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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 14 Jan 2010 14:14

Hello my friends.
Good to hear from you Marie +Liz.
Liz,is your OH type one or two diabetic. He is so foolish not eating properly
why oh why will some men not listen. I think that,that they think we are moaning at them,when in fact we are only doing what we think is right for them.
Sounds like you becoming a proper water baby Marie. I bet the storm was such a relief for you all,after all the heat you have been suffering lately.
How old is young Jaimen. It's strange with animals,when a child arrives on the scene. They have been used to having the run off the house,and a
baby is an intrusion off their territory.
Update on my nephew. When he came to after the operation,he was talking to the family. Thank the lord,his speech was not affected after all.
It is still early days for him I know,and there are bound to be a few trials and tribulations ahead,but god willing he will beat this thing.
My grandaughter had quite a comfy night. She was a bit giddy,when she had to get up to go to the loo,but that is the after affects off the anaesthetic,
and morphine.
See you all later on today. Love Mo xxx


Zack Report 14 Jan 2010 11:27

Hello Everyone,I have missed you all,I have read all the back posts so have caught up on all the news.
First of all Mo sorry to hear about your Nephew and grandaughter,I hope they are recovering from their operationsand your nephew's prognosis is encouraging.
Sallie I hope you get your prayers answered and that Jennie doesn't have to go on the medication you are so worried about.

Hello to Ann,( Liz Purple) Huia belated Birthday wishes to you. Marilyn in Cyprus, Sylvia in Canada, I am looking forward to seeing some of the Winter Olympics.
Now i am sure I have forgotten someone OH YES LOL Our lovely Jean,
I hope you and J are well by the way what does the J stand for????

Well folks it has been so hot here, but late to-day we had a storm and it rained cats & dogs and thankfully it has cooled off.

I went to Water arobics to-day it was a pleasure to be in the pool, after gym I went up to Barbara's to look after the girls and we got into their Pool. They thought it was great that grandma was in with them and I also enjoyed it, we ended up having to get out as we could see the big storm coming with lightning and thunder----- very exciting.------
I spent yesterday afternoon visiting with my grandson Jaimen,he is now crawling , the poor dogs dont like it as they cant settle, he is getting so fast.
He doesn't hurt them but they are not used to having this kid in their face.
It is getting late I'd best be off.
Love&(((((((((((hugs )))))))))) Marie.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Jan 2010 02:16

Hi all, sorry not to have been around, lots going on. I hope all your poorly people are soon on the mend and that Mo's nephew doesn't lose the power of speech, how sad for him to have all this to cope with.

O.h. hasn't been very well, I think he is not taking his meds as he should, keeps saying how hard it is on shift work but won't make a stand at work so he has regular meal breaks etc. He is always the same, won't stand up for himself in some ways yet in other less important things at work he will make a fuss. I told him if he doesn't do things properly re diet and meds and exercise (he can't cycle to work in this weather so hasn't exercised for weeks) I will have no sympathy for him and will tell his son that when he gets back from Angola, that I won't take any responsibility for his father's health. He is such a pig headed person who will only do what he wants or thinks when he feels like it. I didn't bargain for all this hassle when I got involved with a toyboy 7 yrs younger than me, well you wouldn't expect to have to look after him that much would you? Yet it's been one thing after another, what with the secret drinking that I didn't know about for ages, and the bleed on the brain and now all this.... wouldn't mind but he disregards my fibromyalgia pain and my cfs, and tells me I am lazy!

Anyway folks, take care in the bad weather that some of us still have, it's not snowed any more yet in Norwich since small flurries for a short time on Weds that didn't settle, but it's still cold and miserable and some icy pavements left around.

love to all


Sallie Report 13 Jan 2010 22:20

Mo, just sent you another PM.
Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 13 Jan 2010 22:02

Hi All,

Very late looking in today I'm afraid. Mo I've sent you a PM.

Thank you all for asking, as I expected, Jennie will have to go on the other medication. Apparently, now that she's had a reaction the medication will no longer do what it's suppose to do, and she could react to it again, only it could be a whole lot worse, even if she was to be put back on the anti rejection drug, it's highly likely that she would still have a reaction. The Consultant was concerned that Jennie's throat had swollen up when she suffered the reaction, and if it happened again it could stop her from breathing. So Jennie made the decision, with the Consultants guidance to go on the new medication. She has appointment with her IBD nurse, in two weeks time. So we'll have to wait and see!

I hope you are all okay! I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2010 19:32

Typists finger more like MO. I always write a lot of letters these are just replies tpo contacts over Christmas.


JustJean Report 13 Jan 2010 18:44

P.M. sent Mo,

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jan 2010 17:37

Thank you Ann. I hope you have not got writers cramp.
It's surprising how mail can build up isn't it.


