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Just Jean

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Sallie Report 22 Apr 2010 20:30

Hi All,

Huia, glad to hear that your very bad headache is much better than it was. Just take things easy and try not to rush about too much. I hope Phil will enjoy himself on Sunday and that it will help to stir memories for him and the others. Take care of yourself!

Jean, I'm sure that you're glad that your visit to the eye clinic is over. Let's hope that the cateract won't give you any or little trouble before you have to go again in six months time. Where are you and J hoping to go for a break? I hope you have some nice weather where and when ever you choose to go.

Ann, glad to hear that your Shingles are nearly gone and that you feel better. Hope there will be no delay on your flight to Tenerife.

Mo, where are you tonight? I hope that everything's alright with you.
Richard's here for a few days, he's got one or two things to sort out. It's lovely to see him, it's a pity that Christie couldn't have a few days holiday, so that she could have come as well.

I'll speak to you tomorrow.

Love, Sallie xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Apr 2010 20:10

Hello all.
Oh Huia,I so wish that Phil has kissed your hand. It would have been wonderful for you,to know that the old Phil is still in there somewhere.
But as Liz has said,maybe the vintage cars will stir his memory a little.
I hope that your headache has now cleared up,and that you are feeling a bit brighter.
Stupid me Liz,you are right,it was African violets that mum had. I mistook
viola's for violets. I like the viola's as well as pansies.
Jean,so pleased that all went well at the clinic. Have you had cateracts removed before Jean.
Roly's took over a year to ripen up enough for them to remove them. Mind you he has always been slow with some things,but not with others. lol
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink, naughty naughty Mo.
I will be late getting on here tommorrow,as we are helping our son to move again.
I am beggining to feel like steptoe and wife,not steptoe and son. I think I will end up with muscles like popeye at this rate.
I just hope he manages to stay in this house,and not have to move again in the near future.
Well girls,I hope to speak to you all tommorrow,if not it will be saturday.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 22 Apr 2010 17:05

Just got back from the clinic we were waiting nearly two hours... and I was in to see the doc 5 mins... pressure is o.k. but I have the begining of a cateract, so we will see what happens in six months or if it gets a trouble .....

Jean xx


JustJean Report 22 Apr 2010 11:51

Huia, I have drops put in by the doctor when I am in the clinic, but have no side effects, I had laser treatment about a couple of years ago at the clinic, for ducts blocked, and up to now all is well.I wear glasses al lthe time.hope you get some help with the headaches, I had vertigo many years ago, and still get a flash now and then, but have tabs which do sort it...maybe glasses would be the answer for you ....take care ....

Love Jean xx


Huia Report 22 Apr 2010 10:42

Jean, does your glaucoma clinic dilate your pupils? That is what I had done on Monday. He also put in some contact lenses, something that I havent had done before. I wasnt aware of him removing them. Do they have lenses that dissolve? I wondered if that was what caused my severe headache, an allergy to whatever the lenses were made of. Anyway my head is back to being just a dull ache most of the time. The doc gave me a prescription for 50 paracetamol tabs, so that saves me about $10 or $12. I have been buying quite a few over the last 12 months.



JustJean Report 22 Apr 2010 08:06

Morning all, it looks as though we are in for some nice weather, makes you feel better ... Huia, hope and pray things will get better for you...I agree with Liz, stress can be a b****r. I find I tense up especially shoulders and neck.
I am off to the Glaucoma clinic this afternoon, always glad when that is over...
then I think we will see if we can grab a few days away.....
Good to see the planes are flying again, so our Ann can go on her hols,
our noisy neighbour is being a good girl at the moment, such a contrast to our other young couple on the other side, they came running in yesterday with a photo of their baby scan, they are lovely young folk...we never have any problems with them....
Mo, you are very quiet are you o. k.
Off to have a shower I will chat later.

love to everyone. Jean xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Apr 2010 04:03

Oh Huia, you aren't having a very good time at the mo are you, love? I am sorry you are feeling poorly, I think it's your body telling you it's fed up with everything you have had to cope with lately. Do take care and let's hope the blood tests show all is basically ok. Glad your brain is alright lol, seriously, it's very scary especially when you are living alone, and you start to think all sorts. I was worried after I had that fall at Christmas and then felt so odd when I was out and about, as if I wasn't quite with it some of the time. Thankfully I feel lots better now.
O.h. had to have a similar eye test and I had to go along to drive him back or he would have had to wait as you did. I wonder if your headache is a stress one where you are maybe not relaxing so the tension is going up your neck and over your head, I have had those as I have arthritis in my neck and shoulders and the headache it causes is sometimes quite debilitating.

