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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jan 2010 20:04

Have a lovely time Sylvia,and come back and tell us all about it.
Don't fret about being a pessamist about our weather,it's been on our news all day about how long it's going to last.
Mind you,I can remember the winters we used to have as a child,when we had very deep snow.
But both Roly and I were most baffled the other day,a neighbour of ours,asked us if we remembered the bad weather of 1947. Considering I was only 1yr old then and Roly was three,we definately didn't recall it. But bless him,the neighbour said"Oh Ivy and I had been married years by then"
He is nearly ninety years old,but god preserve us,I didn't think I looked that old. But then maybe I do. Oh Oh,you watch our Jean now,she will pounce on me.LOL


JustJean Report 6 Jan 2010 19:59

Hi, Sylvia, Just added to your birthday thread, have a great day....

love jean xx


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Jan 2010 19:50

Hi everyone

I don't want ot be a pessimist ..... but one of our local tv stations is carrying a report from a UK weather forecaster that you might have this very cold weather for another 2 weeks.

I went online and looked at my hometown paper (the Oldham Chronicle) and it said that last night's low -10.2C was a record. Ouch that's getting cold!!

Mo .......... thank you very much for the birthday wishes. We're going to visit our friends on Vancouver Island for my birthday dinner etc, so I will be away from tomorrow until Saturday. It's easier for 2 of us to go there than 5 of of them to come over here! Anyway, we haven't seen any of them since before Christmas

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jan 2010 19:44

Beige is lovely Jean,it will match my slippers and grey hair.
I would like to wish our Sylvia in Canada a lovely birthday for tommorrow.


JustJean Report 6 Jan 2010 19:40

Mo, I am knitting you a shawl is beige o.k? have you got slippers

love( young at heart) Jeanxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jan 2010 19:00

The central heating is still working Ann. But I like to have the fire on as well. We have a fire with flames,and it is so relaxing to watch. I am sad arn't I,it doesn't take much to please me. LOL


AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2010 15:15

Goodness Mo it is all problems isn't it? Just what you don't need this time of year.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jan 2010 14:34

Good afternoon everyone,and cheeky Jean.
Well we got the snow that was promised,but fortunately it is not as deep as what I was expecting.
We have not ventured out and about today,it's to flipping cold out there.
Tommorrow,we have got the central heating people coming back to us.
When they disconnected the back boiler,away from the fire,we don't know what they have done,but we are having a terrible time getting the fire to light. The ignition switch does not seem to working as well as it did before,
they may have pushed it out off line. Still we will wait and see.
I hope to hear from you all later. Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 5 Jan 2010 23:09

Bring it on Mo,

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Jan 2010 20:36

Jean,if it is still bad tommorrow,PLEASE do not go out in it. We dont want you falling over in it.
And you, you cheeky monkey,will be praying for my lappy to break down again soon,coz I am going to be plagueing the life out of you on here.LOL


AnninGlos Report 5 Jan 2010 20:32

Good to see you back in the land of the living Mo. I send quite a lot of snail mail letters but I type them my writing is atrocious after a while of writing. Trouble is, over Christmas I had loads of letters so they are all waiting to be answered now. I have always written loads of letters but I do have to be in the mood.


JustJean Report 5 Jan 2010 20:21

Oh my gawd she is back, so no more quite peaceful conversations,still it was nice while it we sooooo missed you , Mo....and also our freinds from the channel isles, Marilyn is tucked up in front of the lovley log fire no doubt, who can blame her with this cold white stuff....ugh.....
J is watching the Stoke match and its snowing hard... we are quite at the minute, but more was forecasted. got to get some groceries so will have try careful out there....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Jan 2010 15:06

