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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
17 Jan 2010 06:36 |
Hi Sylvia, it would cost him as much as getting the repairs done if it happened to often. Hope you can get it sorted out soon.
17 Jan 2010 06:16 |
OH came in tonight and commented that it will be good to get the car fixed as he has no idea how fast he is going, and it is a strain to ensure that he is always below the speed limit!
he really would hate to hear that siren behind him!
sylvia xxx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
17 Jan 2010 04:44 |
Hi all,
Mo I wish I could say the same about my o.h. He is a total pig when he hasn't taken his meds properly and went to bed last night without a meal or meds because he went into meltdown over something I was supposed to have said in the wrong tone of voice! That was after a tirade at me for about an hour! I am going to write to his doctor and let him know what is happening, and I shall tell his father that I will not be held responsible if his health gets worse because of his stupid attitude towards the illness. He took on 12 hrs overtime yesterday as he hadn't been getting much o/t before Christmas compared to some of the others and he has wanted to pay off his mortgage. Now there is some o/t he is grabbing it all and will make himself ill. He is still using the car rather than cycling so getting no exercise and was out of the house for over 12 hrs, I know he took a fair amount of food but then he mentioned he didn't make time to eat it all. So unlike you I would happily change him, he is the devil I know and I don't like it! Oh and his memory was appalling before the bleed on the brain, and is getting much worse now. His father gave him a day by day page calendar as he had last year, but this time it has a crossword for each day, I suggested we did it together every evening but he says he is going to give the calendar to a charity shop and refuses to do the puzzles. He never does anything like that and barely reads either, books, papers or magazines, all he will look at is instruction books for the new tv and a gadget he got from his son for Christmas which he is now saying is a load of rubbish but it's what he chose! Something to transfer cassette audio tapes to cd via the computer and he can't get it to work properly.
Anyway hope your nephew will find his memory slowly returns - I think maybe there are puzzles he can do to exercise his brain later on to help it work again properly, he could ask about that at the hospital or look on line for advice.
Sorry everyone is having vehicle problems, our car still has the side mirror fixed on with a clamp as it's been too cold for o.h. to go outside and fix it and he won't pay for it to be done if he can help it!
take care all
Mo in Kent
16 Jan 2010 20:44 |
Well I dont believe this girls. Is it something to do with the time off year do you think,the poor cars have to be unwell sometime I suppose.LOL Like you Sylvia,we have free treatment from the doctor. But we have to pay for prescriptions,until we become 60,or have special medical circumstances,ie diabetes etc. Where one needs to take medication,on a regular basis. I know what you mean Huia about warranties running out. You can bet your bottom dollar,they break down within a month after the warranty runs out. We now have insurances on nearly all our household appliances,just in case off breakdown.
16 Jan 2010 20:27 |
Back in the mid 60s we had a Fiat 500 (Bambina, lovely little car). Shortly before the warranty was due to expire (just a 12 month warranty in those days) my husband noticed that the clutch cable looked frayed and pointed it out to the dealers. They assured him that it would last 'forever'. However, 1 month after the warranty expired, when we were going up a hill and OH tried to change gear he found he couldnt because the cable had broken. We talked long and hard to the dealers, pointed out that we had commented on it earlier, so they finally agreed to repair it under the warranty.
16 Jan 2010 20:25 |
Huia ............. Glad to hear that you had a good visit with Phil
Like Mo, we don't pay for xrays here if we have been sent for one by a doctor or specialist.
We also have a province medical plan which covers the basics ................. but it is not completely free. If you earn above a certain amount, then you ahve to pay a monthly premium of about $32 per person. Then you have to pay for most presciption drugs below a certain deductible level ............... but doctors visits are free, and so is all treatment in hospital. Except that we do pay a small amount for the room ....... $10 a day in a 4 bed room, $15 in a 2 bed and $25 in a private room.
Then we also have extended health plans, some employers cover at least half the cost of those.
We are fortunate that we have been able to afford the cost of the extended health benefits since Iain retired ............. that is an absolute necessity over here where costs can be so high.
16 Jan 2010 20:19 |
Hi all
Lovely sun and blue skies today! What a change from rain. Still have high temperatures (8 to 10C) and rain forecast through Thursday next week. Do hope the temperatures drop so they can start making snow on the local mountains ready for the Olympics.
Re cars .............. two days before going over to the Island last week, our car decided to have a hiccup.
The cruise control light started flashing but the lever wouldn't work, and the speedometer and odometer were not working. OH took it into our garage. They couldn't find out what was wrong, said it was safe to drive and bring it back on "Monday" for diagnostic tests.
The tests found what was wrong, but the part had to be ordered.
It came in on Tuesday, OH took the car in, they installed the little part ................... but then discovered that they would have to dismantle the transmission in order to attach it properly.
Cost ....... $1500
However, they think the car is still under warranty, so suggested OH take it to the dealership.
It goes in on Monday, could take 2-3 days .... and they are not sure if it IS still covered by the warranty.
