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14 Dec 2009 07:20 |
Morning Sylvia, Marie, and all...thanks for your hugs very welcome, also doing the trick. things are easing now,the kitchen is now painted,just a few finishing touches to do,bathroom sorted, bedroom sorted... just me to get sorted are now going to a church much nearer to where we live, we used to go there about 20 years ago... it was just like going home...lovely fellowship.... Marie, my daughter hated going to see Santa, so much so we stopped taking her, my friend always plays Santa at the church, and his little grandson said to him in a loud whisper," its alright grandad I wont tell anyone you are not really Santa"... and then proceeded to tell him what he wanted for
Hope Debbie looks in , we miss hearing about all the activities her family are involved in....Marilyn is quite too, not like her at all !!! waves to Sue , Sallie, the lovely Mo.and all....
love Jean xx
13 Dec 2009 23:10 |
Hi all
It snowed today ................ started about 10 am and fell slowly for the next 4 hours or so. We have a couple of cms on the ground
OH went out with the bucket of special salt and distributed it along the garden path and steps, and along the sidewalks outside (we're on a corner lot, so we have a sidewalk (pavement?) on two sides). Then he went across the street to do the same for our neighbour who was taken to hospital mid-week with a heart attack. They're only in their mid- to late 80s!
As a result, the sidewalks are nice and clear, and will not need shovelling.
Almost all our Christmas cards have now been posted ..... we're just left with the Canadian ones. Did have to contact a second cousin in OZ by email to find out if she knew her mother's new address (bit of a difficult situation there) ................ got a reply within a couple of hours. They had just been to the funeral of her mother's husband. He'd been suffering severe dementia for about 10 months. I knew he was ill last year, and he was also very strange when we were down there in 2006.
I am close to the second cousin (close in age as well) ........................ she said they'd stayed with her mother for 3 days and it had been very very difficult. But then her OH said "remember she's 83 and a bit mad"!! lol!!
Which is true. My OH says he's glad that I've got the mad rellies ......... it gives him ammunition for various talks he gives!
take care everyone xxx
13 Dec 2009 22:47 |
Sorry folks I get to the bottom of the page and it jumps all over the place so I decided to submit and do some more I am a little worried about Debbie ,I know she is a busy lady but it is not like her to not pop in for a chat. Special HUGS for you Dear June ((((((( HUGS )))))) and for any one who feels like a hug ((((((((((HUGS to ALL ))))))))) I must be off as I could do with some Breakfast LOVE to Sylvia in Canada,Huia in Kiwi Land,******Purple******Sallie hope you are feeling stronger, ****MOxmas**** From Marie from DOWN UNDER
13 Dec 2009 22:21 |
Hello Everyone, I had a great time at the Xmas Party for the Child care centre all the children were so excited and their little concert was lovely the girles played and Danced all the time. They had a local primary school band playing xmas carols & the 2 of them spent most of the time dancing. When Santa arrived Abigail was scared,,they had to sit and wait for their name to be called out to come up and collect their present from Santa. Emily stood as close to him as she could & didnt take her eyes off him, we all enjoyed watching them,their father Jason was with us which made it special for them. I see from the posts that Debbie has not contacted any one, I hope all is well with them she is always so busy but it is not like her not to pop iin for a chat. Mo is that the son who lives with you? is your kitchen finished.
Mo in Kent
12 Dec 2009 19:30 |
Hi girls,just another quickie. Just to let you know,that I am fine. Still sweating and swearing. Not looking forward to monday,when they come to do our boiler., it's cold enough now let alone without us having any heating at all on monday,and possibly tuesday and wednesday. Got to go now,son is waiting to use his lappy. Love to you all. Moxxx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
12 Dec 2009 01:01 |
Jean, don't worry about me, I am ok. Didn't get out to shop,got woken by the phone twice, and it was cold callers I think, as they rung off and it was a strange number, starting 0800 (didn't call back despite it looking like a freephone call) O.h checks the bills and the numbers so not worth causing a row if it wasn't free. I had to call K with a message at work about another call and told him I wanted to go to the shop when he got back. On his return, he said I was asleep again so he didn't wake me! Instead he went to the garage and fiddled about with dismantling the old microwave to take it to work and dump piece by piece in the rubbish skip there, he won't take it to a recycling place as he can't be bothered but can waste all that time and energy dismantling it and such. The time went by and he forgot to wake me - I woke up at 5 to 6pm, so much for going shopping. Even that wasn't good enough tho, I kept dozing off on the sofa around 9.30pm - think it was because the room got warm with the gas fire on - can't be anything wrong as we have a carbon monoxide detector and also two doors into the room either side were open to the hall and kitchen diner and the open plan side of the stairs lets air out and up. I have days like that but had he woken me I would have pushed myself to get up and do some shopping locally. When I complained, he started shouting and yelling at me that it wasn't his job to wake me up, wonder what he would say if I said that when he has forgotten to set his alarm for work!
