use it except for towels sometimes. ) Then I washed a coat and fleece jacket to freshen them up, did some Christmas cards and cooked myself dinner, made a phone call and cleaned an electric radiator/heater I saw on gumtree and sent him to buy, so he can fix it in the bathroom for the winter. It's so cold in there since he took the other heater out (there is no gas central heating here!) He still hasn't finished the decorating or tiling and the rest of the things from two years ago when he started fitting a shower over the bath and redoing the room, the dirty old carpet is still down, walls are dark brown which was the colour his wife chose to have them painted when they first moved in, in the early 80s and then he papered over them in a tile effect paper, never had proper tiles in there before! We have the new paper to put on which we got months ago but he has to sort out a bath panel and finish tiling round the sink and decide on the colour for the top half of walls etc etc. It all has to tone in with a yellowy gold bath suite, Sun King it was called when it was new! lol I bet he will finish it in a hurry if his scrounger son manages to get the money to bring his wife over from N.Y. next year! So you can see I do get several things done but didn't get out again which I wanted to do, my day is half gone before I start lol and that's partly the reason I have the vit d deficiency, cos I don't see much daylight in winter. I want to go out today and do some shopping etc and then write lots more cards - it's easier when he isn't here to concentrate and write them all, have about 100 to write but almost all are for the uk now and just one for Malta after I have checked on how my son's Nan is doing so I know what to write in the card. Well I had better finish off on here and get to bed soon, he worked late cos some machinery broke down and the relief chap couldn't do it on his own, so he stayed on a while, not getting home till almost midnight. Means he will sleep a bit later today and then be pottering about making his food for work and doing some more recording of old cine film onto a disc for his sons, he spends hours doing things like that but does do a few discs of prorammes I have recorded and want to keep too so I suppose I mustn't complain. take care all love to those I haven't mentioned,
10 Dec 2009 04:09 |
Hi MO and everyone
Just had another lovely day here ........... sunny and blue skies, but at or below freezing. The s**w word has been mentioned for the weekend.
Have just got back to doing a bit more walking .............. on Monday I walked the half-mile or so down to the coffee shop to meet OH in the afternoon. That's the first time I've done that for literally months ................ he's either come home to get me, or I've taken the 2 buses that go round the other 3 sides of the square that's involved, and take about twice as long as for me to walk the 4th side!
I managed to do it yesterday and today ........ but I was a little sore again today, so I may have to watch it tomorrow (Thursday).
Slow but steady. That's me!!
Hope you are all well
sylvia xxx
Mo in Kent
9 Dec 2009 16:16 |
Sallie,as you put it,waffle as much as you like,it helps to talk. Sorry you had another bad day yesterday. But talking it out with the therapist,may be hard for you,but could eventually bring to the fore,what it is that is ailing you. Keep fighting this thing,we are here for you love. Jean.(BIG HUGS) Thinking off you,and praying for you also. It's good to hear from you. Be strong. Hi Ann,I have not forgotten you. Hows things your end.
9 Dec 2009 16:06 |
Sorry, that was supposed to be quick and I've waffled on and on!
Love, Sallie.xx
9 Dec 2009 16:03 |
Hi Everyone,
Just a quick look in before I go to do food shopping, not a job I enjoy.
Jean, lovely to see you on the thread, Ann speaks for us all when she said we really miss you on here. Just take care of yourself and hope your problems, whatever they are, will soon come right. My thoughts are with you. Glad you received the card, and yes, next year I hope to make my own cards, Jennie also wants to make cards, so we'll start by making some together, although Jennie is a bit like Alun, not very artistic, so we'll wait and see how she goes.
Mo, pleased you received the card this morning. I hope that I'll be able to make them for next year. I haven't had a good few days, felt worse yesterday after speaking to the therapist, although she's very nice, as Ann suggested last week, I think the therapist helps bring things to the front of my mind. We'll wait and see! Mo, just like you I've always started my Christmas present buying in January, but not this year, I only started a few weeks ago, and still have a few left to buy. You made me ckuckle when you told us about when your grandchildren opened their presents. Nearly forgot to ask , have they finished your kitchen? Hope they have.
