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Just Jean

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Deborah Report 16 Feb 2010 14:45

Hello Ladies,

Just quickly popping in cos I'm going to see my Mum & Dad in a mo. Take the children there to have a run around in someone else's garden.

Matthew had his rugby match thismorning and it was a fantastic game - the teams drew 19 each, and Ann the team was called PRIESTLANDS. Don't know whether they come from Gloucester or Gloucestershire, I know that one is a town and one a county, so it may not be a school you have heard of. It looked as though they have quite a lot of youngsters over here as there were 2 rugby games going on and they have a load of girls over to play netball as well, so a good sporty half term for them.

Just checked the Cross Country entries for the event in Leeds that Daniel is doing on 27Feb and see there are 645 boys registered to run in his age group alone, so it is a huge event. No wonder he comes back totally in awe of the running that he does over in the UK.

Anyway, gotta go. Hope you are all ok. I'll read the other posts later in the week and get back to you.

Enjoy your Pancakes tonight - I nearly forgot. Can you imagine how well that would have gone down in my household???!!!

Take care all of you.



JustJean Report 16 Feb 2010 14:30

Once a month is enough for anyone do you have a A**i. near you? I get a e-mail twice a week for the specials. and this thursday there are some craft stuff on, I got canvas paper to print on makes the photos like paintings, 20 for £3.99. if you like I can add your e-mail add yto the list and they will come to you also....

Mo, we have had more snow this morning couldnt believe it when i looked out of the window, we went shopping and it was coming down like 1/2 crowns. the place we went to had none at all and the sun was shining....
sky is quite clear now lets hope it stays like that....

Sylvia, if there had been a fracture they would have dealt with it there and then I am sure, so no news is probably good news...
We have been watching the snow boarding it is amazing to see, they are so fast,I wondered what speeds they get up to....

When is Marilyn back? and wasnt it good to hear from Debbie....
wonder how Sue is doing and all the other folk ....

love to all. Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 16 Feb 2010 14:25

Yes we like a bath too but cost has made us limit baths to once a week and shower the rest of the time. Easier to wash hair in the shower too.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Feb 2010 13:51

I love my baths Ann. Especially when the heating is on,and the bathroom is lovely and warm.


AnninGlos Report 16 Feb 2010 13:33

Well, I have to admit that we are not the shower/bath every day brigade. We sometimes just wash, I really don't feel the need to shower every day, maybe in the summer if it is very hot, but we don't smell and stay clean.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Feb 2010 13:09

Hello ladies.
Sylvia, has this country won anything at the games yet. I have to admit,that I have not been watching,as Roly is not keen. And as he has the remote control, stuck to his hand,I have no choice,but to watch what he wants.
I normally would have gone up to my bedroom,to watch things I want to see,but it has been to blooming cold.
As everyone else has been saying,if anything really serious had shown up on your xray,they would have taken immediate action.
Oh my it smells so fragrant on here. It must be the bath salts that Ann has used. It's surprising how much we miss being able to take a bath or a shower isn't it. We always seem to think that we smell.
But if we think back to our ancestors,they were lucky if they had a bath once a week.
I remember when I was a child,the friday night ritual,was a bath in front of the coal fire. And the weekly dose off syrup off figs,to keep us regular.
It was always given on a friday night,as we did not have school the following day,and could run to the loo whenever the need arose.
Every morning we were given,a tablespoon off cod liver oil and malt. I was rather strange,as I loved it,whereas by brother hated it.
I must go and do some lunch now. I will be back later. Love to all. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 16 Feb 2010 12:23

Thank you Sylvia!!!

Pleased that you didn't get kept in, would be nice if they could have put your mind at rest though wouldn't it? When will you get the results?


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Feb 2010 05:11

Hi all

just to let you all know ......... they didn't keep me waiting for the xray, which I think is really why the doc put that ??? on the form.

They checked the xrays before I left, but I wasn't kept in, so I assume no fracture showed up!

The results should be at my docs in about 10-14 days ..... unless they do find something terribly wrong.

Glad to hear Ann is now clean and not smelly :)))



AnninGlos Report 15 Feb 2010 21:07

Good luck with the Xray Sylvia, surely you are right and would not be able to walk with a spine fracture.

