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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 31 Jan 2010 19:46

Hello to you all.
How has everyones day been. I have had a very chilled out time,doing as little as possible.
I honestly don't know what the oncologist told them Ann. Apparantly,they are going to ring the specialist nurse on Tuesday,as the centre is not open on a Monday.
I am so sorry for my outburst yesterday. I have decided to keep quiet ,and wait and see what the outcome is. I love my nephew,but I have to take a back seat and let his parents sort things out.
Are any off you watching dancing on ice. The costumes on there are lovely,but brrrr they make me feel so cold.They are so skimpy,that surely they must feel the chill from the ice.
How is the weather where you all are.? We have been lucky so far,no snow. But some parts off the country have had quite a lot.
I bet Marie would like some snow.
Bye for now. Take care off yourselves. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 30 Jan 2010 22:03

Hi all

Marilyn, I thought we went off on our hols a lot but you have us beat!! Good luck to you, you enjoy it. Life is for living and you are a long time dead!!

Jean, I once looked into selling clothes on Ebay but they seemed to be going for ridiculously low prices so didn't bother. I will be interested to see how you go.

Mo I wonder if what the oncologist said was something like they couldn't confirm that your nephew was clear until 3 years after the treatment.

Ann x

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jan 2010 21:22

Ooooh,wheres that Jean got to,she's a saucy minx. I know I am Mrs Grumpy,but then I don't care. Being married to Mr Grumpy , Victor Mildrew
I have every reason to moan. LOL
I love our banter Jean,but other people may think that we mean it.
But honest folk we luv each other really,Jean's my big sis,and my prop when I am down. I shall never know how she senses it, I dont have to tell her,but she knows me better than I know myself at times.
I am sure she was a witch in a former life.........exits stage left.
Night Night god bless. Love Mo xxx


GRMarilyn Report 30 Jan 2010 20:22

LOL Jean.

I don't need a diary I need a ruddy great Calender !! LOL

With plenty of spaces in between so I can put times of Trains & Planes & Taxi's.
Then another Calender for places to stay..... including hotels travel lodgings etc etc......

Then I'll be clear on where I shall be next week ....!! as it is at home thank god.


JustJean Report 30 Jan 2010 19:26

Its nothing to do with the clocks Mo, you are just getting OLD !! and you are always grumpy....( runs off quick.).... The only digging I do now is to the bottom of my bag to see if there is the odd fiver there , never is
I think the idea fot a Marilyn diary, but it would have to include everything she got up to !!! dont you think so Mo?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jan 2010 18:47

Oh Jean,I dont know about going on a dig,I thought you had to dig the garden at least once a
Hello our little sun chaser. Looks like we are going to have to get you to write about your travels. It's title would probably be " The Travels of Marilyn". You both enjoy your lifestyle,so go for it honey.
Does the travel and time differences,wear you out though. I am bad enough,when they change our clocks twice a year. I just get used to doing things one way,and then the hours difference throws me completely.
I wake up grumpy for days after they change the clocks.


JustJean Report 30 Jan 2010 15:38

Thought I was seeing things!!!, nice to have you back Marilyn, albeit for a short time....I love hearing about your hols and now working holiday. it must be very interesting to do, just the sort of theing I would enjoy sadly to late..
I always wanted to go on a dig, wouldnt be able to get up once I got down these a good weekend...

love Jean xx


GRMarilyn Report 30 Jan 2010 14:32

Hi Everyone.

I have just come back from Cyprus and did my volunteer bit !!

I photographed some Commonwealth War Graves and took inscriptions from them.
The Idea is to have them all photographed for people to see their loved ones that they are unable to see for themselves . its very rewarding and its FREE on the( Commonwealth web site) for anyone wishing to research a particular name .

It was a holiday but not a sight seeing one as I have been to Cyprus so many times that it feels good to do some volunteer work .

Hope you are all keeping well..

MO, I think I have the same trouble with my Grandchildren as you !! We have to keep our mouths zipped , many times over,
And we are not even that old !! LOL our Sons & Wives think we are on another planet !!

