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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Feb 2010 19:48

Oooooh Jean you are soooo naughty. I could have been more explicit, but
I did consider being modest,and thought oh blow it I'll tell it as it
You just behave yourself tommorrow,but if you cant be good,be careful.
Ooops sorry Huia,I missed your posting. Have a good day love.


Huia Report 3 Feb 2010 19:43

Thanks for explaining Sylvia. I hadnt thought of googling, and when somebody mentioned it I was going to but I overslept this morning and have to go out soon.



JustJean Report 3 Feb 2010 19:24

Ha Ha, Mo, I never go in with J, but have you noticed when you go in the waiting area everyone has a good look, so I only have a bit to flaunt so I do!!
new coat too, I have been in all day waiting for the courier to pick up a parcel but still waiting.....but it has been snowing quite hard and the roads here havent been gritted yet.... so who knows if he will turn up....I have reread your comments about pyjamas, and I am sorry but I will have to report you for giving us too much info...after all we are quite naive on

love Jean xx


SylviaInCanada Report 3 Feb 2010 19:14

Hi everyone

Thye are shipping the snow in ordinary dump trucks ............ the kind that you see carting construction site debris around. Ours have to have a fabric cover over the top to stop debris falling/blowing off. That law came in after a woman was killed by a rock falling off a dump truck and going through the windshield of her car.

Sooooooooo ......... there were lines of dump trucks driving along the freeway into Vancouver, with the fabric covers covering snow! Oh yes ........... and flakes of snow blowing in te wind!

They are stockpiling the snow up on the mountain, above freezing level and apparently also covering the piles with tarpaulins. That should be sufficient to keep it. Unfortunately, the freezing level at 130-1600 m is above where the events take place and there is no snow falling at the lower level (about 900 m), so that is why they are having the problem

A doula is a woman who helps the mother giving birth, not a midwife but more a female coach who might have some tricks up her sleeve to help ease pain or make her more comfortable.

Some doulas also work with the mother in the last couple of months before birth. Others will also work with her for upto 6 months after birth, with advice and help ............ including breast feeding.

I didn't really know the difference between a mdiwife and doula until J explained it.

There is an Institute or Association of doulas in most countries, including the UK, but many are not members of such associations. The name comes from a Greek word. They all seem to have undertaken some sort of training, but not at colleges or universities. What does seem to be very important is that the mother (and possibly the father) feels extremely comfortable with the doula.

I wonder if their popularity is because so many young women now live far away from mothers and other "older" women who might have helped at birth, or given advice before and afterwards.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Feb 2010 19:02

I say Jean,just who is seeing the doctor at the hospital tommorow. There was me thinking it was J, but it's you having your hair done. hmmm, is he tall dark and handsome,( the doctor I mean ).
Please send J my love,and wish him well for tommorrow.
It's nice to be able to go and have a look round the shops on your own,isn't it Ann. I don't get as much chance now,as I used to.
I love my pyjamas Ann,and only wear nighties during the summer. Mind you I do take the bottoms off,when I get into bed.
It sounds like you had a good time though Ann.
I did google " Doulas",and I have to admit,I didn't know we had them here in this country, still things do progress,and I am a bit past that stage now.
I feel pretty sure that if I meantioned the word,to my daughters,they would think to themselves what the heck is she on about now.
Good on you Liz,just go and enjoy the night out.
Love Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Feb 2010 16:29

Mo, Jean's got it right, I have told him he will have to drive because of my post concussive thingy lol so he can't drink lol He will but only a cider so should be ok to drive the short way from here to the place he has chosen to eat at, it's a Brewers Fayre type place near the airport which is only ten mins drive at the most. It will be nice not to have to cook and wash up as I said but I will enjoy the weekend more lol, after he goes on Saturday late morning!!!

Glad your cold seems to have gone Jean, and watch those docs at the hospital, with your hair all nicely done lol

I have read about doula's before, and they sound a great idea, it's so much nicer to have someone you know with you than different midwives popping in and out.

Typical that when you need it the snow isn't there Sylvia, that will cost the organisers a lot to keep shipping the stuff in and not very environmentally friendly either lol

Take care everyone,


JustJean Report 3 Feb 2010 16:06

Hi, Mo, and all, haveing a lazy day, hair done ready for Js visit to the hospital tomorrow, Marie we will be thinking of you too. we have rather heavy snow and its sticking , but the weather forecast says it wont stay, I heard that one looks heavy too. ah well back to the gritting....
Sallie I am sure Jennie will be fine once she does it for herself, D was a nervous wreck first time now she never bothers, but if it helps its worth it...
I agree with Mo, all the rubbish needs to be out in the open then new clear start for you, we will be thinking of you also...

Google "Doulas" and you will see what it means, I had no Idea until I read it , and it also seems there are u.k. Doulas...good idea me thinks....

just watching the lorries bringing snow in for your olymics Sylvia, bit of a worry for the officials....

Liz, thanks for the p.m. have a nice meal out, tell him you are too dizzy to drive due to the problem you have.... my cold seems to have dried up again, thank goodness.....

