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Mo in Kent
11 Apr 2010 12:52 |
Thanks Julia. I intend to keep them nice and warm and watered,before I put them out to face the elements. As you say,we can never be to sure with our country's weather. I would hate to lose them to an unexpected frost.
11 Apr 2010 12:35 |
Mo, a good idea to get the bedders and harden them off. But be careful;, we have not done with the frosts yet, though they are useally less severe than of late. From one gardener to another Julia in Derbyshire
Mo in Kent
11 Apr 2010 12:18 |
Where is everyone. This is a very lonely little thread. I hope that you are all o.k,and feeling pucker. We have yet another beautiful day here in Kent. I have decided that tommorrow I must go and get my bedding plants. It's time I got them,and hardened them ready for putting out. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care off yourselves. Love to you all. Mo xxx
9 Apr 2010 21:23 |
A lovely day here too. I sat outside reading for an hour then felt guilty so did a bit of gardening for half an hour!
The only trouble I find with a pressure washer is that the patio and path ends up clean and the conservatory windows end up filthy!
I don't have internal scars but I seem prone to keloid scars, the two minor ops I have had in the past two years have left me with thickened scars which can be very sore and painful.
Mo in Kent
9 Apr 2010 21:16 |
Hi Sallie. It's surprising what a pressure washer can do isn't it. We will have to get round to doing ours soon,weather permitting off course. I know what you mean about scar tissue,to internal organs. The pain from it,can sometimes be worse than any given ailment. As I have told you before,I have scar tissue to the bowel,and at times it is more painful tham the IBS itself. But in Jennies illness it is even worse,bless her. How is she coping now. Are the injections helping the problem. Luv Mo xxx
9 Apr 2010 21:04 |
Hi Girls,
Mo, it's been a lovely day here too. Michael and Jennie came over this afternoon so that Michael could put the power hose over the patio and down the steps and path going down to the garden. It looks so much better now that it's been done. Alun was home from work at twelve , so he's been sorting some things out in the utility room/model railway room. Jennie and I have been cleaning some drawers out in the kitchen---she wanted to know why we keep so much stuff.
Jean, isn't it lovely when you can get on with your cardmaking in peace an quiet. I haven't had time to make any cards today, and I can't see me having any time tomorrow either, as we are moving some furniture from one room to another. My friend's husband and son-in-law are coming accross to help Alun and Michael. So it looks as though we are going to be in a bit of a mess for tomorrow morning, at least. I must get Alun to send you the pics of the cards and scrap pages I've done. They're nothing exceptional, but I suppose they're not too bad for a beginner.
Julia, my auntie always bought Womans Weekly years ago, she liked the knitting and crochet patterns in there, also the recipes. Talking about circular needles, many years ago I did the neck on a polo neck sweater on one, it turned out quite well. My mother use to do some baby coats on them for my niece when she was a baby, they were really pretty. When I went to the hospital last year with Jennie for her check -up, she wanted me to go in with her to see the IBD nurse, and while we were in there, she showed us photos of Jennie's colon with the last very bad ulcer she had, it looked really nasty, and then she showed us the photo of the scars after the ulcer had healed. I don't like looking at things like that, but it was interesting.
I hope everyone else is alright. Alun's just brought me a nice cup of tea, bless him, so speak to you all tomorrow.
Love, Sallie xxx
Mo in Kent
9 Apr 2010 19:05 |
Hello one and all. Another glorious day here in Kent. I sat in the garden for a while today,it was so nice out there. I checked on my shrubs that I planted last year,and they are coming through really well. The other day when I did some weeding out there,I cleared up all my cats poo. She has this awful habit off hanging her rear end over the pots,and doing her business in them. I had them all cleared up,and nice and clean, but the little madam,has been at it again. So it looks like I have got to go *hi* shovelling every day now. Why oh why cant my cat use other peoples gardens. LOL I know some off you will be screaming at me now,but I AM only joking. I hope you are all well,and enjoying good weather as well. Debbie should be back home this weekend I think. As the children are due back at school next week. I hope they hope had a good time. Love to you all. Mo xxx
9 Apr 2010 08:38 |
Morning Sallie and All. The x-ray proceedure went okay, thanks, and took about a couple of hours. Couldn't see the screen as it was behind me. When you mentioned that your daughter watched her Colonoscopy, it made me shudder. When I had mine, and the follow up Sigmoidoscopy, I couldn't watch. I also went for something else, and that also came up on screen, but when I said I did not want to watch, the person doing it said keep your eyes closed, as the screens have to be in front so he could see what he was doing. Ugh ugh. Horrid. I have a Gilet on the needles at the moment, but have just done a scarf in one of these new bobble yarns. Quite a challenge that was, but I managed to finish it. Tried the other afternoon to start a scarf that is based on the Mobius shape. It is knitted on a circular needle, but i can't get the hang of it. I won't let it beat me, but just havn't time to 'play' with it at the moment. Will save it for a winter's afternoon when I have more time. I am now heavily into the garden season, and the greenhouse is heaving. Off to do some cooking prep. for this afternoon, then I am going to M****sons, which I hope, is better than last Friday, Ha,ha, Hope you bungalow hunting is going okey. Speak later Julia in Derbyshire
9 Apr 2010 07:07 |
Hi, up early to get at the cards....Sallie, I havent done any H*******K for days but I have had orders from he who must be get off my bum and start cleaning so here I am at a silly time dusting and polishing , I will vac when everyone is up and about ...job done... but I havent started in the other rooms yet, I do know what you mean about getting up when you cant sleep, but I have to say, I love early mornings when everyone is still in
~~~~~~~ to all~~~~~~ off to do more H or cards, such a win.
