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9 Jan 2010 10:53 |
Do you know who the owner of the property is ?
If you do ,I would certainly inform them if anymore problems arise. Dont worry about it if anything occurs with the car just let the police know what happened. Other than that Jean the environmental officer should be informed .
I know its a horrible thing to happen, but dot let it escalate.
Marilyn xx
9 Jan 2010 10:40 |
Morning all, what a dreadful night we have had, we have rented property next door , the latest tenant decided to have a party, it started around 8,0 clock last night and was still going strong at 7.30 this morning..... I never slept a wink J dozed on and off, I came down at 3.30 and was so worked up I banged on the wall, bad move, the music was turned up louder and the screaming got higher, I have a feeling if we retaliate the outcome could be bad news... what can we do, all our cars are at the back of the houses so if we report them , we are scared the cars will be damaged.... I dread tonight coming.... Has anybody got some advice how to handle this please, my nerves wont take much more.....
Jean xx
8 Jan 2010 22:31 |
I am very wary about taking our gas heating for granted these days Mo, If reports are to be believed we could lose heating if gas supplies get low. Apparently people are leaving heating on 24 hours a day. We don't ours goes off about 10pm and comes on at 7 then goes off at half nine and normally doesn't come on until 4 if we are out. This weather we have been putting it back on about midday and running it at 18/19 degrees.
8 Jan 2010 22:28 |
Sallie please do add to the thread, the more the merrier. Good evening Mo, hope they soon manage to get out to fix the ifnition problem All these things will come back to you Sallie, take it one step at a time. It is no good making cards if you are not enjoying it because they wont turn out right. Just choose a time when you feel more relaxed and make a simple one that gives you pleasure, choose your favourite colours for example and put on it something you would like to receive.
Mo in Kent
8 Jan 2010 22:26 |
Huia,my gloves are on my hands constantly at the moment,trying to keep my poor hands warm. LOL But thank you for your thoughts love. Sallie,take your time getting back to doing your favourite things. Just do what you feel like doing,at any given time. Don't push yourself to hard,and most importantly,dont beat yourself up about it. Jennie and Michael are crafty little devils,turning up at meal time. They were lucky to get through in the snow,weren't they. I suppose we have been lucky really,our car was registering -4 the other day when Roly went out in it. Not nearly as low as you have had it. I really pity the poor people in Scotland,who have had it as low as -22.3. I was watching a man on T.V just now,from Scotland,he was trudging through the snow with a calor gas bottle on a sledge,poor man. We take our gas heating for granted don't we. Well I will say night night to you all. I will be back tommorrow. Love to all. Mo xxx
8 Jan 2010 22:24 |
Hi Mo, Sallie and all, Had a lazy day today, not done much of anything cant get up a sweat to look to see what wants doing, I always like a siesta in the afternoon if I can, so went up today and slept for 2/12 hours..... I think the severe cold makes people tired, I always said if I would be no use at all if we were stranded somewhere, so just dont go Sallie I am like you , cant get going with the craft thingy, I am going to send you the mags I promised last year,maybe that will give you jolt....and no you are not pathetic,I think the rotten weather does that to folk I find it depressing I am a sunshine lady....I am seriously thinking of getting a S.A.D. light box, i am sure I read on here once all the benefits from having one... perhaps somebody wiil find the thread and put it up....D came in and said it was minus 12c and getting colder,makes you realise how blessed we are to be in warm comfy houses, sometimes I forget to count my blessings.....take care ...
Mo, got it right I was having a few zzzzz.
Love Jean xx
8 Jan 2010 21:41 |
Hi Mo,
Our central heating seems to be okay today, we can't understand what was wrong with it yesterday, unless the very cold weather had something to do with it. We have a temperature gauge in our car that tells us what the outside temperature is, Alun said that it was giving a -8 c yesterday, so maybe the weather did have something to do with it.
I've been trying to start making cards, but can't seem to get into doing it at the moment, I'll just have to keep trying. Jennie and Michael came over this evening, so they had something to eat with us, they timed it just right. Mind, they know the time we usually have our dinner, and that I never mind making them something too. I think I've probably told you all before, that Jennie doesn't like cooking very much and always happy to accept a meal here or at Michael's Mums.
