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30 Dec 2009 14:14 |
He didn't win Jean but said it wasn't too cold.
30 Dec 2009 13:33 |
Ann, still hard set snow at the back of the house, but now it is very windy ,cold and there is sleet mixed with rain.....ugh...I hope T did well at the golf he deserves it going out in all the rain and cold,....
love Jean x
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
30 Dec 2009 13:09 |
Oh bother, just typed a response and lost it!
Off to get ready now - see you soon Marilyn - have you got your red gloves lol
love Lizxxx
30 Dec 2009 12:25 |
Hi all Marilyn and Liz enjoy your chat this afternoon. Liz I would think that not having a treadle machine is probably good news for you, wherever would you put it Lol!!!!! I used to use a treadle at school and remember how easy it was to accidentally get it going in reverse Lol!!!
Jean hope your snow soon disappears, none here at all just mucky rain. And OH is playing golf, they must be mad!!!
Sylvia, welcome back, sounds like a typical family Christmas !!!!! Like us you were pleased to get back in your own bed.
30 Dec 2009 11:42 |
Morning all,
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas.
We had a lovely rowdy one...LOL
I'm in Norwich until Monday and then peace and quiet back in Devon before I go off to Cyprus for a couple of weeks.
I hope to meet Purple Liz this afternoon for our yearly coffee ! I hope she can make it ,I need a good old chat as much as Liz does ..LOL
I'm a bit fed up of playing Ker-Plunk and Snakes & Ladders and anything that's worthy of a child game !!
Here's hoping you all have a lovely NEW YEAR and behave yourselves LOL
Marilyn x
30 Dec 2009 06:01 |
Morning Liz, and Sylvia, its very windy and wet here, the snow at the back is still solid, and now its quite slippy, but if it keeps raining it should soon be gone, Liz, what a lot of great gifts you got, even oh did you proud.... J and I usually wait until after the festivities before we buy each other gifts, not that we really need anything, but I am sure I will be able to find
Sylvia, how do you cope with it being so cold, I cant bear the cold weather and we never have it as cold as you !... in fact I rather go to pieces at the mention of bad weather, !! but you certainly seemed to have enjoyed your Christmas parties.....hope the next year will be a good year for you ....
love Jean xx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
30 Dec 2009 03:30 |
Hi all, not feeling 100% yet, that fall shook me more than I realised but have been plodding on doing what I can, someone has to lol, no one else offered to cook or wash up on C.Day or since, and I had to drive my son home too as o.h. was 'too tired' translate that as a bit over the limit!
It's been raining hard here all evening but the snow has been gone for a while now thank heavens. I haven't been out far since C. Day but will be venturing into the city by bus later today to meet with Marilyn for an hour. It will be good to talk to someone other than o.h., he's been a real misery guts some of the time but better now he is back at work, except he is using the car which makes it more difficult for me to get out.
I must apologise to those who received cards late or not at all, I was doing fine with writing cards till the fall and then everything went a bit pear shaped so some people's cards are still waiting to be written.
Do take care when out and about, Alll good wishes for a Happy Healthy New Year
love Lizxxxx
Huia, I am using the old Singer sewing machine given me by one of my great aunts when I was 12 so hevens above, fifty years ago! She used it as a housekeeper to Sir Henry Wood, when she was in London. She and her sister returned to their native Norfolk on retirement, well long after that really, as they were quite elderly by the time they came back to live here, two spinsters with wispy hair and crocheted skull caps - now I know where I get my thin hair from. i have made all sorts of things with the machine but I should have had another aunt's singer treadle machine that was passed to Mum for me. Mum in her wisdom gave it to my s.i.l. not for sewing but cos it would look good in the hall way of their old rectory! Never forgiven her for that, there was no discussion, it just disappeared from Mum's lounge one day and when I asked about it, was told it's new home. I tried to get an electric machine the other day from Gumtree, it was only £15 but the person had sold it to someone else before I could arrange to go and fetch it, thanks to o.h. needing the car for work. Have to hope my old one keeps going as I still use it now and then for curtain making and other little jobs.
30 Dec 2009 01:39 |
Hi everyone
We got back yesterday. A bit of a mixed trip .............. very good on the whole but there were odd moments here and there!!