AnninGlos Report 13 Jan 2010 17:32

Mo, fingers crossed that it is not as bad as losing his speech. The main thing is that they have removed it. I hope he makes good progress, what a nasty start to the new year for your family. I will keep him in my thoughts.
As I will your granddaughter endometriosis is bad enough without having cancer hanging over her as well.

Sallie how did your daughter get on today?

I have spent most of the day catching up with letters (snail mail. I must have written about 10 letters today and am really tired now.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jan 2010 17:18

Evening girls.
Sallie how has Jennie got on today,she has been in my thoughts all day.
Just to update you all.
My grandaughter has got endometriosis,and has to go and see the specialist in two weeks time. We are now awaiting the results off her cancer biopsy.
My nephew was taken down to theater this morning at 9.00am. He was down there for over four hours.
They have removed as much as they can off the mass on his brain.
But they say he may suffer by losing his speech.
He was in intensive care when my niece phoned.
I have been on tenderhooks all day,waiting for news.
Thank you all for your caring thoughts.
I will pop back later. Love to you all. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Jan 2010 20:29

Will be thinking of the two youngsters tomorrow.

Hope all goes well for them.



AnninGlos Report 12 Jan 2010 20:25

Yes we will be thinking of them both. Hope it will soon be over for them.


JustJean Report 12 Jan 2010 20:14

we will be thinking of both young people tomorrow and praying all will be well.

Jean xx

Sallie I have replied too,

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2010 18:58

Hi Sallie.p.m sent to you.
Good news girls,I have just spoken with my niece,the hospital has got a bed for my nephew. They are on their way up to London now.
Oh how I wish it were this time tommorrow night now. At least that way,Sallie and I would might be able to relax a little.
((((((((hugs for Sallie)))))))))
Love to all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 12 Jan 2010 18:38

Mo, Sent you a PM. I hope they'll have a bed for your nephew, the sooner it's done the better. Let's hope they don't keep your granddaughter waiting too long either. Please wish them all the best for me! It'll be nice when it's all been sorted.

I'm just hoping that the Consultant won't put Jennie on the other medication. I really dread that happening.

Speak to you all later.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2010 17:46

Hello girls.
Please give my best wishes to Jennie for tommorrow Sallie. I hope things go well for her.
I am waiting to hear if my nephew went into hospital today,for his operation tommorrow. They were supposed to ring him by 12.00 today,to let him know if there is a bed for him. Apparantly because off the snow,they were not discharging patients as quickly. I can understand that,
as most off the patients have had brain surgery,and would still be a bit unsteady on their feet. But I is still a worry about him,having to wait.
My grandaughter has to be at the hospital for 7.30a.m,and will be taken down to theater as soon as they are ready for her.
She is not a very good patient I am afraid,and if they keep her waiting to long,she is liable to blow up at them.
I will look in later. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 12 Jan 2010 17:23

Hi Everyone.
No problem with the internet today thank goodnes, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Huia, thanks for the reccipes, I made some shortbread years back, but it didn't turn out too well, so never made any since. Alun loves shortbread so I think I'll try the your recipe, but like Mo, I'll make them plain, if you think that it will work out okay. Alun and Michael will also like the Coffee Crispies, so I'll have a go of those too.
So pleased the students were nice and that they did a good job clearing your garden.

Jean, read your PM, I'll reply later on. When does J go for his check up at the hospital, sorry I know you've told us, but my memory is not like like it was.

Mo, don't worry about the extra pounds, you have to eat something that you really love now and again. Enjoy them with a nice cup of tea.

Ann, hope you are okay! Have you been busy scrapping the last couple of days?

Hope everyone else is alright. I might look in again later.

Love and best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jan 2010 15:10

Huia,if I wanted just plain shortbread biscuits,I could leave the extra added
ingredients out couldn't I. Coo I must try some,as shortbread are my favourites. Oh my lord just think off the extra pounds,my love handles will have handles of there own. But hey who cares,it's comfort food for this awful weather.
I bet the garden is looking lovely now though Huia. But as you say,it's keeping it under that is the problem.
Be back later. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 12 Jan 2010 08:59

The 3 students came this afternoon, very pleasant young people. We spent 3 hours cleaning up my jungle. Actually a bit less than 3, I was k****ered, so called time 15 mins early but still paid them for the 3 hours each. They had worked so hard and enthusiastically, did much more than I had expected. Now all I have to do is keep it tidy! Going to collapse in bed soon, if I dont sleep I will want to know why not.



JustJean Report 11 Jan 2010 22:43

Huia,They sound lovely thank you, I havent most of the ingrediants ,but hope to get them tomorrow, so will let you know if I have made them right....if you have any more recipes do share them with us.....

love Jean xx