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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 7 Jan 2010 20:52

Hi again, thought I'd reply while we still have the internet. It's really cold here too, as it is in the rest of Britain, and to make matters worse we have a slight problem with our central heating--something to do with the pressure, or so I've been told.

Jean, hope all goes well when J has his check up. Please give him my best wishes. Where are you thinking of going to for a few days--hope it's somewhere warmer than our country? Hope your daughter is coping alright with this weather and not having too much trouble getting about.
The last time Jennie saw the Consultant, she took Jennie off one of the tablets she was on because they were making her very tired, they were anti-rejection drugs. On Tuesday when she went for her eight week medication, she got a bad reaction from it , it made her sick, and then her tonsils became enlarged and she came out in a rash on her face. So she now has to see the Consultant again(who she wasn't suppose to see for a year) very soon. We'll have to wait and see what she says.

Mo, do you know if they will let your nephew know something after their meeting ? I really hope they do, the sooner the better. I'll be thinking about him and hoping that it will all turn out well for him.
Alun has managed to get to work okay this week, the major roads have been alright, but the side roads have been and still are like skid pans. He hasn't even gone to the Model Railway Club tonight.
I didn't realise that I was the 'little sister' after Debbie. Mo, you must be the next youngest then, because there is only about nine months between us both.

Well, I'd better stop 'talking' and go and do something else, like make a nice cuppa.

Speak to you all tomorrow, internet permitting.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2010 19:28

Love you too Jean. LOL GGgran Honest girls,what am I to do with her.
It's a good job I know Jeans,sense off humour,and that she knows mine.
Luvs ya Jean


JustJean Report 7 Jan 2010 19:20

And Mo is the GRANNY.....

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2010 19:04

Oooh good our Sallie is back.Hello my lovely,it's so good to hear from you.
I am glad to hear that the therapist is still trying to help you. It may be better if it was done face to face.
I still cannot understand,how a therapist can treat you over the phone. They do not see the pain that you may be going through,even though they would be able to hear it in ones voice.
Please keep strong for us,we missed you so much when we did not hear from you. And we are here for you all the way.
It seems that apart from Debbie,you are our little sister on here. And Jean is big sis.....ha got ya Jean.
Are you still snowed in?. We are supposed to getting more snow tonight
brrrr. It's seriously cold outside though. But nice and snug indoors.
How are Alun and the family doing.? Is he still managing to get to work.?
This is the only good thing about being retired,not having to go out,if you don't want to.
Huia,hows you mate. How is Phil now.? Has his pelvis healed yet.
BIG WARM HUGS for all off us suffering this bad weather.
I think I will have to p.m Marie as we have not heard from her in a while.
Hi Sylvia,Liz,Sue,Grace and all our lovely cyber friends.


JustJean Report 7 Jan 2010 17:21

Hello, Sallie lovely to hear from you, hope the weather isnt too bad were you are, we are still sruggling with th lingering snow, just heard we should be having some more .....ugh... I just dont go out....J and D went to A***a yesterday , and did a big shop so we rea ok. food wise ,we are close to smaller shops so no problem. J has to go for his 12 monthly check up in a couple of weeks so fingers X that he can make it... the hospital has cancelled loads of appointments....He has one next month too.... if all is well we will have a few days away,That is if the snow as gone....

I do hope Debbie and all the others we havent heard from are o.k.
as you can see Mo is back...enough said....nudge.... care and have a big hug from J an I...

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( X )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

love Jean xx


Sallie Report 7 Jan 2010 17:06

Hi Everyone,

We seem to be having a bit of trouble with the internet, for some reason we can only get it sometimes--might be the weather.Just been speaking to the therapist, she thinks, and I agree with her, that the therapy I'm having over the phone is not working, so she is going to speak to a couple of people about it and speak to me early next week to let me know what's going to happen next.

Mo, I hope that all will go well for your nephew and that he will be seen to sooner rather than later. It makes me wonder if some of these opticians are qualified enough to do the job. Anyway, I'll be thinking about him and that everything will turn out right for him.