Sallie yes it is good to be warm and we are now clean and not smelly. Didn't have a bath all over the weekend as the immersion takes so long to heat up and costs so much sow e stayed dirty Lol1!!!


Sallie Report 15 Feb 2010 20:58

Sylvia, it's good to hear that both you and OH are alright, and that you are enjoying the Olympics. Well done to Canada! Hope you get on okay at the hospital, as you say if you had a compression fracture, you wouldn't be able to walk. Enjoy watching the Olympics later on. Take care!

Love, Sallie.x


SylviaInCanada Report 15 Feb 2010 20:24

Hi everyone

Lovely to read all the news!

Yep ..... we're both well, no problems, just that we've been watching the Olympics, mainly in the evenings but then that is usually when I spend time on here. Either the evening or around lunchtime my time ........ which is why I'm here right now!

Great excitement yesterday when a Canadian won a Gold Medal in the Men's Mogul event ....................... until yesterday Canada was the only Host Coutnry that had never won a Gold Medal at "their" Games. People were bginning to say there must be a "curse", or a "monkey on the back", after not getting Gold at Montreal Summer or Calgary Winter Games.

And a very nice young man who won to boot ........................ his hero and inspiration is his older brother who has Cerebral Palsy, and that brother was right there in the front row cheering away as his brother came down the hill.

OH is going to take me out to the university hospital this afternoon to get my spine xray done ....................... there is a Women's Hockey game out there at the arena close to the hospital, but we hope we know our way around campus well enough to find our way to the back door :))) I just noted this morning that the doc had written on the referral form "...... complaining of increasing lower back pain ..... ???compression fracture" :o)

Surely I wouldn't be able to walk if that was the case???

Take care everyone



Sallie Report 15 Feb 2010 19:17

Hi again,

Ann, so glad that your heating is now fixed, it must be lovely to be warm again. That was a good price you paid for the repair and a service. We paid £150 to have a new valve and he also had to unblock a water pipe that had become blocked, he was here for almost three hours, so we were pleased with what he charged.

I notice Sylvia hasn't been on for a few days, I hope everything is alright with her and her OH. Maybe she is busy watching the Olympics.

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 15 Feb 2010 16:49

Sallie, yes thanks, heating all fixed and £215 lighter, that included the service.


Sallie Report 15 Feb 2010 16:37

Hi All,

Debbie,it's lovely to see you back, we've all really missed you. So sorry to hear about your Dad and Father-in-law. I can imagine how difficult it is for your hubby to see his Dad like that. My Uncle was just the same, and was also put in a psychiatric secure unit, it wasn't easy for any of the family, especially his wife, my Auntie.
So pleased that all is well with the everyone else. It''s good to see that the boys are still very much into sport. How is your sister? hope she's not having any problems with her Crohn's and Colitis. Jennie is now on a new medication, where she has to inject herself every other week, so I hope that she will be alright on it. We shall have to wait and see!

Mo, sorry to hear about what happened in the take away. I can understand how her ex must be feeling, especially as he's stood by her and been there for her, when she most needed him. But, I can also understand how your Granddaughter was feeling, it doesn't do a relationship any good being very possessive and not having any freedom, and it looks as though it has killed any love and feeling that she had for him.
I told Michael that keeping a pub was hard work, with long hours, he agreed, and said that he would still like to do it. I also told him what you had said about how it's best to go through a brewery and not through a private owner.

Jean, there are quite a few cards in the Creativety magazine, that I thought I would like to make, so I'll have to get myself together and get them done.
Not feeling too bad today, at least a bit better than I've been.

Ann, I hope you have managed to get your central heating repaired today.
I think weekends always seem quieter on the boards. Or is just my imagination? I'm still waiting for Alun to send both you and Jean some of the images of the scrap pages I made for my mother's cousin, if only I could do them myself, you would have got them by now.

Huia, I've had the same problems as you in the past, especially one person, she's British but lives in the U.S.A. She told me that a relative of hers living in the U.K. could give me the information I was looking for on one of Alun's ancestors, so after giving her all the information I had, I didn't hear from her. Although she has now got all the ancestors in her tree. So, I'm very wary about giving out any information unless I know that the person is genuine.

