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Just Jean

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Feb 2010 03:36

Hi all,

just catching up with everyone's news and hope this coming week will be a good one for you all.
I am still so tired all the time, the vit d jab I had certainly hasn't done anything to help on that score but it does seem to have nudged a few little tufty hairs to grow on my head so hopefully more will appear. I had a recut after I was not happy with the haircut I had before o.h.'s birthday, and the Artistic Director of the salon did it free, he was a bit scissor happy so it's very short, a bob, but it will soon grow and at least it is the same length each side and very well cut. He was a nice chap to chat too altho only in his erly 40s so I may well go back to him, altho he will be £15 and the walk in price is only £10. He advised me to give the top of my head a scalp massage, he has taught the shampoo girls to give head massages which I thoroughly enjoyed and said as I sit watching tv, to do a fingertip massage on the top of my head as it causes the blood to circulate and then hair grows more.

I knitted lots of those scarves a few years ago, 2006 I think it was, and I got the eyelash yarn and the other sort from the Poundshop and another cheapy shop called QD where they had kits of pattern, needles and yarn for £2.50 or £3 I gave away several scarves as pressies and took some to Malta when I went with my son, as presents for friends and rellies as it can get chilly in winter time there. They were very pleased with them.
Btw, I always hand wash mine and press them in a towel to get excess moisture out and as they dry you have to pull them to shape. They are lovely and light and soft tho and I now have many in various colours.

Sallie, I start my counselling next Monday 1st, o.h. is going to have to cycle or bus into work so that I can have the car as the place I have to go is hard to reach by bus. I am hoping I get a good rapport with my new counsellor so that I too can dig some real old stuff out and get it sorted.... I was at that stage with the previous counsellor and would be at home or walking about to the shop or something, and a point would come to mind about something in my past and I would have to write it down to talk about the following week. It was so annoying when the apptmts stopped suddenly as I really felt I was getting to the nitty gritty and would be able to change the way I live my life, i.e. cope with the hoarding etc

Must get some emails cleared or others won't get through

take care all, sorry I am not about much but a lot going on with me now

love and hugs to everyone


SylviaInCanada Report 22 Feb 2010 00:55

Hi all

Thanks Mo .... just had to spend about an hour filling out a 7 page Assessment (they call it an Assessment Tool!), plus a list of all prescription and non-prescription medicines I take.

If you have time, take a look at this site

The company installed a Zip Line above a square in the heart of downtown. It's 550' long, about 6 stories above ground, and it's free ..... it can take 6 hours in the line-up to get on it!!

It's not for me ......... but people are enjoying it!

If you click on Livestream then you can see what is going on at ground level as well. As you may be able to see if you look in our daytime ....... it's lovely sunny weather here!

Thousands of people are congregating in downtown, especially in the evneings ...... it's apparently like one giant street party, with all kind sof entertainment and free things to do. They estimate up to 120,000 were there on Friday and Saturday, and so far there has been little trouble ........... although the police did close down liqour stores on Saturday evening at 7 pm to stop off-sales, and curb public drinking and drunkenness.



Sallie Report 21 Feb 2010 21:21

Thanks for that, Jean. I think I might ask how much it is on the market next Thursday, when I go up again. I don't think I'll be knitting a scarf in the near future, but I would be interested to know.



JustJean Report 21 Feb 2010 20:53

Sallie they sell the wool on our market at £8.50 a ball but one ball does the whole scarf, so maybe Hobbycrafts wool will be the same...

Jean xx


Sallie Report 21 Feb 2010 20:26

Jean, I can't get over that Hobbycraft were asking £8.99 a ball for the wool.
I thought at the time that it was expensive, but now you've told me how much you paid, I know that it IS expensive. So if I decide to make a scarve. I won't be buying the wool from Hobbycraft. Thanks for letting us know what eyelash wool looks like--I know the wool you mean.

Mo, I think it might have been a long time since we both did any knitting so we are out of touch on what all the different wools are called. But thanks to Jean we now know what eyelash wool looks like. Our families worse month for birthdays is March and we've also got a few friends in March too.
We have eleven altogether, but most of those are only cards, thank goodness.

Off to do some of the scrap page I'm doing, just have to stick things down.