Ann, hope eveything is alright with you and T, and that you are all organised for Christmas. I'm hoping to get Alun to scan the scrapbook pages into the computer tonight so that I can send them to you. It's a job I can't do myself, so have to wait for him to do it for me. When you said that you thought that the hotel in Torquay wasn't as good as the last time you were there. I found that with the hotel we stayed in, in New York on 7th Avenue. We stayed there for a week in 2005, and then again in 2007, and I don't think it was a good. The rest of the family thought it was okay, so maybe I'm just fussy.
Liz, hope you will soon get organised. As I've written my cards this year I posted them and given them out to friends and family. I think thats the only way I could cope this year. Have you still got more presents to buy? Hope you get on alright at the doctors next week. It's got really difficult trying to make an appointment at our surgery. Alun has to see the nurse, but he was told when he rang up yesterday, that to make an appointment with the nurse patients have to ring between twelve and two o-clock. So he wasn't a 'happy bunny'.
Huia, you seem to be very busy with the choir. I hope your eyes are feeling a bit better. It looks as though cutting the grass has made your eyes worse. Please be careful! Hope Phil is a bit better and awake when you visit him. I'm thinking of you both!
I sent a pm to Debbie, it's been opened but haven't had a reply. I hope her and the family haven't got swine flu, I know some of the childrens friends had it. Hope all is okay with you and your family.
Sue, Marie, Marilyn and Grace hope you are all alright.
Must go now, might look in later. Take care!
9 Dec 2009 14:46 |
Lots of prayers and positive thoughts winging your way Jean, thank you for letting us know you are OK. Come back to us soon we miss you and care about you. xxx
9 Dec 2009 14:41 |
Hello everyone, sorry I havent been on lately lots going on at home, most of it not good....but thats another story.... Sallie thank you for your card, next time you can make dont all get upset if I am not on as usual. but I have reason for it... when things get better as I am sure they will, given time, I will be back...I would be very grateful if you would say a little prayer for me, I am finding everything hard to cope with at the moment....just thought you deserve some explanation....I will keep looking in from time to time...
love to you all.Jean xx
Mo in Kent
9 Dec 2009 13:46 |
I hope that the doctor can sort you out Liz. If the flipping jab did not help would tablets be any better,do you think. You certainly cannot continue like this,it's wearing you out. As Ann said,make your OH do his share. Listen to me,who's OH does B-all. But then I have always been organised,like starting my christmas present buying in January. And wrapping them as I buy them. When the grandchildren open their christmas presents,on xmas day,I am as surprised as them,because I always forget what I buy them. Huia,it definately sounds like you are suffering from hayfever,if your eyes started to play you up,after cutting the grass. Defo a good enough reason for getting the man in to do it for you. Just make sure you shut all the doors and windowsw,whilst he is cutting it though. You have got a few busy days coming up,so enjoy yourself,without overdoing it. Sallie,thank you so much for the lovely card,I received it this morning. How are you today? Have you been out and about shopping.? Big ~~~~~~to Jean,Marie,Sylvia,Debbie, Marilyn and all our cyber friends. Speak to you soon. Love Mo xxx
9 Dec 2009 09:29 |
Goodness Huia, thinking about all that makes me feel tired too. But you are filling your time with lots of things to do and I am sure you are enjoying most of them, they will fill the emptiness left by Phil not being with you. Hope he is awake when you visit.
Liz, try and make a list of the things that need doing that day, sometimes things look overwhelming but are manageable if broken down into bite sized chunks. Don't start by thinking "all this must be done today", think I will do a couple of things today. If your OH needs things doing that he is unable to do because of work add them and slot them in when you can. But if he is giving you things he can do in his time off make a list for him too and say you haven't got time to do them. Ticking things off on a list, even simple things like 'make the bed' gives a great sense of satisfaction. And if you are still tired do what you would advise others, go and see your doctor.
9 Dec 2009 08:39 |
Hi there all.
I have been reading the boards each day but havent posted much lately. Life can be a bit hectic at times. I had a visitor on Monday and the man came to mow the lawns but I forgot to ask him to do the one down the bottom so after my visitor went I decided to do it myself. It took me an hour, with much sweating (yes, I have spelt that correctly). That night when I woke in the small hours I thought my eyes felt a little weepy. Tues I went to town all day and my eyes were sore and weepy so I went to the chemist to get some antihistamine drops, also got a free sample 2 tab packet of antihist. tabs. All that lawn mowing seems to have aggravated the eyes again. Good excuse for paying somebody else to mow the lawns.
