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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 18:45

Huia,thanks for this, i will get someone to check that out, you never know may, just be the answer....I do hope will let you know how i get on...

love Jean xx


Huia Report 3 Jan 2010 18:17

Jean, I think my foot control was repaired - carbon build up was removed.

Going to visit Phil soon for his 80th birthday, although strictly speaking he wont be 80 yrs old until this afternoon since he was b in England and you are 12 hours behind us.



GRMarilyn Report 3 Jan 2010 17:32

Hi .
Ann..... the shop is in Plymouth and they sell all singer spares, I have not been there for a while well 18mths ago to be honest as I bought a leather belt for my machine,only for decoration purposes , so I can show off and tell everyone that admires my treadle machines that they WORK !! LOL

Jean ....I haven't heard of that name before Frister Rossman but if you get no joy in looking for a new control I'll ask at this Singer shop next time I pass it.

I have just had my lovely hot bath an feel new..... dinner next !


JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 17:03

Thanks Marilyn, my models are by Frister Rossman cub 3 and 4, they are lightweight machines and have a number of embr stisches, they make great buttonholes , I mainly use the zigzag ,and the buttonholes, I used to work at Singers, as dressmaking teacher, then moved to an independant seller we sold all the top makes inc mine which was hailed as very modern for the weight and size , it has been a wonderful machine, I have made many many things done all sorts of repairs.... thats why I bought a spare when I saw it, but not much use unless I can get a new control....

You sound all warm and snuggly, I love an open fire....

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2010 16:37

Is that the Singer shop in Paignton Marilyn


GRMarilyn Report 3 Jan 2010 16:25

Hi all my lovelies ..!!

Just traveled back from Norwich to Devon its taken us 6 hrs !

But the house was now hubby has put heating on FULL BLAST ..LOL
The wood burner has just been its getting back to normal.

I see you have been talking about sewing machines...well I have 2 Singer treadle the old type with the ornamental foot peddle and with the leather belt I use one for my TV as a stand and the other one is upstairs with a spare lappy on as a desk .
Jean what were you looking for on your machine ?
only there was a shop that sold all sorts for old machines.I could look for you......if you wish ?

Going to have a nice hot bath now to get my blood circulating ..LOL


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2010 16:16

Yes thank you Jean we enjoyed our New Year with daughter and son in law, especially as he did all the cooking. They went home after lunch which threw my plans a bit as they had said they were going home in the morning, not that I minded but I was all prepared to take the decs down and theyw ere sitting around reading and drinking endless cups of tea and coffee.


JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 14:46

Hi, Ann have had a look, just upset that I have a new one with no foot control, but found a site that has older controls , so sent an e-mail to see if they have mine.... there is a friend who used to work with a compny who repaired sewing machines so tried to contact him, but no reply as yet will try agian on Momnday.....thanks for your help....hope you are both well,and enjoyed your New Year get together....

love Jean x


AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2010 10:28

Jean why don't you look on your local free cycle to see if anyone is offering a machine? Or e bay.


JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 07:14

Morning Sylvia and friends, Just read the carers thread and Huia was telling how her sewing machine kept running ,its so uncanny how the coincidences happen I need to shorten some sweater sleeves always to long, got them all ready to sew, did about three and it happened exactly the same as Huia , motor just ran on its own, only way to stop it was to unplug, I had bought a newer version of the machine I have, at a car boot sale, some time ago just in case my original one broke J reached it down for me now I cant find the flippin foot control so left with two machine and one duff control.... worst thing is the make I have is no longer in production, so stumped....I just need a foot control.....was hoping not to have to buy another machine.....grrrrr.......

Huia will be thinking of your visit with Phil, hope you can have some time with him awake....

love jean xx.


SylviaInCanada Report 2 Jan 2010 23:06

Hi MO, and everyone

Mo ..... it does seem to take longer to do laptops.

We bought a laptop about 18 months ago. It was pre-loaded with Vista, and we just couldn't get it to work, so we took it into our local computer shop (called GoGo Geek). It took them almost 2 weeks to offload the Vista and load Microsoft, then get it working ...... it turned out there were a couple of programs that were also installed that they couldn't a) find out what they did, and b) to get rid of them!

Raining and about 9C here ....... so a typical warm 'n wet Vancouver winter day!



Huia Report 2 Jan 2010 23:02

Hi there MO and others.

MO, my doc sent me to see a specialist at the acute eye clinic in Auckland, supposed to be the best place in NZ for eye care. He gave my eyes a thorough look-at and decided I was allergic to one of the substances in one of the eyedrops that I was using for glaucoma. Since I stopped using those ones (he prescribed a different one) my eyes have felt much better, although still a bit bloodshot.

