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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Feb 2010 20:56

Cheers Frank

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Feb 2010 19:28

Hi everyone.
Sallie,we didn't have a power cut,but after typing a lovely long script,I lost internet connection,and lost the flippin lot. It's so frustrating when that happens.
I am so sorry poor Jennie's crohns has been playing her up. I thought the injections were supposed to help it. But then I suppose she will still get flare up's from time to time.
Richard must be getting so frustrated now. I think it's so unfair when employers,do not bother to respond to applications. More so when you have enclosed a S.A.E.
If I had known it was a roast for dinner,I would have driven up to
Hi Julia. I feel a little left out in the cold down here in Kent. So many off you live quite near to each other. Still I should not complain,as a lot off our friends on here,live at the other side off the world.
As I have said before on here,I wish I had the patience to do crafting.
But my hobbies are being on here,Darts and playing solitaire. Sad really,
but my arthritus does prevent me from doing a lot off things I used to enjoy.
Debbie, I bet there was plenty off offers to lick the bowl,when you had finished mixing the cakes up.
My lot used to love to do that. They also used to argue,as to who would have the bone left over from carving up the lamb. They liked to lick the marrowbone out from the middle off it.
Another thing was the skin from the top off the rice pudding,they loved that,
so they had to take it in turns to have it.
It sounds like all the childrens friends love coming to your house.
It's good to hear that Matthew has had the invite for the trials,even if he is only small. Height is not always an advantage,bless him he does fine as he is.
It sounds like Daniel has done well to. If he comes back glowing with pride,then you know he has excelled himself.
A big Hi to Marie,Ann,Huia,Liz,Marilyn ,Sylvia and all our cyber friends.
(((((((((((((HUGS for Jean)))))))))))))))


Sallie Report 27 Feb 2010 16:38

Hi Girls,

I'll just try again! It's so annoying, I had almost finished writng a message when we had a power cut and whooosh ----lost it all, couldn't even get back on GR for a while after the power came back on. Seeing that both Alun and Michael are at the clubs Model Railway Show all day tomorrow, I decided to do the Sunday roast today instead of tomorrow. Jennie and Michael came for lunch as usual, although Jennie wasn't all that good, her Crohn's is playing up a bit today, but nothing too bad.

Julia, it's lovely to have you on this thread, the more the merrier. I wonder if there is suggestion box either in the Hobbycraft store or on the internet, if there is I think I might suggest that it would be nice if they had a store between Derby and Nottingham. I don't think they would take much notice of it though. I was hoping to go up to the market this morning, to try and get some blue small buttons, but I'm afraid I ran out of time getting the lunch sorted and cooked. I have some blue buttons, but they're wrong shade. What are you making at the moment?

Debbie, your house is just like our house use to be when the our .children were growing up. Richard and Jennie's friends all seemed to gather round our house--they played outside when the weather was good and inside if it was raining. When I was baking they all use to come in so that they could 'test' the cakes to see if they were okay. Kids!
Hope Matthew will do well in the trials and get into the island Schools Rugby team. Good luck to Matthew! As you say Daniel seems to be okay, hope he has done well.

Ann, I was thinking of using a cross on the card for my brother and S-i-L, but was wondering how I could work it in, as I thought to do some decoupage flowers, so thank you for your ideas. Sometimes my mind goes blank and can't think of the best way to do some things. I hope you are feeling better today, and feel a bit more like doing things. Like Julia, we are not too far from Belper, so if there is any information that you need, just ask, and I'll try and find it for you.

Mo, how is everyone with you today? We're all okay here, thank you, apart from Jennie's discomfort from Crohn's, which she does get sometimes.
No, Richard still hasn't found a job yet, it's getting him down a bit now. He's applied for 134 jobs altogether, and the majority haven't even bothered to reply. As we told him, he just has to keep trying, but at the same time we know it isn't easy and it's so easy to become disheartened.

Jean, are you still hard at work on the scrapbook you are making? I'm going to get on with some more scrapping after I've finished on here.

Sylvia, I hope you are feeling much better today. Not, sure when the Winter Olympics finish. Alun has been watching them, but I'm not too keen on watching sport of any kind.

Huia, did your nephew manage to get the AVG9 installed for you? Hope Phil was alright when you went to see him. Take care, and good luck with your computer!

