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Just Jean

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Deborah Report 24 Feb 2010 11:28

Morning All, Jean I hope you have a lovely lunch. I enjoy going out to eat (as my rotund shape will testify), but it's very rare that hubby & I go together. We are usually with the children or with our own friends. I see various girlfriends once a week and we usually end up in a Country pub somwehere having something with chips :-0

Daniel is running in Roundhay Park. I have looked it up on the web and looks lovely. When we go "up north" at easter we have a night/day in Leeds as some of the male folk support Leeds Utd and want to watch a match, so I though that whilst they were shouting their lungs off I would venture up to Roundhay and spend a few hours there.

The children travel really well and I do all the driving which I love. Very frustrating living on a little Island and not being able to go anywhere too far.

Ann, when is it that you are coming here in August? If there is anything that I can do for you in advance of your visit, please let me know. I wonder if you have chosen Battle of Flowers Week (?). Yes, the Christina is still there as I drive past it every day on my way to the Primary school at the top of the hill. Not sure what it is like, but the views are amazing, as well you know.

Off to do some cooking now. Dinner has to be made in advance as I'm going to watch Daniel play a rugby game after school.

Hope all is well with you all.



JustJean Report 24 Feb 2010 11:15

Hi, everyone, you are busy bees, makes me tired just reading about it Ann glad to have your cold is on the way out, of course our men always have it worse than us .....bless.....just had the hair done, so need to go out for lunch while I still look respectful. my hair is so fine and floppy sets dont last long. Ann looks to have the sort of hair I would we are off out for lunch......

Debbie , we are not far from Leeds, hope Daniel has a good day...we like whitby too, although it is a bit too hilly for me now... but I am sure you will love it...

Marilyn, I will book you in to see the shrink when you get back , is any time o.k. lol have a great holiday and say hello to your niece from all of us on here...

Huia, you are a star, you made me laugh at your weight
that saying is well known in lancashire too...hope phil is doing o.k.

Mo, you sly old ... you never let on your wedding anni is the same day as Ds birthday how long have you been wed...easy to remember....
I have loads of bits of wool , so just bought the Jean Greenhowe little dolls book so will knit a few of them, change from being glued to the laptop day and night as J says, he is jealous really ,he wont even try to have a go, but that is probably my fault as I wont let him have a go !!!!
Its mine all to get ready to go out for lunch....

love to you all. Jean xx


AnninGlos Report 24 Feb 2010 10:32

Good morning everyone, this thread has been busy since I was last on here. had visitors yesterday as well as having a nasty cold so was not on the boards very much. Head feel like it is stuffed with cotton wool this morning. Not to worry it will pass.

Debbie, you are such a busy person with all your children. You enjoy them though I can tell. I think mobiles are very sensible once they start roaming around on their own but not expensive ones. There have been many cases of mobile phones being taken off younger children by the local yob element. Whitby will be great for the fishermen, nice area and lovely fish and chips!!!!

Mo you are doing well at darts, well done, good job I am not in the team I can never even hit the board.

Marilyn you are now looking forward to your next holiday, wonderful hope you have a great time. We are looking forward to Andalucia at the end of March, however, they have had 60 days of heavy rain at the moment.

Huia, it sounds as if you were banging your head on a wall with Ancestry. best to give up and know that your tree is right and theirs is wrong.

Best get on, washing machine full of towels needs emptying.

Jean, hope all is well with you.


GRMarilyn Report 24 Feb 2010 08:55

Hi Huia,

Lovely to see you on boards , I'm coming to your end of the world over the next 3 weeks , the south island Dunedin.
A bit too far for you to wave a hanky from the docks ..LOL

I'm a bit up to date now on all of you......trouble is I don't always pop on here enough to catch are all authoresses and I don't have time to read all your books !!

Hope you are keeping well Huia, and Everyone else on boards
must say Hi to Jean ....

Marilyn xx


Huia Report 24 Feb 2010 08:41

Yes, Marilyn, Liz gives excellent advice to others on these boards, just a pity she cant give it to herself.