The 17 month old had a great time, not too many presents ...... but she is one of those that opens a present and plays with it for quite a long time before wanting to look at anything else. One grandma (Dad's mother) couldn't wait for her to open ALL the things, so kept dragging the child back to open more and more!!
My sis-i-l (Mom's mother) was all goo ga, and finally ended by asking her son and his wife when they might have a child ...... just as they were discussing the dog they hope to get in the next week or so. Son immediately said "Just leave it there Mum". I said that I had never asked my daughter when she might have a family ................. because it really was none of my business. Sis-i-l was not too pleased with me! But her d-i-l thought I was great!!! Oh well!!
There was a foot or more of snow on the ground, but we only had a sprinkling one day. The coldest was about -20C on the day we arrived, then it didn't get below about -11 or -12C overnight, and about -7 or -8C during the daytime.
We all got some very nice presents ..... I got 5 books (that I had actually bought myself and then given to OH so he could give them back to me!!), and OH got a couple of warm shirts.
It's good to be back, and in our own bed .................. sis-i-l gives us her bed, but it is very firm and my back doesn't always like it, especially when we can't get out to walk.
Now for a quiet New Year, just the two of us, and a nice steak dinner!
We always take our decorations down on 12th Night ..... except we didn't put any up this year!!
I always used to hate doing that ........... my birthday is the next day and as a child, I used to want the house to stay decorated for my party.
Hope all those who have been sick are now better.
29 Dec 2009 20:35 |
Jean, I love my decorations and never want to take them down, it always looks so drab afterwards.
Mo I am sorry that you had a rotten Christmas, hope you both feel better soon.
What a nuisance that they are still waiting for the part for your laptop. Makes you wonder if they actually ordered it in time doesn't it?
Mo in Kent
29 Dec 2009 20:04 |
Hello my lovely ladies.I have managed to grab the lappy from my son for a while.We had an awful christmas,I am afraid. We have both had the flu,and I have been to the doctors today for some anti-biotics.I think we spent most of the evening,clock watching,and wishing the family would go.We have never felt that way before,but none off them went home before 11.15,we were exhausted. The snow here has all vanished thank goodness.We were snowed in for about three days,even though Roly did manage to get the car off the drive, eventually,to go to the airport to pick friends up. Went to see if my lappy was ready for collection,and they are still waiting for spares.Just my luck isn't it. It was lovely catching up on all the news.And if I don't get the chance to pop in again,a happy new year to you all. love and best wishes to you all Mo xxx
29 Dec 2009 19:54 |
Lol, I never wait till 12th night ,I was curious to see if it would revert back with no problem, it did so it seemed silly going back to the christmas name... the decorations will also be put away after New Years Day.Ann, I like it tidy and clear for the new year....but I understand why others prefer to keep them up...each to their own.....we had a neighbour who kept hers up all year until they were that grubby her dau threw them out....
29 Dec 2009 16:03 |
You have gone back to your original name early Jean, mine will stay until 12th night.
Very wet and cold here today but no snow so far, don't know if the high spots of gloucester have had any. Daughter has just booked our holiday for a week the end of March to Andalusia so that is something to look forward to.
29 Dec 2009 12:48 |
Here I am, Maria, glad you had a good Christmas, ours were a bit spoiled with too much snow couldnt move out we still have some ,but the rain shifted a lot of it....I am like you dont wish to be very young,but around 50 / 60 was certainly fitter strange to hear how pleased you were with the rain, we are pleased when it stops !!!!
Have a good New Year and keep chatting to us, we love hearing what you get up to....
Thought I would see if I could get back to my original board name and as you see I can....
take care and love to everyone....