Liz, haven't heard from you for a few days, hope everything is okay there.

Thinking about Marie and Marilyn, and hoping we'll hear from of both you soon.

Speak to you all later.

Love and best wishes,


AnninGlos Report 27 Feb 2010 15:10

Debbie, thank you that will be very useful.

Julia, Ooh Belper, where my ancestors (or some of them) came from!!! Never been to derby, did make a brief trip to Nottingham when I was on a course at RAF Newton in the 80s.


Deborah Report 27 Feb 2010 14:49

Hi All, there have been so many people saying so many different things on here that I can't remember who said what, so please excuse the amnesia.

Ann, I'll PM you about the walk and directions from where you are staying when you come over.

For those of you who asked - no, Daniel does not have a return rugby match, the schools all play each other only once in football and then rugby as next term sees the start of the cricket and athletics season. Not enough time to do everything on a Home & Away system. Matthews school team drew their rugby today so that was pleasing and Matthew has received an invitation to do trials for the Island Schools Rugby team. If he gets in he will play against other schools from the UK and Guernsey, and not just the visiting team that were over here during half term. He isn't holding his breath as he is very small, but quick, so it really depends upon what the selectors are looking for.

Daniel is in Leeds and managed a quick call at lunch time. I think he has done very well in his race, but won't really know until I see him tomorrow. He certainly sounded very upbeat.

Huia, reading about all of your valuables and the paintings. Have you taken photos of the more precious items and added them separately to your house insurance policy? We have just changed our Insurance agent and they have suggested that we photograph everything of value that is movable or irreplacable, so that if anything does happen, then they have something concrete to work on and know that the item(s) did exist.

Anyway, better be off. The children are in the garden on the trampoline, so I am going to make the most of having the house quiet, and get on with some baking - though I am sure that as soon as the smells start to waft in their direction, I will have lots of "helping " hands. They have a few friends with them who live round here - I think there are 9 children there at the moment!!!

Have a great weekend, talk next week.



Julia Report 27 Feb 2010 11:17

Thank you ladies for welcoming me to the thread, although I think I was on it, near the beginning.
Ann thank you for telling me what the Range was. I have never heard of it before. I really must get out more, there is nothing more truer than that, as in real life I don't.
Sallie, I agree with you, these places could do with being on the Ikea site, not the other side of Nottingham. After all, no retailer on that site is allowed to sell clothes, so it would be more than suitable for hobby type shops. It certainly would be alot easier for me.
For the ladies. Although I only live about 4/5 miles from Sallie, I am on the other side from her. I am sandwiched aquidistant from Norttingham and Derby, as is Sallie, but I am on a different road.
When I was a child, we always went to Nottingham, as mother's immediate family were familiar with it. To get to Derby, in those days, you had to catch two buses, whereas Nottingham was on a direct route. Thinking about it, it is still the same today. Anyway, it is easier from here to go to Derby, but it is a smaller city than Nottingham, and has fewer shops and facilities. And, it certainly has no Hobbycraft or the Range. Everything seems to pass Derby by.
Sallie, I was told recently of a Bead shop, on King Street in Belper, if that is what you are into. Just Google it. I have to get my knitting wool from Ripley, and though it is a nice shop, with a variety of yarns, it is small, and only carries a limited stock. After that, Derbys is the nearest. It was the lady in this wool shop, that told me about the Bead shop.
Well, must get something done, whether on here or around the house.
Will pop in later
Enjoy yourselves
Julia in Derbyshire


AnninGlos Report 26 Feb 2010 21:46

Sally what I usually do is make a pretty card, say with primroses or violets or something as a topper, then I have a sheet of Easter peel offs so I add the Happy Easter and put a small silver peel off cross in the top right hand corner. That is for people who I know celebrate Easter as it should be a religious occasion. If you put inserts in your cards you could always add a text inside.


Sallie Report 26 Feb 2010 21:42

Thanks for that Ann, I think there's far more choice about to make cutie Easter cards for the younger people, than there is for the older ones. I looked for something in Hobbycraft today, but there wasn;t much at all, it was the same in the Range. With my brother being a vicar, I like to send him and sister-in-law something a bit more religious. I'll have to put my thinking cap on again and think a little bit harder.

