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Just Jean

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Huia Report 11 Jan 2010 22:40

Another of my favourites:


6 oz butter, 1 breakfast cup brown sugar, 1 des. sp coffee essence, half tsp vanilla, 1 br.cup flour, 1 tsp baking powder, quarter tsp salt. (Instead of coffee essence I use 4 heaped tsp coffee powder and a little water).

Soften the butter, add sug, coff., van. and beat well. (Recipe has 1 br cup slightly roasted peanuts but I dont use them). Add flour, b.p., salt. Put in tsp lots on tray and flatten. Slow oven 325 deg for 15-20 mins.



JustJean Report 11 Jan 2010 22:35

Sallie p.m. sent...


Huia Report 11 Jan 2010 22:34


8 oz butter, 4 oz sugar, 8 oz flour (I use high grade),
2 oz rice flour or ground rice, pinch salt.
1 oz cherries chopped, 3 brazil nuts, cut finely, 1 oz angelica cut finely, 1 oz preserved ginger cut finely. I dont used the nuts, angelica or ginger, but use larger quantities of red and green cherries.

Cream b & s, add sifted ingredients (recipe then says knead well, but I dont), then cherries (etc). Roll out fairly thick. Cut into shapes (I just use a round 2inch cutter or if for family just cut in squares - it tastes just as good). Bake 30 to 35 mins in mod oven 350deg.




Sallie Report 11 Jan 2010 21:49

Hi All,

Good to see that everyone is alright. It's thawing here today, so let's hope it continues. We are having a problem with the internet, this is the first time I've been able to get on today. So, if I'm missing for a short while, it'll be because of the internet.

Mo, no I haven't heard anything from the therapist yet, but I'm sure she'll get back to me sometime this week. I'm a little bit better to what I've been, thank you, managed to do a small Daisy and Dandelion decoupage figure today, so I'm happy about that. Just like you Mo, I mostly buy my cakes from the supermarket these days, I always made them when the children were growing up, but I must be too idle these days.

Huia, I'm so pleased that you enjoyed your bithday. As you said, better to go out for the day than to sit alone at home. It must be so nice for you to have some of the pictures that your grandad painted himself, you must feel so proud. Hope you managed to get the housework done before the students arrived.

Jean, you make me feel guilty doing all that baking. I always made my own scones, until I started suffering from 'lazyitis' ( not sure of spelling), but you know what I mean. Oh, I could really eat a nice cheese scone now that youv'e mentioned them.

Sylvia, pleased to hear that you a nice few days away and that you had a
lovely birthday. I must say, I don't envy you having to put up with the Winter Olympics, although I don't live near London, I feel sorry for all the people living near there in two years time.

Marilyn, hope you've got to Limassol safe and sound, and that you will have a good time there.

Marie, glad to know that all is well with you, looking forward to hearing from you when you are less busy. Take care of yourself!

Hopefully I'll speak to you all tomorrow, internet permitting!

Love and best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jan 2010 21:26

Huia,I am the same with onions as well. I.B.S has a lot to answer for. If I have a curry,it has to be home made,with no extra spices added. Many off the root vegetables,have the worst possible affect as well. But I do love brussell sprouts,broccolli and cauliflower,but I certainly pay for it later.
Jean I did not get my scone,so I had to have a few all butter shortbread instead. yummy.
Night Night God Bless. Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 11 Jan 2010 20:52

Huia, will you give me the recipe for the biscuits, I had one but they didnt turn out too well, I wanted to start making a lot of home baking again..I always made my own bread, still make soda bread, and we have a bread machine too...not that we use it much....

Mo, did you not get a scone, I was sure you would have got it by now.
I have shared them with the neighbours... not the noisy one will have to wait for the next batch. but they are so good......

have a nice Jean xx


Huia Report 11 Jan 2010 18:24

I used to bake a lot of biscuits but last time I did, just before Christmas, I managed to burn one tray load, not very edible so tossed them out, and another tray was a bit browner than I would have liked. As a result it has rather put me off, but I suppose now my eyes are feeling happier I might get back to it one day, although I will probably be the only one to eat them and as they are much nicer than the bought ones (at least when they are not burnt) I eat far too many.

MO, I cant eat onions. If I do I have to make a beeline for the small room almost immediately.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jan 2010 15:34

Jean,wheres my scone then,come on share them around.
I am so relieved,I had an e.mail from Marie today. She is fine,but very busy at the moment. And she will be back with us all again soon,I am sure.
You are so good doing all this baking Jean,you make me feel guilty. I tend to buy a lot off cakes when they are on offer,in the supermarket.
Neither Roly or myself can eat garlic bread. In fact we can't eat garlic period,it plays havoc with our digestive systems. My eldest son is the same,but it does not affect the girls or my youngest son.


