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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 10 Jan 2010 14:23

Mo, we had a quiet night last night, so slept really well.J had trouble dropping

Marilyn,Where about do you go in Cyprus, its tomorrow you go isnt it , have a great time, and let us know what you get up to, well some of

love jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2010 13:08

A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY,to our Huia. Have a lovely day my love.
Well girls the snow here seems to be melting. At least it looks slushy now
I have not braved going out in it yet though.
Tommorrow,I must knock on my neighbours doors again,to make sure they are o.k,and if they need any shopping.
I wonder if Jean is awake yet,and if she managed to get some sleep.
Cooee Jean,are you o.k.
I must go for now,I will pop back later to catch up.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 10 Jan 2010 12:45

♫ Happy birthday Huia ♫

May you have a lovely day.

Marilyn xx


JustJean Report 10 Jan 2010 12:08

Sallie, p.m. sent

jean x


JustJean Report 10 Jan 2010 08:22

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our lovely lady HUIA.we wish you a lovely day and may this next year be a very good one for you.....and for your son also big 50....

lots of love Jean xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 10 Jan 2010 03:49

Just a quickie to say Hi to all and apologise for not posting, am so tired and very fed up being stuck inside, but I am so nervous of going out onto the icy road outside, it just doesn't get any better and it's quite a walk to the road that is clear, not that it will stay that way as there is less gritting being done so if it snows a lot again it will be as bad as it was before. At the back of the house where I can look out to the garden it seems to raining or the snowflakes if there are some are melting on the patio doors. Some of the snow seems to be going too so maybe a little milder there. At the front it seems dry but very icy, all the ruts in the road are making it awful to walk on so altho I went out with o.h. to the local supermarket on Friday it was only a short walk but I hung on for dear life, he thought his luck had changed, I usually walk yards ahead lol, keeping him in his place.

Mo I am so sorry about your nephew and hope he will be ok after the op and some treatment, and also your granddaughter too with her procedure and others who have tests and treatments, apologies for not naming everyone but I am really tired and can't go back along the posts now as it's getting late.

take care everyone whereever you are or maybe travelling to.
I just mailed Sallie as we may well be twins, lol I was born July 1947 too.

love to all

Jean, I think your community bobby is being lazy, noise at that hour of the night/day could be dealt with by a visit at the time, to tell them to turn down the music and if it goes up again after, it's another nail in their coffin. Best for you to write down everyday whatever problem there is, (hope it's not that bad but you know what I mean) and after a couple of weeks or so you will have enough evidence to make a complaint. If you talk to Environmental health, they will just tell you to keep a diary but worth having a word with them anyway. If they are students you can get on to the college as they can sometimes have a word and sort things out.

Hope you had better sleep this past night



Huia Report 9 Jan 2010 22:06

Good morning/evening all.

I have just been for a nice long walk in the bush, took over an hour although there were stops at the beginning and end to spray the soles of my shoes to prevent the transfer of the bug that is killing our kauri trees. There were also stops to photograph some native flowers and the bush stream.

When our last cat was elderly she was having problems so I used shredded paper which I got (free) from a local printing shop, to line her litter tray. It was cheaper than the kitty litter from the shops and could be burnt when it started to get wet/dirty.



JustJean Report 9 Jan 2010 21:54

Sallie I am doing a 8x8 album for our two best friends, its of all the guests at their golden wedding party, 120 of them !! so I will have to make the pics smaller or I will never get them in the book...the other was a book of pics of all the gr members who have sent me photos like yourself, but I am now have abit of quandry, most of them are of various meets and I dont know if they would agree to having their pictures on pages in a book.....I hadnt thought to ask permission, I know the single pics that Ann , Daff Bc, and all the others would be o.k. but not sure of folk I dont know, so more advice needed please....

Ann is there an animal shelter near you usually they are glad of shredded stuff to line the kennels or cages....or if you have a container that has a lid you could burn the paper... we did it in an old dustbin,....

Jean xx


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2010 21:35

Hi everyone, letting you know that I deleted the three posts, sorry posted four times. I told you all that I think I'm past my sell by date---now I've proved it! Ha! Ha!

Love, Sallie.x


AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2010 21:32

Hi Sallie, yes T repaired the shredder so I will be off again tomorrow. I wish I could find out if the recycling gand will take shredding. They did once before then there was a lot in the paper about it not being taken by another council in our area and I am not sure whether or not ours still takes it. Will just have to leave it out and hope.


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2010 21:28

Hi again, just lost one message to you all that I had almost finished, I think this happy is getting past it's sell by date, or I am. The second reason is the most likely one!

Jean, I know what you mean when you say it's too cold in the conservatory to do scrapping. Although I now have a craft room upstairs(or so the family tell me) I like to be downstairs to do it--just feel a bit cut off from everyone up there. I use to use the dining room, and the trouble is, I still do. Maybe when the weather gets better and the evenings get lighter I might adapt to scrapping up in the craft room, a bit better. What's your next scrapping project, Jean? I'm sure you've told me before, but my memory isn't what it use to be. I'll be glad of the magazines, thank you, but there is no rush for them, plenty of time when the snow and ice goes. I hope you
don't get anymore problems with your neighbours. Like you Jean, my imagination runs riot, it's amazing what I imagine, and like your lot, my lot
rag me about it too.

