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Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
15 Mar 2010 03:07 |
Hi folks, I had a very nice day on Sunday, my son came round with a lovely card and big bunch of burgundy and pale pink tulips, which I love, and then we went to the coast and had a walk, the waves were really strong altho there were surfers in the sea, idiots lol, and spray was coming right over onto the promenade. Son bought us all fish and chips which was my choice, didn't fancy a restaurant but there is a great chippie there which has won awards so we went there and ate our food out of the paper sitting on a bench inside the shop. Walked miles, it's ages since I have been to Cromer so was a nice change and I steered o.h. away from the pub so he could drive home too, saved me doing it. I hope everyone had a lovely day Counselling again today so o.h. has to bike to work as he is on late shift, his legs will be sore after all the walking yesterday lol
14 Mar 2010 21:38 |
Hello All,
Well Mo, it looks as though it's only the two of us on here today. Glad to hear that you've had a lovely Mothers Day and a really great meal, plus lots of pressies. I hope that both you and Roly are feeling better today.
Jennie and Michael came for their usual Sunday lunch, they bought me a lovely card, but couldn't afford a present. Not that it mattered to me, I'm quite happy with just having a card, and having them both here. We had a nice couple of hours together.
Alun and I have been fairly busy today, trying to get the house sorted, ready for when the valuers come on Tuesday and Wednesday. It's been a lovely bright day,so have got all the washing dry. We decided not to go to Richard's after all, with him having the interview tomorrow afternoon at 3-00pm, there wouldn't be much time to go anywhere, and we have things to do in the house. So, we all decided to make it another time.
Hope everthing is alright with you all.
I've been making some mor cards this evening, we have so many birthdays in March, between family and friends, ten in all.
I'll speak to you all tomorrow.
Love and best wishes.
Mo in Kent
14 Mar 2010 19:51 |
Hello one and all. What a lovely day I have had. Thoroughly spoilt by the family. Lovely cards,beautiful flowers,chocolates coming from all directions,I am sooo lucky. Our meal was absolutely fabulous. The only problem was that you could not book for meals today. Everyone had to take pot luck. We were told that the wait was one hour fourty five minutes,but we were seated within the hour. I had the BBQ combo,with a corn on the cob,and a jacket potato,plus lots off salad from the salad cart. I did not want a dessert,as I was so full up. The weather here has been lovely as well,which made for an even nicer mothers day. I hope you have all had a nice day as well. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx
14 Mar 2010 16:51 |
A Happy Mothers Day to You Too. I hope you enjoyed your meal with your daughter and granddaughter. I also hope the weather is as good there as it is here.
Speak to you all tonight.
Mo in Kent
14 Mar 2010 12:50 |
*******************A HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU ALL.******************* ********************************************************************************* I am going out shortly for a meal with my daughter,and grandaughter. I just wanted to send you all,my very best wishes. I will be back tonight,see you all then. Love Mo xxx
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
14 Mar 2010 02:38 |
You are all very busy, and all I did yesterday was a machine full of washing, had to hang it all up inside to dry overnight so when o.h. gets up he can put it out of the way to finish off, it's his work stuff so needs to be ready by Monday. I cooked dinner and washed up and that's about it, am winding down on here now and will have to go to bed a bit earlier so I can get up before my son comes round at midday for Mother's Day. Hopefully we will go out somewhere, it depends on the weather if we go to the coast, or to the Broads, or to a Mind Body and Spirit fair at my old school, it's on every year, sometimes twice a year and I have missed it for some time now so if it's raining we will go there, o.h. (still above ground lol) and my son won't find a lot to interest them but I will and they can have a natter, my son puts up with o.h. who in fairness has helped him sometimes with things at his flat, did some electrical work with him when he first moved in and has helped a few times, working with my son to guide him in d.i.y. etc. Mo, you missed a thread round about my 60th Birthday lol, when there was a rumour I was missing cos I was busy laying a patio lol It was so funny with many of my friends who aren't all on the boards now, having a giggle about o.h. being six feet under lol You reminded me of that with your comment and I laughed to myself.
Hope you all have a lovely day and our Jean and J have a nice holiday.
love to all Lizxxx
13 Mar 2010 22:55 |
Hi all
Mo ......... so sorry to hear about yoru son. This isn't the one who manages the pub is it??
waiting to hear today's news from J ... she promised to phone as soon as they knew what was happening with Matt ................ if the bilirubin count was higher there was a possibility/probability that they would keep him at the hospital, if it had dropped then he would be going home. It's currently about 2:45 pm here, which means about 6:45pm in Halifax, and we still haven't heard anyhting.
Hoping no news is good news.
We watched the Paralympics Opening Ceremony last night. It was fantastic!! Lots of youngsters involved, and people that would be called disbaled except they were so good at what they were doing that there was no way you could really call them that! A break dancer who is unable to use his legs. A rock singer who has only one leg and half an arm. A one-handed violin player ...... and so it went. Including wheelchair users doing the same tricks as skateboarders!
