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Just Jean

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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 10 Mar 2010 03:34

Hi all, apologies for not adding on Monday night, I did add on some threads but was tired out.

Debbie, I am so sorry to hear your sad news altho in a way we want the best for our loved ones and for them not to suffer, it is still very hard to say goodbye to those we love. Life is very contrary and doesn't always happen in the way we would choose but your f.i.l. is now at peace and you will all be reunited when the time comes.

Huia, I think of you often and hope your Phil can pass gently when the time comes, such a weight and worry on your mind to see him so different from the man you had with you at home, but you couldn't have continued caring for him and you have done your best for him since he moved into the home, bless him.

Jean, in case I forget or whatever, have a lovely holiday and take care of yourselves while you are away, wrap up warm cos if it's anything like here the wind is too keen for comfort, cuts through me when I go outside.

I did get the car, and had a good session with the counsellor, she picked up on several things as I talked and we will go into those things more as the time goes on, she jotted them all down. She is very nice and I hope she will stick around long enough to see the sessions through and not leave partway through like the last two counsellors. At least she doesn't expect me to imagine myself on a magic flippin' carpet!! I got to the docs in time too, and have been given more Vit d tablets like those I was first on last summer, before the jab. Seems it is all trial and error with this vit d theory, so now have to have a blood test after 6 months not twelve so in May, and take the tablets as well. Got some cream for my red face (see my Memories thread) and had plenty of time with my doc, as I was the last patient. Still have to go back and get my tetanus jab as it's way over due but will sort that out next week. Smear test still overdue and mammogram in April, dentist still overdue too so lots to get checked out to make sure I pass my mot lol
Met up with my son for a bit and picked up some stuff from Sainsbury's when I got my prescription filled there, and rang o.h. to say get your own dinner lol, so I just had to do what I wanted when I got in lol, crafty eh?

Catch you all later, take care and love to all, can't remember all the messages so please excuse me.



Sallie Report 9 Mar 2010 22:38

Mo, I'm like you, I love having a card off R and J for Mothers Day, and I'm not bothered about a present. It's the same with my birthday, I tell them not to spend their money on a present, I'm happy just having a card. It's the thought that counts.

Love, Sallie.xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Mar 2010 22:29

What wonderful news. Welcome to this world little Matthew James.
Best wishes to mummy and daddy as well.
I promise to be nice to Jean,but I am sure she will think I am ill if I am to nice.
This is the second time I have had to write this post out,the first one vanished as I was writing it.
Sorry to hear off your stay in hospital Julia. I hope you are feeling better now. A personel DVD player is a brilliant idea,for stays in hospital. They can ease the boredom, also an ipod is a bonus to.
When my oh was in hospital following his brain bleed,I bought him a mini tv with ear phones.
The rules in hospitals have been eased a lot these days. People take mobile phones in now dont they. But I think a lot depends on what type off
ward you are on.
Sallie, good news that you are have now got your connection back. It's surprising how we miss being able to just pick the phone up and dial.
My nephew has started his radiotherapy. I had to find out via my daughters.
My brother has not been in contact to let me know what is happening.
I do not ring his house very often,as I don't get on to well with his second wife.
Cooee Ann,well done on finishing all your easter cards. Like you,I no longer have to get a mothers day card. But I love to receive them from my children. The words in them mean a lot to me. I don't mind not receiving
presents,but I would be upset if they forgot a card.
A big hello to Debbie,Liz , Marie,Huia and all our cyber friends.
((((((((((special HUGS for Jean))))))))))))
Night Night one and all. Love and best wishes. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 9 Mar 2010 21:58

I am sure he will be OK, I expect they are checking thoroughly if it was a long labour ending in a forceps delivery. Let us know when you hear all is well.


Sallie Report 9 Mar 2010 21:48

Sylvia, Congratulations to you all-- wonderful news! I'm so pleased and happy for everyone. Please give your daughter and son-in-law my best wishes. Like the name, too.

Love, Sallie.xx


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Mar 2010 21:42


thank you

I wasn't expecting the call this soon!

