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15 Feb 2010 06:52 |
Morning all, hope you have a better day today, Sallie. I am sure it will all be worth it in the end, I think you are very wise doing this, only good will come out of it, we are all behind you.... I am afraid the mags have finished for the time being if I get any more I will pass them on....when you are up to it perhaps you can send me some pics of your efforts, take care sweetie.....
Mo, its entirley up to you about deleting or not I think we all seem to be tired with the time of year, not many folk have much news ,we dont get out and about with the cold weather, looking at other threads, they all seem the same , not a lot going on... even our Liz (the oracle) was complaining about the lack of interest , but I am sure it will buck up soon.... I am so sorry to hear about your grandaughter,like you said we can only stand in the wings and watch, so sad though, but now it is a normal way of doing things.I dont know if it is good or not I have known many folk who stick together in a loveless relationship,and it eats away at them turning into lives are destroyed.
Huia, you are such a wiz at this tree thingy, I havent a clue but got lots of help off here, like a few folk, my lot has no interest in it, or the scrapbooks, I just do them for my own amusement, but get a lot if satisfaction from it... good luck in your endevours at least you wont have to worry to much about your Phil.... come back soon we will miss hearing your adventures, the diary was very good...
Liz, take heart my friend, we arent ignoring you just tired of the rotten weather , it has a big effect on peoples life and dark days dont help, I personally have got back into the habit of sleeping all night , seems i needed to re-educate the mind , so the practice nurse tells me, I mostly sleep until much later now....not always you are always in our thoughts,
I was wondering if Sylvia has had her results yet, I go on thursday for my yearly m.o.t. as J calls it, no doubt she will tell me I am overweight, again !!! well at my age its not such a worry and life is quite short for me now so waking up each day is a
take care out there you lovely folk . we never know the day or hour...
Love Jean xx
15 Feb 2010 03:40 |
I am having a short break from Ancestry. I must have worded my messages a bit better than last time as the ones who have responded so far havent told me how 'rude' they were as a few people did last time. I couldnt see what was wrong with them but some people are very touchy. Oh I forgot, there was one this time who said something about letting people investigate their tree in a fun and interesting way. I should have told him it was not fun for me to find my family hijacked by so many people who think it is fun and interesting to click on 'add hint' without checking that the hint makes sense. A couple of the others who responded are women of about my age and I have asked one if she wants to keep in touch as she seems to be 'my sort' of person, talks of getting rid of 'junk'! And she said it was great to be able to 'talk' to somebody in New Zealand. She is in Texas, has never been out of it!
Better check a few other threads before I get dinner.
15 Feb 2010 02:15 |
Hi Liz,
Just seen your post, so thought I'd say a quick hello before going back to bed. You'll probably find that the couselling will be for an hour. Although I am only having forty five minutes every Thursday with the pschiatrist. Hope you are okay! Speak to you soon.
Love, Sallie.xx
15 Feb 2010 02:05 |
Hello Everyone,
Couldn't get to sleep so thought I'd see what's happening on here. Where as everyone gone? I've had a bad few days since last Thursday, she told me that I would feel worse before I get better, so if the last few days are anything to go by she's certainly right.
Jean, I received the magazines on Friday, thank you very much, I'm sorry I'm late letting you know, they are much appreciated. As Winston Churchill use to call it ' this black dog on my shoulder ', is making me forget my good manners. So pleased that your kitchen is finished at last, I'm sure it looks lovely. I haven't seen the pompom wool about, it sounds as though it's nice, the scarves would make lovely Christmas presents for a few people I know. Although I haven't done any knitting for quite a while. Hope you, J and D are all okay.
Mo, it's a great shame about your granddaughter and her boyfriend splitting up. As you said, he's stood by her all through the bad times, that she's still having, going to the hospital with her and standing by her, I'm really sorry! I hope all is going on alright for your nephew, you would have thought that the family would have let you know what's happening. Mo, I hope you don't delete this thread, as you said we have made some lovely friends on here. Has your son moved out now? I'm assuming that he's the one, that's keeping a pub. Good luck to him! Michael was saying when they came to lunch (Sunday), that he would like to keep a pub, apparently you have to be twenty five, he will be twenty five in March, so it looks as though he is giving it some thought. I know he's fed up of not being able to get a job. Pleased to know that both you and Roly are both well. Alun is fine, and I would be too, if it wasn't for my head. I hope it won't be too long before I start to feel better.
Ann, hope your central heating will be fixed tomorrow. We had to have ours fixed when we had all the snow and freezing weather, it was a case of getting someone to come because they were very busy, as quite a lot of people were having trouble with their central heating.
Well, I think I'll go back to bed now, and hopefully get to sleep. Speak to you all soon.