I gather you can see things and get reports/results on the International Paralympics Committee website ..............
We're having our annual Spring Party for the people who work at the Botanical Garden at the unviersity. That's where I worked for 30 years until I took early retirement in 2000, and where OH has had one of his offices for the last 10 years. It's also where he has been Acting Director on about 3 occasions!
There'll be about 20 people coming, not all of them but a goodly proportion, and most of them will have their partners as well ..... it's always good to see them!!
I'm under strict orders from OH not to do anything, but to let him do it all. So far I have written yesterday's shopping list, today's supplementary list, jobs list, done the flowers (50 daffodils!), got out the basket for bread rolls, and done hand towels in both bathrooms.
He has: cooked a salmon yesterday evening to serve cold, picked up 2 lasagnas (1 meat and 1 vegetarian or vegan) from a local restaurant that we will cook and serve hot, has made 2 trifles; and will make the salads including a cucumber salad, a fruit salad, whip cream, put out glasses and plates, wine and beer. And make a fruit punch.
I keep trying to do little bits ....... and getting shouted at and sent away!!
Happy Mothering Sunday to you all for tomorrow
Take care
sylvia xxx
13 Mar 2010 21:46 |
Marie the thread is called Scrapbooking and other crafts. Or you may mean the other thread which is something like 'Wouldn't it be nice in 2010' Mo the jobs are different but it will give your Granddaughter experience in interacting with people. Tell her all experience is good experience and, who knows, if the customers like her she may get some tips. Sallie, yes, I definitely should not take cash when I go to these places, if I had been relying on c cards I wouldn't have bought so much as some of the stalls didn't take cards.
Sylvia, I am glad baby is home, much better for Mum
13 Mar 2010 18:36 |
Mo, good to see you on here today, as you say we just missed each other. Richard has the second interview on Monday, his birthday, so lets hope it's a good omen. We shall see! Supposed to be going down tomorrow, Christie has booked a day off so that the four of us can have a day out together, but not sure if it's worth going now, with Richard having the interview. Don't know what time he has to be there for, I'll see what he says when I ring him later on.
Sylvia, Richard was born two weeks early, and ended up a forceps delivery, he had a bruise on his head from the forceps and was also jaundiced. He was fine, just couldn't get enough milk, he was a greedy little baby.
Love, Sallie.xx
Mo in Kent
13 Mar 2010 18:14 |
Oh no I have just missed you Sallie. Helloooo
Mo in Kent
13 Mar 2010 18:12 |
Hi girls. Marie, the problem with my son is that he has lost his job,yet again. So I have evrything crossed for him that he get things sorted. Kids. I had a good chuckle at your poor son in laws problems. I know I shouldn't have laughed,but oh my lord,the visions I had conjured up,off everyone struggling to move that cement. I hope you were just looking and not over exerting yourself. You are certainly having a hectic time at the moment. We have got to start taking one off our grandaughters,to her work experience job on tuesday. She has got to do it for two weeks. She's not a happy bunny though,they have put her into a hairdressing salon. They cannot give her experience in the work she wants to do though,as she wants to be forensic scientist,with the police. But hairdressing and police work,are poles apart. So good old nanny and grandad volunteered to take her,as both mum and dad will be at work themselves. Hi Huia,good to hear from you love. You are another one who is always busy doing wonderful exciting things. Not only for yourself,but for others as well. How is Phil going along. I often think off him and yourself. Hoping and praying hat things will work out o.k for you. Oooh Sylvia baby is home at last. Three off my five children were all born with jaundice. And one off my daughters,had one more point to go,and they would have had to give her a blood transfusion. But little ones are stroger than we give them credit for. But it is still a worrying time for you all the same. How did the opening off the games go. There is still nothing published to say that they televising the games here. I am so dissapointed about that, I would have loved to watch the athletes performing their skills. Ann you had better get a move on with that album for your grandson. Mind you december is quite a way off. I love reading your thread with all the new people joining in. It's wonderful to get people talking together from all parts off the world. Well done to you for getting it started. Hi Sallie my lovely. How are you all. Have you started Janets bedroom yet. Guess what,no progress on ours. I can see me having to shame Roly into doing it,by starting it myself. Wether it pleases or offends him,it wont wait forever as far as I am concerned. To be truthful,I am rather impatient when it comes to my own home comforts. Now I wonder where Liz has got to. Just as long as she has not put him indoors six foot under I suppose I should not worry. Hi ya Liz if you happen to be looking in. Debbie is probably running round a sports field somewhere. Slow down Debbie I can't keep up with you. How are the children faring. I dare say it's going to be another busy weekend for you all. How are you feeling now Julia. I hope you are better today. Take care off yourself. Love to all our friends. Mo xxx
13 Mar 2010 18:11 |
Hello Girls,
Mo, hope things are a bit better for both you and Roly today, and that whatever the problem is with your son, it will soon be sorted, too. It's been quite a nice day here today, fairly sunny, but a bit cold. It's nice to dry the washing out on the line, the clothes smell so much nicer. We went up to town this morning, then when we got back I did some baking, a cake and a pudding ready for tomorrow.