I bet Roly enjoys watching the darts---I know my late Uncle loved to watch it when it was on.
Enjoy yourself reading Mo, I wish I could get my concentration back so that I can start reading books again. Oh dear, don't I sound pathetic, not being able to do the things that I normally enjoy doing.
Take care! Love,
8 Jan 2010 19:31 |
Mo, my thoughts are with your granddaughter and nephew for next Wednesday (which will be Thursday here). My thoughts with you too. Make sure you are wearing gloves or mittens or you might chew your fingernails up to the elbows!
I have reasonably short hair. Years ago I had it long but it was a nuisance to keep tidy.
I really must get the place tidied up again, after I have finished looking at My Threads. I had it tidy for Christmas but it doesnt stay that way for long.
Mo in Kent
8 Jan 2010 19:21 |
Good evening my friends. Huia it was so good to read that Phil was more alert for your visit. How wonderful for you that Phil was able to talk to you off family. It seems like they are managing his medication better now. Wouldn't it be nice,if when they know you are going to visit him,that they could cut his medication slightly,to enable you to hold a proper conversation with him. It's not that you would be expecting every visit to be perfect,(as much as you would like it to be),but seeing him how he was must have given you such a thrill. Do you normally keep your hair short,as it must be so much cooler for you. Hi Sallie,yes we have been watching the darts. Well Roly has,I have been on here quite a lot,and also reading my book. I have been reading a lot of Danielle Steel's books lately. I got three for one pound at the charity shop. Did you get the central heating sorted Sallie. We were supposed to be having a visit by our heating company on Tuesday,re the ignition of our gas fire. But because off the snow they did not make it. So they are due again this tuesday instead ,hopefully. Now where has our Jean got to. It's very quiet shhhh don't wake her up. Marie has opened the p.m I sent her,so she must still be online. Hi Marilyn,Sylvia,Ann and all our friends on this thread. Speak to you later. Love and best wishes Mo xxx
8 Jan 2010 16:13 |
Mo, just seen your message, I'll be thinking about both of them on Wednesday, and hoping that all will go well for them. Please give them both my very best wishes. I'm sure that you won't be able to relax on Wednesday, and until they both get the results back.
Love, Sallie.xx
8 Jan 2010 16:02 |
Hello to all my friends,
I hope you are all coping with the very cold weather we're having.
Huia, lovely to hear the news about Phil, as you said it gave you quite a boost to see him as he was, I really hope that he will be the same when you visit him next.
Jean, the rash on Jennie's face is going slowly, thank goodness. It'll be a shame if she won't be able to continue on the medication, because she was doing so well on it. Maybe the Consultant can put her another anti-rejection drug, but Jennie seems to think that there isn't another one that she can put her on. We'll just have to wait and see! Hope the weather will get better soon, it will be nice for you and J to have a few days away.
Sylvia, hope you enjoyed your birthday yesterday. Did you do anything special?
Ann, I've been reading some of your new thread, it looks as though there are some nice members on there, really friendly and chatty. Just like everyone on this thread, I might add to it myself, if that's okay.
Mo, how are things with you today? I hope this weather we're all having isn't causing you any problems. I haven't been out since Tuesday myself, I'm not very good at walking on the ice and snow, I use to be, but as I've got older I'm not so good. Have you heard anything about your nephew yet? I hope it will be good news! Have both you and Roly been watching the darts matches on BBC 2? I hope Roly got home safely last night.
Hope all the rest of our are alright!
Alun's just arrived home from work, a bit early today, so I'd better go and make us a cup of tea.
Speak to you soon.
Love and best wishes .
Mo in Kent
8 Jan 2010 15:38 |
Thank you Ann. xxx
8 Jan 2010 15:36 |
We will all be sending our positive thoughts and prayers to him and your granddaughter Mo.
Mo in Kent
8 Jan 2010 15:23 |
Right I will try again,this will be my third time off trying to post,so I will keep it short,and try again later. Just to let you know,my Nephew has his operation on Wednesday,the same day as my grandaughter. I will be like a cat on a hot tin roof that day. Love to all. Mo xxx
8 Jan 2010 12:02 |
Huia, I bet it was a lovely time for you seeing a better side of your Phil, we continue in our prayers for you both.... Hope he is the same next visit.... do you keep your hair quite short? if it usually warm, I suppose short would be best, I have fine hair and keep mine short but always need a perm , easy to manage, If I could have three wishes I would love to be tall and slim, Long thick hair, and a figure to die I could go too a lot more wishes, never satisfied.......... how warm is it were you are? its perishing cold here some places hit minus 20c last night and the forecast is more of the same.....roll on summer.....
