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19 Apr 2010 15:13 |
Hi Ladies, Thank You Sallie, you knew I wasn't back til this week!!!! Mo, our schools over here don't go back til tomorrow, that's of course only for those who are on the Island. So many teachers & pupils are stranded all over the world with these air problems.
Anyway, here I am again and ready to face the summer. I have quickly read all of your posts, and hope that thoise of you who are ill soon get better and that those of you who are on/been on holiday have good times.
Our 18 days(Mo & Jean :-)))) were fantastic. We were extremely lucky with the weather and although we were advised that the weather would be suitable for woolies & wellies, we had it mostly dry & reasonably sunny, though cold.
Whitby was a completely new area for us and we loved it, so much to see and do and the weather made for very good walks & adventures. The children all walk very well and whilst we didn't do any major expeditions we were able to walk for a couple of hours at a time on some of the many circular routes that were sign posted.
An old school friend of mine was also on holiday in the area so we met with her and her family a couple of times - that was coincidence we were there at the same time. She lives in Harrogate and her parents have a holiday cottage in Sleights, which was a 10 minute drive from our house.
We managed to go to 2 football matches in Leeds which pleased all the males of the family, and Sophie as well as she supports Leeds. I am happy to go to the games as it is something we don't get the opportunity to do very often.
There was so much that we did, I could ramble on for ages, but one place we spent the day and I am sure some of you have been to was the Beamish Museum. We had a fabulous day out there and all learned a lot from the "living" museum. Having actual people dressed up in period costume and going about their daily "lives" in such a way, really takes you back and it was good for the children to experience such a fabulous way of bringing histrory to life.
Up to my eyes in washing and sorting out things for school now, so I'll end here and get back later in the week when I have more time to myself. Just wanted to let you all know that I haven't vanished.
Hope you are all as well as can be expected.
Debbie xx
19 Apr 2010 15:10 |
We all had dust on our cars yesterday, ours has not been washed off either!!!! Nor will be I suspect.
19 Apr 2010 14:50 |
Hi Everyone,
Mo, Roly sounds just like Alun about washing the car. It's nice to know that I'm not the only one with a hubby like that. Ha!Ha! Has your son found a job yet? Richard still haven't found one. He was supposed to have started an Open Unniversity course in January, but he had to cancel it because of the situation. So besides the fact that he needs and wants a job to live, he'd also like one so that he can start the OU course.
The last they heard fromChristie's nana is that they are staying another day or two in Florida, but I think they will probably be there longer than that, the way things are. There are a lot of people in the same situation, so they're not on their own.
I'm going to make myself a nice cup of tea now, so I'll speak to you all later.
Love, Sallie xxx
Mo in Kent
18 Apr 2010 17:26 |
Hello girls. What a glorious day we have had again today. Sallie,lots off people around here,have been moaning about the dust on their cars. Roly has refused to wash it,till it all clears away. He says it will be a waste off time. Where as I think he just cant be bothered. lol Has Christie's heard from her nana,to say wether her flight's still on for tommorrow. Oh and while I remember it. HUIA. please dont forget your opticians appointment for tommorrow. See sometimes my memory does work girls Oh Jean don't tell me the neighbour from hell started again on friday night. Thank goodness the other neighbour has now complained,it stands you in better stead with her landlord,with both families complaining. As much as I feel for you and J,I also feel great pity for that poor baby. You are a saucy little minx,I saw the little???in your sentence. I am a little sugar plum fairy. Who am I kidding lol. You know me to well. Our children make us so proud don't they. Your D has got her head screwed on properly,and uses her brain to it's fullest capacity. Good luck to her with her masters degree. I wish I had used my brains many years ago,like my daughter has. I am so proud off what she has achieved in her life. She has just finished her business degree,and she achieved her law degree a couple off years ago. Still our children must have got there cleverness from one parent or the other. And I am claiming that honour. LOL Must go now,got to do tea for us both. Love to all. Mo xxx
18 Apr 2010 17:15 |
Hi All, It's been a lovely day here, we even sat out on the patio this morning to have a mid morning cuppa. We then went to see J and M, they came home from the coast yesterday, so I thought it would be nice to see them.They had a lovely time with some of Michael's family-- so I'm pleased that the weather was good for them.
Jean, you've done really well with the cards, as you said cardmaking and scrapbooking really does occupy the mind and helps both of us from getting too stressed. If that is possible for me! It's good to hear that D is getting on so well, I wish her all the best if she decides to do her Masters It's a good thing that Jennie isn't too much like me, and more like Alun, or she wouldn't do much at all. I hope they don't cancel your appointment at the eye clinic again for Thursday, fingers croosed. Hope all goes well for you, and that the results are good. Thank goodness that your other neighbour has had a word with 'the neighbour' , surely something can be done about them. I feel sorry for the little one. I wonder if anyone in 'the neighbour's' family is aware of what's going on.
I'm sure that Debbie and her family were not due back until sometime this weekend, but I may be wrong.
Mo, hope everything is alright with both you and Roly. Have you had anymore problems with the dust down your way? So far, it's okay here.