Marilyn, if I won't speak to you before Monday, have a lovely holiday in Cyprus, and both you and hubby take care. How long are you going for?

Jean, I was born July 1947 and as I was growing up I remember hearing stories about the snow. Apparently, as the snow was so deep and it had drifted quite a bit in the town I was born and brought up in, people could actually reach the top of some of the lamp posts.

Ann, I hope youare managing okay in ths awful weather. Have you managed to get any any Scrapbooking done since Christmas? I was hoping to start to make some cards, but can't seem to get my head round
it yet, but I hope I will soon.

Sylvia, Happy Birthday for today. Hope you are having a lovely day.

Marie, I hope all is well with you and your family. I bet you are all nice and warm in Oz, as you probably know, everywhere in Britain is freezing. I sincerely hope that you aren't having any troublewith bush fires.

Huia, how are things with you? I hope that you are okay, and that things aren't too bad with Phil.

I can't understand why we haven't heard from Debbie. I sent her a PM a few weeks back, it's been opened, but haven't heard anything from her. I hope everything is okay with her and her family.

Liz, thank you for your PM. I hope you are feeling better after your fall. Take care of yourself!

Hope Sue and Grace and their families are all alright too.

Speak to you all again soon. Take care!

Love and best wishes,


JustJean Report 7 Jan 2010 15:59

Mo, so sorry to hear about this awful cock up, typical isnt it, my friend had tthree lots of blood taken and they got lost three times, big row going on as we speak....we will remember your nephew in our thoghts and prayers,cant believe how bad the hospitals have got too many chiefs and not enough indians methinks...

Marilyn I hope you enjoy you stay in the sun , dont suppose you will give us mere mortals a second

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2010 15:48

Ann my nephew is in his thirties. And he is a gentle giant,never been married,but lives with his girlfriend.
I have felt like going to the papers,but I do not want to upset the apple cart
just yet. His mum is flying in on Friday,as she lives in India,and has done since she left my brother. Ooooh it's such a tangled web,and I don't want to interfere.
Lucky you Marilyn think about us once in a while. Have you a big suitcase
that I could fit into. lol


GRMarilyn Report 7 Jan 2010 15:36

Hi MO,

I think the news papers would have a field day with that story....

Lets hope for his sake something will get done sooner rather than later.
Bless him I'm sure his mind was in a whirl....

Well the sun has melted most of our snow,and I was able to go to the town I have now got bits & bobs for my holiday as I'm off to Cyprus on Monday.

Think its best to follow the Sun....cant stand much more of this white stuff. LOL

I hope you are all keeping warm and healthy.....

Marilyn xx


AnninGlos Report 7 Jan 2010 15:19

Sylvia, regarding your tale of a major city paralized. And we thought it was only UK that succombed to bad weather, so pleased it is not.


AnninGlos Report 7 Jan 2010 15:17

Mo that is awful, somebody needs a good kick, poor fellow (how mold is he?) must be terrified. And how on earth did the first optician not pick it up? That is one reason for having an eye test. I hope he gets the scan done soon and a solution is found for him. Lots of positive thoughts for him.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2010 15:04

Are you all sitting comfortably,then I will tell you a story.
Last week,my nephew was suffering from very bad head aches. He had been to see his optician,who said that everything was fine. His headaches did not get any better,so he went to a different optician,who discovered a mass behind his eye. He was sent immediately,to Canterbury eye hospital. The specialist there also spotted the mass,and said he should have an immediate MRI scan. The scanning department
could not do it straight away,so he had to go back last Monday.
He was then told he had to go back to the eye department,but the specialist he was due to see,would not be back on duty till the Tuesday.
So back they went on the Tuesday,for him to be told that he has a tumour,that needs immediate surgery,and that he will have to go up to Kings College Hospital in London.
My niece phoned me today,to say that she had been on the phone to Kings
yesterday,and they know nothing about my nephews case.
My niece then had the problem off phoning both hospitals to try to get things sorted. Apparantly,Canterbury had not sent the MRI scans through to Kings,but by some miracle,after a lot off chasing,they have now been scanned through to Kings.
The problem is,that the neurology team only meet once a week,on a Friday
to discuss cases. And my nephews case will go before them tommorrow.
How the heck can they frighten the life out off the boy,and then forget about him. He is obviously scared stiff,and needs to know what is going to happen to him.
I am so so ANGRY.
Sorry girls,I have been ranting on here,but I dont even know if you can make sense off what I am saying.
Love to you all Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 Jan 2010 14:42

oops sorry this was me


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Jan 2010 23:54

yes, I was 7 .... was a !