If it is not covered, OH will ask for an estimate of cost .... and then decide whether to leave it with them or take it back to our regular guy.
The dealership has offered OH a courtesy car to drive ........ only it isn't a courtesy, it's going to cost $40 a day.
ouch ouch ouch!
The car is a 2006 Suburu Forester.
Mo in Kent
16 Jan 2010 20:16 |
Oh my lord Huia,I am so shocked. Both you and Ann have been unfortunate with your cars. It is such good news to hear Phil being mobile again. You must have been so pleased,to see him like that. We are lucky in this country,that we don't have to pay for xrays. Unless we go private that is. If there is a long wait for a certain xray,people sometimes do go private. A friend of mines OH,was waiting for an MRI scan,and the wait was something like three months.They went private and had it done in a couple off days. Like you,we do have private insurance that you can take out. When Roly was working,before he retired,his company paid half towards private care,and we paid the other. But now we are retired,we cant afford to keep it up any more.
16 Jan 2010 19:57 |
Hi there all.
When I went shopping 2 days ago I pulled into a space in the supermarket and crept very slowly up to the barrier thing in front until I heard a loud crunch. I didnt even feel it touching which is what I had expected. It smashed the front parking light on one side so that has to be replaced when our local garage gets the part in. Not sure how much it will cost. At least I dont go out at night now if I can help it.
I had visited Phil before I did the shopping, arrived at 12.30 and they were all having a picnic lunch in the enclosed garden. The hospital tries to vary things for them. Most of them had finished, including Phil who was walking around by holding on to chairs etc. I took his arm and walked around with him. On my previous visit they had given me the bill for the xray that he had had, $38. The total cost had actually been $204 but NZ has an accident compensation scheme, and that paid the larger part.
Mo in Kent
16 Jan 2010 19:31 |
Hi to you all. My goodness Ann,you are not having much luck lately are you. (£140) is quite a lot to have to fork out,out off the blue. But we would miss having our vehicles,wouldn't we. Hello Huia. How are you keeping,and how is Phil now. I have got two of my grandchildren coming tommorrow. The son who's living with us,it's his little ones. I will be glad when we get some better weather so that they can play in the garden. They do so enjoy it out there. Big(((((hugs for Jean,Sallie,Marie,Sylvia and all our friends))))))))))) Love to you all.Speak to you tommorrow. Mo xxx
15 Jan 2010 23:03 |
Hello everybody ~~~~~
I have been reading threads but havent added much. I am hoping to make a catalogue of my granddads paintings, if I can get copies of the ones owned by a couple of cousins. Like Ann, I have sooo many things to do and not enough time.
15 Jan 2010 21:50 |
Good evening all, sorry not been on much, I had to take my car to the garage it was knocking, something to do with struts under the suspension (£140), then I was working on a scrap book page, and doing things with the writing group. Soo many interests, soo little time.
Hope you are feeling better Jean, stay in out of the cold.
15 Jan 2010 20:59 |
Hello All,
Hope you are all okay, and that the weather is now alright where you all live. Snow has all gone here, so let's hope it will stay that way.
Mo, pleased to hear that your nephew is going home tomorrow, obviously the family are thrilled, but as you say he still has a long haul in front of him. Please pass on my very best wishes to both your nephew and your granddaughter. I hope they'll both make a full recovery!
Ann, thank you for your support, I really appreciate it. It's lovely to have such good and caring friends on here. I hope that both you and T are alright.
Liz, hope your OH has started to listen to your advice--after all it's only for his own good. Also hope that you are okay.
I wondered where Jean was, I hope she'll soon feel better. We really miss you Jean, when you aren't on the thread. Hope J and D are both alright.
I hope Huia is okay, we haven't heard from her for a few days.
Jennie had the swine flu jab yesterday and Michael had to have one too because he's living there. They both have a few flu symptoms today, but are not too bad. Jennie has to have another one, something to do with the medication she's taking and her immune system, she think she'll have to have it in a couple of weeks time.
I've was going to do some baking today, but didn't get it done. Never mind, there's always tomorrow.
Hope all our other friends are all okay. Speak to you all tomorrow.
Mo in Kent
15 Jan 2010 19:24 |
Hello everyone. Liz,I did not know that my OH had a twin brother. lol They have both had the same problems,ie,Brain bleeds, Diabetes,High cholesterol,to much on the heavy side. Plus he had a heart attack. Oh the joys off it all. But I still would not change him,better the devil I know and all that. Well it's fairly good news about my nephew. He is coming out off hospital tommorrow. He is still frustrated with his memory loss. But as Liz will verify,this does occur with any brain injury. He has got to have radiotherapy,and quite possibly chemo. It's the beggining off a long journey. My brother and neice are over the moon,as I am obviously,but I don't think they realise what is still to come. Thank you all,for your good wishes,for my nephew and grandaughter. My G.D is feeling a lot better today,she has only had to take one dose of painkillers,first thing this morning. I hope Jean is feeling better today. She has been feeling pretty poorly with what sounds like a chest infection. Get well soon lovely lady,we miss you. I hope you are all well,and feeling a bit more heartened now that the snow is going. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
15 Jan 2010 02:07 |
Hello again, Mo I am so pleased your nephew hasn't lost the power of speech, he must be so relieved as must the family. And glad your granddaughter is ok and will be better still once the anaesthetic has worn off completely.