Marie, hope that all is going well for you, we miss you on here. Take care!

Marilyn, not sure when you get back from your holiday. Hope you and OH are enjoying yourselves.

Liz, have you found out how long your appointment with the counsellor is for? Not sure when you said you have to go.

Well, that's it for now, I'll probably look in later. Take care everyone!

Love and best wishes.

So now I'm wary g


JustJean Report 15 Feb 2010 16:35

Coeeeeeeeeeeee, Debbie. lovely to hear from you again, I was about to put a mayday call out for but so gald you are back with us, very sorry to hear about your f.i.l. sad when the mind plays tricks, but like Huia and Phil it means a lot to know they are being cared for,your dad is doing well it takes a while to get back on track again,
your boys are doing very well , my J used to be a champion in athletics mainly running and high jump, but that was many moons ago,altough the daft bat jumped a wall last time we were in Llandudno not knowing what was on the other side luckily it wasnt a big drop,,,I keep telling him I dont think he should be doing stuff like that at 75yrs of a dull moment.... what sort of fish does Daniel catch? fish is my favourite food..
if he gets too many they could be shipped over to have a scone and a cuppa, speak again soon

love Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 15 Feb 2010 15:57

Deborah, so good to see you, you have been missed. glad things are ok with your immediate family but sorry to ehar about your FiL's problems, I hope they can keep him sedated enough to be calm now.

I had not realised that Jersey ever got snow, and such low temperatures too.
Well done to the boys on all their sports exploits. I wonder which Glocester school is playing.

We eventually booked for our Golden wedding week but in the end went back to where we stayed ten years ago (hoping it has not deteriorated in the meantime. It is the Cristina not far out of St Helier and on a direct bus route to the town.

Anyway, good to hear that you are OK.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Feb 2010 15:47

Ooooh Debbie it's sooo good to hear from you again.
We were quite concerned when we had not heard from you,and it's such a relief to hear that it was nothing serious that was preventing your posting,
by that I mean health wise with you all.
The problems with people stealing things on this site,never seems to change. There is always someone suffering from this happening.
It's so nice to be able to catch up on what is happening with the children.
Daniel is very brave,going fishing in this cold weather. brrrr to cold for me,
but then kids don't feel it as much as we do,do they.
So pleased that dad is still ticking along nicely. But I am sorry to hear about your F.I.L. Our Huia has been through more or less the same thing with her husband.
I did wonder if you had had the snow over there. It seems like no one got away with it.
Give my best wishes to the children,and I hope they enjoy what is left off the half term break.
Speak to you again soon. Love Mo xxx


Deborah Report 15 Feb 2010 15:19

Hello, and many Happy Greetings to you all on here. I haven't any one particular excuse for not posting in absolutley months, so many things have happened, I don't know where to start. I have quickly passed a eye over the recent threads and see that you are all coping just about with life today. Not having been on here for ages, it is like reading a book for the first time, actually really interesting. When you post on a daily basis you tend to lose sight of the whole thing, but as I have only just logged back into GR for the first time in months, the "book" that unfolded before my eyes was fabulous.

Well, we are all fit and well. Half term is upon us so I have the 4 children at home, though there are quite a few plans afoot for activities.

The main reason I haven't been here recently is that I didn't renew my membership when it expired towards the end of last year,. I had issues with someone "stealing" info from my records that I decided to do a complete shut down and then re-set all the people who I know are genuine, and make sure not to be so trusting of those who show interest but aren't interested. I am sure you have all had similar things happen on sites. But, I am back!!!!

We have had a couple of very serious health problems in the family - not my direct one. My Dad is still ticking along. It is hard to believe that it was Jan 2009 he had his stroke. He is very slow, and still has the problems with his blood count, but the hosp take blood every month and top him up if it looks as though things are taking a downward turn. My F-in-L is now permanently in the psychiatric unit. He had to be moved from the Private Nursing Home as he was insecure and unstable in his behaviour. We have had a lot of problems with the situation, but he seems ok where he is. He started biting and hitting people and the Home couldn't cope so he was re-assessed and is now kept very slightly sedated to curb his violent nature. He was always a very forceful character and I fear that is beginning to show through again. It is very upsetting for my hubby but something we have had to learn to accept.