JustJean Report 11 Jan 2010 14:37

Hi Miss Mo and all, I have been doing a Nigella, its sometime since I did any baking, but D and i have been watching the Barefoot Contessa,on t.v. she is an American lady, she is a lovely lady her cooking is easy to follow and down to earth, she made some cheese and dill scones to have with spag bol instead of Garlic bread, so D made some, delicious... got me thinking, so I have just made sultana scones, 20 of them in fact just about to enjoy one and a coffee. next time I shall make cheese and onion pie for J and pavlova for meeeee,now i want to get a mixer like a Kenwood Chef type.
I have a small hand mixer , but its use is limited also D as problems with stirring and mixing. so I will have to sweet talk the main
the scone is wonderful even though I say so myself !!!
watch this space, I have sent a e-mail to Marie I havent heard from her for a while, hope she is o.k.

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jan 2010 13:31

Good afternoon from a thawing Kent. Yes at long last we can see the pavements. It's still very slippery,but at least people are able to get out and about,after suffering many days off cabin fever.
Good grief Sylvia,what has our government let us in for. As Ann said,we had no say in it. But then,it was probably the same over there. They started off,by telling us,that it would create more jobs,and more revenue for businesses in general.
I just thank god that we are not nearer,to where all the games are being held.
As you say,you get a better view from home anyway.
Big (((((((((hugs))))))))))) for Liz after her fall. I hope you are feeling better now. Take care when you venture out again. If your OH is holding you up
make sure he falls first,and land on top off him love. It will be a softer landing,better still don't fall at all,after all,if he is the injured party he will only moan all the more.
I am pleased you had a nice day Huia. Just think,you may be able to earn a little money from dislpaying grandads paintings. Every little bit off money would help you to have a more comfortable lifestyle.
I know that you will probably feel,that to have them on display is payment enough,but you have to look out for yourself now love.
Please don't be offended by what I have just said,as no offence is meant.
Hi Ann,I hope you are well. Whats it like where you are at the moment.?
I wonder where our Jean is today. Wakey Wakey Jean,come and join us PLEASE,we are missing you.
Hello Sallie,how are you feeling today.? Have you heard from the therapist yet.? Has Alun made it into work today.
I will be back later. Love to you all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 11 Jan 2010 12:23

Huia, pleased that you had a good day on your birthday.

Sylvia, A lot of people were against UK bidding for the games, can't think why they wanted the expense and guess who will end up paying for it. How awful that businesses stand to go under because of them, they ought to be able to claim against somebody for that didn't they?


Huia Report 11 Jan 2010 06:27

Sallie and MO, I saw granddads painting 2 or 3 years ago in a special exhibition of Kiwi folk art and had my photo (and my sisters) taken in front of the case with it in. It is the near twin of one that I have. Unfortunately the man has it packed away at present but I showed him granddads other paintings which he thought were delightful. He wants me to show them to the man at the Auckland art gallery.

The weather today was mainly fine and I am glad I went, much better than staying at home alone on my birthday. Now I must get down to earth and do some h*******k before the uni students come tomorrow to sort out my garden.



SylviaInCanada Report 11 Jan 2010 05:14


Mo ............. we will not be attending the Games ................ it's far too expensive, and far too few tickets available.

Only about 30% of tickets are available for sale, worldwide!

We'll watch events on TV, just like every other games ..... you can see more anyway!!!

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the Olympics, and the IOC in particular, are crook.

I'll be interested to see how you in London manage in 2 years time

.......... but residents of Vancouver and much of BC are about to be very seriously inconvienced, as in unable to go anywhere, access services, find buses etc etc.

I'm not going to be surprised to see many businesses closing down for good.

Poeple who work in the downtown core (events and ceremonies are in that area) are being asked to either work from home, or get into work early (ie before 6am) and leave either mid-afternoon or after 7pm ....... when of course all the ceremonies will be taking place, so you won't be able to move! Some peope are seriously thinking of taking a bed into the office!

Meanwhile, all the venues, athletes villages etc are surrounded by blicks-wide no-go "red" zones ... which means that businesses within those zones cannot be accessed by customers.

Practically every major road, especially those into downtown, up to Whistler (the other site) and out to the airport, has yellow lanes, one in each direction, for IOC family traffic movement. They couldn't possibly get held up by traffic.

