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18 Dec 2009 13:03 |
Hi All,
Sorry I haven't had time to 'speak' over the last couple of days. Between trying to get extra jobs done and we've had a few visitors, it's been a bit chaotic here.
Ann, hope the weather is okay there and that Daff has arrived safely. Please give Daff my love, and hope you both have a good day. We had some snow yesterday, which is still down, although we haven't had any more, it's very cold here.
Mo, how are things with you? I hope your heating is now working as it should be. I'm hoping the weather will be alright tomorrow, as we are going accross to Stoke-on-Trent to meet Alyson, so that we can exchange Christmas presents. We are meeting in a pub we usually meet in, for lunch, so we're looking forward to that.
Jean, so pleased that things are getting right at home, and that you are feeling a bit better. Did you get your Christmas tree decorated? Hope J and your daughter are both okay. Alun and I are going down to S. Wales on Wednesday to deliver the Christmas presents, and also to take the Scrapbook to my mothers cousin. I'm afraid it's a bit late for her birthday, but I wanted to give it to her myself, so that I can see her reaction when she opens it. I didn't want to send it through the post in case it got lost or damaged.
Marilyn, is your hubby feeling any better? I hope you don't get it, too! Not sure if you are home for Christmas or going away.
Sylvia, you reminded me of my own childhhood, we use to have a little electric fire in the bedrooms. My mother use to switch them on a short while before our bedtime, so that mine and my brother's room were warm when we went to bed. We thought it was wonderful!
Huia, hope all is well with you. We haven't heard from you for a while.
Marie, how are things with you? I hope the bushfires have stopped now. I bet the children are getting really excited now, waiting for Santa to come.
Still haven't heard anything from Debbie, ii's not like her at all. Just hope everything is okay with her.
Liz, how are things with you? Hope you've finished your Christmas shopping. I've still got one present left to get for Jennie and Michael, but have to wait for Alun to take me to the Garden Centre to get it. So hope it will be over the weekend.
Sending Good Wishes for Christmas to Sue and Grace.
Well, I'll speak to you all soon.
Love and best wishes,
17 Dec 2009 21:50 |
Sorry I deleted I messaged twice ....Marilyn x
17 Dec 2009 21:49 |
Hi Everyone,
I did a Christmas dinner yesterday for my family and it went very well,I bought a bottle of Champagne ...(very rare)... Anyway today I made a stew with the Turkey carcass , and it was so delicious plenty of vegetables ,and put whatever I could find that made it srummy , marmite, tin of lentil soup, stock cubes ,anything !! LOL I wont remember any of the ingredients ever again !!
So I might even freeze some for a later day.
It has been really sunny here in Devon, but its turned cold tonight . I noticed some of you have had snow......please don't send it my way.
Hubby has the flu .....and don't I know it , He will NOT go to bed, so I could end up with the same even though I have had the flu jab ,but at least I WILL go to bed ,no problem there ..LOL
Bye for now to give his Lordship a mug of hot lemon.
Marilyn xx
17 Dec 2009 21:25 |
Hi all
having had snow and freezing temperatures ....... we now have pouring rain and temps around 10C!
I well remember those days of having an open fire and no central heating! But the house we moved into when I was 11 not only had an indoor bathroom .............. someone had also installed gas fires in 2 of the bedrooms.
Of course, as the youngest child, I got the bedroom over the hall which didn't have a fire. It got flippin' freezin' in that room! Although Dad did get me a little electric fire one particularly cold winter.
My brother married a year after we moved, they came to live with us, but after they left about 18 months later ........ i got to move into "his" bedroom.
Dad was lovely ................ he had to leave for work about 6 am, but he would take Mum a cup of tea in bed and turn on the gas fire so she could get up in the warmth. Then he would creep into my room and turn on the gas fire for me!
I'm afraid I'm spoiled now! We don't have the heating on very high ..... we have it set at around 20C, most people have it about 25C. We actually have friends who bring an extra cardigan with them because they find our palce too cold. It's the ability to move around the house without freezing that I like.
I think we now have most things done. I've got to get OH to pack a small parcel to send our daughter and her husband ... they wanted money to buy something special this year from a place in their town this year. I know what they wanted ..... but it was far easier to give them the money, than for me to try to order it on the web! But I do like them to have something to open on Christmas morning.
Then I've got to organise which presents for who to go north with us ................ and think about clothes to take! We elave next Tuesday and will be away about a week.
take care everyone xx
17 Dec 2009 21:25 |
Hi all, Sallie, we go to our son's on Christmas Eve and come home the day after Boxing day (Sunday).
Very cold wind here today, we went into town as I had a chiropodist appointment, my face was frozen when we got home.
I am hoping the weather is not too bad here tomorrow as Daff is coming for the day, her OH is dropping her off.
Hope you are pleased with your tree Jean and glad you are warm again Mo.
