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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 11 Mar 2010 20:46

Sorry, that was me deleting, for some reason it posted three times.

Love, Sallie.xx


Sallie Report 11 Mar 2010 20:39

Mo, sorry to hear that you have problems with your son, I hope whatever it is, will get sorted out very soon. I think our children are more of a worry as they get older, it's a different kind of worry than when they were younger. We just need nerves of steel sometimes.
I dont think that Janet is too keen on having the place in a mess while the bedroom is being done, but she's got to the stage where the bedroom badly needs doing. The walls and paintwork just need freshening up, but the carpet has been down for over twenty years so needs changing.

Hope all will turn out okay for you all. I'll be thinking about you and I'm here for you at anytime.

Love and best wishes.


JustJean Report 11 Mar 2010 20:23

Mo read your mail please...

love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Mar 2010 19:47

Oooh don't ask about the decorating Sallie. I have no idea when we will start it. We bought the paint for the hall,stairs and landing ages ago. But they are stuck out in the shed,along with the bedside cabinets,that he bought last year some time,still waiting to be made up. lol

I hope everyone is o.k. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 11 Mar 2010 19:40

Hi again Ladies.

Julia, glad you managed to get your glasses frames sorted out, at least that's one job out of the way. I see you've been busy knitting this afternoon. What are you making this time? My friend Janet, bought some wool off the market today, she's crocheting a blanket for one of her granddaughters, she's only seven, but asked if Mamma would make her one in pale pink, pale blue, lilac and cream, so of course Mamma is obeying her wishes. The wool that he now sells is Robin, and it's only ten pence a ball more than the other one he sold.

Mo, is everything sorted out with you after you ordeal yesterday.When are you going to decorate your living room. Janet and her OH are going to start decorating their bedroom over the weekend, they've had the emulsion and gloss paint for quite a few months, but it's been too cold to start doing it. Anyway, while we were up town this morning we went into the carpet shop, so she ordered the carpet and underlay, so they have to do the decorating now, before the carpet comes.

Ann, I read your thread on chat last night, I couldn't stop laughing. I laughed so much that it started me coughing, I even woke our budgies up and they had settled for the night. I see that you have made some more cards for charity, you are quick making them, not sure that I'll ever get to that stage. Keep forgetting to ask, if your grandson liked the album you made for him?

Jean, hope everything is okay with you, J and D. Have you finished the packing ready for Saturday? Just in case I miss you before you go away, I hope that both you and J will have a lovely holiday and that the weather will be kind good. Alun is on holiday next week so we are going down to Richard's for a day or two, as it's his 28th. birthday on Monday. Christie has booked the day off, so the four of us are going out for the day. It'll make a nice change.

Sylvia, how is baby Matthew doing? I hope all is well with both him and his mum, and mustn't forget dad, too. How is the weather there, not sure if I read something about Vancouver having snow. If you do get it, lets hope it isn't too bad and won't last too long either.

Debbie, hope it's got a bit warmer over in Jersey. I wonder if Linda enjoyed herself there. Hope you and the family are all okay.

Huia, how are things with you? I hope Phil wasn't too bad when you last visited him. Thinking about you both. Take care!

Liz, hope you are okay--and managing to get some sleep? I know myself, how difficult that is.

Marie, how is everything with you and your family? Have you been to the gym lately? Sorry, it's all questions. I don't know if I would be able to do much at the gym--if I did anything that was very low down, I'm sure I'd having a problem getting back up.

Thinking of all our absent friends.

Love and best wishes to everyone.


