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Just Jean

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 28 Jan 2010 04:11

Hi Marie, there's a saying if you fall over, to take more water with it, in other words don't drink your spirits neat as you will fall over! I had the fall before Christmas on black ice on the road and wasn't even a bit sozzled, might not have hurt so much had I been drunk lol Actually I rarely drink, doesn't appeal to me much at home and when out it's usually me has to drive as o.h. can't turn down one more drink!

Huia, I wondered too why there weren't sides on Phil's bed but hope he is ok now and they will rethink things, as he has had falls before.

Mo, have a look on my thread about post concussive syndrome, tells on there the latest with the stitches lol I must remind o.h. to get that will written out too lol, with not being married to him, I have to have some safeguard or the brats would be here like a shot to turf me out and get the house.

Jean, hope you will soon feel lots better and things will go ok.

love to all, take care with cold weather probably returning and slipslapslop to those in the heat!



Zack Report 27 Jan 2010 22:52

Hello All , Boy you all seem to be in the wars over there, we are just being fried but no accidents .
Jean welcome back just take things slowly we did miss you whilst you were laid low. I to am having day surgery on the 4th of Feb my annual Cystoscopy, I hope Jeffs results are good.
Sallie I hope your heating has been fixed can't be without that in the weather you lot are having.
Mo you are a fighsty as usual what would we do with out you, to keep us all sane and on a even keel, you tell it like it is, I love you for this.
Liz, why do you have to drink more water??have you been on the turps as we say over here,well Liz if that Git of a partner of yours has a cancer on his noggin serves him right you might get rid of him sooner than later, which would be better than pushing him under a bus, you dont really want your face in the paper.
Dear Huia poor Phil when he seemed to be doing well, please insist that they have the rails put up on his bed and I hope this doesnt but him behind in the progress he was making and I hope they keep taking him out for trips I am sure it helps.
Hi sylvia, when is this grandchild due? I guess you dont care what sex it is as long as it is a healthy child .
Marilyn I hope you are not frying like we are, but I shouldnt complain as there are no bush fires at this time of writing, Thank you dear God and could you please send us some rain other wise we will have to take out a loan to pay the water bill.
I hope I have covered everyone, God bless you all and please say a prayer that my results from the cystoscopy will be clear.
Loves & HUGS to you all Marie.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jan 2010 19:10

Oh Huia,poor Phil. Why have they not got the rails at the sides off the beds. When my mum was in a nursing home,they always put the rails up at night. And if she wanted the toilet,she just had to push the buzzer,and they would get her up.
I do hope they gave Phil an xray,after what happened the last time when he had his fall,his bones seem so fragile,and break easily.
Our bones lose there density as we age,and break easier.
Liz,off course I will stand up for you. It's what I would call, an aggravated,
neccessary dismissal of a pain in the b*m. More painful than piles. lol
Bless his lickle socks,he has got a scar on his bonce now. What a good talking point for him. Oh Oh thats wrong,he doesn't talk does he.
God forbid,what would happen if he had to go through what my poor nephew is going through.
The poor boy keeps losing his sight,and his memory is atrocious his speech is affected to. He had 44 clamps,after his operation. And he has to wait at least six weeks for his radiotherapy.
My grandaughter has an infection in her stitches,so she has got anti-biotics for that.
Well enough off my moans.
How is everyone today.
Are you feeling any better Jean.?
Sallie have you heard from the therapist yet.?
Big hug for Ann,Marie,Sylvia and all our friends on this thread.
Take care one and all. Love Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 27 Jan 2010 00:09

Huia, bless your poor hubby, hope he didn't damage his pelvis again, did they check him for that when he rolled out of bed. Maybe you had better take in a saw and lower his bed even more. I hope he was having an enjoyable dream, maybe rolling down hillsides as a youngster again and did it in his sleep?