Hope Phil enjoys the vintage vehicles and it jogs his memory a little. Shame about the 'kiss' you didn't get, you sound just like me, always well prepared with tissues etc.
Do take care of yourself , ((hugs)) for you,


Mo, you are thinking of African violets I think, my Mum was good with those, and also a neighbour of mine, but I couldn't do very well with them as my heating didn't work and they like the warmth.
The violets I mean outside are like tiny violas, little pansy type faces as well as the more traditional type of violet, like parma violet sweets.



Huia Report 22 Apr 2010 02:42

I am just back from visiting Phil. He was awake and reasonably alert but didnt look at me. I held his hand and after a while he started to lift it towards his mouth. I was rather surprised as I thought he was going to kiss it, but I was wrong. He started to dribble out some thick pink liquid, presumably the drink he had had for morning tea. He must have thought my hand was a paper towel or cloth. Luckily I keep paper tissues in my bag so was able to mop it all up.

A vintage vehicle club is going to visit on Sunday so I hope it will stir memories for Phil and the others.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Apr 2010 22:38

Hello everyone.
Huia,I hope you are feeling better now. Could it be a migraine headache,
that you have been suffering with.
Please take care off yourself love. It's awful when the brain goes into overdrive,and we think off all the things that may be wrong with ourselves.
Did you manage to get to see Phil after all.
Oh Liz,I do hope you start to feel better soon.
You are so lucky to be able to grow violets. I am never sucessful with them. My mum used to grow them in pots,in the house. She gave me so many,but after a while I managed to kill them all off. And yet when she used to go on holiday,I used to water them for her,AND they survived.
I hope all our friends are well. Love to all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 21 Apr 2010 06:04

Hello to all my friends. I have had a busy few days. I visited Phil on Sunday, then on Monday I had to go to the Super Clinic to get my eyes looked at. They dilated the pupils so I had to wait for 4 or 5 hours afterwards before I could drive home. Then yesterday (Tuesday) I went to Pukekohe to see some old photos that the historic society had on display, and had a look at the shops. That evening a headache which I have had for quite some time was rather bad so I took a couple of panadol at 10.30, before bed. I woke just after 2 a.m. and my head was as bad as ever and I didnt feel particularly well. I took another couple of panadol and when I got up this morning the sun was so bright I had to close the dining room curtains as it was quite painful, so later on I made an appointment to see the doc, instead of going to visit Phil again. I was going to have a shower before I went to the doc but the way I felt I decided it might not be a good idea, being on my own, so just had a bit of a wash. The doc did various tests on me and said my brain seemed ok. She sent me for a lot of blood tests. Now I am home and feeling thoroughly drained of blood. Last night I had been imagining all sorts of things, brain tumor, bleeding on the brain, and things like that, but this morning I decided it was probably just a sinus infection, since my immune system is probably not working at the moment. I certainly hope it is nothing serious. In the meantime while I wait for the results of the blood tests I will have to get on with enjoying my life on the computer. I will visit Phil tomorrow unless I feel rotten again.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 Apr 2010 03:38

Just to say hello to all, feeling a bit unsettled or something at the mo, counselling still ok altho don't feel I am getting far at the mo, just lots of stuff from my childhood coming up and so on....

Life just jogging on, garden needs lots of work but it's been a bit cold out there in the wind, did a bit of helping when o.h. cut back lots of clematis, shame as he had to cut budding stuff off but it was pulling on the trellis holding it along the house wall and we didn't want to come back and find it blown down as happened a few years back. There is still some left which will grow back when he has strengthened the trellis and lots more across the garage which will be pretty. Load of other things growing, I love violets and have several in pots but they have seeded everywhere and even growing in the lawn, such as it is, now so will dig them out and pass on to my friend who does plant sales for charity when I get a mo.

take care everyone, Debbie, nice to see you back and glad you enjoyed your holiday.

love to you all



Sallie Report 20 Apr 2010 19:53

Hi Jean,

I'm not sure what the medallion stamps are like, I'll Google them and hopefully see what they're like. Have you done any embossing at since you've been making cards? I'm still thinking about getting a Cuttlebug, wondering if I'll make enough use of it. In the past we've bought gadgets for lots of things, that have just been a waste of money. I really would like one, just got to make up my mind.

Where is everyone on here? It's so quiet on this thread, although it seems to be the same on the threads on other boards.