'All the worlds queer except me and thee Marilyn, and even thee's a little queer.' An old saying, except that queer now has a different meaning!

Huia who is the only sane person around.


GRMarilyn Report 24 Feb 2010 08:31

Hi Liz,

Well I cant believe YOU of all people need a therapist !!

You are so level headed....... in my opinion of course .

I hope in whatever they are seeking it helps.

I obviously missed a thread somewhere .....perhaps I should join you ..LOL

Good luck Liz.....Marilyn xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Feb 2010 04:44

Hi Huia, I laughed when you said you were lighter in weight and pocket cos of your pedicure! My toes nails seem to get further away every time I need them cut or maybe it's my apple shaped middle that stops me bending over lol Think I might need to go and get a pedicure myself soon if I don't lose some weight!

Marilyn, you have got your wires crossed love, it's me who needs the counselling, I am in no state to do it for others lol. I don't think I would cope with other people in such distress as some who need counselling. Thanks for the lovely words tho Marilyn xx

O.h. is prewarned that he can't have the car, but it's a nuisance as he has to work 6am to 6pm that day I think so can't get a bus, will have to use the bike even if it's snowing!
Thanks Jean, for trying to explain to Marilyn, thoughts of the cruise are getting her all in a lather!

love to everyone else, it's nearly time for o.h. to get up so I better get off here and ready for bed, ships that pass in the night, it's the way I like it lol I go up when he comes down for work.

Take care all, have a good day, hope all news is good news.



Huia Report 24 Feb 2010 03:21

Mo, I have given up on Ancestry. I felt I was pushing you -know-what uphill. A lot of the people have not looked at their trees for over 6 months, so they are unlikely to change anything in their trees. I did start adding trees with my sister, her parents, and her REAL spouse. I added about 18 but then realised that the stupid hint comes up when somebody puts the false spouse into their tree and then people click on the hint and add my sister as his spouse. I thought of putting up some trees with him and making his spouse Medusa Snakehead but I would have had to put up about 200 trees before it would become the hint. I have cancelled the free trial before I bashed my head to a pulp.

My mowing man has moved out of the district but I have another name lined up to take over, I hope.

I went to town today and had my toenails cut. I am now a couple of kg lighter! (not to mention $60).


ps, that stupid preview button that I never used to use is in the way.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Feb 2010 22:46

Hi all.
I am late signing in tonight. My how the day has flown by.
Another wet miserable day today,so once again I did not venture out.
Well we drew at darts last night, 3-3 but won the pairs 2-1. We have got three tough games coming up,all the teams are really strong players. They play three times a week in different leagues,whereas our team only play once a week.
As you say Debbie,it's a good night out for us girls,and nice to catch up on the gossip.
Yorkshire will be a long journey for you all Deebie. It's a good job the children are good at travelling.
The children will love fishing there. And it's a lovely coast to visit.
So poor Matthew,he is still suffering then. This has been going on for so long now hasn't it. I would deffinately ask for a referal for a scan,the poor chap has suffered enough.
Daniel is really into his athletics isn't he. I hope he does well in Leeds this weekend.
Do you go with him when he travels away at all.
Luke and Sophie,seem to be following in their elder brothers footsteps,
doing Gym/ Keepfit. Mind you,you are all pretty sporty arn't you. Do you still do your running as well,along with your friend.

Huia,how are you and Phil doing. I don't seem to have spoken to you for a while. Did you get all your problems sorted out with ancestry.
How's the garden looking now. Does the lad still come to clear the weeds and cut the grass.

Liz,when do you see your therapist. I know you were saying that " im indoors" could not have the car that day. Stick to it girl,it wont hurt him once in a while to go by bike.

Sallie my love how the devil are you keeping. Is Alun o.k,and Jennie has her medication been working o.k for her.

We have got two special anniversaries coming up soon. It is our wedding anniversary on the1st of march,and a very special lady we all love to bits
is celebrating hers on the 3rd of march,and thats our lovely Jean and J.