Just going to nap for a hour or so,bye bye....

Love Jean xx Ann posting at the same time, didnt see you there,I only had the pills but slept well...


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 15:55

Hi all, Jean hope the whisky chased the cold off again.
Sallie, I am sure that speaking to the psychiatrist will have made you think about the past and will have given you a bad week, it is probably doing what it is meant to do but I hope after the next session you will feel more comfortable with it and feel better.
Marie will be thinking of you tomorrow, best wishes.
Sylvia, I too am intrigues by the thought of them shipping in all the snow, I assume the trucks are refrigerated but, if the temperature is too high for snow to fall wont it be too high for it to stay when put on the ground? it does seem a strange thing to do. sounds as if your life is going to be disrupted quite a lot. And I am also intrigued by 'Doula'.
Mo, hope all is well with your Granddaughter and Nephew, I expect you will be glad when you hear something.

I went in to town today on the bus, it was raw cold. Bought some cropped leg jim jams, thought I would have a change, usually wear nighties and a new bra, some rimmel nail varnish in the pound shop, some scrap book backing paper in the market and a purse in BHS (purple). So that was a good trip. Then had a jacket potato with chillie in BHS. OH was at golf. Now he has just done a load of ironing and I had better go and reward him with a cup of tea.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 3 Feb 2010 15:41

Hello one and all. Good to hear from you.
Liz,if you are going out for the meal on Friday,does that mean that the driving will be down to you again. I bet it will. Cant you insist on a taxi,
so that you can relax for a change. I know it's his birthday,and he will expect to be the one to enjoy himself,but is he such a tight devil that he won't fork out for a cab.
Thank goodness you are back Sallie. I was starting to worry about you.
I dare say seeing the psychiatrist,threw you a bit. Bringing back memories
that you wanted to forget. But by facing them head on,eventually you will come out the other side,a much stronger person.
Good luck for tommorrows meeting with her.
I thought I was right when I said that you had p.m'd Debbie. But knowing what my memory is like lately,I could have got the wrong person.
Marie,our thoughts are with you for tommorrow,all our very best wishes for a good outcome. I will say a special prayer for you.
Come on Sylvia,explain to us what " Doula " means. It sounds like you mean a nanny for the baby,but hey ho,what do I know. It could be a word for someone who does all.
I cant believe that they are having to bring snow in,for the Olypics. How the heck do they keep it frozen,for all the games that are occuring.
Oh by the way Sallie wish Jennie good luck,for the starting off her new treatment on Friday.
I wonder where our Jean is today.
Bye for now girls. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 3 Feb 2010 09:47

Hi Everyone,

Liz, enjoy your evening out on Friday, as you say it will be nice not to have to cook and wash up afterwards.

Sylvia, it looks as though the Olympics are already causing problems for all the local residents, I don't envy any of you. We moan each October when the centre of town is closed off to traffic for the Charter Fair, but at least it's only for a week.

Huia, hope all is well with you and that all will be okay with Phil when you visit him.

I'll look in again later today.

Love to you all,



Huia Report 3 Feb 2010 04:48

Please, Sylvia, can you translate doula for me? I havent heard the word before.



SylviaInCanada Report 3 Feb 2010 03:31

Hi Mo, and everyone

It's still warm and damp here ...... we had the warmest ever January. The average temperature was 7.1C, the old record was 6.3C ............ so you can see how warm it was to smash the old record by so much.

The Olympics Committee is now shipping snow in trucks from 200 miles away so that they can stockpile it on the local mountain ready for the snowboarding and freestyle skiing events! I believe about 150 trucks will be involved!

The mountains where downhill and crosscountry skiing, luge, ect are taking place are about 75-100km from Vancouver, and they have loads and loads of snow, so no problems at all for those events.

Things are beginning to happen ready for the Olympics, which open on February 12. Flags and street decorations, road closures, no stopping lanes ......... and lots of visitors around downtown! I went down today to run one small errand ......... don't think I'll be going back until late in March, after the Paralympics are over!

Daughter seems to be doing well, going to pre-natal classes, and interviewing a couple of "doula"s this week. I do hope the baby comes on time or even early!

love to you all

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 3 Feb 2010 03:08

Hi Jean,
hope you are feeling better now. Don't forget the Vick on the soles of the feet and bedsocks routine if you are coughing.

I haven't much time tonight but just wanted to say hello to you all,
it's a struggle for me at the mo, but will have peace and quiet on Sat pm and all day Sunday when o.h. goes to visit his son, it's o.h.'s bday on Friday (no thread going up) so have to go out to dinner, what a hardship!
Means I won't have to cook or wash up, lovely lol



Sallie Report 2 Feb 2010 23:36

Hello All,
Very late looking in tonight. Sorry haven't posted over the last few days, but since seeing the psychiatrist last Thursday I've had some bad days. I'm feeling a bit better now, but I have to go and see her again on Thursday. So I hope I won't feel as bad after seeing her this week.

