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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 Feb 2010 18:39

Evening all.
Huia £80.00 to £90.00 is a lot off money for a filling. The last time I went to the dentist,it cost me about £16.00,for the check up and a scale and polish. I will let you know if it has gone up,when I go again soon.
I am glad they managed to sort you out though. It does matter doesn't it,if you have confidence in your dentist. Mine is a lady as well,and she is lovely.
Oh Marie,I am sorry you had so much pain afterwards. I pray that your results are going to be good.
Our NHS is absolutely rubbish,when it comes to waiting for results off test.
The amount off samples that go missing is unbelievable. The hospital lost my daughter feacal sample,my grandaughters blood results,just before her operation.
The biopsy result,will be given to her when she see's the specialist next time. Her mum and I have not even been told when she is to go and see him. My grandaughter is the type off girl who keeps eveything to herself.
With my nephew,it's his own family that are shutting us out. But tonight I am going to ring my brother,and get to the bottom off it.
Thank goodness your internet is back working again Sallie. We miss you when we dont hear from you.
I am glad Jennies injections went well. Fingers crossed now that she does not get any reactions. She has suffered enough setbacks bless her.
Liz is out for her meal tonight isn't she. I do hope she enjoys herself.
I hope Sylvia if you are looking in,that alls well with you,at your end off the world.
Where is our Jean tonight then I wonder. I do hope your grandsons results are good Jean. I have forgotten how old he is. I do remember about him losing his friend,and about how much it had frightened him.
How much weight does the doctor say he must lose.? Going to the gym
will definately help him though. My daughter and SIL,are both members off a gym. But my SIL has had to give up for now,as he had the big operation on his spine just before christmas. But he cant wait to get back to it. But he has to put up with his physio for now.
I am pleased to hear that D is getting on o.k. She is one strong lady. She must get that from her mum.
Love to all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 5 Feb 2010 17:51

Hi again, Jean hope all your grandson's results will be okay, I'll be thinking about him. I'm sure I will get right one day, she told me yesterday that she thinks that my sub-conscious is ready to deal with it now, because of what I've told her. It's amazing that I've come to realise some things from the past that were still troubling me, even though I hadn't thought about them for a long time.

Love, Sallie.xx


Huia Report 5 Feb 2010 17:32

Our $190 might sound like a fortune to you all but it is only about 80 or 90 of you English pounds I think. Not too bad, although there are some people who would struggle if they had to pay that, but at present I am not too short of money. Not enough to take a trip to England, but enough for the basics plus one or two other things.

Best wishes to all of you with your health problems - Sallie, Marie, Jean, and your families. I have probably forgotten some but best wishes to all anyway.



Sallie Report 5 Feb 2010 17:10

Hi Everyone,

Marie, hope you get good results when you visit your doctor in three weeks time. I hope and pray that the tests will come back negative. Hope all the family are well. Jennie did her first two injections today, she was absolutely fine, thank goodness. After all my worrying!

Huia, so pleased that the dentist managed to repair your tooth, although it cost you a fortune. It's so expensive for any dental treatment here in the UK, that a lot of people just can't afford to go on a regular basis. I haven't been for a long time, had a bad experience with the dentist a good few years ago, and been frightened to go since then.

Mo and Jean, our internet is working fine today, I don't know what was wrong with it yesterday. Speak to you all later on.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 5 Feb 2010 17:09

Hi, Marie,we will be praying for a good result , you did the right thing staying overnight, when J had to go for radio therapy 16 days , he came home every time he too was exhausted...its good news for us 12 months visits, but I think it is very good way and aftercare, at least he is being monitored...
D is doing o.k. thanks, she seems to be managing her diabieties well and the m.s. is also under conntrol, she always remains very positive....

Huia, we are always wary of our teeth, the cost goes up every time we visit...
sometimes I wonder if we woiuld be better with false !!

Mo, I know what a bind it is waiting for results, and wonder why it takes so long I do hope your relies let you know the results grandson, has just had what we call an m.o.t. ever since his friend who he worked with died suddenly, so now he waiting for all the tests to come back too, one good thing is the doc has give him a 12months free gym ticket and if he loses a certain amount he will get another 12 months free.... he is a big guy and like all manual workers of his age eats on the run and its junk food, so good will hopefully come out of a tragedy....