I will say good night god bless you all. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Deborah Report 22 Feb 2010 19:48

Hi All,

Mo, I hope the darts goes/went well and that you won. My Mum still plays every week though she doesn't do quite as many competitions as she used to. I think it is just an excuse to get together and have a natter with her lady folk.

My 2 boys have very basic phones. If they want them upgraded it will have to be from their own pockets, so that isn't likely to happen as they spend every spare penny on their fishing gear. Matthew turned 13 recently and he is using his birthday money for fishing equipment.

Yes, it is France that we go to in the summer, but nothing booked as yet. We are off to Yorkshire (Whitby) for 2 weeks at Easter. We went to York a few years ago and enjoyed being further north, so have decided to venture even further this year. Let's hope the weather is kind to us. And, being a fishing port, we will have more fishing tackle than other luggage, I am sure. The good thing about taking our own car is that we can carry so much more.

Mo, Daniel is heading your way again. Going to the Julie Rose Stadium but not until the end of May. He is still in Cross Country mode and is away in Leeds this weekend for the National Champs, then Manchester in March for the Schools Champs. In April they move to track athletics, so it is a southern region event last weekend in April, then Hampshire Champs at the start of May and the Southern Region Champs at the end of May. I will have to start selling the children off in order to pay for these trips!!!

Matthew has given up at the moment as he is in extreme pain with his hip & leg again. More visits to the Osteopath, then hopefully a referral to the hospital. I wold like him to have a scan but not sure they will do one. I'll have to enquire.

Anyway, better be off - sandwiches to make etc etc.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Feb 2010 19:03

Hello girls. Just to let you know,I had a reply from GR,with an apology for what had happened,but no reason for the glitch on the threads. I did not expect to get such a quick responce.
Hi Debbie. I bet it has been very quiet in your house today,with all the children back at school,bless them. We do miss them when they are not around don't we.
When mine were young,the summer holiday period, went so quickly. I didn't like it when they went back,I missed them so much.
Will you be taking them back to France again this year. It was France wasn't it.?
You say you are not arty, but I bet you do things with the children,ie,painting
and things like that. As a mum,we all have done things like that. So you see,you are arty wether you think you are or not. lol
I think 12,is a decent age for the children to have mobiles. As long as they are sensible children,and not liable to abuse them.
They really only need a basic one,for emergencies.
My grandchildren do not agree with me though,they want the latest models
and are forever changing their numbers, I cant keep up with them.
I tried to say to my family,that by giving them the latest models,they are encouraging jealousy from other children,who in turn could steal them from them. But I am nagging if I say to much,and they cant see that I worry
in case they get caught up in a fight over the phone.
Oh no,I can just imagine Jean saying,there she goes again worrying.
So I had better be quiet.
Anyway I must go,I have got to get ready for darts.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Deborah Report 22 Feb 2010 15:05

Hi Ladies, I am back after a week of entertaining the children over half term. We were very lucky with the weather so managed to get out and about every day. As the older 2 are slightly more independant these days, they can disappear for hours with their friends, which leaves me with some quialty time with the younger 2.

I never was keen on the children having mobile phones from an early age, but we gave Daniel & Matthew one when they each reached their 12 Birthdays and they are now so handy. I don't have to worry about what they are up to and we are always only a phone call away if they need something. I also make sure that I have a number of their friends' numbers as well, just in case a battery goes flat or someone runs out of credit.

It is pouring with rain here today, so no gardening for me or hanging washing out to blow. But at least we don't have the floods they experienced in Madeira at the weekend. We have a huge Portuguese community over here and the majority of them originate from Madeira, so there is a very emotional feeling here about the floods. The Catholic Church and a Disaster Charity have already made arrangements to help families here in case of problems there, and the Parish in which I live, is twinned with Funchal so it is our "Sister Town", and our top people here are going to visit Madeira as soon as they can.

I am glad that you are all keeping as well as you can be. I am interested in reading all about the different crafts that you do. I cannot knit to save my life, although I have been known to do embroidery and tapestry, though that was in the days when I had spare evening time and life before children. I am afraid I don't have a flair for anything arty so I really admire those of you who manage to do the scrap books. The completed ones are so lovely to look at. I keep scrap books for the children, but don't embelish pages at all.