Julia Report 11 Mar 2010 17:03

Hello Sallie and All
I was just about to make a post on here, before I think about cooking the evening meal, also. Came to your town today Sallie to get glasses frames for us both. Not only now do I wear distance glasses, which I have done since about 15yrs of age, and reading glasses, I now have to have another pair for the computer.
Yes Sallie, the bungalow I meant was the one near Shipley Garden Centre. I think the selling agent is Parkers, but they are not in my town.
Have been having a lazy afternoon with my knitting, as it is rather on the cold side here, as you have said Sallie.
Ann, we could have paid for an operation privately a thousand times over. But, the second time it occured, which is almost two years ago,I happened to be in the doctor's surgery. In fact, he rang the hospital for a bed, and an emergency ambulance. OH said straight away that we would go private, but the doc. said it was not necessary. And, I know that the private hospital is just up the road from where I go, and the same docots practice at both hospitals.
When I was in last week, I had a couple of x-rays of the stomach and chest area done. The next day when the doctor and his 'team' came around, one of his underlings looked through my file at the x-ray results. He said it showed I had a 'kink' in my bowels. The consultant shook his head in a negative way at him for saying this. However, I can remember this being said once before when I was there.
I am now pinning my hopes on the new Consultant, a Pancreas specialist, who I see on the 23rd. I had to laugh to myself. I had an appointment with the chiropodist come through for the next day. That's fine, you might say, but I have got a flippin' corn. So more pain. I must be a glutton for it.
It is turning out nice here, and I would love an hour in the greenhouse to finish my clearing -up, but it is getting too near to meal time. Off in the morning to do my M******sons shopping, and they have given out rain,but the weekend could reach double figures. Makes one faint with anticipation on knocking off the central heating for a while.
Have a nice evening all
Will speak again soon
Julia in Derbyshire


Sallie Report 11 Mar 2010 16:34

Hello Ladies,

Where is everyone today? It's so quiet on here, I hope that you're all okay.

It's been a lovely day here today--lovely to know that we are heading towards summer, although it's got a bit chilly this afternoon.
This morning I went for my usual Thursday visit to the 'head lady', on the whole she is pleased with my progress, but although I've moved on in some ways, I've gone back a bit in others. I'm not going next week, we both agreed, that it would be good to have a small break and see what I'll be like the following week. At least I feel as though I am slowly getting there.

I'll speak to you all later, I must start to get the tea ready, as Alun is going an hour earlier to the Model Railway Club tonight.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 11 Mar 2010 01:08

Had a lazy day yesterday, bin men woke me so I watched tv for a bit and snacked and managed to go back to sleep till about 4pm lol

Mo, I had that happen at my house a couple of days before I was due to give birth to my son, as a single parent. Had some local lads doing some last minute decorating to the house I was modernising, so that I had a nice bedroom and bathroom and kitchen to start life as a Mum. Carpet was supposed to go down and it was delivered ready for the next day, the lads called in to check all floorboards were ok and later on I noticed water on my new worktop in the kitchen and a stream running down the side of the boiler from above! I had only just recovered from the anger in finding the carpet people, quite a posh store in the city, had been storing the wrong colour carpet for the last few weeks from when it was ordered. They had promised the new one next day and now I had a leak! Couldn't get hold of the lads so called my cousin's hubby who worked for the water company, and he came round and brought a friend who replaced the pipe where the lads had put a nail through. How glad I was that the carpet had been wrong, or it would have been put down over the leak lol All fixed up in the end and the right carpet laid the next day, and that evening I lifted the carcase of a small chest of drawers back into my posh new bedroom and half an hour later my own waters broke lol
I was so tired, not in the right mood for labour but it had to be done lol and my son arrived the following morning! Phew!

Then a few years ago I managed two student lets for a friend and she decided to have new carpet in both of them. I had to travel between the two houses letting the carpet fitters in, and she had asked an oddjob man she knew to go and rip out all the old carpet and check the floorboards. They were supposed to do half one house and then go to the other house and do half there and then go back and finish off in first house and so on, so that things could flow and they didn't end up standing around waiting to get on. All went ok with the first house, went to the second one and there was water coming through the ceiling! Nail through pipe again! All the arrangements went pearshaped but I managed to get it all sorted out and the carpets finished.
The next day I went into the first house and saw a puddle in the hall, luckily because it was tiled I had suggested leaving it uncarpeted as easier to clean and the spare carpet was handy for repairs etc. Looked up and the hall ceiling looked damp and the artexed wall in the hall, and the lounge ceiling and wall over the radiator the other side of the hall wall! I called my friend who owned the houses and she rang a plumber we used, but by the time she got round altho I had turned off the water, the ceiling was bulging and in the end we had a lot of damage to make good once the carpet was taken up again and the pipe repaired. I couldn't believe the idiot handyman had managed to do the same thing in both houses lol
Next time I have any new carpet I will make sure I double check where the pipes are before any nails are knocked through.
Oh and also at this house, o.h's father came round to help him do something and managed to put a nail through a hot water pipe lol I was so glad I wasn't at home at the time lol


AnninGlos Report 10 Mar 2010 22:42

Just a quick one as off to bed. Sylvia so pleased that Matthew is OK, hope he will soon be home.