Love to you both, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 21 Feb 2010 20:03

I had an answer to you Mo, then woosh gone, we are a small family I am sure J and S wont wear them D never wears scarfs, in fact she rareley wears a coat, my other relatives are not in touch much, so the only family I have is my adopted ones on never

Sallie I got the wool off the internet," Modern Knitting", it was £2,50 a ball but if you do it the coventional way , you would two or three balls, I only got one ball of the colours, so made my own pattern up and managed to get three scarves out of it .... eye lash wool is spikey you see a lot of them on the markets now, I made mine years ago, but the best part is they only take two balls or maybe three, and you can match any colour you want,
off to watch Larkrise

Hope you understand me... love Jean xx.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Feb 2010 20:03

Just remembered,good luck for tommorrows assessment Sylvia.
I will be thinking off you love. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Feb 2010 19:55

Sallie,I also have never heard off eyelash wool. Unless it is a brand name
The ones on the market stalls,look like if you pull one thread,the whole thing would fall apart. Jeans are so much better than them,and much thicker looking as you said.
We are lucky like you,we have two son in laws who would do anything for us. And they are such good partners for our daughters,and good fathers to boot as well.
We have got two birthdays this week,one grandaughter will be six,and another will be fifteen. Why couldn't my family work things out better, two days between them.
Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 21 Feb 2010 19:41

Mo, just what I thought about the scarves. I seen one made up on our Thursday market, but it didn't look as nice as the ones that Jean has made--they look a lot thicker than the one that Janet and I saw on last Thursday's market. Maybe the wool wasn't as good, as the one that Jean used.



Sallie Report 21 Feb 2010 19:32

Hello Everyone,

Mo, thanks for letting us know about Marie, glad to hear that she is alright, I hope that all goes well for her on 3rd. March. I had almost finished writng one post to you all and it just disappeared, it's a pain when it does that. I've done a few jobs today that needed doing, so I'm happy about that. Jennie and Michael came for Sunday lunch as usual, so Michael helped Alun move a small cupboard that needed moving, so that was a good help. He's a good lad, always willing to help if we ask him.

Jean, thank's for the photos, I've sent you a PM. Forgot to ask what eyelash wool is--or is that what the wool is called?

Ann, I posted on you Scrapbooking and craft thread last night.

Marilyn, hope you are feeling less tired today, as we get older having little ones around can be hard work, no matter how much we love them.

Huia, thanks for your PM. Fingers crossed that you will now be able to install AVG9 without any trouble. At least you know what to do--I wouldn't have a clue where to start. Hope Phil was well when you visited him today.

Liz, I haven't seen you on the boards much over the weekend. Hope you are alright.

Speak to you all soon. Take care everyone!

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Feb 2010 19:11

Received Jean thank you. Is that a special wool that you use to make them. I think they are very nice,how can you not like them. It's very like when we cook a meal for the family,and we don't enjoy it as much as they do. And yet when someone else does it for us,it tastes so much better.
I do hope you can understand what I am trying to explain.
You are a clever little missy.
Are they going to be christmas presents for the family.


JustJean Report 21 Feb 2010 18:57



JustJean Report 21 Feb 2010 18:04

Mo, my little kent cob. of course I wll send you photos, watch your mail....blimey doesnt she sulk.....

Ann, they are very soft, but I find them too bulky for me I have a short neck I have seen other peeps wear them and they look good,

glad Marie is ok. hope we here good news from her soon....

Love Jean x


AnninGlos Report 21 Feb 2010 17:47

Thanks Jean, they are different to what I imagined. Are they comfortable to wear and warm? Did you have a pattern for them? Nice colours.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Feb 2010 17:45

Good evening everybody.
I have had an e.mail from Marie. She is o.k,but very busy at the moment,and she will try to get on and speak to us,during the week.
Marie's post -op appointment,is on the 3rd of March. And I am sure we all wish her well,for a good outcome.
I hope you are all well,and have enjoyed your weekend. I have had a really lazy time,apart from tidying the place up today.
Oh by the way Jean,what happened to my pics off the scarves then.
Quick exit before she catches me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Take care,love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 21 Feb 2010 17:34

Sallie and Ann, I have just sent some pics of the scarves....

Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 20 Feb 2010 20:58

Hi all, Jean they are certainly speedy scarves.
Mo hope you are feeling better.
Sally I have a page to do lined up, two school photos of youngest grandchildren, sorted out the backing paper so far, May work on it tomorrow. do come back on the scrapbooking & craft thread soon.
Huia, hope you can get AVG9 loaded soon and also that you cah sort out all the problems on Ancestry.


GRMarilyn Report 20 Feb 2010 20:56

Hi Everyone ..~~~~~~~~~to all..

Done my duty in looking after my little grandchildren for the week.
I am now relaxing and not going to answer the phone or the door bell for at least a week ..LOL I'm pretty well worn out !!

Huia,... Well talk about people taking things out of contexts, just cannot believe what that person has accused you of mind boggles ?
I bet she don't...maybe if she reads it again it might sound a little different.

How is our Jean ?, how lucky are you to be asked that again Jean LOL

Hope everyone here is living a good healthy life and continue to do so.

Back another time
Marilyn xxxxxxxxxxx


Sallie Report 20 Feb 2010 20:36

Huia, PM sent, hope it works out okay.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 20 Feb 2010 20:28

Hi Huia,

Sorry about the problem you're having with that one person on Ancestry.
Hope you'll get it sorted soon. As you say some people haven't got a sense of humour. Huia, Alun my hubby is going to PM you about AVG9.
Speak to you soon, take care. Love, Sallie.xx