O.h. came back with the mole cut out and cursing cos he should have had the stitches out on 5th Feb, his birthday so he said no and made an apptmt for the following Monday, meaning he would have to go to stay with his son with the stitches and scab all showing, no dressing on there so he is worried he will knock it at work. I have suggested he changes the apptmt and gets the stitches out on the morning of his birthday while I am getting up, how long will it take for heavens sake and it's only 5 mins drive to the surgery!!! Or the day before even, Oh no, has to be the time the doc said, says he! Must have been his one brain cell under there that they removed lol
I suggested he gets it covered while at work as he works in a dusty environment. He swears he always had the mole but I know he didn't, I cut his hair often enough and just shave over the front with one of those electric hair cutters, well I do it all over but the shortest at the front as there is nothing there and I have watched the mole appear as a very dark brown one over the past two years. He seems worried it will spoil his good looks, what a dope! None to spoil! He says if I hadn't nagged him to get it checked he wouldn't have bothered and wishes he hadn't had it done! Told him to wait and see after it is checked, if it was cancerous he will be glad I nagged! Stupid man! I suppose he is upset as he is only 5'5" (broke my long time rule to never go out with a man shorter than me and boy, am I paying lol) and most people can look down on his scar lol Anyway he calmed down after a little while and seems ok about it now.

Mo, keep watching hon, you never know, but you will all stick up for me won't you?

Jean, thanks for pm love, will get back to you soon. Take care and do things slowly.

to all my other pals here, take care and will hope Sallie gets her heating fixed asap and everyone will be ok.



Huia Report 26 Jan 2010 23:46

I had a phone call this morning to say that Phil had rolled out of bed at 4.30 a.m. and opened the cut on his eyebrow that had been healing from a previous fall. Luckily he is in a low bed, so not far to fall.



AnninGlos Report 26 Jan 2010 20:24

Hello all, sallie good luck with the latest pages. jean I will photograph and send the pages asap. Didn't do it before because you were not well, then the light wasn't good for photos but I will do it I promise. Pleased that you are getting better and pleased that all was well for J.

Mo, well done on winning last night, it has been cold here too the last couple of days.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jan 2010 18:14

Cooee everyone.
It's so good to see you posting Jean. Hurry up and get yourself up to 100% ,it's been such a long haul for you hasn't it love. Everything seems to be against you gaining your full strength back.
Are you both still going to have your break away,or will you wait,till you are feeling better.? That seems a stupid question to ask I know, but the change off air might help.
If we had pots off money,and the courage to do it,we could always go to visit either,Marie,Sylvia or Huia. Mind you thats if they would have us. But I suppose we could always pitch a tent outside their door. lol
But it's one heck off a journey,for a long weekend away isn't it.
A big hello to,Sallie,Marie,Huia,Liz,Sylvia Ann and all our friends.
Sallie, we won at darts last night,yippee. I was absolutely frozen when I got home. It was bitterly cold out there.
There's Marie sweating buckets,and us freezing our bits off.
Sylvia,have you had any snow yet. ?
If not ,it's not looking good for the games is it.?
Liz I hope you are feeling a little better today. I have not seen on the news
about a man being murdered by his wife,in your area,so I assume mr wonderful is still nagging you. Keep your chin up mate.
Love and best wishes. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 26 Jan 2010 11:51

Hello everyone, many thanks for your good wishes, I am still not 100% or even 50 %...but certainly better than I was,it really knocked me out,I cant remember the last time I had such a long winded Cold, the vertigo which has been with me on and off for many years had a go too..... so bed seemed the safest place to least I didnt have far to have just been out to the supermarket, and now I am so tired, on a lighter note Jeff went for his check up, everything seems to be doing o.k. he does however have to go in June and have the camera thingy, to be sure, this will happen each year unless they sack him,, but it so good that he will be checked yearly... his next visit to another hospital is in Feb, again a twelve monthly visit... so prayers are welcome for the 4th....I am going back to the hearing aid clinic on thurs I am not happy with the ones I have so am going to see if I can get some smaller ones, if not I will pay for some... well you have to still look good dont you.?

Sallie I am going to pop some more mags in the post for you probably next week, Hope all is well with you and your Jennie...

Marie, we could do with some of your warm weather here, quite cold again but at least its fine.... hope you and your lovely family are well,

Huia,the place your Phil is in seems nice and it was good that he was able to go out, you must feel more at ease knowing he is being looked after....

Liz my love, hope you are feeling much better too.. harder to shake stuff off as we get older, although you are still a take care and have more water in the drink !!!!!

Ann , Sylvia, and the lovely Marilyn, in the sun,(boo).... hope its all going well with you all... Ann, wheres me pics of the latest scraps ?