love Jean xx
8 Apr 2010 21:03 |
Jean, you have done well with your cards--you are so quick doing them too. I think I need to get a quicker making mine. I feel really tired today, as I didn't get much sleep last night, so hope I will tonight. At one time last night, I thought of getting up and getting on with the cards--but then thought better of it, because of having to go and see the Counsellor this morning. This 'addiction ' I have is the root of the almost sleepless night.
Mo, glad to know that you are feeling better! Talking about vests, Janet was telling me this morning that I ought to wear a vest. I haven't worn one since I before I went to secondary school, much to the annoyance of both my mum and nan. No Mo, I'm not helping Jean to make her cards --- I'm making them for Christie's 21st Birthday. I've only got a few bits to put on them and I can send them to her. I'm making one for Richard to give to her, from him, so hope it will be okay. After I've finished the cards I always think that they aren't good enough, although a lot of people tell me that they are lovely. I tend to pick up on all the little things that perhaps I should or could have done differently.
Everything went well with the Counsellor today, so I'm not going until the 6th May. Both of us came to a mutual agreement about the next appointment.
Anyway, must go and finish the bits left on the cards, I want to post them tomorrow.
Love, Sallie. xxx
8 Apr 2010 20:33 |
Marie I have sent your belated e-card... fingers X....
Love Jean xx
Mo in Kent
8 Apr 2010 20:05 |
Jean,I have been wearing my thermal vest all winter,just as you told me to. I rubbed Vic into my chest,he didnt complain,but even that did not And since when have you been taking orders Jean. Thats different to what J has been telling me. lol Sallie who have you been making the cards for now,is it for special occasion.? Or are you helping Jean out with her orders. Sallie Julia is posting on chat,so she is still around,thank goodness.
8 Apr 2010 19:51 |
Hi, all, What is that Marie like..... JEAN,JEAN,JEAN, thats me name Mary....., I sent you a card the same time I sent to Huia and the others, dont know what went wrong I wouldnt leave you out, poppet....I will try again,,,, keep watching your mail....
Sallie I have nearly done them , but I keep getting waylaid, I try new stuff out and get an idea that I just have to do.....I have just got a light box, so I am going to do some embossing, I used to do it and it is so easy to do,I will send you a sample card, when I do it...I need to take pics of the last lot I have made so will send them too....Hope to see some of yours too....
Mo, you seem to be a little better, you must wear a vest at your you never listen to what I tell you,? its only for your own good...have a get well hug ((((((((( X ))))))))
big Hello to everyone else, hope you come on and share your news ....
back to do some more cards, btw I am taking orders,
love Jean xx
8 Apr 2010 15:33 |
Hi Everyone,
Looking in to see how you all are. I've been busy making cards the last two days, plus the weekly shop and a couple of odd jobs that needed doing.
Mo, I hope the tablets have started to work, and that you are feeling a bit better. No wonder you were feeling poorly, it was just as well you made an appointment.
Sylvia, have a great holiday with your family, and especially enjoy cuddling MJ for the first time.
Huia, so good to hear that Phil was more responsive when you seen him, it's bound to make you feel a lot better when you visit him.
Marie, it looks as though you've been busy with Family History Research. I haven't done any for a while, what with one thing and another. I wish I had your energy to do some exercise--you put me to shame. Hope your family are all well.