Going to watch Holby in a few minutes, so speak soon.

Love, Sallie xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Apr 2010 18:57

Evening all.
Well I am afraid we lost last night,but it's not something I am surprised about. Still, I have got the pairs next week,perhaps my partner and I will
fare better in that.
We have had a glorious day today. So nice in fact that we went down the coast to Ramsgate.
It was a lttle breezy,but with coats on it was fine.
We were watching the ferries going in and out,wondering if some off the
holiday makers were on them. Oh I do so pity those por people.
Thank goodness you are feeling better now Ann. I so hope that the airlines get back to normal soon,so that you can enjoy your holiday.
Jean,I know what costume you have in mind for me,you saucy minx. Sorry
to tell you but I already have a witches outfit. LOL But my broomstick is in for it's MOT. Just you wait till Halloween,I will fly by your house.
Hi Marie good to hear from you. Enjoy the good weather whilst it lasts.
I didn't realise about the earthquake over there. I don't think it has been on our news. Mind you,all we seem to hear about is the volcanic eruption,and how it is affecting different countries.
Has it disrupted flights over there.?
Hello our Sallie,how are you feeling today. A bit brighter I do hope.
My son has not got a new job yet. He should hopefully be moving into his rented property on friday. That means more removals for us to do. LOL
He is living with two friends at the moment,and there is a lot off tension going on in the place. I will be glad when he is finally settled.
Just think Sylvia is on her journey home now. I am I right in thinking that she said they were going home by train.
A big hello to Debbie,Liz,Huia,Sylvia and all our friends on this thread.
Love to you all,take care off yourselves. Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 20 Apr 2010 17:38

Hello all, it was warm in the sun when out today but there was a nip in the air when the sun went in. So the volcano decided to play another trick on us, the airports are open, whoops no they are not. well some may be, it gets very confusing. We couldn't work out why Edinburgh was open and Glasgow closed!!

I seem to be almost over the shingles. a couple of spots on my back still sting a bit but my arm is a lot less painful. This morning we met friends for coffee and a natter at a garden centre, and then we did the grocery shop. Came home and changed the bed and cleaned the bathroom and T put sealant round the bath and the back of the sink.
Other than that not done anything, no craft work today, made one card yesterday, seem to run out of time with doing more in the garden at the moment, have to get it ready to leave for a month (assuming we can go OK).


JustJean Report 20 Apr 2010 17:27

Hi, all, quite cold here today, we went shopping earlier and couldnt beleive how cold it was, the wind was biting....yet the sky was blue....still it could be wet and miserable....Mo, well done to your girl , she is very clever must take
D is more like her dad for brains, I havent got one....
Sallie, I have done all the cards at the moment and now I am just haveing a play trying out some new techniques, I also found in one of my many boxes, some medallion stamps .I dont know if you know of them , they are quite an old pattern, you stamp several varying pieces and layer them so the are almost dome shaped... I also did some colouring on the embossed part of a card, next thing is embossing itself.....

Oh Marie I forgot to send your promised card so I will get it off to you poste haste, old age is a be lovely if we had summer full stop.....

Hope everyone else is doing well....

bye for now, Love Jean xx


Sallie Report 20 Apr 2010 13:45

Hello Girls,

Marie, lovely to hear from you! I hope all is well with you and your family. The weather is nicer here today, a lot brighter than yesterday, I hope it'll continue for a while. Thank you for asking, Jennie is getting on okay with her new medication ( touch wood ) I hope and pray that it will continue that way. She goes to see the Consultant on May 5th or 6th, so she might know a bit more when she's spoken to her. Enjoy your Indian Summer while it lasts.

Ann, I hope you're are feeling a bit better, and able to get on with the things you enjoy doing. It won't b too long now before you go on holiday, hope this problem with the Islandic volcano will be sorted before you go.

Jean, how many more cards have you made? I'm hoping to make one or two after I've finished on here. I hope that things are a bit quieter with your
'pain in the neck, neighbour ' -- it's time that somebody in authority sorted the problem out, so that you can all live in peace again.

Mo, how did you get on at darts last night? I hope your team won!
Goodness knows when your friends hubby and Christie's nana will get home. At the moment her nana and family have managed to book into a motel, but not sure for how long. Lets hope that it's until they can get a flight home. As you pointed out in one of your posts, not everyone has got the money to be able to stay somewhere else, and have no choice but go and camp out at the airports.

Huia, we haven't heard from you for a while, hope all is well with you.