Ann, pleased that you had a good day at the show in Malvern, and managed to get what you needed. Or should I say, wanted! Ha! Ha! It's so easy, when you see all the lovely and useful things for crafting, to spend more than first intended. I think we need to sew up the holes in our pockets to stop the money getting through so easily.
Marie, it sounds as though your son-in-law had quite a job with laying the concrete base for his shed. I hope he has recovered from all that hard work, it's very back breaking. Your life is very busy, what with going to the gym, swimming baths, and driving your family all the different places. Still, it's nice to be able to help them all, I'm sure.
Huia, it looks as though you might get some more requests for the DVD's. I bet the History Society were really thilled with it. I'm sure a lot of people, such as family historians, would love to get their hands on them. It would be great for them to see the area where their ancestors lived and came from.
Julia, how are things with you today? I hope you are alright and not having any of the usual problems. We called at two estate agents when we went up to town this morning, the only bungalows that they had on their books were the ones that we already knew about, which aren't really suitable. I don't where Parkers estate agents are, I don't think they're in Ilkeston. We have one valuer coming on Tuesday and another one on Wednesday, as we need to find out how much the house is worth, before we start seriously looking for a bungalow.
Debbie, hope things are better for you and your family. Has the funeral taken place yet? Sorry to ask, but not sure when it was/is. Are the boys doing any of their sport over the weekend?
Liz, we haven't heard from you for a few days--I hope all is okay with you.
Syvia, have you been watching the Paralympics? Hope baby Mattew is alright and also his mum and dad.
Well, I expect Jean and J are at Llandudno by now, hope that they had a good journey and that they will have a week of good weather.
Also Marilyn and OH are having a good holiday in Oz and NZ.
I'm now going to make a nice cup of tea, I seem to be drinking more tea today than I normally do, if that's possible.
For all you Mums, I hope you all have a lovely Mothers Day
Speak to you all soon. Take care everyone!
Love and best wishes.
13 Mar 2010 06:37 |
Hi there everybody. I have put a lot of photos onto a DVD for the Thames-Coromandel History Soc. I took it over to Thames today as they had a Heritage day. Gave it to the Hist. Soc. When I told the Heritage Trust about it (I thought they were connected) I was asked if they could have one too so will have to put them onto another disc to post over.
Thames is a seaside town which was an old gold mining centre. It takes about 80-90 mins to drive over there, across the Hauraki Plains. It was a beautiful fine day until I was almost home. Now it is lightly raining. I bought one of their videos of the building of the Kopu bridge which is a one lane bridge with passing bays, built about 1920. The passing bays are no longer used. There are traffic lights each end so traffic one way can go, then the other way. There are often long queues at holiday time so a new bridge is being built after many many years of discussion.
13 Mar 2010 02:42 |
Hello All , I have just read all about Dripping waters, thats what happens when you have a 2 storey house like most of you do in your part of the world. We are all fine here the sun is shining but we still have the high winds I am finding it very hard to do any Gardening. The wind is quite cool we actually had a light frost in Bathurst 3 nights ago . Brian my son -in - law has been trying to have the cement base for his very large shed poured for weeks but the rain has been too constant, yesterday they went ahead and then the Concrete truck arrived and what do you know **dadada** drum rolls the truck got Bogged at the back of my cottage right up to the back axel , oh dear, oh dear, hands were wringing and heads were shaking , ( I couldnt help a little giggle on the side) Any way they managed to get a bob cat in & they loaded the cement into the big shovel on the front of the Bobcat. Dozens of trips up the hill later Half of the base was done then another truck arrived he backed in part way and they repeated the procedure finally at night fall the concrete had been laid, and it looks good this morning.I am very pleased for Brian now the fun of putting up the shed will begin some time soon. Mo is your son not well? My little cleaning Job goes well . Liz you are sounding a lot happier & Sallie you sound as if you are making progress. Julie I am sorry to hear you have Problems with your health & also the Doctors. Debbie I love to read your posts I am living my life again through your letters I love that you always sound happy. Sylvia Congratulations on Matthew James I am sure you and your husband will be making the Trip to Halifax more often .You do have a long Journey home how will your poor back cope with that? Ann I will have to look in on your thread, what is it called? obviously a lot of Frivolity goes on there, he he I still havent found the money to get my pictures done for my Sons Photo Albumn. June I hope you and J have a lovely holiday .Mo you and your oh had better get yourselves into gear and do that painting, both of you will feel much better when it is done .I am still going to the Gym, tuesday exercise class, thurs water arobics,monday my cleaning job ,and on all days I am the chauffeur for Boris & Victoria to University and to their Jobs plus baby sitting and Gardening and after all that I am Pooped. Has any one heard from Huia, I do hope all is ok with Phil.If you are looking in Huia I hope you are keeping well and Busy with your Photography.I must say By by to you all (((((((Hugs)))))))))) to you all Marie.