Jean, how is the card making going? Are the ones for the church nearly finished? My problem is, once I start doing them I don't want to do anything else. So thought that I'd better come on here first, or you all might think that I'd left GR.
Ann, how are things with you since you came home from your holiday? Have you managed to do any cards or scrap pages? It's a lovely day here today, I went up to town with my friend after I had finished with the Cousellor. It was very busy up there, as Thursday and also Saturday are market days.
Julia, just wondering how you got on at the hospital. I hope that it all went well. Have started to knit anything else, since finishing your jacket?
Marilyn, hope you have recovered from your journey home. I expect it will take a while to get back to normal, what with the different time zones and the long journey.
Liz, how are things with you? Has your son used his Slow Cooker yet? I'm sure that once he starts using it, he won't be able to manage without it.
I hope Debbie and her family are enjoying their holiday in Yorkshire, and that the weather is kind to them.
I'm off to do another card now, so I'll speak to you all later.
Love and best wishes. Salliexxx
Mo in Kent
8 Apr 2010 14:48 |
Marie,Marie,what am I going to do with you love. It's not JUNE or JANE,it's JEAN. My lord the day you get it right,I think I will hang the flags out. LOL You are a case,and no I don't mean a nutcase. No wonder JEAN has not sent your e.card to you,she is probably sitting with her head in her hands in despair,thinking when will Marie get my name right,who do I send this card to,Marie or Mary. LOL Sylvia,I hope I have caught you before you leave. I hope you have a lovely time with the family,and give Matthew an extra hug from me. Huia,it is good to hear that Phil is still able to enjoy himself in his own way. And that it eases your mind,knowing he is getting on well. He's becoming a bit off a gad about,going on these outings. Feeling a little better today thanks Liz. Still cant hear very well though, and coughing up gold bullets. The spitoon in the corner is getting rather full up now. Yuk disgusting I know. Now whats happened to Jean and Sallie,havent seen them about very much lately. Helloooo girls come back to us we miss you. Love to all. Mo xxx
8 Apr 2010 08:18 |
Hello All ,I have read all the 3 pages I have missed,I have been very busy doing Family research and have had a number of emails to answer. We have had more heavy rain my poor rhododendrons are looking poorly as they are sitting in water, we have had so much rain, to-day has been fine but we need at least a week of heat to try and dry everything out. Mo no wonder you have been feeling so poorly I hope the tablets do the trick. Did you get an e/card from June she said she was going to send Huia & myself one I am still waiting must have been the gaff I made calling her Jane eh! Cooeee Huia did you get an e/card from Jan opps I mean JUNE .LOL. June, I love you gut what happened to my E/Card I had a very Quiet Easter, but worked Hard. To-day it was water arobics and yesterday my friend & I worked on the bikes and the walking machine., plus some Weights I spent 3hrs to-day doing my cleaning Job, so I am rather tired. Hello to Liz,Sallie ,Julia, Ann, June and anyone else who may look in. Hugs to you all. I am off to rustle up some food as I didnt get any lunch so I am a little hungry God Luv you all Marie.
8 Apr 2010 04:29 |
Hi everyone
a quick visit to say we leave in a few hours, and I won't be back on GR until April 24th
I hope all goes as well as it can for everyone during the next 3 weeks.
sylvia xxxxx
8 Apr 2010 04:19 |
I visited Phil today. He was out on a van trip when I arrived at 10.30 so instead of coming home at 11.30 as I had planned I hung around till then for them to come back from their outing. He was so much more alert than he had been in a long time. He said something about needing something to finish building the Mangatawhiri Dam. That is the one over the hill from here. We used to live over there and he did a lot of work on that dam and 3 others in these hills. I even helped him sometimes. I was delighted that he remembered something more recent than England which was over 60 yrs ago. I am told that he possibly does recognise me but cant put it into words. I have decided that while he is like this I will visit twice a week again. He fed himself his dinner and even had a second lot of desert given him! at which stage I decided it was time to come home, 1pm. I am feeling quite a bit happier now, despite the fact that I had been wishing he would die. He does seem to have some quality of life at present, even if it is nothing like the life he had a year ago.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
8 Apr 2010 04:04 |
Hi Huia, sorry you missed your apptmt, I have a job to remember mine if I forget to check the calender and I have to check o.h.'s appmts too to make sure they don't conflict with mine if I need the car.
Hope you are feeling a bit better Mo,
love to all,
Mo in Kent
7 Apr 2010 20:37 |
Oooops,never mind Huia we can all make mistakes. At least you have got another appointment pretty quick. We will have to try and remember the date,and give you a reminder.