Just about to get a visits from our Grand kids as we are B sitting them tonight ...I have just cooked their favorite dinner Cottage Pie ..!

I'm off to Aussie in a few weeks time for a month I do follow the sun ...LOL

So before the storm I'm having a cuppa ...all take care

Marilyn xxx
Ps I deleted by mistake.


JustJean Report 30 Jan 2010 14:32

What happened to the last addy? was it Marilyns?

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jan 2010 13:45

Hello everyone,from a bright and sunny Kent.
We have been to see one off our daughters and two grandchildren this morning.
My grandson has got his exams in March,and bless him he is studying so hard. He wants to become a physical therapist,when he eventually finishes his schooling. But his exam results are so important to him. He is staying on for another two years and then wants to go to University.
I nearly had a big argument with my daughter,when I said he should try his hardest,but not to beat himself up,if he does not do as well as he maybe should do. My daughter flew down my throat,saying that he MUST pass to a high level,as this is his future proffession he is aiming for.
I really felt for the boy,he studies so hard as it is,but I feel they are pushing him to hard. And how is he going to feel,if he does not get the grades they are expecting off him.
But I suppose thats me being a nan,and maybe opening my mouth when I shouldn't have done.
My nephew,is having his mask made for his radiotherapy,in three weeks time. And starts the treatment the week after.
There was three of them,along with my nephew,when he went to see the oncologist yesterday. But all three off them heard three different versions
off what was being said.
My niece was in tears,as she thought they had said that Mark only had three years to live. My brother heard different,and so did his ex wife.
I have told them that they need to speak to the nurse,who is in charge off Marks case,and find out the exact prognosis.
Surely,if they are doing radiotherapy,and a follow up scan,they cannot say he only has x amount off time left,at this stage off treatment.
I'm sorry girls,this has me so confused and worried,and I would appreciate your thoughts as well.
All my love to you. From Worried of Kent Mo xxx


JustJean Report 30 Jan 2010 12:35

Morning all, or is it noon? the sun is shining,but quite cold, I have been sorting out my wardrobes, to much stuff. so I thought I might sell some on e-bay, bit worried though ,I am ok with buying, but selling????
some of the clothes are pretty new and usually they go to the charity shop, I need to replace them so thought any cash I get would be helpful....does anyone on here sell on e-bay I am looking for tips....

Sallie, I am going to start living my life, its getting shorter by the but confidence got a hammering a while back and I struggle to try anything different, never used to be like that ,we dont have any ties, not wealthy but have enough, D says she doesnt need anything from us, so once I clear the clothes out I shall buy some bright classy do holidays !!

Woke up to a leak under the sink in the kitchen, luckily we caught it before it went all over the floor, so waiting for our plumber friend to call. I was going to bake but you can bet he would turn up when I was in the middle of it ....such a hard life. (big sigh)