Mo, hope you and Roly are coping alright in this weather. Have you had anymore snow today? We've had snow showers throughout the day, with a very cold easterly wind, so I haven't been out at all. Alun caught the bus up to town to get the few things we needed, he said that there was no market today, I thought there might not be, with having more snow and it being very cold.
Mo, you've done your good deed for the day. Well done! It's nice to have someone to care enough to help, I'm sure they were so pleased and very grateful to you. It's all about helping each other, and if more people did that, I'm certain the world would be a better place to live in. Right, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Marilyn, not sure if you are at home or in Cyprus, but wherever you are hope you and your family are all okay. Enjoy your holiday!
Ann I added to your new thread earlier on. Has T managed to repair your shredder? Hope he has!

Best wishes to all our absent friends, and hope all is well with them and their families.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2010 19:40

Scuse me Jean,we need two tents. One for im indoors,and one for me.
Mind you his snores would keep the neighbours awake.Perhaps that would be a better idea.
I could bring my puddy cat,my rotweiller is snowed in at the moment. LOL
Lots of love. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 9 Jan 2010 19:35

Hi, Sallie, we never know who comes we have had nice quite ones, so hoping it wont happen again....I need to stop thinking it will happen, my imagination is very vivid, not just about this upset. about almost everything.!!!
my lot kid me about it....I went in the little conservatory today, to do some scrapping, but even with the radiator on high it was just too cold so I may bring it in to the lounge to do....

Mo, what a good idea, you could bring your rottwieller too!!!
I have a small tent you can stay in, its inbetween the two bins so you should be you xx

waves to all our friends on here and Anns thread....~~~~~ X ~~~~~~

keep warm and safe love Jean xx


Sallie Report 9 Jan 2010 18:15

Hi All,

Oh Jean, I hope they won't start again tonight, one night of that is more than enough. We have awful neighbours on the one side of us, although they aren't noisy, but can be quite nasty. They are both in their seventies, and she has fallen out with so many of the people living around here, really nice people that haven't done anything to her, just maybe had to park their cars outside her house once in a while. So Jean you have my sympathy!

I'll speak to you all later. Take care!

Love, Saliie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2010 18:05

I tell you what Jean,if the noise continues,if they work,we will all come up to your house,and have a party during the week,and then see how they like having their sleep disturbed.
If not I will bring my Pinky and Perky record,that my kids loved as children
up to you,and we can put it on really loud,leave the arm up,and go out for the day. They would soon get annoyed with that. The same as a noisy neighbour we had did.Mind you,you would need an old Dancet auto record player to do that.
I am only joking love,I would not like you to have to stoop to their level.
I hope you have a peaceful night tonight.


JustJean Report 9 Jan 2010 17:36

Thanks everyone for the advice, it is awful not being able to sleep all night, there has been cars here most of the day, just block everyone in, we have private parking notices, but they maybe cant read... we have had all nighters before but usually the noise wasnt too bad, and not as many folk.... we have asked a community bobby, and she said if it is a party there is not a lot they can do, unless it becomes a regular event. so we are waiting to see if there is one tonight... then we shall take further action, but its the stress of it all that is the killer.... too old for all this....

Love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 9 Jan 2010 16:24

I think you need to keep a diary of events Jean. maybe last night was a one off. Is it a young couple? Maybe it was one of the 'guests' who turned the music up. have you spoken to the tenants before this? You know, a friendly hello? Did they seem friendly? Maybe if you could see them and explain that you don't mind the occasional party but you need your sleep so could they keep the noise down after midnight.

Other than that try and tape the noise and if it continues speak to the environmental health officer.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Jan 2010 14:36

Jean,could you go to the Enviromental Health Authority. My neighbour went through a really bad time,with her next door neighbour. She was told to keep a diary,and to write all the events that were happening down. I believe that eventually.the woman concerned was taken to court,and fined.
The authority put in a machine,that measured the noise level.
Other than that,as Marilyn suggested,get in contact with the landlord.
Even if you have to tape record the noise level yourselves,as proof for him.
As you said Ann,like you we only have the central heating on for a couple of hours in the morning,and then a boost at dinner time. It comes back on again at five till ten thirty. But we do have the gas fire on,in the room we sit in,until such time as the heating comes back on again.
As much as I like to feel the warmth,I cannot sleep in a hot bedroom.
We are in the midst off another snow blizzard at the moment.
Thank the lord we got the shopping yesterday.
I did my good deed for the day,this morning I popped to our corner shop,
for two off our neighbours. Poor Mary over the road,only wanted a loaf off bread. For a couple off days she had been asking her sister to get her bread for her,but the poor woman has got the onset off dementia,and has bought back milk instead,so Mary could supply the whole street with milk,
but she only had two slices of bread left.


GRMarilyn Report 9 Jan 2010 11:56


I would still ring the Landlord , in case he renews the tenancy to them in the near future.

Just your bad luck that could happen.....

I wonder if anyone else could come up with more Idea's

Marilyn xx


JustJean Report 9 Jan 2010 11:23

Thanks Marilyn, we know the landlord and I believe a neighbour has his phone number, we always have some sort of problem with the property, usually the rentals are short term lettings so we never know who we get. over the years we have had some choice if past upsets are anything to go by I wont hold my breath, if it was just two of us, we would look to live somewhere else but D has a share in the house and she works from home, she has a home office, so it gets complicated,

love Jean xx