All the promised vaunted multi-million dollar "profits" have evaporated like so much smoke. The debt will be around for years to come.

Do you get the idea that I might not be in favour of the Games?????????


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 11 Jan 2010 03:02

Hi again, just a quickie - Huia, hope you had a lovely day, Sylvia I am glad you enjoyed your birthday weekend, and Marilyn, hope you enjoy your holiday even tho the location is different, so long as you are in a good hotel and with your friends, and the sun shines, you can make it a great time!

Sallie, your birthday is on the same day my son was due, he arrived a day late on the 10th July, so every year after he is a year older, so am I!!!

Glad you got some sleep Jean and love and hugs to everyone else.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jan 2010 20:54

Hello girls.
Sorry I am late,but I was watching he final off the darts on the T.V. It was such a good game as well.
Huia,how wonderful for you,to be able to see your grandfathers paintings.
Will they allow you to take photo's off them do you think. If they did allow it,
you would be able to enlarge them,and frame them for yourself. All the history behind them,is great.
Hi Sylvia. I am so glad you had a lovely birthday. Will you be able to go and watch the Olympics yourselves. Are the tickets easily available,or will you have to watch them via the T.V,as we will.
I think it takes a lot off nerve,to be able to participate in any sport that involves snow. We are afraid to walk on the stuff,let alone play a sport on it
Yes Sallie,Wednesday is going to be a day off reckoning,for both our families. I hope and pray that Jennie gets on o.k. She will be in my prayers as well.
It looks like Liz is now second to youngest,and you and I slip down in order
I am getting older by the day.LOL Never mind,we are all young at heart.
Still no news from Marie,I do hope she is o.k.
I will say Goodnight God Bless you all. See you tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 10 Jan 2010 19:53

Hi Everyone,

Huia,Happy Birthday to both you and your son. Hope you manage to get to the Museum and Antiques place, and are able to see the painting that your Grandad did. Also hope your son has a lovely day.

Marilyn, enjoy your holiday in Cyprus, and hope there will be no delays at the airport.

Jean, I've sent a reply to your PM. Hope you get it okay. Glad to know that you didn't get problems with the people next door, last night. Lets hope it will continue that way.

Mo, hope all is well with you and Roly today. Jennie has to go and see the Consultant on Wednesday morning, just hoping that she won't have to go on the other medication, there is a higher risk of getting cancer than the one she is on now. We'll just have to wait and see. It all seems to be happening on Wednesday, doesn't it? Hope all goes well for both your granddaughter and nephew.

Ann, it looks as though it's thawing here too. Alun has just come in from the garage and said it's raining. So hope it'll continue that way.

Liz, also sent you an answer to your PM. It looks as though after Debbie you are the little sister on here. I'm on the 9th July, so that makes me 16 days older than you. It would have been good if we shared the same birthday.

Marie, I hope everything is okay with you and your family, haven't heard from you for a little while.

Take care everyone!

Love and best wishes.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jan 2010 19:52

Hi everyone


I hope you have a terrific day.

Also Happy Birthday to your son

I had a great time on my birthday ................... with 5 friends that we have known for at least 40 years. OH took us all out for dinner. Then one of the couples had us all over for dinner at their house the following night (Friday).

We came home yesterday afternoon, and took time to get ourselves back down to earth again.

The weather is warm and damp here ............. it's around10 or 11C, and that is forecast for the next several days.

Not too good, as the Winter Olympics start in just over a month! Vancouver is having mostly the indoor events, but there are snow events on the mountains on the other side of the harbour ..... snowboarding, and those "new" ski events like snowcross



Huia Report 10 Jan 2010 18:52

Thank you everyone for you birthday wishes. I am not having a party, apart from me. I might go out for a drive somewhere, have my lunch in town and possibly dinner too. I want to go to a place NW of Auckland where a man has a museum/antiques place. He has one of the paintings that my granddad did about 100 yrs ago.



GRMarilyn Report 10 Jan 2010 15:45

Hi Everyone ...

Jean, We normally go to a hotel in Paphos, but its not got enough tourist to operate this they have moved us to Limassol and we are not that keen on the place.
Nothing we could do about it other than have our money refunded,so we opt for the move.
It is a lovely Hotel so we wont be disappointed and the entertainment is good as our friends have been there.
So IF and when I get there I will pop in and let you all know...LOL

Other than that its Skiing somewhere in Gatwick....!!

Its snowing here in Devon......well flurry's


AnninGlos Report 10 Jan 2010 14:47

Happy birthday Huia, hope your day is wonderful.