Cooeee my lovelies,I am back,and raring to go.
Oh my lord,how I have missed all off our little chats.
Thank you so much for your letter Jean,my responce is on it's way.
I was saying to Jean,how easy it is,to forget how to write letters,when one
has a computer. And yet most off us,were bought up in the age off letter writing.
The only problem is,if you are like myself,I forget how bad my writing can be.And it's only when you have finished,and you look back at what you have written,that you actually realise how bad your writing has started to look.
Puters make us lazy really,but never mind,we miss them when we have not got them.
How did Phil's birthday go Huia. Did any off your family go with you to celebrate,and most importantly,did he stay awake long enough to enjoy it.
It's good to hear that they have sorted your eyes out,at long last.
Oh Sylvia,fancy leaving the heating on all that time.Still never mind,at least your home was nice and warm.Our heating bill is going to be enormous,
the next time it comes in,but there is no way on earth,that we are going to get cold in these freezing temperatures.
I know we don't suffer as badly as you do over there,but Canada seems to be able to cope,far better than we do in this country. Once again,we seem to be running out off salt and grit for the roads,and yet we were warned ages ago,about this bad snap being on it's way.
Hi ya Sallie,I am so relieved to hear from you. I was starting to get worried
as I had not read any news from you.
I am so sorry to hear you had a few problems,over the holiday period.
And I do hope that they have not set you back to far.Don't forget love,we are all here for you,if you need a shoulder,or if you want to scream at someone.
It looks like most off the country seems to be covered in snow. But at the moment,fingers crossed,we are a snow free zone. I just hope it stays that way.
Has our Marie from Oz been around lately? I hope she is o.k. At least she won't be snowed in,will she. Mind you,she could be suffering from heat exhaustion,bless her.
A big hello to Marilyn,Ann,Debbie and all our friends on this thread.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 5 Jan 2010 12:43

Snowing hard here at the moment, not laying on the roads so far but it is on gardens.


JustJean Report 5 Jan 2010 06:30

Morning all, well we are well and truly snowed in.... we are on the busy A58 and there has been no gritting since early sunday morning, all the snow clearing efforts are covered again, seems most areas are like this too....
J is able to walk a few yards to the corner shop which is a very well stocked shop, so we will be fine, food wise, I see on the early news flights are suspended at Manchester..... do take care folks......I have decided to bake today, cheese and onion pie, spag bol. lasagne, bread, well I will try dont hold your breath though.......have the best day you can...
Huia, glad you had a lovely time with Phil, read about it on the carers thread,

love Jean xx


JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 21:56

Now i come to think about it I remember seeing the Singer shop in Paignton last year , we went to Torquay, and one of our trips out came back through the town and the traffic was held up right outside the Singer shop, isnt that a coincidence....I have photos of Paigntonof years ago, walking along the harbour we had no car then and came down on the coach, my little girl was so sick that I brought her back on the train....we stayed at Goodrington...
such memories and all from a broken foot



AnninGlos Report 3 Jan 2010 21:09

Hi Sallie, sorry to hear you had family problems over Christmas. I hope that 2010 will bring you big improvements in the situations. Happy New Year

Marilyn, yes we saw the shop about 3 years ago, at the same time we 'found' the home of the Singer family, can't remember the name of the lovely house.


JustJean Report 3 Jan 2010 20:38

Hello Sallie, we have missed you . sorry to hear not everything went smoothly for you, hope it is better for you now.... Mo, is still waiting for her computer to be repaired she also said both she and R have had heavy colds but were improving, she can only get on here when her son lets her use his puter....
but she sends her love to you as do I....

Happy New jean xx


Sallie Report 3 Jan 2010 20:30

Hi Everyone,

Wishing you all a belated Very Happy New Year! Haven't been on since before Christmas, as we've had a couple of family problems, one of which is now sorted, and hopefully the other one will also be sorted very soon. It didn't completely spoil our Christmas, but left a bit of a cloud over it. Needless to say, that it's knocked me back a bit, so I have to try and pick myself up again now. I'll do it, but it'll probably take a little while.

Good to see that you've all enjoyed your Christmas and New Year with your families and friends.

Does anyone know if Mo's lappy has been repaired. I bet she's really lost without it.

I hope you are all well, thinking about you all.

Speak to you soon.

Love and best wishes.



SylviaInCanada Report 3 Jan 2010 19:22

Hi all

The sun is trying to shine!

Marilyn's story of how cold the house was when they got home, reminded me of last Monday when we got home after 6 days away. The house was lovely and warm when we walked in but I didn't think much of it, until, after about 10 minutes, OH asked if I had already turned the heating on.


........ I forgot to turn it down before we left!

So it had been on, set at about 20C, 24 hours a day since we left!

I learnt to sew on one of those old Singer treadle machines with the leather belt, except Mum had got it enclosed in a cabinet.

Unfortunately, Dad gave it away after Mum died (without asking if I wanted it). I possibly/probably wouldn't have moved it over here ..... but I was annoyed at the time!

OH bought me a portable electric Singer soon after we arrived in Texas 'cos he knew I loved to sew, I made most of my own clothes in those days. We bought a cabinet for it after we got up here to Vancouver and a bit more settled. I still have it ............ almost 43 years old now, but hardly ever use it.