Debbie, I'll be nice to hear about your holiday, when you have finished all the washing and ironing. Are the children able to go back to school this week. Ashbourne Grammar School, here in Derbyshire, have twenty one members of their teaching staff not able to get back to this country.

Julia, we haven't heard from you for a little while, I hope you are okay.

I think Sylvia is due home sometime towards the end of the week, hope both her and OH enjoy their train journey home.

Marilyn, hope all is well with you and your family. Have you settled back into daily routine after your lovely holiday?

I'll speak to you all later.

Love and best wishes to everyone. Sallie xxx


Zack Report 20 Apr 2010 12:29

Hello all,Mo how unlucky are you 25 pounds overnight your Motor registry are nasty fancy not letting you know that it would be going up and not include the date of the rise.
Mo I am pleased to see you are as sharp as a tack ,you must be well again LOL congrats to your daughter I hope she is successful in her new studies
We are having beautiful weather an Indian Summer we expect it to end next week.
.Debbie pleased you all had a great holiday the worst part is when you come home & have to unpack,I really dislike unpacking.
Sallie how is your Daughter I hope the medication is working
Ann I have had shingles it is so painful I became depressed before it was over I had them under my foot & around my ankle, not a nice virus I feel for you.
Hello to Huia Liz Sylvia Marilyn & Julie I hope you are all well.I hope that the volcanic dust soon clears.
LUV to you all Marie. ps They had an earthquake in Western Australia near Kalgoolie a large mining town no one was killed, thank goodnes.Marie


Sallie Report 19 Apr 2010 16:32

Debbie, so pleased that you all had a great holiday. I've heard of The Beamish Museum but never been there, although we have spent some holidays in Yorkshire, and Alun's sister and her family live in Ilkley. Maybe we'll be able to go some time when we're there again. Derbyshire schools started back today, they broke up almost a week later than Nottinghamshire who started back last Monday.

Mo, can't get over how much the car tax had gone up almost overnight, it seems a bit steep. I hope your team will win tonight. Good Luck to all your team! I hope it won't be too long before everyone stuck in another country, will soon be able to get home.

Going to start to make our dinner now, as it won't be long before Alun will be home. Speak soon.

Love and best wishes. Sallie xxx


JustJean Report 19 Apr 2010 16:15

Hi, Debbie, nice to have you back. so pleased you and your family enjoyed your holiday, we love Whitby too,although its a bit to hilly for me now,
Mo, we went to Morwhellen quay in Cornwall some years ago, a living museum, it was fantastic the folk all dressed up in costume, and we got dressed up too... I had a long skirt bonnet and shawl, J and our friend had tall hats, tail coats, and high neck collars we have some pics somewhere, if I can find them I will send them to you. I would have loved to dress like that so easy and comfy...we also went one year to Telford to the Bliss museum another living one,quite interesting although it was mainly iron and steel,J was in the foundry chatting to a man for ages, J had done a short time in the foundry when he first left school, so knew a lot about it...I love places like that... I can think of some really good costumes for you

love to you all Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Apr 2010 15:58

Hi girls.
Sallie,my friends husband is in Dubai at the moment,he is supposed to be flying home on thursday. He is lucky enough to have been able to have
booked till sunday at his hotel. My friend is worried in case he runs out off money,so she is going to find a western union transfer shop,and get some money sent out to him.
This is fine if people have got extra cash to do it. Butsome families have saved all year for their holiday,and may not have the extra money to stay on in a resort. How on earth do they manage I wonder.
Hi Debbie. Trust me to get the length off your holiday wrong. It is good to hear that you all enjoyed it.
I have heard off The Beamish Museum,and it would be lovely to visit there.
I would like to be able to dress up in the costumes that were worn then.
The same as I would like to dress in a crinoline or victorian dress. I know I am a strange person.but I am the sort that loves fancy dress off any kind.
It is nice to hear that the children had fun. We did miss your updates on their exploits.
Hi Ann. I sometimes feel that if our car got washed to often,it would fall apart. Especially if the rust got washed away. Only joking it's not that bad
it's not a new car it's an 05 ford focus,but it suits us fine.
They sent us reminder about the road tax last tuesday,and it was £175 for the year. Roly phoned them up on wednesday,to renew the tax,and it had gone up to £200. He even rang them back because he thought there was a mistake. But apparantly the government has just put it up. It all goes on the cars emmisions. But we were gob smacked that it had gone up by £25.00 over night almost.
Must go now,got to start dinner,and I have got darts tonight.
(((((((((hugs for Jean))))))))) Love to you all. Mo xxx