17 Dec 2009 20:05 |
Hi, Mo, so pleased you have some heat, its quite cold here and there has been a flurry of snow.... I have great problems with snow and ice, I tense up when walking which is a recipe for hope it doesnt last long otherwise I wont be going how is Roly doing, hope he is o.k. what have you got planned for Christmas? we have a few outings organised which is nice , meal out Christmas Eve, and also New Years Eve...the pub we eat at is very good and the Christmas meal is very good value, J and I have been today, and I had turkey, roasts, veg.,stuffing yorkshire pud wonderful gravy best I have ever tasted...J had beef with all the trimmings, pot of tea for two £ good... the Christmas menu is £10.50, but it includes menu choices and starter and dessert, tea or coffee. so something to look forward to...
Hi to everyone , Sallie, Debbie, Sue Liz ,Marilyn, Ann, not forgetting our lovely friends Marie and Huia, and nearly forgot Sylvia in Canada... hope everthing is running smoothly for you all... off to put the tree up and some decorations...speak again soon...
love Jean xx
Mo in Kent
17 Dec 2009 19:04 |
Hello everyone. Well girls,the heating is back on,thank goodness,I just hope and pray it stays on now. No snow here just yet,but according to the forecast,we are due some overnight. So guess who wont be going out tommorrow. Very quiet here tonight,all on my own. Son has gone to his works christmas party,Roly out to darts,so it's just little old me,able to watch what I want on the telly. And guess what nowt much on,thats typical. I hope you are all well,and nice and snuggly wrapped up in the warm. Take care off yourselves,speak to you soon. Love and best wishes Mo xxx
Mo in Kent
16 Dec 2009 20:45 |
Hello,my lovely friends. Just to let you know,I have still not got my lappy back,so I am this dratted thing again. Our heating was finished by lunch time.We went shopping at 12.00,came back at 2.OOp.m,and the house was cold. We tried to reignite the boiler,but no good. Plenty off hot water,but no heating.We rang the company,and they sent out a fitter,and guess what,we have a faulty part. Thank the lord we have got the gas fire still,or we would freeze to death. We have had snow today,it's not laid thank goodness.. Hope you are all well. Cant say much as this flipping lappy is throwing me all over the place. Bye for now. Love and miss you all. Mo xxx
16 Dec 2009 09:02 |
this stupid site, I wrote a long message to you all and the thing just disappeared....
Hi Marilyn, Ann, I remember. when I was little we had an open fire, it was lovely and warm, but when you moved away from it it was so cold we didnt have central heating in those days....I hope Mo has her heating sorted strange how things break down at the wrong moment, just when the cold weather worsens.... so hope she is managing to keep warm...miss her when she isnt around, I was thinking when we had the original thread on, so many folk came and shared with us, I felt it brought us all closer together, we became a lovely cyber family , and there were a few peeps who said how lonely they were and it was great to be part of it all.... so for all the srangers who became friends. it would be lovely to hear from you again, I pray that you all have the best Christmas ever and an even better New Year, much love to you all, counting our blessings and remembering those who dont seem able to do that...J and I want to thank you for the love and support you have given us over the last year,
much love Jean xx
16 Dec 2009 08:50 |
Hi All,
I've got quite a lot to do today, so thought I'd have a quick look in before I start.
Lovely to hear from you Marilyn, and hope that you are feeling warmer. Are you at home for Christmas? I know you told us what you are doing, but I'm afraid I can't remember what you said. Put it down to old age
Ann, it will be nice for you and T to have your daughter and son-in-law to stay for the New Year. When do you go to stay with your son and daughter-in-law? Richard our son, works for a well known music store in Windsor, he was telling us that the store seems to be doing okay despite the way things are in the country, so that's good considering the company closed a nearby store a few months ago.
Jean, hope you have almost finished all the decorating, and that you have managed to put your Christmas tree up. We put ours up yesterday evening, didn't feel like bothering, but we are having all the family for Christmas, so I had to make the effort.
Mo, how are you getting on with all the jobs to be done in your house? I hope they have now finished putting the new boiler in for you. Are the family coming to you for Christmas?
Well I'd better get on with some jobs! Speak to you all later.
Love, Sallie.xx
15 Dec 2009 20:26 |
You start celebrating down there early Marilyn. If we don't 'see' you again have a lovely christmas and New Year.
15 Dec 2009 19:12 |
Hi Everyone....
Just thought I'd pop in before it all kicks off here in Devon for the Christmas Festivities.
I am home here in UK and finding it too cold .
Never mind all heating is on and my lovely Log fire is flaming away .. LOL Hope you all have a lovely Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
Marilyn xxxx
14 Dec 2009 19:02 |
Ann, p.m. sent.
14 Dec 2009 17:34 |
You will get there Sallie.
14 Dec 2009 17:33 |
Hi Ann, I hope the dentist will be able to sort your tooth out on Wednesday. Glad you enjoyed your weekend with your daughter and her family. I've still got a few more presents to get, the problem is knowing what to get for the ones left to buy for. All the other presents are sorted and wrapped, and all the cards are posted. It's been a bit of a struggle this year, but I'm almost there.
Love, Sallie.xx
14 Dec 2009 17:22 |
Hi Mo, Lovely to see you! So glad to see that they have finished the kitchen for you. I bet it looks really nice.
