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Just Jean

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Huia Report 7 May 2010 21:14

Mo, the trouble is it looked like an official MSN notice, and it caught me at a time when I was flagging. Last year they closed down the MSN groups so when I saw that they were going to close Hotmail accounts I was angry, although I should have realised that they would give more than 48 hours notice. I should also have noticed an apostrophe in the wrong place, and one or two other things. In fact, as soon as I clicked on Send I suddenly realised that things didnt stack up but it was too late. I have set up an account with Gmail and another with Yahoo but not sure yet if I like them as much as Hotmail.

I didnt use the same username that I have used on hotmail and kol, just in case scumball can follow me by googling, so dont be surprised if you receive an email from some other name. I will send an email soon when I have finished retrieving some of my mail from hotmail.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 7 May 2010 20:28

Oh Huia it's so easily done. I hope you have got it sorted out now.
I delete any e.mails from people I don't know. I have had quite a lot off spam lately,that's stopped by Virgin Media,as soon as it arrives in my inbox. I just hope it continues that way.
I hope everyone is well.
I hope to hear from you all soon. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 6 May 2010 23:24

Hello all. I thought I was too intelligent to be caught by a scam, but yesterday afternoon I was. I had an email purportedly from Microsoft customer center, saying they were closing some hot mail accounts and I needed to verify my account by filling in my username, password, d.o.b., and country. I had a senior moment and took it for real and filled in the details and just as I clicked on 'send' I realised that they would not have needed all that info, and the password was actually showing! which it shouldnt have been. I was too late to stop it and by the time I thought of changing my password the scumball had changed it, unless I changed it a few months ago and forgot. I can still read my emails and send them, but I have been trying to find a way of getting control back of my account. I went to my account details and clicked on 'forgot password' and asked for the details to be sent to my alternative email account, but the message has not turned up in that.

I tried to set up an email account with gmail but every time I copied the letters that you have to copy it said 'wrong, try again'. I dont know what I am doing wrong. I had intended to do a lot of stuff today but have now spent almost 4 hours on my computer. Grrrrr.


BTW, for those of you who have my hot mail addy, if you receive an email from scumballhasmyaccount (or some such name, I forget what I changed it to) or from my old name just delete. I wont be using the account to send emails for at least 2 weeks. My IT savvy nephew was looking into the matter to see if he can help me regain control of the account. I can still use my KiwiOnLine address.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 6 May 2010 14:23

Well,well,well. Looks like our Liz is going to be a step grandmother.
Liz you not only get to keep the future step D.I.L,but a baby as well.
Get your needles out now mate,and start on the cardigans,booties,mittens,and hats. You know the ex wife won't do nothing nice and home made for the little one. That would be beneath her.
And do stop worrying yourself about the girl,nobody told you at the beginning off your relationship,how things would end up. And would you have listened,off course you wouldn't. We were all the same,and thought we knew best. It didn't matter what our parents may have said to us,when we were young,we always thought they were wrong. And we have had to learn our lessons the hard way. It's true what they say "youv'e made your bed,now lie in it. "
Thank god for the mammograms Sylvia, or you may not have been here now.
I am due for my booby squashing on Maries birthday,the 11th off may.
It's not a very pleasant proceedure,but very neccessary.
It's not easy for women,if you are off large proportion,it hurts,if you are very lean,then it also hurts coz theres not much to grab hold off,and they seem to pinch the skin around the rib cage.
You can stand on your soap box for as long as you like on the subjects off,
smears and mammogrames. It is an important subject,that should not be ignored by the young or old. And you are prime example,for the need to talk,and not ignore.
Jean,D's MS is a very debilatating disease,my very good friend Debbie was diagnosed with it when she was in her early twenties. And she to tires very easily. She has great difficulty with her mobility,and can only work part time,in the office where she works.
Like D,she takes all her medication,but refuses to have a wheelchair,and manages to hobble round on her sticks as best she can.
Like your D,she is very independant woman.
And it sounds like D is trying to protect you and J,but forgetting that you do worry if she does not keep you updated.
Marie, are you out off the pool yet. You are a little water baby. If our pool here was a heated one,and I had someone to go with,I might be tempted to go myself.
Mind you,I would probably sink to the bottom now,as it has been years since I last swam. But I suppose it's like learning to ride a bike,you never
forget. I would need to buy myself a new swimsuit,as the one I have got
would not fit me now. I would need to go to camping international to get one I think. A bell tent would do the job. LOL
Where are you Huia,have you sown yourself into the name tapes in Phils pyjamas. How is Phil doing. Did you get in to visit him as you said you would be doing.
Sallie next time you go to A*D*'s,take your mobile phone,in case you lose Alun in one off the aisles.
I hate it when the supermarkets move things around. We get so used to going to certain aisles,for the things we need. And it completely throws me,when I get there to find things have been moved to a different place.
Plus it makes the shopping time longer. I know it's a sales tactic,but oh it's so frustrating.
Well guess what Sallie,teapot time. Hi Ann,if you are looking in. Hello Debbie and family.
See you all later. Love to you all. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 6 May 2010 04:33

hI all, I put quite a long post on the Friendly thread so if you could just go and read that, to update you.