Phil turns 80 tomorrow, the 4th. I hope he will be awake when I visit him. A lot of the time he just sleeps and I come home after half an hour. Our son will be 50 a week later, and I will be a year older too :((((


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Jan 2010 21:42

I am testing girls to see if I can get back to my usual name.
Hooray it's worked. Love to all Mo xxx


JustJean Report 2 Jan 2010 20:31

Hiya hun, so pleased to see you back , we are o.k. except for being snowed in again, it is very bad here we managed to shovel some of the snow away, now the dam stuff is back again....ugh.....freezing though... I dont want to move out of the house at I am not going to there.....
not sure about our Sallie , maybe the family are with her, I am sure she will be in touch soon, we havent heard from Debbie for a while, again she is probably busy with the family, they are all missed come back you lovely peeps, we need to hear the gossip, well Mo

take extra care , love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Jan 2010 19:44

Oooops, now I can continue,this blessed thing keeps throwing me out again. Has anyone heard from Sallie lately?I hope she is well.
A BIG ~~~~~To Jean,Marie,Sylvia,Huia,Liz,Marilyn, Ann and all our friends.
How did the meeting go Marilyn+Liz,did you have a good natter.
Huia,how is Phil doing? and are your eyes any better.
My thoughts go out to Sylvia and Marie,who are both suffering from different types of weather to us.We are dry but chilly here in Kent.
How is my Jean+J doing,I hope you are both well. I have been missing talking to you.
Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Jan 2010 19:34

A very happy new year my dear friends. Sorry for the lack off being on here.
Still have not got my lappy back.I have got smoke comimg out off my ears,
with temper.How the heck can it take so long to repair a laptop,it was a lot quicker when my mother board went on the blink.
I hope you all had an enjoyable new years eve. We went for a meal out,with the family.It was a really good night,and the children thoroughly
enjoyed themselves letting ballons go in the restuarant,and waiting to see who they landed on.We did witness a fight on our way home,oh my lord,when people have a skinful of drink they do some stupid things.Thank goodness the bouncer broke the fight up pretty quickly.
Have any off you made any new years resolutions.I dont bother,as I always
break them before the first day is through.


JustJean Report 1 Jan 2010 14:01

Hi, Marie, your time spent with your daughter sounded lovely, a peaceful day.... we went to our friends for a potato pie supper, it was great, good old british nosh... I took a fresh fruit salad, we have been friends for over 50 years, spend a lot of time together it is always a easy relationship, we can sit in silence and never feel we have to make conversation ,not that it stays silent for that is the mark of a close friendship I think.
quite cold here but crisp and sunny....have a good new year ....Mo has no lappy it is broken, she is trying to get it repaired but we do miss her...
hope everyone else is doing o.k. and keeping warm....heres to a very good 2010, for all of us... keep chatting to us .....

love Jean xx


Zack Report 1 Jan 2010 07:30

Hello to you all.
We have had rain again, it is New Years Day here in Australia.I spent New years Eve with my Daughter Barbara as Emily & Abigail are in Brisbane with their Father .

We spent the Evening sipping Wine & watching Anne of Green Gables, we got up this morning about 8:30am had breakfast then sat in our Pyjamas and watched the sequal to Ann of Green Gables, lovely ,shed a few tears but the ending was good.

Liz ,Purple, some one mentioned you had a fall, how did you manage that?? I hope you are much better ,I hope you had a nice time with Marilyn.
Sylvia I dont know how you can live in such low temps.

Hello to Huia Sallie Deborah, has anyone heard from Deborah?
Hi June and Mo I hope you all have a Happy New Year also Ann in Glos.

I hope I havent forgotten anyone, Love & Hugs to you all & thank you for your Friendship over the past Year, Marie from OZ.


JustJean Report 1 Jan 2010 00:19

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Jean xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 30 Dec 2009 21:44

Hi all

Raining and about 4C here!

Jean ............. re standing the cold. I would actually rather have it cold than too hot ....... one can always add clothes, but there's a limit to how much one can take off!!

In fact, in most parts of Canada it is a dry cold, and a damp cold feels much colder. Damp cold is what we have here in Vancouver, and what you have in the UK, and that really chills you right down into your bones.

The houses are warm ................. it is the very rare house that doesn't have central heating. In fact, I would guess that no houses except in the back of beyond are without ....... unfortunately that probably means many houses on First Nations reserves way up north. Secondly, we have very warm clothing, and I think we are better prepared for the cold weather than we ever were when I lved in the UK.

I'm sitting here now wearing a fine cotton/cashmere turtleneck (surprisingly warm!), gaberdine wool fully-lined trousers, knee-high socks, and a down padded vest. The room temperature is set at about 20C. If it was really cold outside, I would be wearing a thicker turteneck, and also silk-jersey long johns, and possibly a silk-jersey under top.

We'll be venturing out soon ....... want to do a shop-in this afternoon instead of leaving it all util the madhouse tomorrow!

Off for a mooch around