Not forgetting my mate Mo,( tried to but what a gem you are, cheering me up, when I was such a wimp... love you lots... I think I have told you all the news,so bye for now..

love to you all Jean xxx


Sallie Report 25 Jan 2010 21:36

Hi All,
Just a quick look in to see how everyone is.

Huia, it must have been so nice for you to see that Phil was out on an outing, and that when he arrived back he walked around with you and spoke to you.

Mo, lovely to hear that you had a win on bingo yesterday, hope your team win at darts tonight,

Liz, glad to know that you are feeling a bit better. Hope you got some sleep after OH went off to work.

Marie, lovely to hear from you. You are all baking hot in Oz, and they have given out more freezing weather for the whole of Britain by Friday. To make matters worse, our central heating isn't working at all now, but we have someone to look at it tomorrow. Just hope it can get sorted by the weekend. No, we haven't heard anything from Debbie, I only hope that things are okay with her and her family.

Ann, hope all is well with you. I've started doing some pages of another family history scrapbook, goodness how long it will take me to do.

Jean, if you are looking in, I really hope you will soon feel better. We miss you on this thread.

Sylvia, hope all is well with you. Are you still knitting ready for your new grandchild. It must be a lovely feeling, knowing that you are going to be a grandparent soon.

Well, that's all for now, going to do a bit more scrapbooking.

Love and best wishes to you all. Sallie.xx


Zack Report 25 Jan 2010 04:35

Hello all, Sylvia I hope you are not in pain all the time how dreadful, I have had pinched nerves and that is bad enough,you always sound so cheerful ,I hope it is a little better now.
Liz you are also in the wars,what a P---k your partner is,mean man, they make everyone around them unhappy.
Has anyone heard from Debbie???? Our poor Jean still not well if you are looking in Get well dear Jean we miss you.
Hello to Mo you were lucky to win what you did ,maybe it will be bigger next time good luck to you. Hello to Ann ,Huia, and Marilyn if she looks in I hope you are all well, It is B----y hot here I have been told your weather is inproving in England about time I wish it would cool down a bit here ,as I need to do some Seed planting and to put some seedlings in but they would just frizzel up if I did.
Must away love and HUGS to you all Marie as she wipes the sweat off her brow. MO'Dxxxxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 25 Jan 2010 04:30

Well as I put on another thread, the email went over o.h.'s head and he is no more bothered about my lightheadedness now than he was last week!

Huia, I am so glad Phil had an outing and maybe did some walking altho I hope he didn't do too much till his pelvis is properly healed. Nice for you to see him tired from fresh air hopefully and talking to you too.

Mo glad you had a little luck, maybe next time you will get the bigger prize. Better than nothing tho eh?

I will only do what I feel up to but have slept quite a lot this weekend so that's helped and will have a good sleep this morning I hope, once o.h. gets up and goes to work in about half an hour.
Ann, thought I remembered reading about this some time back, and no my surgery hasn't bothered that I am not nearby at the mo. They know I want to move back home eventually.

GP catchment areas to end under NHS plans
Catchment areas and closed lists for GPs will be effectively ended under new plans announced by ministers to make it easier for people to choose their doctor.

By Andrew Porter, Political Editor and Rebecca Smith, Medical Editor
Published: 7:50PM BST 30 Jun 2008

For the first time the right to choice in healthcare will be enshrined in law under the new NHS Constitution.

Ministers want to make it easier for patients to move between GP practices to reward good quality care and drive up standards.

Currently many GP practices draw up very tight boundaries meaning patients who live on the wrong side of the street or 100m too far away are not allowed to join their list.

And there are also funding problems that mean successful doctors who attract more patients but who cannot take them on.

Under the NHS Next Stage Review conducted by junior health minister and surgeon Lord Darzi, ministers want to ensure that funding follows the patient to make it easier to switch GP.

This will mean scrapping the minimum practice income guarantee that was introduced in 2003 to ensure surgeries did not lose money as the payment of GPs was reorganised.

While it will make it easier to register with a practice near work instead of near home, it would be impossible to allow patients to register with any GP surgery. Patients need to live reasonably near their GP practice so home visits and out of hours care can be provided practically.