Sylvia, should be starting back from her daughter's within the next day or two, because they are travelling home by train, which will take about four or five days. It will be nice to hear all about her grandson.
Thinking of all our absent friends, and hope all is well with them and their families.
I'm going to make a couple of cards now, so I'll speak to you all later on.
Love, Sallie xxx
18 Apr 2010 08:42 |
Hi, everyone, still having trouble with you-know-who, but now the other neighbour has had a go at her too so at least we are not on our own, next step is to conntact her landlord/police/social workers......
Sallie , I have been very busy with the cards,and managed to do 30, ready to be delivered to the warden of the flats...D is doing o.k. she is now toying with the idea of doing her masters degree with open uni. she is like her dad ,unable to just sit and relax...still it is so good that she is able to do it all. hope Jennie is doing well now, I pray for her and yourself every day, I know what it is when you worry about your family, adds to the stress levels, like you I find, cards or scrapping are a great way to concentrate on something else...take care sweetie......
Mo, my lovely little?? mate, how is you doing and the lovely Roly give him extra hugs from me , I know he needs a lot of T.l.C being married to to the eye clinic on thurs unless they cancel again, always glad when that is done with for another 6 months...
Debbie were are you, we havent had your holiday report, or news of the kids ....we get withdrawl symptoms if we dont hear from you....
Ann, hope you will be o.k. for your hols, and hope the dust will have settled...
~~~~~~~~~ to all our lovely friends who we havent heard from for some time never forgotten whatever you are
I will say a prayer for you all this morning....take care...
Love Jean xx
17 Apr 2010 19:11 |
Hi All,
We've also had a beautiful day here, it's great to get the washing dried out on the line. I didn't notice any brown dust on it though! We went to the Mc A Glen Designer Outlet today, just one junction up the M1 from us. I went to get some card and paper from the Paper Mill shop there, but was disappointed to find that it had closed down.
Jean, I hope you're feeling a bit better, and are able to concentrate on getting your cards done.
Ann, is the pain from the Shingles a bit easier than it has been? I hope that it will be a lot better by the time you go on holiday.
Mo, it's very quiet on here again, although I've noticed it's the same on a lot of other threads too. Christie's nana is on holiday in Florida, they are due to arrive home on Monday, but I can't see that happening now, goodness knows when they'll get back---just have to wait and see.
I'll speak to you all later.
Love and best wishes to everyone. Sallie xxx
17 Apr 2010 17:25 |
Mo, it could well be the ash from the volcano, they did say we might notice dust on our cars.
Mo in Kent
17 Apr 2010 15:58 |
Hello girls,how are we all this beautiful day. When we went to get into our car this morning,it was covered in a fine brown dust. On parking the car,in the car park,we discovered all the cars had the same fine dust all over them. We were wondering if this is the dust from the eruption in Iceland,carried over on the wind. When I bought the washing in from the garden,Roly got me to check if there was any dust on the clothes as well. He is making me paranoid. I hope to hear from you all soon. In the meantime,take care off yourselves. Love and best wishes to you all. Mo xxx
16 Apr 2010 10:55 |
Hi All,
I thought I'd have a quick look in before I make a start on the cards.
Ann, good to hear that your arm is not too painful at the moment, let's hope it will continue that way.
Jean, glad to hear that you are feeling a little bit better. Sorry to hear that you've had more problems with your neighbour. People like her shouldn't be allowed to have children, the child is obviously not being looked after as it should be. I had a bit of a bad day yesterday, but feel a good bit better today, thank goodness. How are things with D? Hope she is keeping okay.
Mo, hope you and Roly are feeling much better now . How is your son getting on with job hunting? Like Richard, I hope that he gets one very soon. I know that it's getting Richard down not being able to get a job, he's applied for so many and only had one interview, so he's become very disheartened. Mo, do you still play darts on a Monday night for the knockouts?
Speak to you all later. Love, Sallie xxx
15 Apr 2010 21:09 |
Well, arm is not quite as painful, the few rash spots on my back keep pricking and pinching but not too bad.
Jean sorry to hear about your neighbour. You know if you have the slightest suspicion that the little one is being neglected you can report it anonymously. You might feel it is not a nice thing to do but if it was really distressed it should be done.
Mo in Kent
15 Apr 2010 20:21 |
Oh my word Jean,what you are having to put up with is just not on. And that poor baby,it should be in it's cot,nice and snuggled down.NOT being taken out in the cold after dark. How inconsiderate can some people be. Sorry to hear you have not had a very good day Sallie. Tommorrow is another day,just keep up the good fight. Only do your cards when you are in the right frame off mind,or else you will only be dissapointed if they turn out wrong. Take care love.
15 Apr 2010 20:13 |
Hello Everyone,
Mo, I wonder where everyone is today! It's very quiet on here at the moment. Alun and I are still looking for bungalows---the problem is there doesn't seem to be many for sale in the area we want to live. I wish now that I had carried on learning to drive years ago, so that now I wouldn't have to worry about being close to a bus route. Glad to hear that both you and Roly are feeling better after taking a tonic. Hope the rest of your family are all okay.
