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Just Jean

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JustJean Report 18 Feb 2010 07:52

Sallie, if you go on you tube, there is a video showing how to cast on the wool, and you can see what it looks like. but i will send a pic to you....
Thanks for the good wishes, and the same for you too.

Thanks Mo, will chat soon. not quite with it this

Love Jean x


Sallie Report 17 Feb 2010 22:25

Thanks Mo, speak to you sometime tomorrow.

Good night, sleep well.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 17 Feb 2010 22:22

Jean, sounds as though you and J had a lovely day out, today. I'd love to see a photo of the scarves, I think that they might some lovely 'stocking fillers' for a few young ladies in my family. I'm going for my 'weekly chat' tomorrow morning, so my friend and I just go up to the top of town afterwards, so that we can have a look at the market. I'll see if they have any of the pom pom wool on the wool stall.
All the best for tomorrow, and hope you'll pass your 'yearly M.O.T'.
Good luck! Speak to you tomorrow.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Feb 2010 22:11

Good luck with the M.O.T tommorrow Jean,I will be thinking off you.
And likewise you Sallie,with the therapist.
Love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 17 Feb 2010 21:55

Hello, everyone, J and I had a day out and we had a run to a mill complex, they sell clothes furniture and lots of other stuff looks like they were haveing a refurb, so lots of offers especially craft wise, it looks like they are closing the craft department I bought a lot of 10 card packs, embellishments,a cookery book making cookies and biscuits... then we had lunch....there was some great offers in coats , but J wouldnt let me buy any more,cant get in the wardrobes....
Sallie, I made five of the pom-pom scarves, once you master the casting on it is so easy knit every row, at first I had too many stiches on, so I made two thick ones with only four stitches couldnt believe it worked, and the thinner wool six stitches,I will take a pic and send it to you then you will know what I mean.... it seems you can make hats out of this wool but I wont bother..I am not a knitter really only dolls and scarves, couldnt knit a jumper to save my for my yearly m.o.t. as J calls it....tomorrow wish me luck.....
.love to you all, Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 17 Feb 2010 20:04

Mo, another soap was Camay remember Katie Boyle advertising it?

I loved both cod liver oil and malt and virol when I was little.

Sylvia just watch a bit of the women's skiing, ouch!! two fallen, and the swiss lass didn't half go down with a bang, but then she got up and walked in. I wouldn't want her bruises.


Sallie Report 17 Feb 2010 19:57

Had to delete, sorry posted twice. Looks as though I'm living up to my name, Mo.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 17 Feb 2010 19:44

Mo, it looks as though we posted at exactly the same time. You know the saying---'great minds, thin- -----. My mother always use to buy Pears soap for both me and my brother, in fact Iseem to remember that all my cousins also used Pears soap, the family must have had shares in the
company, ( they should have been so lucky) seeing that they all bought it.

Jean, hope you, J and D are all okay. Haven't spoken to you for a few days.
Have you finished knitting the scarf yet? I wish I could concentrate on doing some knitting, but I am very slowly getting a couple of scrap pages done. Just as well there's no prizes for quickness! Ha! Ha!

Marie, can't remember when you get your results of your Cystoscopy, it shouldn't be too long now, hope it's good news. Good luck!

Thinking about Ann, Debbie and Marilyn also Sue and Grace if they are looking in.

Love and best wishes to everyone.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Feb 2010 19:14

Snap Sallie we posted at the same time. Were both silly mares then love,
that makes me feel better,to think I am not alone. lol

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Feb 2010 19:11

Oooh look girls,we know someone,who knows someone who has won a gold medal in the Olypics. Well done to Maelle Sylvia. Snowboarding sounds terrifying. It was bad enough trying to walk on the snow,in our recent bad weather,let alone doing what they do.
Thank you for the explanation,about the water situation. We take so much for granted having water on tap. But at times it is undrinkable,especially if they have just done the chlorination,and it only becomes drinkable,when a certain amount has been taken out off the system.
The number off cups off tea I have thrown away,because they taste to much off chlorine. Yuk.
We had Virol,as well liz. But the major one was the malt with cod liver oil.
How you feeling now Liz,any better. Your fall knocked the stuffing out off you didn't it.
Huia,was it Simple Soap that you bought for Phil. It's much kinder to the skin. We are using Dove soap at the moment,well on the body for me,and facial wipes for my mush. That is quite gentle as well.
I am trying to remember the soap from childhood. I know we had Lifebouy,
we had a red soap as well,but I think it was like a carbolic soap.
Then mum changed it to fairy soap,then came the luxury,Pears soap. Ohh
I thought that was so grand,it made me think I was like one off the children
that they used to advertise it.
Look at me I am remeniscing again. It's funny how you get to a certain age,and the memories come flooding back.
Hi Jean,how are you and J. It seems ages since we spoke.
A big hello to Sallie,Ann,Marie and our young un Debbie.
Speak to you all soon. Love and best wishes Mo xxx


Sallie Report 17 Feb 2010 19:11

Hello Girls,

I hope that you are all well today! The weather's not very nice here at all, rain, sleet and feeling colder than it's been.