The website, NHS Choices, will be expanded to include more comparative information about the range of services offered by GP practices in each area, their opening times, the views of local patients, and their performance against quality measurements to help patients choose.

They will also be allowed to ask for their preferred doctor.

Primary Care Trusts should also develop local NHS information packs for people who have just moved house that help them choose their new GP.

NHS Choices may also allow patients to register with doctors electronically.

The NHS Constitution says: "You have the right to choose your GP practice, and to be accepted by that practice, unless there are reasonable grounds to refuse, in which case you will be informed of those reasons.

"You have the right to express a preference for using a particular doctor within your GP practice, and for the practice to try to comply."

Alan Johnson, the Health Secretary, told MPs: "Patients will be given more rights and control over health and care. They will have greater choice of GP practice, with better information to make the best choices for themselves and their families."

Regardless of where patients live they will be able to choose a GP. It means people working in London can choose a doctor nearer to work than home for convenience.

They will also be able to express a preference for choosing a particular doctor.

Gordon Brown and Mr Johnson used the 60th anniversary of the NHS to unveil the year-long review into the health service. It was carried out by Lord Darzi, the junior health minister.

In a speech Mr Brown said: "Just as people can now choose which hospital they go to for their operation, so they will now have a right to choose which GP they register with for the day-to-day care."

But Andrew Lansley, the Shadow Health Secretary, said: "In January 2006 Patricia Hewitt (then Health Secretary) promised that patients would be given a real choice of GP and that they would stop practices being able to say that they were open but full. She also pledged to phase out the system whereby GPs only receive 70 per cent of the normal level of funding if a patient transfers to their practice which disincentivises doctors from taking on new patients.

"I would have more respect for Labour if they had delivered this the first time round rather than recycling old commitments."

Thanks for the good wishes,


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2010 17:28

Your turn next time maybe Mo, but you did win something!

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jan 2010 17:26

Good aternoon ladies.
Liz,my goodness you don't do things by halves do you. Please take it easy
and only do what you have to. Let him indoors wait. Surely he is not completely blind and can see how you are suffering. Honestly, men can be a right pain sometimes. Especially when they have been spoilt, by others,and can't see any further than the end off their noses.
Huia,It is good news about Phil. It's nice that they take the patients out for
the day. It gives them a different outlook.
No wonder Phil was tired,he has been so cooped up,for so long bless him. And it's not your fault either,so please dont think I am thinking on those lines.
Hi Ann,good to see you. How are you keeping.
I went to bingo this afternoon with my daughter. I had a little luck,and won £15.00,my daughter won £50.00 that she had to share with two others.
BUT,they have a link game,which paid out £1,000 for one line,£2,000 for two lines,and £3.000 for a full house. One off the people in our club won the £3,000,but because she had the number five in the number she called up on,she won an extra £25,000,making £28,000 all together. Now how lucky was that.
Well I am going to go and sit in the corner and sulk. Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 24 Jan 2010 12:59

Liz, I am surprised that your surgery let you stay with them if it is 5 miles. They normally want you to move to one nearer in case you need to call them out.

Well you can take a horse to water and all that. You have done your best, given him the info about what is likely to make you irritable, he will just have to put up with it if he doesn't help you. What you should try and do is rest more, maybe when he is at work and maybe not type on here as it is your head that is affected. Hope it clears up soon though.

Sorry that Jean is still unwell, do hope it clears up soon for her, especially the vertigo, I thought she had shaken that well and truly off.

If you look in Jean we are all thinking of you.


Huia Report 24 Jan 2010 05:44

Hi there Liz. Please take care of yourself. We would all miss you if you had a relapse of the concussion. Or whatever.

Phil seems to be doing ok. When I went to visit on Friday he was out on a van trip. They went up Mt Eden. I dont know how much he saw (or enjoyed it) as he was asleep when the van got back. We had to wake him to get him out of the van and back into the hospital. He was walking reasonably well, and talking to me.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Jan 2010 04:20

Hi all,
As you might have seen on the threads, I have been diagnosed with post concussive syndrome, which explains the lightheadedness when I go out and why I feel a bit woolly headed lol
Should improve in time, doc said 5 weeks wasn't long enough to recover totally from such a bang on the bonce!