Sallie Report 10 Mar 2010 22:37

Hi to all my friends,

Mo, so glad that your son sorted out the problem for you. Have you hidden the tool box from Roly? I told Alun and Janet about what had happened, of course, Alun thought it was quite funny--- typical man, and he agreed with Ann's OH, that it's easily done.

Sylvia, it's good to know that baby Matthew James is alright. I bet you and OH can't wait to see him and give him a cuddle. Oh, you are lucky being a Grandma--- I hope that I'll be a Grandma one day too, I love children, we'll have to wait and see. Hugs and kisses to Matthew

Debbie, hope the funeral goes well, it's such a traumatic time so it'll be nice when it's over. Hope the children are all okay.

Julia, any time you want to let off steam, we are always here for you and ready to listen. I hope you'll find out something when you go to see the Specialist in a couple of weeks time. It took three months to find out that Jennie had Crohn's, our GP kept fobbing her off, and the doctor and sister at Ilkeston Hospital, more or less told her that it was all in her head and that she was doing it for attention. It wasn't until Alun took her to Queen's A&E in Nottingham that we found out in a matter of hours that it was Crohn's or Colitis. The Specialist and the doctors were not happy with our GP's or Ilkeston Hosp. We are always here on this thread to listen and to help you. Do you mean near Shipley Garden Centre, where you seen the bungalow for sale?

Liz, it sounds as though you are really happy seeing this Counsellor. I hope that you'll be able to stay with this one, it's so much better seeing the same one through to the end. Glad to hear that you had the car to get there. Well done!

Thinking of Huia, Jean, Marie, Ann and Marilyn. Hope I haven't missed anyone out.

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Mar 2010 18:59

Well ladies,him indoors is lucky. My son came and fixed the leak for us.
He had to remove the leaky piece off pipe,and put a new piece in.
Roly had done a good job off it,he had gone right through the pipe in one place,and pierced one side further along.
My son has also fixed the floor boards back down for us,and forbidden his father to go anywhere near pipes in the future.
I am thinking about confiscating his tool kit,in case off any further accidents.
Our next job will be to paint the ceiling,and walls in the living room. But we will need to wait for it all to dry out completely first.
So no need to watch out for my face on the news. And Roly lives to see another day. Ahhhh bless him.
I should not laugh about it really,but it could only happen to my better half,
he is very accident prone.
It is good news about baby, Sylvia. I hope he carries on progressing.
No wonder he was hungry,he waited a long time for his milk, about twelve hours after his birth. Kisses for Matthew xxxxxx
Debbie. I hope everything goes well for the funeral next week. Will the children be attending.
The funny thing is Debbie,my Roly is an electrician by trade,but I have never seen him panic like he did today. Fortunately,we wont need to claim on our household insurance. The damage was not as bad as we first dreaded. As you said,it was fortunate that I came home when I did.
Don't worry the piece off pipe is now out in the shed,and not in the place where I felt like shoving it initially.
Thank you Jean for the lovely big hugs,I felt much better for receiving them.
Julia,there is no need to apologise for any rant on here. We are all here for each other,and it helps to let the frustrations out sometimes.
After all,you more than some off us,have every right to rant,after what you have suffered in the last two years. Keep your chin up love.
Ann isn't it typical,for all men to stick up for each other. Do not let your OH touch the floor boards please. If he has to,just get him to super glue them down. Or as my grandaughter said, "why didn't grandad use selotape"
Oh the innocence off youth. Her other suggestion was blue tack lol


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Mar 2010 18:09

Quick visit as I have to go out shortly .. haven't read back!

a little update.

OH finally managed to talk to J this morning. He phoned about 7am our time, which was 11 am their time.

Matthew was doing well, and was expected to be released from IC round about lunch time.