Sylvia, have a safe journey and a wonderful holiday with the littley.
Mo, tell your son F. Christmas won't leave him any pressies if he is mean to you and won't lend you the use of his laptop lol
Marie, hope you will be ok and that Brian's Mum can be helped to get well and have lots more time with her family.
Ann, if there was a way I would do it, because I have a house already I cannot get anywhere else to live and no energy to sort the house out while I feel the way I do, and no money to pay for another one as would have to pay rent and such so am trapped for the while. I could go to the D.V. people and would get a place in a hostel but I couldn't bear that, and wouldn't have even the freedom I have now, things are ok, when he is at work.
Love Lizxxx
Mo in Kent
11 Dec 2009 19:36 |
Hello,guess who,I am on my sons lappy. Cant stay long as he is waiting for it. Just thought I would pop in and say hello. My lappy is going to be in hospital for 7 to 10 days,so if he lets me I will be back to see you from time to time. Love to you all. Special HUGS for Jean{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}}}}}} Marie,Sylvia,Sallie,Huia,Liz,Debbie hugs to you all. Love Mo xxx
11 Dec 2009 17:25 |
Hi All,
Mo, hope it won't take too long to repair your lappy. We really miss you on here. Hope all is well with you and the family.
Jean, lovely to hear from you and pleased to know that you are slowly getting there, and hope that all will be sorted very, very soon. Just take care of yourself!
Liz, glad you received the Christmas card. I don't know any Neves, but then again I know quite a few people, but don't know their surnames. Do they actually live in Ilkeston? If so, which part do they live? I hope you managed to get your shopping done.
Sylvia, nice to see that you are all organised for Christmas. I wish I could say the same-- never mind, I'm sure I'll get there, hopefully this weekend.
Marie, hope the bushfires will soon end, it must be a very big worry for you all. I also hope the farmer and his son will get well, a very worrying time for their family. Sorry to hear about Brian's mum, lets hope that they have caught it early enough and that there is something they can do. Hope Emily and Abigail's concert went well--I'm sure that you enjoyed it. I love watching a children's concert, they are so natural and some are quite serious--they are a joy to watch.
Huia, how are things with you today? Hope choir practise is going alright. Will you all be singing traditional Christmas carols and songs. I once went to a Christmas concert where they didn't sing hardly any carols at all, there were quite a few people that were disappointed, myself included. I'm afraid I'm very much of a traditionalist, and not just at Christmas. Hope Phil will be okay when you visit him, and that he will be awake, so at least he can see you there, and of course it will be a lot nicer for you to see him awake.
Ann, have a lovely weekend with your daughter and her family. Speak to you when you get home. I hope you have a good and safe journey there and home again.
Debbie, worried that we haven't heard from you for a couple of weeks. I hope eveything is alright with you and your family.
Sue, Marilyn and Grace thinking about you all.
Speak to you all soon. Take care!
Love and best wishes to you all.
11 Dec 2009 15:21 |
((((((hugs)))))) Jean as requested.
Marie and Sylvia good to see you both on here, hope you can stay safe from the fires Marie, and from the snow Sylvia.
Sallie many thanks for your card.
Liz, I really don't understand why you can't find a way to leave him if he makes you so unhappy, there must be a way!!!
11 Dec 2009 12:30 |
Hello, everyone, still not sorted yet, but getting there. really came on for a few hugs if there are any spare.... also wanted to say welcome to Sylvia, very nice to hear your news..... big waves to Marie and Huia~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~X Liz thanks for your p.m. will answer soon....Hope you are feeling more like the Liz we know and love...
Sallie, Debbie, Marilyn,Sue, Grace , Ann lots of love to you all....