Huia, glad to hear that Phil was okay when you last visited him, it's nice to know that he is being well looked after. Did the odd job man come to mow your lawns? I hope he did!

Sylvia, I had the same thoughts as Mo, when I read that you hadn't had a bath since 2003, so it looks as though there is another stupid mare on here, at least Mo has got another one to keep her company. Good luck with your assessment next Monday, hope all goes well for you. Well done to your friends daughter winning a Gold Medal, they must feel so proud of her .

Liz, Virol, I've been trying to think of that name, so thanks for reminding me. I hated it, but my brother loved it, and I still don't like the taste of anything with malt in. Hope all is well with you and your family. Did you get a slow cooker? I know you were thinking about it.

Hope everyone else is alright, might look in later on.



Huia Report 17 Feb 2010 06:11

Sylvia, giardia arrived in New Zealand some years ago, thanks to some tramping tourists who arent fussy where they go to the loo. As a result we have to boil or otherwise treat the water we use from streams when tramping. It is such a pity as fresh stream water can taste so lovely. Much better than the chlorinated etc stuff you get in town water supplies.

Re keeping clean, I havent used soap for many years now, apart from on my hands and any parts that might have got something nasty on them, eg if I have been painting and have had to use turps to remove paint from my face etc I will then use soap to remove the turps. I learnt years ago that soap (or at least the ordinary toilet soaps) are bad for the skin, very drying. When my husband had a problem with dry itchy skin the doc told him to stop using soap, but he didnt feel clean. He was supposed to use pinetarsol but didnt like it, so I found a soap that is much milder than the usual ones. But it is rather expensive and he used large quantities of it. Not that I begrudged him his little luxury. I am wondering what soap they use in his hospital.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 17 Feb 2010 03:51

When I was young, the school doctor told my Mum I was wiry, whatever that meant! I wasn't very tall and was pretty skinny, not overly so but no spare meat on me then, what a difference now! Mum gave me codliver oil and malt, Virol, it was called, and I didn't mind taking it. I think I got some for my son when he was little altho don't know why as he was healthy enough, but I tucked into it and didn't buy a second jar. My lad at the age of 4 would charge through Superdrug and remind me to get his bottle of cod liver oil, he loved it, and used to chat up one of the assistants there and tell her how much he liked his codliver oil. He would always give her a kiss when we left the shop, what a flirt even then lol



SylviaInCanada Report 17 Feb 2010 01:05

The daughter of friends and ex-colleagues of OH has just won a Gold Medal in Snowboard Cross (for Canada)

I am so pleased for her!

That is a wild event ........ 4 snowboarders racing down the course at the same time.

Maelle failed to get a medal in the event in Turin in 2006 .............. she fell, slipped dow a bank off the course and got a concussion. She was credited with being 4th!

Mo .... that was partly why I wrote it the way I did! I wanted to see if anyone would think that!! Bit of naughtiness on my part!

Huia ........... I'm glad to hear thet Phil is doingOK

We gave some thought to using rainwater collection at our cabin, and we do collect some that runs off the roof. But it is not good enough to drink because it is always full of pollen. We use it as an alternative for boiling for washing dishes or ourselves, or filling up the loo tank if the water tank runs out in the middle of the night or we don't want to turn the generator on.

So we have an electric pump, run from a generator, that pumps water up from the creek. The rise is about 100', and the distance is about 300' or so.

That also is not potable unless it is boiled because of a particular bug Ghirardia that is common in water in much of Canada and the US. It's commonly called Beaver Fever, because beavers are carriers, although it is common in other wild animals as well.

It would be drinkable after boiling, but it also comes through peat so is brown. I don't like the look of it, so we buy or take in drinking water (ie, carry it up from Vancouver).

The creek water is lovely and soft though. Soaps and shampoos lather like you wouldn't believe!



Huia Report 16 Feb 2010 23:34

Hi again Mo. Our 'stinking fish' also used to come in a brown jar. It is a bit like a soft caramel.

Tank water: we have a large tank to collect rain water from our roof. It goes through a couple of filters and a blue light to kill off bugs on its way to the header tank in the ceiling. Our water pressure is not as great as if we were on mains.

Phil was ok when I visited 2 days ago. I will go again in 2 days. That is often enough. I cant spend a lot of time on the computer at present as I am waiting for my odd job man to phone to say he is coming to mow the lawns. I wish he would hurry up so I can get on with Ancestry.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Feb 2010 22:32