M spent the night at the hosptial (husbands are allowed to sleep in wife's room now), and had gone to check on Matthew during the night. Then J&M were called down to IC about 9am or so ....... Mattthew was doing well but was hungry! He had been on an IV overnight, and had received nothing else.

J said he latched on right away, and knew exactly what to do. So all seems well

They have not found out what caused the problem ..................... one fear had been that the umbilical cord was around his neck, which it wasn't. Now one theory is that he may have been lying on the cord and compressing it every now and again.

Anyway, there seems to be no lasting problem.

He has a slight bruise on his forehead from the forceps.

They will be in hopsital at least until tomorrow, or possibly until Friday depending on Matthew's condition and progress.

Thank you all.


AnninGlos Report 10 Mar 2010 17:43

Julia, I can' begin to imagine the frustration of not knowing what is wrong. How long has this been going on for? Would it help if you went private, if you could afford it, to see another consultant I mean? I know you have had all the tests but have they ever suggested what they think might be wrong?

Mo, I told my OH about Roly and the leaks. He just said Hmm easily done!!! Our floorboards squeak but I wont ask him to fix them then!!!


Julia Report 10 Mar 2010 16:57

Ann, thanks for your concerns re me getting fed up with the frequent trips to hospital, though all is well for the time being, but don't know for how long. The frustrating thing is not the Paramedics having to turn up, stick the needles in, when they can get a vein, for the morphine, nor having to 'chug' on the Entinox, for a couple of hours,nor the further lines they put in when I get to hospital, whose morphine lines are very,very different from the ones of the Paramedics. No, it is the non commital of the doctors to actually stick their heads above the parapet, and actually make a decision, and therefore a diagnosis, and have me in to have something done about it. My recent visit last weekend must be nearing fifty in the last two years. However, I have an appointment with the Pancreas man in a couple of weeks, so may learn something to my advantage. Who knows. Sorry for what seems like a rant

Sallie - the trouble with thinking about building your own bungalow, is that there is very little building land left around here, and what does come available is very quickly snapped up by developers, who will probably put up four residences where you would have put one. Just look at that new development as you are going into the bottom of your town from my direction. There used to be one house, albiet a large house, but look how many there are now. There is a nice bungalow near the garden centre coming this way. If you are serious about this, get the local paper that covers my area, not your town, on Thursday this week, and have a look at the Property Pages.
Anyway Sallie, hope you are not too worn out with the shopping trip LOL
Best to All
Julia in Derbyshire


Deborah Report 10 Mar 2010 16:10

Oh My Goodness Mo, can some people just not be trusted - poor Roly, and he was only trying to help and give you a nice surprise. I do hope it can all be sorted out ok without too much damage - you can claim for that type of damage on most household insurances if you think it's worth checking and going down that claim route. My other half is a plumber and he sometimes comes across these type of DIY accidents.

At least you were in the house when it started to drip through the ceiling. Imagine what a surprise you would have had if you'd both gone straight out and then returned to find a puddle of water on the floor.

Please don't do that poor husband of yours too much damage. I really don't want to read in the Nationals that some wild , deranged woman rammed a piece of Central Heating pipe into her husband and he now has to swallow (or worse!!!) through it. LOL.

Look forward to the next exciting installment. In the meantime, I'm off to get tea, make sandwiches, get Matthew out to football training and Sophie to Brownies, and hope that at some point Daniel & his father return from the school rugby match that Daniel is playing. Happy Days..



Sallie Report 10 Mar 2010 16:00

Hi All,

Just a quick look in to see how things are with everyone. I'm going shopping as soon as Alun gets home.

Mo, I'll watch the news when I get home. Poor Roly he was tryng to surprise you, bless him!

Debbie, Jennie is getting along okay at the moment
(touch wood) I hope it continues that way. Thank you for asking!

Jean, hope D is feeling a bit better today. Are both you and J alright?

I have to go now, speak to you all later on this evening.

Love, Sallie.xx


JustJean Report 10 Mar 2010 14:32

Poor Mo, and poor Roly, be kind to him Mo, he was only trying to hope it hasnt caused too much damage.there is always something happening to upset the apple are some big hugs for you...