And not forgetting, Mo, hope the lappy gets fixed quick missing
love and prayers Jean (or as Marie calls me June lol)
11 Dec 2009 04:01 |
Hi Everyone including Sylvia from Canada, It has taken me some time to read the last 3pages of posts,and I like Huia get dizzy trying to remember what every one has said. Mo I got your email I was able to open the pictures but not the untitled letter, I hope you get the puter repaired.I was sad to hear of your grand daughters news I will mention her in my prayers.We have also had bad news Brian, my son-in-law found out last week that his mother has colon cancer she has been to a specialist this week and we should get some more news sometime next week,Lorraine is her name and she is only 60yrs.,& she is such a lovely lady.Sallie you are doing well to manage keep up the good to sparkly Ann,Hello Liz you are busy also. Has any one heard from Debbie ????June I am thinking of you hope everything is sorted very soon. You may have seen on the news that we have had bushfires all over NSW and yes only 20klms from Bathurst. a Father & son (farmers )were burnt very badly& were Airlifted to Sydney We have had Water bombing Helicopters Going overhead our house for Days in an effort to control the Fire,unfortunately the high winds are making it very difficult to control. We had a storm last night it wasnt much but it may have helped ,as I havent noticed any smoke to-day. I must finish as I have to attend a picnic at the family day care centre that Emily & Abigail go to, they are putting on a concert,and the girls will be singing it should be fun. Love to you all , Marie the Red Nosed Reindeer
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
11 Dec 2009 03:40 |
Mo, I am so sorry to hear about your granddaughter and hope things go ok for her. I get so angry at mistakes made by doctors, they can be very lax and inefficent sometimes, can't they? Thank heavens your gdaughter pushed for tests.
Huia, don't worry I will do my best to stay online as much as I can over the next few weeks, due to renew gr in Feb and definitely plan to stick around! Hope you get to find Phil awake when you next visit, it's such a shame but I suppose better he is sleeping than upset or something. There was a programme on last evening about singing with Alzheimer sufferers, apparently singing is good at delaying the symptons so keep up with your choir Huia! It was very moving to see the couples together and dancing as well some of them. Such an awful illness.
Mo, throttle him?? not half? I watched the above programme and saw how close some of those older couples were, even while one of them had Alzheimers so wasn't really with it, the love was so deep it was a joy to see. Out in the city I saw couples shopping and enjoying the hustle and bustle and wonder why I ever got attached even as slightly as I did, to o.h. He has no idea how to be supportive, or joyful. When we used to go shopping together in the early days, late 90s, he would either walk away to go to the loo without telling me and I would be standing there looking round for him like an idiot, or he would make an excuse he wanted to go to the loo and scoot off for a drink at the nearest pub. Then when he finally came back and I had been standing in one place in the store waiting for him, or when I finally found him, he would be stupid or aggressive because of the alcohol. Some times when he has disappeared without a word or said he was going to the loo, he would be gone a while and so I would get a message put out on the tannoy to get him to go to the customer services desk. He is wise to that now tho so ignores it and rarely carries his mobile with him, if he does it's usually switched off!
Sylvia, that will be a lovely change for you over Christmas with a littly to share the magic. Have a great time.
Sallie, thanks for the pretty card, it was at my house when I went last evening to pick up mail, there was a huge pile behind the door lol The house next door has been sold at last, I miss my neighbour who lived there, maybe I would have stayed at my house more had she not moved out as I used to do a lot for her and she would let me use her bath as I had no hot water. Hope there are some nice people moving in there. The last owner let it out, but only to an employee of his at his restaurat so wonder who will be there next.
Btw, Sallie, you live in the same area as my late cousin's widow and some of her sons, do you know any Neves?
Will not be on much tomorrow till late evening as o.h. on different shift and I might try to get the bus to the city as it's free, he takes the car on Fridays while he is on this 9-4 shift, cos he won't cycle through the busy traffic at 8.30am or again at 4.10pm. I did get some of my shopping done yesterday but couldn't get to some places as too far to walk from where I had to park the car - this time I can get the bus to almost outside the shop I need and then walk around a bit getting other items to get the bus at a different stop. Also means I will be out when uglymug gets home so he can chillout after work for a while and might be in a good mood when I get back.
Ann, he wouldn't change the Sun King suite as he hates white bathroom suites, I never realised when I first met him what a strange person he was, has some very odd ideas, no style at all.
take care all, love Lizxxx
11 Dec 2009 01:30 |
Hi Mo, and everyone
you will be missed!! We'll have to keep our fingers crossed that it doesn't take long to get your 'puter repaired.
I'll be away all over Christmas
We fly north on Dec 22 to spend Christmas with OH's sister, returning on the 28th. She lives about 500- 600 miles further north, as the crow flies .......... we're definitely assured of having a white Christmas!
There'll also be a "littly" as her middle daughter and husband have just moved back to that town, and they have an 18-month old. Long time since we've had a Christmas with such a young 'un.
It also means that we won't decorate the house, or have to get in and prepare loads of food :)))
very cloudy today, never got above -1C ........ and "they" are talking 15-20 cm snow possible over Saturday and Sunday.
I'm just hoping that it will do what it usually does ..... bypass Vancouver!!!
sylvia xxx
10 Dec 2009 21:24 |
Ooh Mo, you will be missed, it will be quiet on here as I am away for two days Saturday and Sunday too, taking the Christmas presents to our daughter's.