12 Mar 2010 23:09 |
Hi everyone
I had a phone call earlier ...... they came home from the hospital earlier today, but have to go back to the hospital tomorrow morning to have Matthew checked again. His bilirubin levels are high, and that is what leads to jaundice.
J was offered the choice of staying in hospital until tomorrow, or going home and returning with him. She said she was now sitting comfortably on her own settee, with the two cats being somewhat curious and yet indifferent to this new object!
Mo .... we won't see him, other than in pictures until April. They live an 8 hour plane trip away from us. We're flying over there on April 8, have about 10 days with them (working not visiting!), then we are taking the train back home. It's a 6 day and 5 night train trip from Halifax to Vancouver
The Paralympics start this evening. It was announced early this morning that the tv company was bowing to public pressure .......... and those in BC would be able to see the Opening Ceremony live starting at 6 pm our time, rather than having to watch it on tape at 11 am tomorrow morning!
The Paralympics really are the poor cousin, In fact, I gather they are not part of the Olympic movement at all, although the IOC insist that they should be held in the same venues and at approximately the same time. It would be much better if they could have been held at the same time as the Olympics!
Mo in Kent
12 Mar 2010 22:40 |
Sylvia I am not surprised your BP has been up and down like a yo-yo. All this excitement off the baby and everything else,that has been happening in your life. I cannot believe what the weather has been doing,all over the world. Hot climates getting snow,cold climates warming up. I have not heard if they are going to televise the para-olympics,over here. But I would rather have watched them, than the normal olympics. How is baby doing. Have they come home from hospital yet. I bet you cant wait to see him. Well the weather is due to warm up this weekend,just in time for Jeans holiday. I do hope it stays dry for them,so that can get more enjoyment out off the break away. Well girls I must get to my bed now,I am feeling shattered. Night Night god bless you all. Love to everyone. Mo xxx
11 Mar 2010 21:35 |
Julia, just make sure you don't get the appointments muddled in your mind and present the pancreas specialist with your corn and vice versa!!!
I do hope the new consultant can sort it. I would mention to him what was said about the kink, sounds strange that you have heard it twice doesn't it?
Glad you got your glasses OK.
Sylvia, hope you can keep your pain under control, it sounds as if your doctor is doing all he/she can. This winter is never ending isn't it?
sallie, yes my grandson was pleased with the album, he didn't say a lot but I could tell he was pleased as he kept looking at it. Now this year I have another one to make as his brother will be 21 in December.
Mo, sorry you are having son problems.
11 Mar 2010 21:34 |
Hope you and your OH enjoyed your afternoon coffee. I don't blame you for having a quiet day, you've had a worrying week with going to the doctors hoping that he would sort out your medication and then the stress of the birth of your first grandson. I hope all is going well for him now!
It would be lovely if the Paralympics turn out as successful as the Olympics, and that the athletes receive the recognition they all deserve.
Take care!
Love, Sallie.x
11 Mar 2010 21:16 |
Hi everyone
Did a bit too much yesterday, so am having a quiet day. OH will come and pick me up to go for our afternoon coffee so that I don't have to walk or take the bus over there.
And this is after being at the GP's late yesterday afternoon to discuss the spinal x-ray and OA assessment I had a couple of weeks ago!!
The decison was that he wants to see how I go with the pain management (!!!) over the next 3 weeks, and see him again. He doesn't want me to be taking too much codeine, but then there is also the problem of taking too much acetominaphen! He did say that he will make sure that I have enough of the acetominaphne+codeine to last me while we are away with J&M, so that I don't have to find another doctor over there or suffer pain.
My bp is aso bouncing around all over the place, so he wants me to keep a closer eye on that for the 3 weeks. He does think that the pain and possibly strees by worrying about J might be the cause., and hopes that we don't have to change my medications.
It was pouring with rain and very chilly here from about 3 or 4 am ........ but we were lucky. Other parts of Vancouver, a little bit higher than us, had snow. The North Shore mountains (and that is where Cypress is) got about 33 cm of snow!!! Now the sun is trying to shine (about 1:15pm)
The Paralympics start tomorrow, and we're all hoping that they will be as successful as the Olympics.
Take care eveyrone
sylvia xxxx
Mo in Kent
11 Mar 2010 20:48 |
I am going to sign out now girls,as this site is taking ages,and sending things out in triple. Love Mo xxx