O.h. is type 2? diabetes - he has to take tablets and change his diet! He always sorts out his packing up etc for work so that's where he goes wrong but won't listen so S** him, not my problem. He already takes stuff for high blood pressure, high cholesterol and aspirin to thin his blood as he had a bleed on the brain a couple of years ago, (his father has had several t.i.a.s so it didn't surprise me) and he is very overweight. I have never seen him walk briskly or move fast but when he had the bleed on the brain, he had to stop driving for a while so had to get a bike and he started to enjoy using it for work most of the time, but this bad weather scuppered that! He really didn't lost more than half a stone in two years of cycling tho, so not sure why, I think he eats too many snacks at work as well as the stuff he takes like sandwiches etc, I try to encourage him to make healthy stuff but he isn't keen. He was supposed to make a will before Christmas but for some reason, I forget what now, he cancelled the appointment and hasn't made another one. I wish he would hurry up and do it lol, especially as when he is feeling sorry for himself he says he doesn't think he will live more than two more years!
Take care everyone, I love to read about your travels Sylvia and all the news from others. Sallie, I hope Jennie will adapt to the other meds ok - it must be so trying for her to have all this to deal with.
take care everyone, love Lizxxx
14 Jan 2010 22:18 |
Mo good to hear that your nephew was speaking after the op.
Sallie we will have to be positive for you. Say after us..... This medication WILL work
Sylvia, you have travelled a lot haven't you?
Should have ~~~~~~~~~~~ to Marie and ~~~~~~~~~~~ to Jean
14 Jan 2010 22:14 |
Hi again,
Mo, you made me laugh when you said about us Brits, but it is so true, we love to have a moan about the weather. I've just come off the phone from speaking to my brother and sister-in-law, they've been telling me that between Tuesday night and yesterday afternoon they've had almost a foot and a half of snow where they live, near Abergavenny in S. Wales. The worse snow there for thirty years.
Sylvia thank you, I hope she does too, I think this is the last of any medication she can have, so dread to think what the next thing will be. As Jennie herself does andsays, we have to look on the positive side, but I'm afraid I cant always do that. Hope things are going well for you and OH.
Well I'll speak to you all tomorrow. Take care!
Mo in Kent
14 Jan 2010 21:24 |
Good evening my friends. Sylvia,we have had rain here in Kent today,thank goodness it's washing some off the snow away. You could do with a bit off the weather we have had,to cool you all down,you are not used to the temperatures you've been having are We are weather hardened over here,oh my thats a laugh. We moan when it rains,when it snows,or even when we do get a bit off heat. It's typical off us Brits,never a happy medium.
14 Jan 2010 20:57 |
Hi all
warm and wet here!
heavy rain and high wind warnings for the next 24 hours.
Mo ................... so glad to hear that your nephew has come through the operation so well. It will be a long road to full recovery, but I'm sure he will make it. Also keeping my fingers crossed for your granddaughter.
Sallie ............ do hope that Jennie does well on the new medication.
Marie ................ whereabouts are you in OZ? We have friends and/or relations in or around Perth, Bendigo, Melbourne, Brisbane and Pomona, and Mudgee and Sydney in NSW.
On our last visit in 2006, we flew into Perth, rode the Indian Pacific to Adelaide, rented a car to get to and from Bendigo, then rode The Ghan to Darwin, a plane to Brisbane, and then drove via Mudgee to Sydney.
Take care everyone
14 Jan 2010 18:27 |
Hi All,
Just a quick look in to see how everything is.
Mo, I'm so pleased to hear that your nephew hasn't lost his speech, it must have been a great relief for all the family. As you say it's going to be a long haul, slowly but surely he'll get there. I hope and pray that he will make a full recovery. Good to hear that your granddaughter had a comfortable night, lets now hope that the results of the biopsy are not as bad as you you all think they might be.
Marie, lovely to hear from you. While you are all baking in Oz, we are all freezing here in Britain, as you might already know from the news. It must be great to get in the pool when it is so hot there, I can imagine how happy the girls were to have you in the pool with them. The dogs must think that Jaimen is trying to get there before them.
Liz, I hope your OH will listen to you and see that you are only telling him things for his own good, and not just nagging.
Jean, received your parcel today, thank you. I'll certainly give the microwave bags a try to part cook the veg, when I next make a stew in the slow cooker. As you know, I'm always happy to receive the mags. Thanks again!
Ann hope you are okay. Hoping to go on your Scrapbooking and Craft thread later on. Couple of things I need to find out.
Our weather today is a bit better, not quite as cold as it's been. Let's hope it will stay that way.
Hope all our absent friends are all okay.
Love and best wishes.