Love and best wishes to you all.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
15 Feb 2010 02:01 |
Just a quick response, Mo, I am sure people will be back to the thread, maybe some have a lot else going on at the mo.
What a shame about your granddaughter and her young man, maybe it is just a blip and they will get back together again in the future. I wish her well whatever happens.
Jean, I am glad you are pleased with your flooring and hope it wears well.
I am surprised some of you are not going to push for further smear tests, am way overdue one and must get an apptmt. I have another mammogram in April so will try and get all my checks over with by then, optician and dentist overdue as I had to cancel when I had my fall, as I wouldn't have been able to rest my head on the chair backs.
You know, I didn't ask about the counselling time, I assume it will be an hour as it used to be, but will call and double check and let you know how I get on.
take care all, it's chilly here but no more snow at the mo so hope it stays away now.
Mo in Kent
14 Feb 2010 23:08 |
Hello Jean. This has been a lonely little thread just lately. It looks like people are losing interest. If this continues,I will delete the thread,but still continue to speak to you via e.mails,and p.m's. I don't really want to do this,as we have got a lot off lovely friends on here. Who are you making the scarf for.? I wish I could still do my knitting,but my arthritus stops me. I did not know that Ann has problems with her central heating. It is such a bad time off year for this to happen. I hope you are managing to keep warm Ann. Have you heard anything from Sallie lately. I am wondering if she has got problems with her connection again. It may have something to do with the bad weather we have been having. If you are looking in Sallie,take care love. Still no news on my family I am afraid. It looks like my grandaughter is going to be moving out off her rented house. She has asked us to find storage for her house furnishings. She split up with her long term boyfriend. It's such a shame,he is such a lovely lad. He has stood by her throughout all the bad times,and attended the hospital with her for all her appointments. Still we cannot choose their partners can we. We are both o.k. And I hope you and J are as well. Take care off yourself. lots off love. Moxxx
14 Feb 2010 21:18 |
Where is everyone? its quiet on here at the moment , I have been knitting a pom-pom scarf, once you get the casting on done it is easy.... I really need to get on with my scrapbooks, I have promised on for a friend , so if I am missing that will be why....
Sallie hope you are o.k. and hope the mags arrived safely....
Mo, are you well and have you heard how things are with your family?
poor Ann, has been without heating for a few days, but hope things will get fixed tomorrow, it always goes wrong when the weather is cold.....
The flooring went down very quickly, Mo, and the young man who did the fitting was great, we would use him again, the kiitchen looks lovely and feels so much warmer, as I knew it so evertything is finished at last...I have my eye on another job to be done but J doesnt know yet !!!! ~~~~~~~~ to all~~~~~
Love Jean xx
Mo in Kent
11 Feb 2010 14:23 |
Hi girls. Jean, believe or not,we have not got any snow at all. But twenty miles down the road,where a cousin lives it is 6inches deep,and has drifted to 18 inches. We have been so lucky so far. But my goodness,it's still bitterly cold out there. Did they take long doing the flooring Jean. And by golly,isn't it nice to be proved right for a change,in our choices off things. It's sods law isn't it Sylvia. When one takes extra care to be early,and things go bottoms up. Still you has such a good outcome,that it was worth being that early. I had my last smear test last year. the doctor said I would not be getting another,as when it is due next time,I will be over 65,and no longer entitled to them. Aw Huia, it's nice that the home thought about the valentines card. But not everyone follows in the same vein. We always have given each other a card,but the older we have become,the presents have gone by the board, as we can no longer afford to do it. And anyway,chocolates are fattening, and I can get flowers at any time. What else would I need,not a lot. lol Thank goodness you have got your appointment Liz. Do they say how long you can be with the counsellor,ie one hour or half an hour. Either way,you will be able to get a lot off your chest. Lets just hope it's a dry day,so that you can use the car. Cant im indoors go by bus that day,if he doesn't want to cycle. A BIG HI,to Marie,Ann and our Sallie how are you all today. I hope you are keeping warm,and in your case Marie,keeping nice and cool. Be back later. Love to all. Mo xxx
11 Feb 2010 13:54 |
Mo, hope you are o.k. I hve just seen the amount of snow down your way, thats just how we were at christmas. are you affected by it,do be careful, no running for the bus, dont want to hear you slipped .... we are haveing a lovely day so far, clear blue skies, we have just had the floor done it is perfect..... and a lot warmer too....thrilled to bits with it...even J admitted I was
I have just had a letter from the docs to go for a m.o.t. so must book it in... always a bit of a worry, I feel great at the moment just get a bit weary, but thats par for the course....