I was still at uni in Liverpool in 1963 ........ frozen ruts everywhere. Buses were running, which was a good job!

Our first winter here in Vancouver was 1968/69 ...... it snowed before Christmas and then again on Christmas Day. The city workers were still on holidays (!), so not much clearing had been done.

We had arranged to go to friends for Boxing Day. OH didn't want to drive, so we worked out the bus schedule (holiday timetable, of course). The trip involved two buses, and a walk up a steep hill.

We were the only guests to make it to the party!

But one of the buses went across a bridge over the entrance to the harbour ........................ and there was a fog rising up from the water. I later heard it was called ArcticFog.

The temperature that day was -18C .... the coldest I had ever been to that point, and still the record low for Vancouver.

BUT it was a dry cold, and therefore I didn't feel as cold as I had back in the UK.

We actually didn't use the car for about 3 weeks ............. one of OH's new colleagues had said one didn't need snow tyres in Vancouver, so we still had summer tyres on. When the garage opened after Christmas, OH intended to take the car and get new tyres ................ but it wouldn't start.

Turned out that water had run down the side and into the petrol tank, and then frozen.

So, we had to wait until the weather warmed up, the petrol thawed, then he could drive it the short distance to the garage!

One of the problems with the American Rambler station wagon, as we discovered!

The next winter was also a heavy snow one. Snow in late November, and again in early December .................. major roads cleared and the snow thawed quickly.

Then it really snowed hard over Christmas.

The city announced it had run out of money for snow clearing, until the new budget kicked in on Jan 1, and nothing would be done. They expected that the buses would make the main roads passable, and hard lines on residential streets.

Unfortunately, the buses were on strike

Major city paralysed!!!!



AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2010 22:08

Jean Sylvia was 7 in 1947, I know because I have just realised she was born the same year as me Lol!!!!!

In 1963 January when it snowed I had My daughter aged 14 months in a pram trying to push it through the snow. I kept her in the big coach built pram as it protected more from the elements, none of this having little babies in pushchairs!


JustJean Report 6 Jan 2010 22:02

Sylvia.. lol... how old were you in 1947? do you mean 17?not 71.....
I was 12 and we were sent home from school the snow was very deep and we made shop counters and pretend ovens, with slots in so we could put something in to cook, I also had clogs with irons on, the snow would stick to them and we were going taller and taller, they were called cloggy boggys.nearly broke our
1963 was also quite a bad winter, I spent most of it in hospital waiting for the birth of my daughter, because I had had so many miscarriages they had me in for months, and she still came a month early.....poor J had to trudge through the deep snow to visit me we didnt have a car in those days....

Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 Jan 2010 21:45

Oh Jean you naughty girl........I don't need Botox,polly filla does just as good a job,and is cheaper. Whats this info then,is it the name off a plastic surgeon. LOL


JustJean Report 6 Jan 2010 21:33

Mo, they work wonders with botox I believe, sent you some info.......
only hurts a little they


SylviaInCanada Report 6 Jan 2010 21:13

I remember that snow in 1947 ........ I was 7!

I was also told that Mum couldn't be churched for 6 weeks after I was born in 1940 because the snow was so deep and then froze that she couldn't get up the street to go to church.

Churching was still important then.

I also remember many winters in the 50s and 60s when there was deep snow.



AnninGlos Report 6 Jan 2010 21:05

I can remember the snow of 1947, I was 6 and my Dad made me a sledge.

Yes Sylvia, they say it is going on for t least another 10 days. batten down the hatches!!!!