Marie, I hope all will go well for you on the 4th, and that you get a good result. Good luck! Thinking about you.

Mo, I've been wondering how your granddaughter and nephew are getting on. Just hope and pray that all will turn out well for them both. Pleased to hear that Roly hasn't been having trouble with his eyes lately.

Jean, hope your cold is a lot better. Did you have the double whiskey and pills you promised yourself? Jennie starts her new medication on Friday, a nurse will go to the house with it being the first time, to make sure that
Jennie can do it okay.

Huia, like you I couldn't work as a carer or a nurse, I would get so upset if a person I had become fond of died. It's a good job that not everyone is like us on this thread, or where would we all be.

Marilyn, nice to see you home again, if not for too long, I don't blame you, enjoy yourself while you can.

Yes I did PM Debbie before Christmas, it was opened but I didn't get a reply. Mo like you I always enjoyed reading her posts. Sue and Grace haven't posted for a long time either, I hope that they are all okay.

Ann, Liz, and Sylvia hope all is well with you and your families.

Speak to you soon.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Feb 2010 19:18

I totally agree with you Huia. I could never do care work in a nursing home.

The loss off people who you have seen on a regular basis,is a shock to the system when they go. Especially when you may have only been talking to them,a few hours earlier.

I am the type that become attached to people easily,and when they pass,
it is like losing a member off my own family.


Huia Report 2 Feb 2010 19:08

Mo, I was ok but when once the body had gone out the residents were returned to the lounge I was anxious to see who was missing. 'Luckily' it was the newest resident so I hadnt got to know him much. I would have been a bit sad if it had been 95 y.o. Evelyn, or meek but smiley Joy, or tall Ian who walks around talking to himself or one of the two men who walk with funny gaits. I dont think I could work in a place like that, I would get too attached to all the residents.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Feb 2010 18:14

Hello Jean.
Still not heard any more news about the families health,or where they actually are with my nephews prognosis. I am afraid to ring them up,in case I say something I shouldn't. You know me,I tend to run off at the mouth at times.
Roly's eyes seem to be o.k now,thank you. Well he has not been complaining about them,so I am not going to tempt fate and ask about them. You know what men can be like. lol
I did the washing,but it is all on the clothes horse drying,as it was to wet outside to put it out.
No news at all from our Sallie. I do hope she is o.k,as it's not like her not to pop her head in,now and again.
I also miss all our friends,who no longer post.
It used to be so nice to hear about Debbies family. I don't think we have heard from her since well before christmas.
I believe Sallie sent her a p.m,but got no responce. Maybe she has not renewed her membership.
Huia,I was reading the carers thread. What a shame about Phil being asleep,during your visit.
I know that when my mum was in hospital,they had a person pass away on the ward. The nurses asked all visitors to leave the ward,and they closed the curtains around every bed,whilst they removed the body.
Even if Phil had been awake,he probably would have been unaware off what was happening.
Was you o.k though love. As it is quite a shock when it happens like that,
it can be alarming if you are unaware off whats happening.
I know that one off the staff spoke to you,but knowing that you are hard off hearing,I would have thought that they should have told you what they intended doing.
Well girls I will say cheerio for now. Love to. Marie,Sylvia,Liz and all our cyber friends. best wishes Mo xxx


JustJean Report 2 Feb 2010 17:49

Hello, Mo, that was a quick visit, how are your family, nephew and grandaughter? I meant to ask before how is R getting on with his eyes?
and how are you my little poppet, hope you got the washing dry,
we had some shopping to do this morning, the temp was suppposed to be 6c
but it felt a lot colder, and wet.., have you heard from Sallie? hope she and her family are alright.....sad we dont hear from Debbie, Sue, Graceand all the folk who we used to chat to, may be lives are become more hectic and mine is nearly stopped I am so pleased Marie , Huia and Sylvia still come on...
Liz, Ann, Marilyn, always lovely to chat with you all, if not on here on the other boards,If would be lovely to hear from some of the first peeps who came on when it was an introduction board, so if you are looking in and you added to the first board come and say hello....
Better go and make something to eat, got a couple of ready meals, cumberland pie looks good on the sleeve, I will let you know if it was, chat later...thanks for the tea Mo....

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 2 Feb 2010 07:34

Good morning everyone.
I hope you are all well.
Well it's a very wet and windy day here today. And guess who has piles off washing to do. Moi.
Anyone for a cuppa.
(**)?(**)?(**)? {^^}/ {^^}/ {^^}/
Be back later. Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 1 Feb 2010 22:31

Evening all, I have only just got on line it went off early this morning, I hate not being able to look in... and guess what, the flamin cold and cough seems to have retuned !! I have coughed all day,and cant get warm ,so tonight before I go to bed I am going to have a double whiskey and a couple of pills either kill or cure, I thought I had got it sorted.
our leak was sorted and that has come back too!! it better get sorted this time or heads will roll...

Ann, Liz suggested Gumtree to get rid of the clothes so I will have a look I have never seen it, may save me time and trouble,

Off to bed , nite nite keep Jean xx