Sallie, Will be thinking of Jennie and hope some good will come out of the visit... we dont go abroad now the insurance is so high for J, but I dont mind being in the u.k. we manage a lot of 5 day hols usually with a coach firm or self drive , we also love self catering, get to eat out everyday, so not a lot of cooking, but we can take our time going out or staying put especially if it hot and sunny, I dont really think about the weather,just take it as it comes, we are very lucky that we can go at short notice, so if the forecasts look promising we pack and go.....out of season is good usually lots of bargains to be had....
Mo, praying for your grandaughter, that she will get some good treatment, beautiful day here, but bitterly cold, so I am staying put.... still very icy on the pavements and side roads....take care my friends. dont be falling....
love to Marie, hope all is well with her , ~~~~~~ to everyone else~~~~~~
Love Jean xx
8 Jan 2010 07:53 |
Hello all.
I was out for much of today. Had a haircut, went to the doc and then went to visit Phil. He was still eating lunch when I got there. He fed himself again. I then got him to stand and walked him through to the other room. I presume his pelvis is healing. When he was sitting in the armchair he surprised me by saying 'Titches place needs something done', Titch being his sister. I reassured him that she had somebody to help her. I told him that Brattus Major (his name for our son) would be 50 on Monday. A little while later he said something about 'our daughter' and named her. He seemed to be having quite a few lucid thoughts, and his eyes didnt look quite so vacant. It gave me quite a boost. But I expect next time he will be asleep or not so 'with it'. If only there was a cure I would have him home again.
Keep yourselves warm. I have to do the opposite.
7 Jan 2010 22:11 |
Mo, my friend Janet's daughter has endromet---she goes back and fore to the hospital now and again for check ups. Not sure what they are going to do about it yet, so they're keeping a close eye on her. I hope that all goes well for your granddaughter on 13th, I'll be thinking about her and hope that the hospital will sort it all out for her. Sending her my best wishes. Lots of love, Sallie.xx
Mo in Kent
7 Jan 2010 21:50 |
Sallie. Yes I still play my darts,we are not doing very well though. But I do enjoy the night out. My grandaughter goes in for a laparoscopy,on the 13th of January. She is still waiting for the results of the cancerous cells,they removed on dec. 24th. They now think she has got endo-metreosis(sp) Not sure about the spelling off that. Poor girl has been through the mill,and she is not looking forward to the 13th.
7 Jan 2010 21:32 |
Mo, not as bad as most places, but bad enough as the roads are icy. I keep meaning to ask if you're still in the darts team, only you haven't mentioned it for a while, sorry, I'm just so nosy, but I know that you enjoy playing darts.
Hope that Roly gets home okay and that the roads there are not too bad. I think Alun would have gone to the Club if we hadn't started having trouble with the gas boiler, but then he got a phone call from one of the members telling him that the meeting had been cancelled, because of the road situation.
Heard from Jennie a bit earlier, she has to go to see the Consultant one day next week, I must say they really look after her there, thank goodness.
Hope all the family are okay with you Mo. How is your granddaughter getting on? I hope that the hospital is looking after her alright.
Love and best wishes,
Mo in Kent
7 Jan 2010 21:06 |
Hi again Sallie. Poor Jennie,I thought she was getting on so well. I do hope they can sort her medication out soon,she has gone through so much. My niece said that as soon as the neurologists have had their meeting,they will be informing my nephew of what they are going to be doing. But I was thinking,that maybe they would try to shrink the tumour first,before operating. I am so ignorant off these things. Yes babe you are our little sis,then I think I come next. Golly Alun missing his Model Railway Club,it must be bad your way. As bad as it is here,Roly has still gone out. His friend is driving,he must be mad. As far as I am concerned,it's far to dangerous to venture out. I just hope and pray he dont fall over,as it will be me that suffers then,having to wait hand and foot on him. Lots of love Mo xxx