Mo, o.h. is not the sort who would have counselling or take advice, he thinks he knows the lot and is a law unto himself, pigheaded beggar. He hasn't taken any notice of the doc's advice for me to rest, not that he was with me when I saw the doc, had to go on the bus there and back on my own as my doc is 5 miles from here - I've stayed with the practice I know.
I have emailed him a copy of the definition of p.c.s. and he can see what it all about, altho don't suppose he will bother to read it. It says irritabilty is one of the results of the injury, and last evening he kept saying I answered him aggressively, he was running on and nit picking so I jumped down his throat, I'll show him aggressive lol

Jean, hope if you are reading the threads you will see the messages to get well soon.

Huia, hope things are going smoothly for you and Phil is doing ok now and his pelvis healing well.

Sallie, Sylvia and all of you

love and hugs

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jan 2010 17:38

Hello all.
Just a quickie,as I have got family coming.
I had a p.m from Jean. Bless her she is still unwell. She starts to recover,
then goes back down with it again. Also the blessed vertigo is back again.
So Jean has asked me to pass on her good wishes to you all.
GET WELL SOON JEAN,we miss you.
Love to you all,speak to you tommorrow. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 23 Jan 2010 05:31

Hi everyone

it was soooooooo warm and sunny today that I went out in a skirt and a spring jacket!! It was over 10C in the early afternoon.

Not good for snow on the hills for the Olympics though!

Sallie ....... a bit of a misunderstanding. The 4 weeks was actually between the appointment I had earlier this week and the previous appointment that was before Christmas. I was away for almost 2 weeks of that time, then had to cancel an appointment because I woke up with a stomach flu of some sort that morning. The physio works from 7am to 1 pm on Monday to Thursday ............... and they know not to offer me anything earlier than 11am, so they did in fact give me the first appointment that was available under those restrictions ......... 11 am on Matt's third working day after my missed appointment.

I will now see him 2 weeks after that appointment (ie, in about 9 days time), then already have my appointments booked at 3 weekly intervals to the end of April!

Mo ....... that motorcade is going to be a regular thing I fear for the 2 weeks or so that the Olympics are on. Can't possibly have members of the International Olympics Committee being held by traffic can we??????????

I'm going to be watching the effect that the London Olympics have with great interest. I really cannot see Londoners rolling over with such eagerness as our politicos have in front of the I O C. Their demands are byond reasonableness!



Sallie Report 22 Jan 2010 21:33

HI Girls,

Back again! The internet and lappy has been sorted, thank goodness, I've really missed not being able to get on here.

First of all does anyone know how Jean is? I hope she's getting better and will be back with us soon. Sending her my love and best wishes.

Sylvia, it's a shame that they can't give you an appointment for physio a bit sooner, like the others, I think four weeks is a long time to have to wait, especially with the problems you have. Do you think they might ring you with a cancellation? I had to laugh when you told us about the the police and the motorcade. At least you got a bit of entertainment while you were trying to have a nice peaceful coffee.

Huia, hope your eyes are a lot better and that all was well with Phil when last visited him.

Ann, well done on doing the scrap page of your granddaughter opening her Xmas presents. I haven't done much lately, what with one thing and another, but I've actually managed to tidy up some of my stash boxes, so at least I've done something that needed doing.

Mo, how are things are with you and the family? I hope all is going well for both your granddaughter and nephew. Your weather sounds very much like ours today, we've also had rain most of the day. We went to Hobbycraft this evening, although we didn't know for sure if it was going to be open, as there was an explosion at an electricity sub-station in Nottingham this morning and left about a third of the city without any power. It looks as though most of the power has been restored, just a small part without it now, traffic lights etc. in that part still not working.

I still haven't heard anything from the therapist, although she promised to get back to me by the beginning of last week. I'll give her until the middle of next week, as it will be three weeks when I last heard from her.

Hope everyone else is okay. Speak to to all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Jan 2010 19:34

Whoops,Hi ya Huia,sorry I nearly missed you love.
How have you been keeping. Are your eyes better now.
Have you been to visit Phil lately. Oh my,I sound so nosy dont I.
I am glad it's a little cooler for you. It's surprising how a little rain can cool things down isn't it.
We have had rain nearly all day today. But at least the snow has now gone
Take care off yourself. Love Mo xxx