My family are all doing well at the moment. The oldest 2 are still heavily into their sports. Matthew has a rugby game tomorrow as part of the Jersey squad playing a team from a school in Gloucester. Daniel is doing very well with his running and is away 26-28 Feb in Leeds running in the National Cross Country Champs. He was selected as a reserve to run for the Hamps County Team in March but we aren't going to send him over unless they actually need him. It is very expensive to travel to B'ham then and may not even run, so for a "just in case" trip, we have said no unless they can guarantee him running in the event. He was reserve last year as well, and we took the same approach.

Half Term looks as though we are going to have dry weather, but so, so, cold only about 3º all week and a bitter wind. It makes it so uncomfortable. Interesting to read all your previous posts about your snow exploits. For the first time in years, we were completely snowed in over here. Daniel & Matthew were due to travel to Southampton for Cross Country in Jan, but that was weather cancelled.

Daniel is fishing at every spare moment and just dresses according to the weather. He went until about 8pm last night and caught a few fish but nothing big enough to bring home.

I think I will finish up here. I will try to get back to posting more regularly, as I enjoy reading the comments on here.

I hope that this finds you all as fit and well as you can be, and that all of you and your various family members are coping with the trials that life is currently throwing at them.

Take care.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Feb 2010 12:06

Thank you all for your responces. I really don't want to delete this thread,as we have all be here for each other through thick and thin. And I thank you all for that.
Oooh Ann,I hope they have sorted the heating out now,and that you are both nice and warm. When you are cold it makes you feel like hybernating doesn't it. When ours was being repaired,we went out as much as possible,visiting cafes for our meals,and to warm up a bit.
Jean,our grandaughter has a new boyfriend now. This has bought more problems,with the ex. She was collecting a take away chinese,and her ex was also in the shop,and he started an argument with her,the new boyfriend was sitting in the car,and saw what was happening,so he went in to help her,and the inevitable happened,a fight broke out. My grandaughter is a little spitfire,and she was the instigator off it,landing the first punch. The new boyfriend got dragged into it,and the police were called. Heavens above,I don't know what is going to happen now.
Her ex really idolised her,but gave her no freedom,and apparantly she could take no more off it,so finished it with him.
Better it be over now,and she can move on I suppose. But I did like the ex.
Huia,we will miss you love,but can understand your trying to get things sorted. I cannot understand why others have to be so nasty,and it's so unecessary. You have to think off yourself and Phil,take no notice off the nasties who come on these sites.
Yes Sallie,our son has moved into his own pub now. It has it's good and bad points. Long hours,and days when not many customers come in.
He is tired out,but will only take staff on when he has big functions happening. Like Saturday night,he had three D.J's in for the night,and it was a big success. He actually ran out off beer.
If Michael wants to get into the trade,he will have to get a brewery licence.
My son had to go through the training for it.
Keep your chin up sweetie,we are here for you.
Hi Liz,did you get my p.m. Sorry I was unable to help you.
See you all later. Love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 15 Feb 2010 10:55

Mo, don't worry about the lack of replies, it is general on the boards and will swing the other way eventually. I have not been on so much because all my effort has gone into keeping warm and we have been going out for most of the day to find somewhere warm.
Jean pleased to see you have had your floor done in the kitchen and that you are pleased with it.
The heating engineer is here at the moment fixing the boiler, it is going to cost around £300. I think as it needed a new fan and then he is servicing it. We have not had this one before but he seems to know what he is doing.
Sallie, you will get there in the end I'm sure, the psychiatrist seems to know what she is talking about and if you 'go with the flow' you will come out of that dark tunnel.

Huia, sounds like you are getting your tree sorted. well done.

Mo I am sorry to hear that your granddaughter has split with her boyfriend.

Heard yesterday that our nearly 18 year old grandson has had his ears pierced. His Mum was quite put out because he didn't ask them if he could. I had to point out how old he was!!

I am going to stop now and get on with some craft work if I can, the heating is coming on but my hands are still cold.