Hope all is well with all you lovely peeps........ I got new hearing aids, feel much better, although both ears are itching !!! but I will perservere with them.

~~~~~~~ to our friends from overseas ~~~~~~~

And Mo.......!!!!!

Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 29 Jan 2010 16:10

Hello All,

Just a quick look in to say good afternoon to everyone. Hope you are all okay.

Jean, I wonder if Jennie and D are on the same medication, apparently it's used for other illnesses as well. Jennie did tell me the name but it was so long I can't remember it and certainly won't be able to pronounce it.
Of course you and J are very proud of D, she's doing well with her full time job and her two open uni courses, she's so determined not to let her illness beat her. Well done to D! Like you Jean, I don't always find it easy to look on the positive side. It's a good thing that both our daughters do, otherwise I think that they would find life a lot more difficult.

I'll look in again later on!

Love, Sallie.xx


SylviaInCanada Report 29 Jan 2010 01:16

Hi everyone

Marie ....... keeping my fingers crossed for your exam on the 4th, and hoping all will be well.

The grandbaby is due March 30th, sex unknown. J is going to stop working on the 15th and will take 9 months maternity leave, then s-i-l will take 3 months (he could take 12 months as well!). Then they will look for care.

It seems that Vancouver will have had the warmest ever January ........ at the moment the average is hovering around 7.1C, the previous record was 6.3C!

Problem of course is that the freezing levels on the local mounains are high as a result, so no snow has been falling there, nor can artificial snow be made. And the Olympics start in 2 weeks!

It's the snowboarding and aerial skiing events that take place on those mountains. Downhill, crosscountry, bobsled, luge etc all take place about 75-100 km further north and on higher mountains ........ and there's plenty of snow there!

I notice on my afternoon walk that snowdrops are in full flower, and daffodil shoots are showing.



JustJean Report 28 Jan 2010 22:49

Hi, Sallie so good to hear from you, yes D has to inject every other day for the m.s., they deliver to the house, ... but she is managing with diet so she doesnt have any medication for the diabetes, she works full time and is doing two open uni courses , you may gather we are very proud of her, wish I was like her she is very positive , I am just the opposite......

I will sort the mags and will let you know when I post them.....

Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 28 Jan 2010 21:47

Hello Everyone,

Sorry haven't been on for a few days. I've been fairly busy doing some scrap pages, and also we've had a couple of problems to sort out. We've had our heating fixed today, thank goodness, it's been so cold with just a gas fire in the living room, and dining room. Of course we've had no hot water either, so it's been pretty miserable--but it's all sorted now. I didn't hear anymore from the therapist, but she passed me on to a psychiatrist, who I've been to see today. I have to go again next week at the same time.
She seems so different from all the cousellors I've seen in the past. I'm not sure whether I like her very much, but as long as she can help me get better, that's all that matters.

Jean, I'm so glad that you are feeling better than you've been, hope you will soon be fuuly recovered. Thank you, I would be glad of the magazines, and so would Jennie. So pleased that J's check-up went well, it's such a relief for you all. Hope your daughter is okay.

Mo, I hope your granddaughter's infection is getting better, also thinking about your nephew and hoping that things will improve for him and that he will eventually make a full recovery. Well done to your team on their win on Monday night, keep it up all of you. Hope all is well with both you and Roly.

Marie, I'll be thinking about you on 4th. February and hope and pray that all goes well for you. How are your grandchildren getting on? Just thinking, they must be on holiday's from school. If they are, hope they are enjoying themselves.

Huia, sorry to hear about Phil falling out of bed, I hope they checked to make sure that he hadn't hurt himself. Pleased to hear that all the moles you have are nothing nasty. Make the most of your summer and go out and about and enjoy yourself.

Liz, I love the bit about the ' one brain cell he must have had cut out', I had a good chuckle when I read that. Doesn't he realise that it's all done for his own good, and not as a favour to the medical staff. He seems to have some strange ideas.

Hope Ann, Sylvia and Marilyn are all okay.

Oh Jean, nearly forgot to tell you about Jennie. She's been to the hospital today and they will shortly be starting her on her new medication, which she has to inject herself with every other week. The drug conpany will deliver the medication straight to Jennie's house, because it's cheaper for the hospital to do that, otherwise they have to pay VAT on it. As it is, it costs the hospital £750 a shot, goodness knows how much it would be otherwise. Did you tell me that your daughter also has to take her medication the same way?

Well, that's enough of me gabbing on, speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to you all.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Jan 2010 19:34

Oh Jean,how can YOU call ME nosey. Inquisative yes, but nosey I just dont know about that.