Sallie, I am sure you will benefit from the help you are getting now... I had a very bad time many many years ago, and there was no one to help me, only pills that made me walk around like a zombie , until I chucked them away and just coped each day as it came, so hang on in there,love, we will soon be hearing good reports from you....

~~~~~~~~ to everyone else hope your weekend is a great one~~~~~~~~

Love Jean xx


Zack Report 5 Feb 2010 06:44

Sorry folks, I must have hit the submit botton twice so I deleted the 2nd copy.
Love Marie


Zack Report 5 Feb 2010 06:40

Hello to all my Buddies,and thank you for thinking about me,my Daughter Kathleen & I stayed in Sydney at the ST.George Hospital Cancer care unit for Family and Patients, it is nice & clean & Homily.Yesterday was very long and I was tired and in Pain so we stayed the night .
The doctor said I had a dark spot which he removed ,hopefully it will be negative, I have to see him in 3 weeks time.
Jean how is D? and very pleased Jeff is OK.
Sallie , good to hear your appointment went well. Your daughter is a fighter and with her strength she will cope also we will be praying for her .
HUIA anything in the mouth seems to cost the earth,but of all the Health professionals
Anaesthetist seem to be the dearest here in Aus, my Urologist doesn't cost as much as the Anaethetist.
Dear Mo I cannot understand why it takes so long to have a specimen tested and results sent to the local G.P. Your hospital and in paticular your Pathology services must not be very good.I feel for you not knowing about your nephew.
Hello to Liz, Marilyn (( Sylvia of noooooooo Snow. ))
Marilyn are you coming over to Sydney when you to come to Aust.??If you are let me know as I may be able to get down to Sydney to Greet you.
Love & ((((Hugs))))) to you all, ****** Marie*******


Huia Report 5 Feb 2010 05:49

My tooth has now been fixed, $190. I did ask if it would be better to take it out and put a new one on the plate, but she was happy to just repair it. It was a different dentist, but still Chinese. They seem to be keen on dentistry, and I find them very good. And at least I dont have to look up a hairy nose which I hated years ago with a male dentist. But then I usually close my eyes anyway.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Feb 2010 22:19

Hi Sallie.
I am glad that today was a little easier for you. I am sure that given time,you will open up lots off doors to your past,and with the psychiatrists
help you will be able to face them. Nothing in this life is easy,is it love.
I hope that everything goes well for Jennie tommorrow. And you stop worrying,the nurse will be with her,and god willing she will not have a reaction to it.
Still no news on my nephew. When we tried to ring my niece,she cut us short and said she had to go out. I think they are all so worried,that they cant see we are worried to. It does hurt,but what can I do if they don't want to talk about it.
My grandaughter is not to bad,but still waiting for her results. But no news
is good news. At least I pray to god it is.
If we dont hear from Marie by tommorrow,I will p.m her to see if she is o.k.
Night Night God Bless. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 4 Feb 2010 22:10

Jean. good news about J I am so pleased for you both.
Sallie good luck to Jennie tomorrow. I am pleased today went well. Hopefully if she an clear out your mind for you it will help you start again, with a clean sheet as it were.


Sallie Report 4 Feb 2010 21:45

Hi Everyone,

Mo, we've had trouble with the internet all day, got it back about eight, wrote you all a message and as I pressed submit, the internet went again.
It's so maddening! Felt a lot better with her today than last week, it was lovely to see her smile today. This evening it suddenly hit me how I've pushed one or two things to the back of my mind and not talked about things, so it's made matters worse. It's good how just talking to her have started to bring things out in the open. I've had a slight headache this evening, but nothing like it was last week after seeimg her.
Have you heard anymore about your granddaughter and nephew?

Jean, great news about J. I'm so pleased for the both of you. It will be lovely to have a break away, hope the weather will be dry and not too cold.

Marie, hope all as gone well for you and that the results will be good.

Huia, hope they can sort out your broken tooth without too much trouble.Good luck!

Ann thank you, and everyone else for your good luck wishes for today.

The nurse goes to Jennie's at 9-30 a.m. tomorrow, just to make sure that she doesn't mess up on her first injection. So am keeping my fingers crossed that all will go well.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes to everyone. Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Feb 2010 20:41