Love Jean xx
29 Dec 2009 08:30 |
Hi Huia, where is everyone I guess they are Hibernating after all the Xmas pudding and brandy sauce HO Ho Ho. How are you Huia ? I hope you had a nice Xmas My xmas was lovely the Girls were so excited and they were thouroughly spoilt with so many presents. We were given the wonderful present of Rain it rained all day and also that night ,it fined up on boxing day ,then it poured all night on boxing night so everything is soaked which is lovely. I used to sew but now I just do the repairs and also curtians if needed. I find I can buy my clothes cheaper especially at sale time.I found i could also sew better for others as I found it so hard to do the fitting for myself. How is Phil,?I hope his pelvis is improving & that he is awake when you visit. .I dont wish to be young again I wouldnt mind being 60 again.and feeling as healthy and fit as I was then especially if I was retired and had money to travel Yes! that would be good. Well I must think about getting some Dinner. Barbara liked the Calender.I hope you sleep well Huia . Love Marie.(Ps I also made my own wedding dress) xxxxx
28 Dec 2009 18:17 |
Hi all. It is a rather misty morning here.
I dont do a lot of sewing these days, but I feel lost without a machine. I have made most of my clothes in the past as I am a weird shape and the bought clothes arent made to fit me, besides which I like pockets in my skirts and bought ones dont have pockets. With my figure I look better with blouses that are not tucked into skirts. I am very hippy with a (comparatively) small waist so if I tuck the blouse in it emphasises my broadness. I am also a saggy Aggy and my boobs come down to my high waistline. That is hidden to some extent by the blouse-outside look. Oh to be young again. Actually, I did make my wedding dress and the bridesmaid's dress on mums treadle machine, so it cant be all that bad.
28 Dec 2009 14:29 |
What do you make on your sewing machine Huia? If we were nearer you could have mine, I never use it now, too lazy and too engrosed with other things.
Had to go to T**** this morning to get hgings in for New Year, all well in date so no problem and it avoids the mad rush on NY Eve. Lots of bargains to be had too if you had a large freezer, I bought a few bits but my upright freezer is full so couldn't buy more. Also bought wrapping paper for next year, a sweater for me and a couple of shirts for T.
28 Dec 2009 14:20 |
Hello everyone,have you all eaten more than you should, I I bovvered...Mo where are you?ask your son nicely to let you pop on for a minute.....
Huia, glad your eyes are easing, mine seems o.k. now I wont be wearing mascara again... is it warm in your part of the world? bit cold here... dont like it....pity we dont live nearer I have a spare sewing machine, won it , but I have a good one so havent used it...and I dont do much sewing now, just shortening sleeves and pants.....dont tire yourself out with all that you seen Phil lately? how is he? have a great New Year.....
Love Jean xx
27 Dec 2009 08:10 |
Hello all. My eyes dont have that bruised feeling when I wash my face in the morning and they dont feel all mushy as they did before. They are still bloodshot but I hope that will go in time if not sooner. And today I felt a bit more like doing things. I have been so lethargic. I think it might have been caused by depression over the state of my eyes. I go back to the clinic on Wednesday for a follow up.
Not so good, when I tried to do some mending my sewing machine jammed. I think it has finally had it. About 3 years ago I had it fixed and was told it might not last much longer and parts are hard to get :((( After I go to visit Phil tomorrow I will have to look at sewing machines. All I want is one that does straight stitching and zigzag. The one I have did all sorts of fancy stitches but I havent used them for ages. If I cant find a machine that is cheap enough I will have to make do with mums old treadle machine, but it doesnt do zigzag.
27 Dec 2009 06:47 |
Morning folks, hope you all enjoyed your Christmas day, we had a great meal compliments of D, she made it all , it was lovely... I havent done much of anything, we were still snowed in up to yesterday now its raining and the snow is going, thank goodness, I hope this all we are haveing... now I am looking forward to hearing all about the pressies you all got, but I do miss my lovely Mo, hope she is back on soon, Ann should be home too, so we will have some more newss , I love a natter dont you? Huia and Marie may come on and let us know how their Christmas was....
have a good day ...Love Jean xx
24 Dec 2009 06:29 |
Happy Christmas, Mo, and all our friends, Sallie, I havent been out for over a week..... the snow has been bad here, and more during the night, we should be out for a meal tonight, cant see us going, cant get the car out.... still not a problem, we have plenty to eat and drink.have a great time with your family and speak to you soon...
Hugs and love to Marie, Huia, and Sylvia overseas.....its been lovely hearing from you all, have a lovely Christmas and a Happy New Year....
Debbie, Sue,Marilyn, Grace all the lovely peeps who first came on,we wish you the best of everything.....
Love Jean xx