J was tired and Matthew had some breathing problems towards the end of the 15 hours, so they used forceps. They did manage to avoid having to go to a caesarean, which pleased J. I think all will be well, M was away being very carefully checked out as she spoke to me



SylviaInCanada Report 9 Mar 2010 21:40

Debbie ......... I am so sorry to hear about your f-i-l. He's out of pain now, and how good that he went peacefully, with his son by his side.

It will be hard over the next few months, especially for your husband.

OH's father died of cancer, we expected it, and hoped for it ....................... but looking back later, we realised that OH was affected by it for about a year afterwards. He just hadn't functioned at top speed for that time.

Huia (((((((hugs))))))))

and now, if Mo and Jean could stop going after each other!!!!!!

love to you all


AnninGlos Report 9 Mar 2010 21:37

Nearly missed that******** CONGRATULATIONS GRANDMA********** Welcome to little Matthew James hope all family are well.


AnninGlos Report 9 Mar 2010 21:36

Julia, hope you are feeling better now, you must get fed up with your frequent trips to hospital.

Sallie, back down to earth now. haven't done anything on the scrap book since we got back as I had other things to do. I did finish my Easter cards last week though so don't have those to make, they will have to go out a week early though as we are away from 27th March for a week. sadly I don't have a Mothers day card to make, I always find that hard this time of year.
Mo, sorry you wont be getting a trophy, but you have done very well though haven't you?
Jean sorry D is poorly, I was just thinking, poor girl if she feels ill and all she can smell is mackerel cooking!! Ugh!!


SylviaInCanada Report 9 Mar 2010 21:32

I'm a grandma!!

Matthew James has arrived ............... born at about 9 pm UK time, weighing ca 7½ lbs.


Sallie Report 9 Mar 2010 21:24

Hello Girls,

Marie, as you say, both Alun and I think it will be better to try and get a bungalow now while we can make any decisions ourselves. Like Mo pointed out it isn't easy in the UK to get the land to build on, but as long as we can stay near to the area where we live, I will be happy. So pleased that you made the right decision and that you are happy in your little cottage.

Mo, our phone is working again, thank goodness, I felt really cut off without it. The technician came at 1-45pm to check that the phone was working, he had repaired a broken wire in the green box at the top of the road, and wanted to make sure that, that was the problem---which it was.
Good to know that your team won last night---but sorry you all didn't get the trophy. I don't suppose that you've heard any news about your granddaughter and nephew, have you? It would be nice if you had any news of them, they could have let you something after all this time.

Julia, I hope you are feeling better, after spending after spending a few days at the Royal Derby Hospital. Did you manage to get any knitting done while you were there? As you said there are a lot more houses around the area than there are bungalows. I would really like to stop near to where we live now--after living here for thirty one years I have a few friends living nearby, and also know a lot of nice people, so I don't want to leave all that. Everytime we pass the Bottle Kiln, the car park is always full, I'm just wondering if we could book a table in advance.
It will be good when the new Asda opens at Langley Mill--it will be nearer for us than going to Spondon.

Jean, sorry to hear that D isn't feeling very well, I really hope that she will soon be better-- give her my love. I had a look at the Craftland site last night, it looks as though their prices are lower than most places. Are you staying in the same place in Llandudno this time? I'm sure you told me, but my memory isn't as good as it use to be. Done a good bit of scrapping today, while waiting for the man from Virgin to arrive.
Don't forget to pack some warm clothes for both you and J to take with you.

Huia, I wish it wasn't so hard for you when visiting Phil, I know my auntie felt the same when her husband, my uncle was like that. It was so very hard for her to cope with, as he was not the man she had married and lived with for over fifty years. My father was also upset to see my uncle as he was, one of the things father use to say to us, 'If a dog was in that position, it would be put to sleep', and that is very true, but of course we can't do that to a fellow human being. I'm thinking about both you and Phil, and hope it won't go on too long. Take care!

Ann, have you come back down to earth after your lovely weekend away?
It's great to be with all the family! How are you getting on with your scrapbooking? I have got back into doing it again, so hope I'll continue that way. Still haven't made any cards as yet, but I'll have to start as I want to make some Easter cards.

Liz, how are things with you? Haven't heard from you for a few days. I hope your counselling went well yesterday.