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( X )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

there that should make you feel better, little one for Roly ((( x )))

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Mar 2010 13:57

Hello girls.
Well what a day I have had so far. I went and did my cleaning down at my sons.
When I got home,Roly was so proud,he had managed to do a few off the jobs that needed doing around the house.
One off the jobs was to fix the floor boards in his bedroom. They had been squeeking since we had the central heating done.
I was sitting down for five minutes before going shopping,and I heard a dripping noise. When I looked there was water coming through the living room ceiling.
On investigation we discovered that Roly had gone through the pipe in his bedroom. Not once but twice. He had screwed through the floor boards,
and straight through the pipe.
So at the moment,I have got our son here trying to repair it.
I will be back later, to let you know how it has gone.
But if you see on the news, " Woman murders her husband,over a burst pipe" you know it will be me.


Deborah Report 10 Mar 2010 12:12

Hello Ladies,

Granny Sylvia, many many congratulations on the safe arrival of Matthew James. Love those names, my Matthew is also Matthew James - your family and mine obviously have such good taste. LOL

Been for a huge walk thismorning - Anne I will let you have the route, did it today and it was gorgeous. My friend and I try to walk quickly and still chat without being too puffed out. The weather was lovely for it, though we had to wrap up really well. The wind is monstrous, but the sun is shining and the weather is settled for the next few days. I wonder how Linda is doing on her hols over here.

Hubby is coping well at the moment. The funeral is next Weds at noon, then the internment of ashes the next day into the same grave as hubbys mum, grandmother & grandfather. No room for another coffin, but ashes are acceptable. Then it will all be over and we can start to look forward.

Huia, my thoughts are with you constantly. I can appreciate everything that you are experiencing and trust that it will not be too much longer before there is tranquility and peacefulness in your life. As you say, everything is in limbo at the moment and no way to live for Phil.

Jean, I hope that your holiday goes well, and that you make the most of the sea and country air. Walking at whatever pace is always so theraputic. Make sure, as the others have said, that you take warm clothes and keep wrapped up. You'll love it.

Mo, well done in the darts. Shame to lose out on the trophy, but it's only another thing to have to keep clean and dust!!!!!

Sallie, I hope that Jennie is ok. My sister has all her ailments well under control and other than the very occasional outburst, she does not have any ongoing problems, although she has to be sensible about diet etc. I hope that Jennie is doing as well as she can be,.

Anyway, I'd better be off. Keep well all of you. Speak soon.



JustJean Report 10 Mar 2010 07:19

Morning all, Congratulations Sylvia, sending love and prayers for little Matthew, hope he is soon with his mummy and daddy.....I will try and get Mo to stop being such a bully if its upseting promise anything though.....

Liz, you will be a new woman when all the tests come back perfect....
you will be fighting fit so you can sort o.h. I am so pleased that you feel as though you are getting somewhere with the new lady. I am sure it will be a big help to you....and you know we are all rooting for you .....xx

Ann, you have been busy all your cards sorted , I havent even thought about doing mine yet, I had no idea Easter is so early this year....D came home from work early, the young disabled she works with are very vunerable to illnesses and infections, so everyone has to be careful... J has been awake a lot with coughing and complained of reflux , which we believe is the Mackeral...the ones we had last night didnt seem as nice as the previous ones...we only started to have oily fish since they stopped Js omega capsules, and the doc said to have oily fish instead, but dont think it will be mackeral for a while...

Yes Sallie we have been going there for a very long time, we self cater, because we can do what we want when we want... and I get to eat out a lot !!! only do breakfasts....we relax there and if the weather is kind to us
we can stroll as Llandudno is flat, two shores too choose from we prefer the quieter west shore,plenty of good eating places too....I noticed how cheap the craft stuff is, they do huge packs of cards and and seem to get very good offers in....I have just bought two large cake boxes from P*******r they are so cheap and perfect to store all the craft stuff in, Now I can go direct to the stuff I want without having to empty every box to see what I have got...I am going to get a couple more at £2.99 they are a good

love to Debbie , Julia, hope all is well now,Huia, Marie, and everyone I havent named,

love Jean xx