Hello Huia. The cod liver oil and malt we were given,was in a jar,and it was brown and thick and yummyyy. One tablespoon was given us each morning,before breakfast. It can still be bought in our local pharmacy. But I wont buy it,because I know full well I will eat it like sweets.
When you say you are on tank water Huia. Does that mean they deliver it to you. My cousin in Australia has a bore hole where they get there water from.
Crumbs Sylvia,when I started to read what you had written,I thought you meant that you had not washed since 2003,stupid mare that I am,I always get things wrong.
I went cold when I read about the cold showers that your OH takes at the cabin. Oh my lord I could never have a cold bath or shower. I think I must have been spoilt by my nan,giving me my nice baths by that fire.
Good luck for your assessment on Monday. Osteo-arthritus is a right b*gg*r isn't it. Not only are we prone to break bones,but the pains from the joints,at times can be horrid. Mine is in my spine,and I have a bad curvature in it.
Enjoy your nice weather,you lucky thing you. I am envious off you being able to have the patio doors open.
Mind you,I will be dubious about having ours open again this summer,just in case we get another rat in the house.
I am paranoid about them now.
Huia,sorry I forgot to ask you,how is Phil now. I hope he is well.
Well girls I will say good night god bless you all. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Feb 2010 21:24

Hi everyone

I haven't had a bath since December 2003 :)))))))

but that's OK, I shower every 2nd or 3rd day (unless it's very hot in the summer!).

I have great difficutly getting out of the bath, have to turn myself over onto my front, then onto my knees, then try to stand up ............. if I manage all that, then I am usually aching so much that it wasn't worth it!!

We don't have a bath or shower at the cabin, and only cold running water .......................... so we have wash downs. We do have an outside shower that OH can attach to the stand pipe ..... that water comes straight from the creek, and is flippin' freezin' even on a 30C day! He does get under either that or the stand pipe on many days after working out on the land. I'm too much of a coward!

The doc's office will get the results of the spinal x-ray in about 2 weeks.

It rianed hard all night, so much snow fell up in Whistler that skiing has been postponed for a while ..... to much snow to clear the course quickly!! It is now sunny and warm here in the city, over 13C, and I've had the patio window open since about 11 am.

I remembered about Pancake Tuesday early this morning. The batter is made, and standing ready for dinner time tonight.

Had a follow up this morning to the hip x-ray I had done late last year. I got a call from a group called OASIS, which is an osteo-arthritis assessment programme ......... I have to go next Monday morning to be assessed etc.

Looking at the 7 page assessment form that I have to fill in before I go ..................... I feel a bit of a fraud!!

The doc wants me assessed ............ but I seem to fall in the very mild category on all the "rate pain/lack of movement/difficulty etc" from 1 to 10 or none to very severe!

The assessment is a result of a referral after I had that hip x-ray NOT of the spinal one, yet it is the spine that causes the problem! I think I might have said that the hip is only showing very mild deterioration.

Ah well, I shall toddle along there, wearing my "ordinary walking shoes" and carrying a pair of shorts, and spend up to 2 hours .......................

The unit is connected to 2 hospitals, one of which is the one where I had the x-ray yesterday, so they will be able to access it via computer. So I may hear something ....... depends how open they are to passing on information!

Take care everyone



Huia Report 16 Feb 2010 18:56

Mo, I presume you were referring to the malt with cod liver oil added. We used to have it when young although I dont remember if it was a daily ritual. Dad called it 'stinking fish' and that became our name for it. We loved it. 3 or 4 years ago I bought a tin, although it had a different fish oil it and it didnt taste the same.

I have to admit that like Ann I dont shower every day unless I feel I am extra dirty or smelly in the summer. We are on tank water, so I have to watch how much water I use in summer. The trouble is when I get in the shower I spend longer than I should in there. Unfortunately we took our bath out about 3 yrs ago in order to install a brand new shower.

Anybody heading down under had better not visit me in summer! But I might shower more often if you do.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 16 Feb 2010 18:03

Evening all.
Yes Sallie,I did have darts last night. And we won,yippee,6-0 and 3-0,we have not done that in ages.
Has the snow gone now Jean.? Did it wait for you to go out,before it came down. It's strange how going just a short distance from home,the weather can change.
Oh my lord Debbie,I forgot it's pancake day today. It's just as well that there are only the two off us at home now. If the kids had been here,there would have been a right stink caused.
Matthews team did brilliantly Debbie,19 all,took some hard work from both teams. Did he come off the pitch covered in mud again.
I hope that mum and dad were o.k.
Sorry Jean I meant to tell you,Marilyn is back. She is at her sons at the moment. But she's off to Australia soon. Lucky girl that she is.
Marie must be getting her results soon as well. If you are looking in Marie
good luck for a good outcome.
We have not heard from Grace either Jean.


Sallie Report 16 Feb 2010 15:00

Hello Everyone,

Sylvia, I'm sure that if there was something serious like a fracture they would have found it straight away. I bet it was nice to go straight in for your xray and not have to wait.

Ann, I'm afraid I'm one of the shower every day brigade, it's because I find it quicker to get in the shower than have a wash down. As you said it's also easier to was hair in the shower.

Mo, I remember having a bath in the tin bath in front of the fire on a Friday night, and the cod liver oil, which I hated taking--but my brother loved it. As we got older we took the codliver oil capsules, they were much better to take, my brother use to say that they were better too, because when he bit into them there juice and then chewing gum. I think he thought they were good value for the money.Ha, Ha.
Did you go to play darts last night? If you did, I hope your team won.

Speak to you all later. Love, Sallie.xx