My clan are plodding along nicely thank you.
My son has just taken over another pub. So fingers crossed that it works for him this time. The difference being,that this time he is actually working for a brewery,instead off running a bar for irreptutable people,who used him for a few weeks,and then got rid off him. The last lot employed him for three weeks,then asked him to go. The new person who took over from him,was also there for only three weeks,and that is how they run their business apparantly.
I do hope you have more success with the new hearing aids Jean. If not,
I will look on e.bay for an ear trumpet for you. lol
I have told you before,I can talk for England. lol
See ya later honey. Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 28 Jan 2010 17:23

Hello, Mo and everyone, blimey Mo, you cant half we love yoi....
how is your family ? Hope your nephew will soon be back to normal, we are keeping him and your granddaughter close in our prayer,,,

Sallie give us a word just to know if you are o.k. did the therapist get in touch? I have just been to the hearing clinic they tell me they no longer do smaller aids but will modify the ones I have, I go back tomorrow for them to be done, fingers x that they will be better for me....

Huia, you did the right thing getting the mole checked out, J has a back full so he asks the doc to have a look every now and then to be safe...hope Phil has got over his fall and that it hasnt affected his pelvis... have you been singing lately? always love to hear about your daysand what you have been getting up to,,, really its Mo who likes to nosy, not me though,
I am not like that at

Marie I have sent you a p.m.

Big waves and hugs to everyone else ~~~~~~~~~~ X ~~~~~~~~

(((((((((((((((( X)))))))))))))))

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 Jan 2010 15:43

Good afternoon everyone.
Marie,you are in my prayers for a good result,following your cystoscopy. God willing everything will be fine,but you will have all our love and prayers.
How are the family now. And the gorgeous grandchildren,I hope that their health has improved.
Are you still doing your water aerobics.? I think you are so good to be doing it. I am a lazy little mare really,and should get more excercise. But I get worn out even thinking about it.
Are you and the girls still performing in your quartet.?
Liz,get yourself out there and take out a life insurance policy on him indoors. Just in case ,hm, you never know what could happen to him,do you. Better to be safe than sorry.
He is so stupid if he does not write out a will. (but then judging by what you have been saying he is a bit dense anyway.) Oooops sorry perhaps I should not have said that.
A friend off ours,lost her partner before christmas. He had a will,but he did not change it in her favour. And when it was read out,he had left her nothing. The sons told her she had to leave the house,as they were going to sell it. Fortunately for her,she still had her own home,and moved back into there. She had been with Vic for years,but had no claim what so ever on his estate. She was devastated,she didn't even get a photograph
given to her from the family home.
It is so important to get all moles checked Huia. You did the right thing,
especially as you could not see the ones on your back clearly.
I had one,just under my bra straps. It started to bleed as the bra kept rubbing on it,and I had it cut out. Fortunately for me,everything was fine.
I was born with it there,and it had never bothered me,until it started the bleeding. It's strange how one can be born with growths,and we take no notice off them,until they start to change in shape,or size or start to bleed.
Poor Phil Huia,I have a vision off him straddling the bar trying to get out off bed. He could do himself real damage,if he got stuck there.
Did they do the xray on him.? He really has been in the wars lately bless him. Are you going to vist him again soon,if you are,give him an extra hug from all off us.
I hope Sallie is o.k,as we have not heard from her since the 25th of this month.
An extra big (((((((((hug for our Jean)))))))))))
I wonder if Sylvia is snowed in yet.
Take care everyone. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 28 Jan 2010 04:23

This morning I went to have a mole on the back of my leg checked out by a surgeon. My doc had previously said it might be an idea to have a piece taken out under a local anaesthetic but the surgeon looked at it through a magnifier and decided there was nothing wrong with it. I mentioned some on my back (I am not a contortionist so cant see these things, merely feel them.) He looked at them and all over me with his magnifier and gave me the all clear, so I can forget about them. Not that I was worried but it doesnt hurt to get things looked at.



Huia Report 28 Jan 2010 04:20

Liz, I doubt if your OH would want to write a will. He would say he was ok, no need for one yet.

I doubt if sides on the bed would help Phil. With his alzheimers he would probably struggle to get over the side when he wanted to go to the loo in the night. Perhaps they could put an electric side on it so (a) it would give him a small shock when he tries to get over it and (b) if it was connected to a buzzer it would tell the night carer that he was trying to get out. Or they could tie him down in chains! But one rest home has been closed recently because one elderly woman had her leg tied to the bed. I dont want this place closed.