Today my sister and her OH came to visit. Tomorrow I am going to visit Phil again - just hope he is awake for a change.
I dont have anything planned for Fri or Sat but I might visit Phil again on Sun morning and then the choir has 9 lessons and carols service in the evening. I wont look any further ahead than that. Just thinking about it all makes me feel tired. Off to bed soon.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
9 Dec 2009 03:02 |
Thanks for the update on people Mo, I am all behind like the cow's tail as always lol so many cards to write and stuff to do and o.h. asking me to do this and that! I am getting really tired again, the vit d jab doesn't seem to have done any good so have an apptmt with the doc next Monday, the only day she does afternoons or evenings so lucky to get one before Christmas.
Haven't seen our Huia post for a while - I hope all is ok with our friend in NZ Love to all too many to mention, hope to see Marilyn after Christmas when she gets to Norwich
love Lizxxx
8 Dec 2009 22:40 |
Jet lag, horrible, takes ages to get back to normal.
Mo in Kent
8 Dec 2009 22:00 |
Yes Ann you saw correctly. She has gone to bed to catch up on her sleep. It's such a long journey from the states isn't it.
8 Dec 2009 21:56 |
Did I see on the friendly thread that Marilyn is home again?
8 Dec 2009 20:30 |
Thanks Mo, I was getting concerned as I had even e mailed Jean and still not heard and it is not like her to be quiet Lol!!!!! As long as she is OK then, no problem.
Mo in Kent
8 Dec 2009 20:23 |
Evening everyone. Just to put your minds at rest,Jean is fine. She sent me a p.m last night, and she has been so busy,that she has not had time to pop in and see us What with all the work she had done,it is taking her a little time to get everything sorted. One or two things were not as they should have been, and had to be sorted out. So she sends her love to everyone,and will be back with us soon. Sylvia,how observant off you to notice that Sallie had the 1,400th posting,I had not seen it. I knew you would have known some off our friends on here Sylvia. They certainly get about,especially Ann,she is a proper little poster on these boards,love her to bits we do. And Sallie is as quiet as a mouse,but she is such a good friend to us. And our Jean,well what can say about Jeanie. She is the reason I started this thread,as she was there for me when I needed to bend someones ear. Our Huia in NZ,is our singing lark. And Marie in OZ,keeps us all up to date with what is occuring over there. And we would be lost without her. Her friendship means a lot to us. And then we have Debbieand Liz who pop in and see us every so often. But we welcome most people with open arms,and friendly hearts. Oh and I nearly forgot our Marilyn,(god she will never forgive me if I forget her) she is our traveller,who goes all over the world,and tells us what is happening there. I will say bye bye for now. Love to you all. Mo xxx
8 Dec 2009 17:21 |
I wonder where Jean is, maybe she has PC trouble as I have not seen her on here at all. Is anyone in phone contact with her?
8 Dec 2009 00:57 |
and I've just noticed that Sallie's posting was number 1400
Congratulations MO!
Thank you all for the welcome. It did seem a very friendly group when I read through the postings.
Ann ......... it seems so long since you had that thread going! Although our paths have crossed many times on other threads.
Sallie ......... yes, I have "seen" you on various other threads
sylvia xxx
8 Dec 2009 00:06 |
Mo, pleased to know that your kitchen is coming along well, I'm sure it will look lovely when it's finished.
Ann, I know what you mean about some idiots driving with no lights on in such weather conditions. It's amazing how some drivers have no concern for their own lives, alone anyone elses.
Hello Sylvia, welcome to the thread, there are some very nice people on here, as Mo's said it's a lovely friendly thread where we all help and look out for each other. I have seen you on Susan's thread, although we didn't actually speak.
I hope all is well with Jean, she hasn't been on for a few days.
We still haven't heard from Debbie, I hope things are okay with her and her family.
Good wishes to Huia, Liz, Marilyn, Sue and Grace.
Speak to you all tomorrow.
Love, Sallie.xx