Sylvia hope all goes well for you and your tests,
Hugs for Liz and Huia (((((((((((((((( X ))))))))))))))))
bye for now, love Jean xx
11 Feb 2010 04:17 |
Huia ((((((xxx))))))
11 Feb 2010 04:13 |
Hi all
well, so much for taking a long time to get out to the university to the doc's office ..... I left home at 12:45, allowing 2 hours. Walked down to the main road, got the express bus at 1:00pm, and arrived at the bus terminus on campus at 1:15pm
15 minutes! That's almost twice as fast as it takes normally!
I had to find something to do for 90 minutes ............... and it started raining! So, I went to sit in the Student Union and read my book, then I sauntered over to a coffee shop, had a latte and read my book. Finally went to the building next door and checked in at the doc's ........................ 15 minutes early, and she put me straight into the examination room!
Anyway, I am still breathing, he's quite happy with my bp overall, and I persuaded him to give me another prescription for my "ultra" pain killers which I do only need to take occasionally. He wants me to go to have an xray of my lower spine ........... which is OK as I haven't had one there for 10 or so years, so it will be interesting to see how much change there is. I have the form, just have to find the time.
Then they will send me to a group called OASIS which assesses and recommends treatment for arthritis sufferers
Oh yes ............. one yippeee!
He asked when had I last had various tests, including the smear .............. Nov 2008, so he said that I would need it this coming November. Until I said I was already 70 ........... and he agreed that I've had my last one! I've been having them ever since I was 29, and only been called back once in all those years.
11 Feb 2010 04:09 |
Mo, our landline (which is the one that was not working) is not connected to the power, so I think somebody must have been doing some work in the local exchange.
We are not exactly isolated. We have neighbours within view, about 700 metres down the road. An easy walking distance going down but not so easy coming back up hill, particularly in the summer. And there is no footpath and the road is not sealed.
I received my first ever Valentine card today! I think some of the residents in the private hospital probably make them and the staff write in them and post them. It says 'to dear Huia, lots of love from Philip'. He wouldnt have called me Huia, more likely Tub, not that he would ever have sent such a card :((( and he would have signed himself Phil. But I was in tears when I opened it up. I weep rather easily these days. Just little things that set me off.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
11 Feb 2010 03:21 |
Hi all, just a quick message to say that I have an appointment to start with a new counsellor on March 1st if I can have the car to get there, told o.h. he must start cycling again for his health which he knows, he has not biked since before Christmas but is getting a bit too used to driving again now. I know he can't bike when it's snowy and icy so altho we have snow and slippery roads again and it didn't seem as tho gritters had been out, I hope it will not hang about too much and will be clear by the end of the month. I am fed up not feeling well enough to drive and then if I do, not having the car here.
Take care everyone, I must remember to watch the opening of the games, saw it advertised last evening on tv.
Love to all, Lizxxx
Mo in Kent
10 Feb 2010 19:49 |
Huia you are so islated there arn't you love. In power cuts,we have one phone we can use,as it's not connected to the mains supply. But the other two go down with the power. Roly's cousin has just moved to a house out in the country,and their mobiles dont work out there,as there is no signal ,and no masts either. They have had to go over to a land line,which they dont like,as they like to pay as they go. And in an emergency,the services would never get to them,as the lanes are so narrow. I just pray to god they don't ever need an ambulance,or a fire engine. They, really enjoy being out in the sticks. They love to garden,and sit outside in the summer. But each to their own,I like people around me, whereas they like solitude.
10 Feb 2010 19:39 |
Hi there girls.
I have taken to deleting jokes soon after reading but in earlier days I didnt. I also had a lot of notices of meetings, and such like, and notices from GR that my hotmatches were here or somebody had contacted me. I now usually delete those unopened when they come in as I can see on the site that there are messages.
MO, I can (at least at night) look out the window to see if a power cut is just here or if it is the whole district, but with the phone that is not possible and I cant phone the neighbours to ask if their phone is working! There is no cell phone coverage here either, otherwise I could use one of my 3. I wish somebody would put a cell tower on the ridge opposite us, there is a repeater station there, but perhaps a cell tower would interfere with the workings of the repeater station. It would certainly be a good idea to have one up the top of the road to cover the valley on the other side, as there are no houses over there now but there are a lot of walking tracks and some mountain bike and horse riding tracks, so if somebody has an accident it is not easy to get help if they are on their own.