Mo, I'll be glad when we start to get some good drying weather. It's so annoying when the clothes blow off the line and get dirty that I have to wash thm again. I hope you nor your daughter will have any problems with floods, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you both.

Speak to you all tomorrow. Goodnight all.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Feb 2010 21:28

Oh Sylvia,I do feel for you. Wet weather is certainly no good for arthritus.
Are you sure you have not got the flu starting. Look after yourself,stay warm
and let your OH take care off you.
It doesn't seem possible that the games are finishing already. All that upheaval for you all,still it will be nice to get back to normal won't it.
Ann,believe me I was really cheesed off,having to wash the quilt again.
Especially as it had to go in the machine on it's own,as I had done all the other washing.
Hi our Sallie. Hows the family keeping. Has R found a job yet?


Sallie Report 26 Feb 2010 21:18

Sylvia, sorry you don't feel too good today, I hope you'll feel a lot better tomorrow. Isn't it nice that our hubby's are willing to do things we normally do, when we aren't able to.
Take care and keep warm.

Love, Sallie.x


AnninGlos Report 26 Feb 2010 21:17

Sallie for Easter cards for older people I stick to spring flowers, for younger one I use cute figures etc.

Jean you are 4 years ahead of us, but don't you wonder where the years have gone. Most of our nearly 50 are still very clear in my mind but they went so fast. I could do it all again!

Sylvia, sorry to hear you are suffering, hope the damp weather dries up for you soon.
Oh Mo, poor you having to wash the cover all over again, how annoying.


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Feb 2010 21:08

Hi all

well, I had to give in this morning

..................... so I am slopping around in "home" clothes, no intent of going out, even when OH offered to come and take me in the car for coffee. I was just aching so much in so many places.

So, I spent the morning tucked into the corner of the sofa, a hot water bottle against my back, and read the newspaper. By lunchtime, I was feeling a bit less achey, so made a sandwich for lunch, and came on here. The hottie is still tucked against my back.

I have to write a shopping list later, and OH will go the bank and then do the week's grocery shopping.

We have a fire proof safe in the basement ................. it's reasonably large with 2 shelves, and holds all our important documents, plus we add my jewellery, bmd certificates that I've bought over the last few years + other important genealogy information, and other stuff we wouldn't want to lose whenever we go away for more than a couple of days.

BUT it is heavy! Even OH cannot slide it on his own, let alone pick it up.

It's raining ahrd here, which of course isn't helping my arthritis! So, the Winter Olympics will end as they began ....... in rain!!

Take care everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Feb 2010 20:46

54 years,my goodness. Don't you think that a lot off people give up on a relationship to easy these days Jean.
After 46 years,I thought I was doing well.
You are so right Sallie,I am really glad I did not delete this thread. It's when it goes really quiet on here,that I begin to think that people are losing interest.
I was very good this morning. I did all my washing,the bedding, and thought as it was breezy I would hang them out on the line. Now this is the first time I have done it this year.
It was blowing lovely out there. But when I looked again,one quilt cover had blown off of the line,and landed on the fence. Oh my lord,it was so dirty and I had to wash the blessed thing again. I was so cheesed off, I had been doing so well getting it on the line by 9a.m.
We have had a flood warnings this evening for some Kent areas. Thank goodness I am not near any rivers. But my daughter lives right by a river,
I just hope they don't get flooded out.
Well Mrs Gasbag is going now. Take care everyone. Speak to you tommorrow. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 26 Feb 2010 20:13

Hi Girls,

It's been really busy on this thread over the last few days, which is lovely, and Mo you were thinking of deleting it last week because it was so quiet.
Now you can't stop us all from chatting---not that you want to. As you say this is a very friendly and chatty thread. Mo, it looks as though a few of us had M-i-L problems, as you said I could say a lot more, but it would take too much time.

Julia, lovely to see you on this thread, as Mo said you are welcome to join us. Hobbycraft is a bit of a drag for us with it being the other side of Nottingham and the Range is just a couple of stores away fom it. With Alun doing model railways, he's okay about going because he goes upstairs to look at all the modelling stuff. It would be nice if they opened one on the Retail Park near Ikea,then it would only be just over a couple of miles from here, and not too far for you either.