Debbie, hope all is well with you and your family, and that your OH is coping alright. Do you know when the funeral is? It's been dry and bright here today, although it's gone colder this evening.

Sylvia and Marilyn hope all is well with both of you and your families.

Speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes.


Julia Report 9 Mar 2010 17:51

Sallie, thanks for asking about me. I'm okey now, but was away from Thursday to Sunday at the Royal, Derby. Have been about on the boards though, since.
There are not many bungalows about the area, but we went to your town today, to T**co. When I was at the Royal, a lady had a personal DVD player, so i went to get one for myself. What I was trying to say is that, on the main road to Jane's from your place, there are three or four bungalows along that road for sale. And they have not bad views, either. They are of the older type, so should not be as 'boxy' as the newer ones. Not alot to be said for Langley Mill these days, sorry to say, unless you live there, but go elsewere for everything else. Although, they are going to build a new Asda, which I sincerely hope is going to do something for the place. It is always nice to sit down at the Great Northern in the summer at the side of the canal, and partake in a beverage and a meal. Often do that with the grandchildren.
We are going to your town again on Thursday, as after we had had our eyes tested last week, we went across the road to the frame shop, and it was closed, being a Wednesday. We drove out to the Bottle Kiln, but the car park was chocker. OH wouldn't risk his car there, not for anything. He wants one as big as T**co to himself. Hates it if anyone parks next to him. So we might try that again.
Take care now, and speak soon
Julia in Derbyshire

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Mar 2010 17:51

Oooops,I yam so sowwy Jean,please dont go and leave us,who will I have to tease then Booo Hoooo.
I do hope D gets over this bug quickly,poor girl I do feel sorry for her.
Give her my love wont you.
Have you started your packing yet. Make sure you pack some extra sweaters for warmth,and maybe you should take a hot water


JustJean Report 9 Mar 2010 17:35

Right that does it Mo, you have gone too far this time, my membership is due for renewal this month, but I will have to give it a lot of thought, all this bullying isnt good for a gentle lady like what I am, I will have to take some advice on this matter.......btw I am more tired than you...nah nah nah....

I am off to sort tea out D has come home not so well , she thinks there is a tummy bug doing the rounds , so she has gone to J and I are having mackeral for our meal , love it but smells the house out...

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 9 Mar 2010 16:21

Oi Jean,you naughty thing,stop picking on Marie. Just coz your name is Jean and not June. I think there was a mistake made when you were registered,you were meant to be a June. As the song goes, " June is busting out all over " LOL Luvs ya honey. Ooooops better get away she will be after me now girls.
Jean , this tiredness is a catching thing. I seem to yawn from the moment I wake in the morning,till I go to bed at night. And I manage to fall asleep in the afternoon. I am convinced it's to do with the time off year,and that when we get a bit more sunshine,we will feel better. At least thats what I am hoping.
Marie, take no notice off our Jean,I will sort her out,never fear she's on borrowed time,and when she gets back from her holiday,I am going in with both barrels blazing. lol
It must be so nice and cosy in your cottage. It's not so easy in this country
to get the land to build on,they have thrown so many houses up on any spare piece off land ,that any land that does come up,is grabbed by property developers.
Well done to you,going to the gym and getting your exercise. You will have a well toned body. I am sure the weight will soon start to fall off. Anyway we like you the way you are.
Huia my love,my heart goes out to you. You are having such a hard time watching Phil fade from you. Be strong love.
I am pleased you managed to eventually get the right discs. Looks like you are going to be a busy bee again.
Do you still go to choir practise.
Hi Sallie. Yes we won again at darts last night 4-2 in the league,but lost 2-1 in the pairs. So it looks like we wont be getting a trophy for the pairs after all. Still it's only a bit off hoo.
Ooh I will keep everything crossed for Richard,well done to him for getting past the first interview.
I hope they have managed to sort your phone out. The £10.00 charge is the same as they quoted us. And yes I can understand that some people
may have to go out,in an emergancy. But most off us wait for them to turn up anyway. I suppose they have had to insist on the charge to ensure that people do stay in,and they know that we dont want to have to fork out for a missed called. And if we know that they are going to come at the given time we do wait dont we.
A big hello to Debbie,Ann,Liz I have not forgotten you.
Bye for now everyone. Lots off love Mo xxx