Mo in Kent
10 Dec 2009 20:53 |
Hello my friends. This is just a quicky. I am on my son's lappy,as mine is going in for repair tommorrow. The charger has decided to pack up,and one off the buttons has given up the ghost. Thank goodness,we have got the insurance on it. So I will bid you all cheerio for now. BUT I will return as soon as possible. I shall miss our chats,and all off you as well. Take care my friends,speak to you as soon as I can. Love to you all. Mo xxx
10 Dec 2009 19:56 |
MO, like all the others I am sending my best wishes to your granddaughter. I just hope that the results are the very best Christmas present she has ever had.
To everybody else who has a problem, may you also receive good health for Christmas and the New Year. Anybody without health problems also has my very best wishes for a Happy Christmas and wonderful New Year.
Sorry I cant comment on things others have said, I get dizzy scrolling down to see who has said what and up again to type - I dont have the magnificent memory that enables me to read it all and then remember what was said and by whom, while I type up here.
10 Dec 2009 15:59 |
Hi Mo, I'm really sorry to hear about your granddaughter's cancer coming back, I hope that the operation she has will remove it once and for all. Please give her my very best wishes, I'll be thinking about her.
Love, Sallie.xx
10 Dec 2009 15:30 |
Sylvia, an achievement for you by walking that half mile, well done. Don't envy you the prospect of snow.
Sallie, just do a little bit each day, it will get done, and I am sure that they wont notice when they come for Christmas, especially if you have some decorations around, difficult to clean when the decs are up isn't it?
Liz, well you got a good bit done then by the looks of it. We had a sun King suite here when we moved in 1992, soon got shot of it and had a cream suite though as it made our fairly small bathroom very dark.
Mo I am so sorry to hear about the return of your granddaughters cancer, christmas Eve is a strange day to have to have it done, wonder why they didn't try and fit her in before. Is it a day visit?
Mo in Kent
10 Dec 2009 14:47 |
Good afternoon everyone. So good to hear from you. Well done Sylvia,keep plodding slowly but surely. By this time next year,you will be back running like a spring chicken. Keep your spirits up. Liz,do you feel like me sometimes,ie,throttling him. Do you know,I firmly believe that their laziness,starts during their childhood. My OH was an only child,and consequently was really cosseted by his mum,bless her. She would have still been wiping his backside,at 16 if she had had her way. It made him what he has become today,totally reliant on the woman in his life,ME. LOL Huia,I don't know what to suggest about Phil being asleep,during your visits. Would the nursing home be able to suggest anything do you think. Perhaps,if they know you are coming to visit,they could reduce the tablet that is making him so drowsy. What colour rugs did you buy for the bedroom.? Well,I have news at last,re my grandaughter and her cervical cancer. The darned thing is back again. She has to go into hospital on christmas eve,to have it removed. She also has an enlarged ovary,and they think she may have polycistic ovaries. Apparantly,when she went for her last check up,they removed some off the cells then,but they have come back yet again. Oh my god,when I think that her flaming doctor,would not give her,her smear test in the first place,I could scream. I just thank god she is such a stubborn mare,and insisted on it being done. Sorry to load my worries on you all. But god willilng,she will be o.k. Love to you all. Mo xxx
10 Dec 2009 13:36 |
Hi All,
Huia, sorry that Phil was asleep again when you visited him. As you say you can't visit too early in the morning, besides the visiting hours starting at ten, it would be far too early in the morning for you to travel there. Just hope he'll be awake when you go to see him next time. How are you and how is the choir practise going.? It's good that you are able to do something that you enjoy doing, you're also meeting others and it helps to break up your day. Good luck with the concert!
Sylvia, glad to hear that you have been able to do quite a bit of walking over the last couple of days. Try not to do too much though, slowly but surely. I hope you don't mind me asking where in Canada you live? Alun, my hubby, has a cousin in Vancouver, and a cousin of mine lived in Toronto for quite a few years.
Liz, you seem to have a lot of thngs to do. Like you I'm trying to keep the washing and ironing up to date ready for Christmas. Richard and his girlfriend Christie are coming to spend Christmas with us, they are coming on Christmas Eve, after work, so am trying to get organised by then. Not an easy task when suffering from a ' funny ' head. You know what I mean, don't you? I hope you feel a bit better and less tired, so that you can get most, if not all your jobs done.
Jean, I'm hoping and praying that things will be better for you very, very soon. Thank you for letting us all know why you won't be on very much in the near future. Just look after yourself and take care.
Mo and Ann, how are things with you both today? I hope everything is okay! I'll speak to you later, I've got to try and wrap a few more Christmas presents.
Love and best wishes to you all. Love,