Jean, you really have been busy doing seven pages today. Well done! I couldn't get all I wanted today at Hobbycraft, so I just got some really nice buttons that will come in for another page I have in mind, some metal photo corners and some ribbon. Alun got what all he wanted, some from the Range and Hobbycraft, so he can get on with what he's working on now.

Ann, hope you are feeling better today and feel up to doing some scrap pages. I only send four Easter cards, so I think I might try and make them this year, so I'll have to make a start. I'm a bit undecided on what kind of embelishments to use, they are all for older people so I think cutie is out.

Hello to Huia, Debbie, Sylvia, Liz, Marie and Marilyn.

Love and best wishes to you all.

Huia, good luck and hope that your nephew will have no problem
installing AVG 9 for you.

Jean, I wondered how many years you have been married, but didn't like to ask. Thank you for that Mo, so both of us nosy parkers now know.


Huia Report 26 Feb 2010 19:10

I might be offline for 24 hours or more as I am taking the computer to the nephew who tried to install the AVG 9 for me. He will try it at his place. And while he is about it I will have to ask him what he has done to 'My Pictures'. All the photos I have scanned I can not rename from 'img123' etc. I used to be able to but now the computer tells me if I rename them I will not be able to access them. And it is right. I hope nephew can fix it otherwise it will be a waste of time scanning.

Right, now to turn off and unplug and head off to town.

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye!



JustJean Report 26 Feb 2010 19:09

54 54


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Feb 2010 18:43

Jean,I know I am being nosey,but how many years have you and J been married.
Now Now,stop it cheeky Jean,I know my nose is growing,but my name is not Pinnochio. lol
I know that you have told me before,but my memory is getting worse. oh woe is me.


AnninGlos Report 26 Feb 2010 17:29

Hi Julia
The range is another shop that sells craft stuff but unlike other craft shops it sells lots of other things, household, garden, you name it they probably sell it, a department store really although ours is all on one floor. You can spend ages in there looking around.


JustJean Report 26 Feb 2010 17:23

Hi, folks, I have been busy today scrapping,managed to finally get started on our friends golden wedding party, managed to get about 7 pages done, 8x8
so gets done quickly.Sallie tell us what you bought, I have just taken delivery of a set of c.d.s royal horticulture society, flowers backgrounds, boxes etc, there are loads on, so hope to print some off soon,Joanne Sheene is the seller. saw it on create n craft....once I start the crafting again I cant stop, so dont worry if you dont hear from for a day or so...

Hi, Julie nice meeting you maybe we have met before if not you are very welcome on here...

Mo, thanks for the hugs always

hi, to everyone else. will chat again soon take care..

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Feb 2010 16:02

Hi everyone,and welcome Julia,please come back and see us again,we are a really friendly lot.
My goodness,I thought I was the only one with M.I.L. problems. Mine only had one son,my OH,and she idolised him.
When we visited her and FIL,she would always ask OH would he like anything to eat or drink,and completely ignore the fact that I was there. When I mentioned it to Roly,he had never even caught onto the fact off it happening. So on the next visit,he was ready for her,and by golly did she get it in the earhole from him.
Even our children noticed that when they went there for tea,they were given bread and jam,whilst the cat was given a slap up meal. They have never forgotten that to this day.
Oh there was so many things,I could tell you.
Mind you my own mum was not much better. She only ever baby sat for us once, in all the time my children were growing up.
The reason for that being that she believed that they were our children,and our responsability.
But she forgot that during my early years,I was bought up by my grandparents,and my aunt.
She was very standoffish with my kids,and they never had the kind off relationship,that you are supposed to have with grandparents.
Good luck for Monday Liz.,I will be thinking off you. Lets hope they can change the day for you.
Sylvia,what brilliant news that your Canadian skater got bronze. She skated so well on the occasion I saw her. And the trophy will be a tribute to her mum,bless her.
Huia,methinks you had better build yourself a concrete bunker,by the sounds off how much you have got to protect. It will take you hours and hours to scan that amount off photo's.
A big Hi to Sallie,Ann,Marie,Debbie and all our friends on this thread.
I will be back later to chat to you all.
((((((((((((HUGS for Jean))))))))))))))