JustJean Report 9 Mar 2010 12:59

Hello folks, what do you mean Marie, me giving Mo a hard time its the other way around, I have so much trouble from her, but when I come back off my hols ,and rejuvenated, she is in BIG trouble.... and so will you be Marie if you keep calling me JUNE, I am JEAN, .....rofl......I bet she put you up to it......
Thanks for your good wishes for our hol. xxxx

Huia, my heart goes out to you, it must be hard when you see Phil getting weaker, but take heart love, he is getting the right nursing , something you couldnt have managed, so you come on here and talk it through we are closer than breathing to you. miles wont seperate us from you and our friends overseas....

Where is my bestest friend Mo? bet the vino got to her
we will be able to read all about it in the papers soon......I am off quickly she can be very vicious when roused, loves you Mo....xx

Sallie I am not doing anything craft wise until I come back, just want to go....

Love to all our great friends who takes the time to come on and chat and care so much, its a rare thing these days, I for one am eternally grateful..

much love Jean xx


Zack Report 9 Mar 2010 09:53

Hello to my dear friends, I have just lost what I had written so here I go again.
First Debbie to you and your family I know how your husband and you feel as my Dad went the same way,but he was only a shell when he died we greived for the man we used to know but were pleased that he could'nt hurt himself anymore.Please accept my Condolences.
Huia it may not be much longer for you, I hope you can keep strong. June I hope the weather is good to you & J when you go on your trip.
To Sallie I hope you get the phone sorted To-day.Yes Sallie I am very pleased about the results.

Sallie could you sell your house & build a bungalow in the town you live in, that way you wont lose your friends, if you are going to do it you must do it while you are capable of making the decision and doing all the packing and arranging yourself, not when it is forced on you.
I was still in my sixties when I made the decision to size down and I am so pleased I did and I am very happy in my two bedroom cottage.
Hi Mo how are you and Roly?, I see you are still giving June a hard time LOL.
Hello to Marilyn hope you are enjoying your trip.
Liz I hope you got to your counselling session & you were able to drive the car. Hi to you Ann in Glos.i hope you are all well I am feeling well I went to the gym to-day I think I will be sore to-morrow we worked very hard It was very satisfying, I havent lost any weight but feel firmer in my muscles and in my core,I just wish I could start walking again but I am not up to that yet. well folks I would like an early night so will say goodbye I hope you all have a nice day
Love to you all Marie .


Huia Report 8 Mar 2010 23:39

I have had a busy time. I wanted to put a bunch of photos onto a CD or DVD for a Historic Soc. in Thames (NZ) and I went to town on Friday and bought some new discs for the purpose. Unfortunately none of them worked. I took them back on Monday (yesterday) and bought some more new ones of a different brand/kind. They didnt work either. I went in this morning (Tues) and found a place that had the same sort as some I had a couple of years ago. They worked, YAY. I must buy more of them as I get the impression they are going 'out of fashion'.

Phil was ok after his fall, but I really do wish he would do like Debbies f.i.l. as it is no fun seeing him in his present state. He doesnt look at me and if I ask him something and he replies his voice is faint and a bit slurred so I cant hear what he is saying. His arms are sooo thin, no muscle. It just isnt him at all. Every time I see on TV about some young person dying in a car accident I weep, and wonder 'why not Phil instead?' Life (and death) just isnt fair.



Sallie Report 8 Mar 2010 22:56

Thank you Jean, I might have a look at it online. Although I would still like to go there when we next visit Alyson.

Ann, I haven't got a mobile, but Alun has, so at least we can use his. Hope our landline will be sorted tomorrow.

Love, Sallie.xx


AnninGlos Report 8 Mar 2010 22:26

Debbie, I am sorry to hear about the loss of your father in law, I know he is in a better place now but it is always hard to lose a parent, it may hit your OH later on.
Poor Linda, you don't expect it to be that cold in jersey this time of year do you?
Sallie, I hope they can fix your phone tomorrow, annoying not to have it working when you are paying for it. Not so bad these days I suppose when we all have mobiles but still an inconvenience.
Mo yes it was lovely to have my meals cooked for me.