Mo in Kent
10 Feb 2010 19:03 |
Evening girls,how is everyone today. Sylvia, Everyone is more security contious these days. But we have to be,dont we. The no food or drink ban at the Vancouver venue, does seem a bit extreme and willl cost the spectators a fortune,to buy on site. But it is one way to recover some off the costs off holding the games there. Hello Marie,thank you for the p.m. I do hope your throat clears up soon. That is one off the problems,after having any proceedure done. Keep sucking the lozengers. When I have a bad throat I usually use Merocaine throat tablets,as they deaden the throat. How did you get on with the counsellor Liz.? It would be great if they let you talk all your worries over with them. Huia,we forget you are so far away from your neighbours. If we get a power cut,we only need to look out off our windows to see if our neighbours lights are out,and then we know for certain if it is our circuit that has tripped out,or if it's a general thing. I cant believe you have got so many e.mails to delete. Like Jean I delete mine after reading them,unless I need to keep them off course. Hello Jean,Ann,Sallie and all our friends on here. Love to all. Mo xxx
10 Feb 2010 10:47 |
Hello everyone, very cold here and we are going out for lunch, so need to wrap up well...
Huia, I am amazed at the back up of your mail, I always delete mine as soon as I read them, or file the ones I need to keep, but I cerainly dont get as many as you, shows what a very popular lady you are...Phil seems to have settled down nicely,it is a comfort for you knowing he is well looked after..
Marie how are you doing , so pleased to hear from you, are you still waiting for test results? we are due to have the Olympics soon and we, as a country will be more in debt than ever... the commonwealth games came to Manchester, (J and grandson went ), it was a huge success, very well organized and didnt do m uch damage to the economy so we are led to believe, but the London one is already over the budget....still we live in hope that it will be a boost for everyone we certainly need one!!!
Liz, I have sent you a p.m.
~~~~~~~~~ to all you lovely folk ~~~~~~
Sallie J has posted the mags today,enjoy....
love Jean xx
10 Feb 2010 07:20 |
Hi all.
I sometimes do that winking Liz, but like you try not to do it in public.
This morning after P & L left I spent 2 or more hours deleting a lot of old emails from my computer. I was doing more this afternoon when the phone line 'went down' and as I am on dial up I was left feeling very frustrated. After 90 mins I drove down the road and asked a neighbour if his phone was out. He had to go inside to check and found it was out, so it must have been our whole road. As there had been lots of vehicles going up the road (no exit) I decided to go over to the valley to see what they were all up to. Nosey parker, thats me. I found they were doing an ad for TV. I didnt stop to watch. When I got back the phone was working again so I have deleted more emails. I had started with 74 pages of them and (at a guess) over 3000 and am now down to 53 pages and 1832 emails. I still have 31 pages to go through. Most of the ones deleted are jokes that people have sent me, but there are also the messages GR sends to tell me that my hotmatches have arrived, or somebody has sent me a PM. I feel quite pleased with todays work, something I have meant to do for ages. I hope it frees up a lot of room on my hard drive. When my d.i.l. checked it was getting rather full. I do have an external hard drive which holds a lot, so hopefully I wont lose anything.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
10 Feb 2010 01:35 |
Hi all,
sorry I have been adding posts on different threads, was on the Friendly thread the other day and not sure where else I posted lol Seeing the new coordinator of counselling at our local MIND this afternoon, o.h. is going to take me and then we will do some more errands so I hope she will find me a good counsellor who will stay a while and not leave suddenly with me halfway through the sessions. I have a lot to get off my chest and hope it helps so I can get sorted out.
take care all, am very tired, and sleeping lots without feeling refreshed which is part of fibromyalgia, so apologies for not mentioning everyone
I will just say hi especially to Huia, so glad Phil seemed better when your family visited him and hope he continues to be comfortable. Presumably his pelvis has healed ok now if he can walk well.
My late Dad went to the optician, the one I always use too but is retiring shortly. Optician said to Dad, how long haven't you been able to see out of this eye, and Dad said he hadn't realised he couldn't! Seems he had had a haemorrhage at the back of the eye and not noticed so it was too late to do anything and he had lost the sight permanently. Makes me wary and I am always winking with alternate eyes so as to check I can see out of both eyes lol I try not to do it when I am out tho lol LIzx
10 Feb 2010 01:13 |
Hello all , its Marie, sorry I have been missing but it has been so busy this last 2 weeks and next week is no better I have 3 appointments, Plus my excercise classes, and I am trying to finish a Photo Albumn & I have another to start for my son Sean., so you will have to forgive me as I probably wont get to post for awhile.
I do feel for the people in Vancouver it is always difficult for the locals when such big sporting competitions are on, but as a spectator I love the Olympics and watch as much as I can. We made no effort to get to the Olympics as we knew we wouldn't be able to get into the Swimming or any of the popular sports so we decided to watch on Television & it was great and it didn't cost us a cent. Our weather is a little cooler as we have had some good rain,however we now have a lot of weeds,and I am too busy to get rid of them. Hi Huia I was so pleased to read that Phil was looking better and that you are having a visit from your Son & Daughter in-law I hope all goes well. To LIZ,SALLIE,JUNE, MO,SYLVIA,and any one else looking In LOVE & HUGS ***** Marie.******