I feel a bit better after speaking to the therapist today, thank you Mo. Today was my third session with her, we decided between us that we will continue for another three and see how things are then. Maybe, I'll need to go back to see James, as what improvement there is, is very slow. So we shall have to wait and see. I speak to her next on 4th January--Alun is off from Friday, we have a few things to do next week, one of which is going down to visit my brother and family in S. Wales. Speak to you soon.
Love, Sallie.xx
14 Dec 2009 16:45 |
Hi all, Sally, thanks for asking, we had a lovely time with daughter and family at the weekend, the boys (well only two of them there the other is away at uni), still seem genuinely pleased to see us even at 21 and 17. The younger one is working weekend in Debenhams on 'stock control' which means he is restocking all the gift displays as they sell out. he says there is only one pallet left in the store room then they have sold out of everything in the gify line (this is Winchester), not sure if that means they have had a particularly good year or that they under ordered!!! Greg wears a T shirt with the words 'ask me' on, I asked him if he got asked anything and he said, "yes, usually where are the toilets?" How did it go with the therapist?
I have had trouble with a tooth that keeps bleeding so have made an appointment with the dentist for Wednesday, think I need a season ticket this year! But I didn't want trouble over Christmas if there is an infection there.
I now have finished buying wrapping and delivering presents except a couple of friends and the ones we take with us to son's. I even have all OH's wrapped. He was at golf this morning so an ideal opportunity.
Jean, are you pleased with the colours you chose for the kitchen? Glad you have it all finished and that you are starting to feel better in yourself.
Sylvia, please don't send the snow our way, although it does look pretty. I had not realised that you were in Vancouver, nice town, spent a couple of days there on the start of our fly drive to the Canadian Rockies and would like to return.
Mo, good to see you manage to get on here sometimes, how long before you get your PC back? what was wrong with it?
Marie, the concert etc all sounded lovely, Christmas is a time for the children isn't it and lovely to share their excitement. Debbie, if you are looking in I hope all is well with you and the family and that your absence is not because you have all gone down with swine flu. If you can, please pop in and let us know you are OK.
Ann Glos
Mo in Kent
14 Dec 2009 16:30 |
Oh this blooming lappy,it won't let me type much before it slips off the page,and I lose it. This lappy belongs to the son who is living with us at the moment. I have lost the page I was answering now,so if I forget to mention you,please forgive me. How did it go with the therapist Sallie. I hope she has not left you feeling blue. Jean,I am so glad your kitchen has now been finished. It makes you feel much better when it's out off the way doesnt it. Mine feels like I am in a new house. The boiler people have been here all day doing the change over.It will be finished tommorrow.Thank the lord. Hi to Huia,Liz,Debbie,Grace and Sue. Love to all. Moxxx
Mo in Kent
14 Dec 2009 16:21 |
Hello everyone. My word look at what I have been missing,all you lovely people on here,chatting away,and me missing out on it. Oh Marie,I love the childrens xmas nativity plays at school.Many a time I have had tears streaming down my face. Not all children like father christmas,and I am not really surprised. I certainly would not like to sit on a strange mans knee,(well not when I was younger anyway),after all we do warn children not to talk to strangers, and what do we do,we expect them to do, exactly what we tell them not to do. Sylvia,I do hope that the snow has now gone. We are supposed to be getting some by the weekend,yuk. Your OH is very good to the neighbours,can he jump on a plane,and pop over here and do ours.
14 Dec 2009 10:33 |
Hi Everyone,
Thought I'd just have a quick look in before I start doing some of the jobs that I have to do today.
Jean, nice to see you, I hope that all will soon be right with you. I bet your kitchen looks lovely now that it's finished.
Marie, just like Abigail, I didn't like going to see Santa when I was a child. Jennie, my daughter, was frightened when she first seen him, but after that she was okay. I sent Debbie a PM over a week ago, it's been opened, but I haven't had a reply. I hope everything is alright with her and her family.
Mo, hope you and your family are all alright. Have they finished your kitchen yet? I hope they have, so that it all looks nice for Christmas. I nearly forgot, that you're having the new boiler fitted today, hope it all goes well. It will be nice when your laptop is repaired, we miss seeing you on here.
Sylvia, hope you haven't had anymore snow. Are you all ready for going away next week?
Huia, I hope everything is going well with you, and that your eyes are now feeling a lot better.
Liz, are you getting organised for Christmas? I got a good bit done towards it, yesterday. So I'm slowly getting there. I think we might put the Christmas tree up this afternoon.
Ann, I hope you had a good weekend with your daughter and her family. Alun and I are going to take the Christmas presents down to my brother's in Abergavenny a week on Wednesday and also going to visit my late mother's cousin, so that I can give her the Scrapbook--I didn't want to send it through the post.
Marilyn, we haven't heard from you since you're home, hope all is well with you and your family.
Sue and Grace, it's a good while since we've heard from you both. I hope all is well with you both, and with both your families.
Must finish now, the therapist is ringing me later on this morning, so I'd better try and do a couple of jobs before she rings. I never seem to be very good after she's rung.
Speak to you all later.
Love, Sallie.xx