Ann, how are things with you? Hope the pain isn't too severe, so that you can at least concentrate on some things. I haven't done any cards over the last couple of days, as I've been busy, and today I'm having one of my bad days, so can't concentrate on card making.
Jean, I hope you are feeling a bit better and managing to get the cards done. I know the feeling well, so you have my sympathy.
Huia, thanks for telling me what lichen scelrosus is-- I had never heard of it before you mentioned it on here. Hope you found Phil as well as can be expected when you visited him.
Hope all is well with Julia, Marie, Debbie, Liz, Sylvia and Marilyn.
Love and best wishes. Sallie xxx
15 Apr 2010 20:06 |
Mo, I am feeling a bit more chipper as you say,I am in the middle of sorting some cards out and adding more to the pile... we went out for lunch today, with our friends, just what I needed....Had a problem with our young neighbour, music tirned on at 2.30 and finally went off at 4. J had a word with her, lots of grovelling but I honestly dont think she is clever enough to understand its not on... so if it happens again ,He will take the vac which is a noisy one , and switch it on and come downstairs for a while.. what does worry me ,is her little boy who is about 12 months old, was taken out last night with her and someone elseat 8.30 and came back at 2.0....then she stays in bed and the little mite is crying because he wants to be changed and fed....welll rant over, off to watch corrie...
love Jean xx
Mo in Kent
15 Apr 2010 19:02 |
Cooee everybody. How is everyone this lovely day. I hope all went well with your visit to Phil,Huia. And the meeting afterwards. Liz,how was your therapy session today. Jean I do hope you are feeling a bit brighter now. Mwahh xxx Ann,I hope your shingles is not as bad now. Sallie, hows the bungalow search going. Marie,hows you keeping. Whats your weather like at the moment. Debbie,how did you and the family enjoy your holiday. We are both o.k. The tonic we bought seems to be helping,both off us are feeling more chipper now. I hope to hear from you all soon. Love Mo xxx
14 Apr 2010 21:21 |
Sallie, I am just doing things in moderation so I have made 3 cards this week and I type on here a bit then go and read for a while. I am stubborn I wont give in, or take pain killers unless I absolutely have to. Luckily I have quite a high pain threshold.
Mo in Kent
14 Apr 2010 20:32 |
Flipping doctors Huia,they should have been more explicit. I hope things go well with Phil. Take care mate. love Mo xxx
14 Apr 2010 20:19 |
Mo, the reason I assumed I was supposed to keep using the ointment is that I was prescribed 3 tubes of it. I am still on the 2nd tube after 7 months, so it is natural to assume it is a year's supply. But having not used it for the last 2 nights and using the cream for the fungal infection I think the latter has almost gone. I will make sure I have pen and notebook poised to take notes next time I see a doc or whoever for whatever.
Sally lichen sclerosus is something which causes a severe itch down below. If not treated it can become pre-cancerous. It is not infectious and can show as clear white patches on other parts of the body, or even rough white skin as I had on my elbow. Men can also get it and the cure for them is often circumcision.
I am off out again today. Do a bit of shopping and visit Phil and then a meeting at his hospital to hear what they have been doing and discuss his further 'treatment'.
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond
14 Apr 2010 19:49 |
Just a quickie, if you want a giggle have a look on this site:
many of the words the people mention are ones I remember from childhood, troshing is on there, it mainly means harvesting.
We have some areas where they use old names for things for roads to keep the words alive, one is Bishy Barnaby Way or road, or whatever it is lol
14 Apr 2010 19:40 |
Hi Girls,
Jean, pleased that you feel a bit better after speaking to the doctor. At least you are able to get on with your card making now. Let's hope that by drinking blackcurrent juice and eating things that have vitamin B in, the problem will right itself. I'm still making cards, I have a few birthdays coming up in May, so thought I'd get started on them. Like you Jean and Ann, I have become addicted to card making.
Ann, I hope your arm will feel at least a bit better by the time you go on holiday. Are you managing to make cards, or is your arm too painful?
Huia, I hope you are feeling a bit better....I'm not sure what it is you have as I've not heard of it before. Whatever it is, hope it will soon clear up. Also hope that Phil will be awake and alert when you visit him next.
Mo, Michael's parents have their caravan on the east coast, not sure of the name of the place, but I know that it's in Lincolnshire, between Mablethorpe and Cleethorpes. Jennie said it's a nice place, not much there and it's very quiet, but they like it there. When do the darts start again? Sorry, I can't remember what you told us.....just put it down to old age.
Liz, glad to hear that your counselling is going well. It's amazing how they can bring things to the surface, things that I thought didn't have anything to do with my depression. Everyone I had seen and spoken to before, always said that things were linked, but I couldn't see that until I started seeing the Counsellor I'm with now. Could you please tell me what a troshing means, I haven't heard of it until now. Thanks!
Thinking about Julia, Sylvia, Marie, Debbie and Marilyn.
Well, back to card making now, but first I'm going to make a nice cuppa.
Speak later.
Love and best wishes to you all. Take care! Sallie xxx