Still no news then. Oh well,I will look in later.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 Feb 2010 13:14

Ooooh that is good news Jean. Thank the lord our prayers were answered.
You both deserve your break away,after what you have been through so far this year. I am so glad you are feeling better.
Huia,what on earth was you doing to make the tooth break. Don't say you were eating a toffee, as that is the way I have broken mine in the past.
So I no longer eat toffees,as dental care is so expensive now.
My check up is on the 22nd of this month,so I just hope and pray I don't need any treatment.
I am not afraid off having treatment done,it's just the cost that frightens me.
I wonder how Sallie will get on today. I do hope they take it easy on her.
Also I hope Marie lets us know how she gets on. My thoughts are with all
our friends,who have problems in one way or another.
I am convinced it is an age thing for all off us. We should all be having the time off our lives at this age,but unfortunately,ill health,drags us all down.
Take care my friends. I will be back tonight to see if there is any news.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 4 Feb 2010 11:30

Morning everyone, many thanks for your prayers and good wishes for J, the news is good, he has another twelve months before he goes again, .....
We can now have a few days away, I think we may wait until after the half term break, it will be quieter. Llandudno seems favourite...we are also haveing a new floor laid in the kitchen, hated the one we have now,so all in all things are coming together nicely.. the snow has stopped and thawing,my cold has dried up. my world is looking brighter by the minute.... hope it is the same for all of you lovely folk... so hugs and xxxxx to you all.....

Love Jean xx


Huia Report 4 Feb 2010 05:58

Liz, my dentist is a chinese woman, the best one I have ever had. At least I hope she is still there. I havent been for quite a while. I had been thinking it was high time I went so this has given me the nudge.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 4 Feb 2010 04:29

Huia, hope things aren't too dire when you see the dentist and he can sort out that broken tooth. I am overdue a visit, had to cancel when I hit my head as I wouldn't have been able to lean back lol
Better remember to rebook soon and the optician, I was trying to get myself all sorted out and then I went and slipped - daft eh?

Take care when you go out Jean and J., and everyone else too



Huia Report 4 Feb 2010 02:50

Aaaargh! Just before I went out a front top tooth lost a big bit. Actually the filling that was put there several years ago when I had broken the tooth so it has lasted quite well. I dont know if it can be repaired again, as they will probably have to take the tooth (what remains of it) down a bit to get a clean surface to build on. I suspect it might have to come out and a new one be added to my partial top plate. :((( I wonder what it will cost. I did call in at the dentist and have made an appointment for this time tomorrow. In the meantime soft food etc.



AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 22:00

Sallie good luck with your counselling and Jean good luck to J.


Sallie Report 3 Feb 2010 21:57

Hello All,

Jean, please wish J all the best for tomorrow from both me and Alun, we'll be thinking about him. We had a thin covering of snow this afternoon, but it turned to rain so it's gone now, thank goodness. Jennie doesn't seem bothered about starting her new medication--I'm the one that's worrying just in case she has a reaction to it. It's just as well that she's a positive person.

Mo, I'm hoping that I won't feel as bad this week as I did last week, after seeing her. She seems to me to be a very stern person, and I'm sure she doesn't know how to smile. Well, we'll see how it goes tomorrow. Have you heard anymore about your granddaughter and nephew?

Ann, glad that you had a good trip into town, and managed to get the things you needed, and enjoyed your lunch out.

Sylvia, thanks for explaining what a doula is. I had no idea that we also have them here in the UK-- a very good idea to have them.

Huia, it sounds as though you have a busy day ahead of you, just take care of yourself.

Well I'm going to make a nice cuppa now, can't manage long without my cup of tea, I think I must be addicted to it.

Speak to you all tomorrow, all being well.

Take care everyone! Love,


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 20:14

I shall keep mine firmly on!!