I regularly receive a catalogue from Readicut, and they cover so many different aspects of craft work. A relation of ours does Iris Folding, which I had never heard of before, but they now have all the necessary papers in the Readicut book.

Good luck to those of you about to visit Doctors, or Specialists. These can be worrying times, but my thoughts are with you all. And to you Huia, as you continue with the situation with Phil. It can be a very lonely time, as we are experiencing at the moment, but time will sort things out.

Must think about going to school. Luke & Sophie do a Gym/Keep Fit class till 4pm on a Monday so that gives me an extra hour at home, but it still doesn't seem long enough!!.

Bye for now.



JustJean Report 22 Feb 2010 14:54

Tidied my previous up a bit may make sense now sorry....

Jean xx


GRMarilyn Report 22 Feb 2010 13:48

Hi Jean,

I was about to sow some seeds ....but its raining !

So back on lappy for the time being.
Oh I misunderstood about Liz I know she mentioned to me about a counseling job so thought it was new .. oh well good luck to whatever Liz does as she is such a lovely person I'm sure she is a great help to whom she ever meets in her counseling job.

Jean I'm flying Hong Kong for one night then to Perth OZ, next week on Thursday staying with my niece for a week then joining the ship there in Fremantle. for 3 weeks around OZ & NZ .

I've done a few cruises ,but this one is special because I cant wait to see my niece , that emigrated 9 yrs ago we were very close.

So I'm out looking for new clothes this week, I NEED THEM ..LOL any excuse to hubby he'll believe me..

So I will get some snaps done and let you share my holls.

Going back out into the garden it has stopped raining..

Marilyn xx


JustJean Report 22 Feb 2010 13:31

Marilyn Liz isnt having a new job, if you have a peep at her addition to the thread it will all come clear, sorry if my wording got it mixed up...
now petal what I want to know is when are you off on your cruise, and is tt from the u.k. or do you fly and join somewere else, not that I am nosey of course, just interested....

~~~~ To Mo who cant stop worrying~~~~

love Jean xx


GRMarilyn Report 22 Feb 2010 13:11

Hi all.

Good luck Liz with your new job....I'll be thinking about you.

Hi Jean ,

I'm about to tidy up my paper work ...gosh its all over the place I'm not a tidy office worker, but I'll get there ! who said family tree's take up ones life ?

I might even do some gardening later ,got some seeds and although I should start from sowing in boxes first no patience so they are all going into the garden ,and I'm going to hope for the best ..LOL

Speak later & hope you are all well.
Marilyn xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Feb 2010 13:10

Ooooh look we are back to normal girls.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Feb 2010 13:08

Hello my big Sis.
I have sent a complaint to GR,but dont expect to get an answer that quickly.
For one awful minute,when I logged on,I thought I had lost you all again.
It's so stupid,some off our conversations from last night are still there,and we were able to post them o.k then.
I cannot for the life off me,understand why it started to happen.
If you notice we get a deleted thread then a thread invalid straight afterwards. Still I will shut up about it now.
There you go Jean,you have just seen another miracle.
A nice scalp massage,is lovely Liz. It's a good job that they sorted out your bad hair cut. After all,we pay these people to make us feel better when we leave their salons,not to come away feeling worse than when we went in.


JustJean Report 22 Feb 2010 12:53

Mo, I think it is not that our responses are being deleted, have a look at Daffs thoughts on it , it seems the right answer... the deletions are on every thread...I am sure the G.R. peeps will sort it ....fret not my little pumpkin...

Big Hello, to Liz and all our friends, bet you look a right bobby dazzler Liz, with the new hair cut.....we will be thinking about you next mon.. x
....take care everyone...

love Jeanxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Feb 2010 12:33

Hello Hello,whats been going on here then. We have been whooshed on lots off our responces.
Can anyone remember what we were discussing.
Surely it's not because we named the type off wool that Jean was using,
because Liz mentioned it after we did.
I will check my E.Mails in a minute,to see if there is anything fron GR about what has gone on.
Be back soon Girls.