I am feeling a bit sad about the news as it seems everything falls into place for his kids and yet mine struggles, I still feel the girl is deluding herself but just hope all goes ok, however knowing my o.h. and his father and the family, I wouldn't be surprised to see her on her own in a few years time. Does that sound awful?

I am way overdue a smear test and should make an effort to get one done, I had a cone biopsy years ago and had to go every few months and gradually they lengthened the time between smears. I go to the local Family Planning clinic as they are better at doing them, my doctor can't do them properly for toffee and then I have to go back for a repeat so now I go to the fp clinic and they are over in a flash. I think you can ask for tests after you reach the age of 70 and I think it is worth it, I will certainly continue as well as with the mammograms, mine came back ok the other week thank goodness. The moment of pain is worth it - just think of the indignity and pain etc if you don't have a smear and the worst case scenario happens.

I am off to bed in a little while, I got up yesterday mornng and tidied up and vacuumed then went to bed again so the place looked ok for the son to call round, so brownie points for me, but after the visit o.h. was really tired, he usually has a doze when he gets home after working from 6am but instead he tried to print off a load of photos for his son, as if it couldn't wait, and made himself exhausted so when the son was gone I still had to cook dinner and o.h. was too tired to eat much. He had got his son snacks from the shop as he had a train journey home, 40 miles, so didn't want dinner with us. When o.h. is tired, he is as if drunk and you can't get any sense out of him, but instead of going to bed he sprawls out in his recliner chair and snores, I hate it and wish he would just beggar off upstairs lol Then I can watch my choice of tv programmes in peace without him waking up and asking what rubbish is on etc He is no company at all, but of course, all we will have to hear about now is the wedding which he was looking forward to and now November when the baby is due. She will be 28 weeks at the wedding on August Bank Holiday Saturday.

Can I just say Happy Mother's Day for Sunday to those of you it applies to and Happy Birthday to Marie on Tuesday. The father to be will be 29 on Monday 10th so I was surprised to see you say Wednesday Marie, lol

Jean, hope D will be ok, try not to get stressed when you learn more news as she might clam up if she thinks it is worrying you altho I know it's in your nature to worry, as it is with many of us over our loved ones and friends.

Must go, he will be down soon for work

have a nice day folks,

Huia, have fun with the sewing machine and hope the pyjamas get labelled ok.


Zack Report 6 May 2010 01:55

Hello all, what a lovely lot of posts for me to read this morning, I just popped in to say hello to you all ..
HUIA yes you are right I didn't take a look at the calander.
Silly me Tuesday the 11th is my Birthday.
Hi Jean I am pleased to hear you are doing something about your noisy neighbour, young people are so thoughtless unfortunetly they care very little for anyone but themselves I lay most of the blame on their parents , not enough supervision and not enough time spent with their children steering them into sporting activities,Like Debbie and her husband do they have a large family and yet their time is spent with their children Good on you Debbie ,I did the same thing and I never had any problems with any of my teenages I kept them too busy to get into trouble..I realize not all children are sporty but there are other ways to keep them occupied.

Back to Jean I am sorry to hear that D is not that good I guess she try's not to let you know as she knows that you will worry , perhaps this is her way of coping with this terrible desease.
Liz I hope you are well , talking about everything going up' the local council has just doubled the cost of our water rates,I mentioned before about the Electricity going up also, 60% over the next 3 years, now the Federal Govt. is going to tax the coal industry on some of their profit's which means the power will almost certainly rise again.
Hello Mo I hope you are well and the weather is inproving,
Hi Sylvia is your grandson over the colic, and that you yourself are wel, yes the dreaded mamogram, but how many lives has it saved , I must be due for one soon, here we equate it to having the refriderator door slammed on the boob.
Well friends I have to go and get into my swimming costume as I am off to the Gym for the water erobics.
Love to you all Marie xxxxxx


JustJean Report 5 May 2010 21:39

Hi, everyone, thanks for asking about D, she has to try some new tabs, she gets very tired, although she sleeps all night and in the afternoon if she is not working, she only tells us dribs and drabs, so when she says something new about what is begining to affect her, it comes as a shock, J gets so upset for her, she doesnt have a lot of feeling in her right hand, and she now tells us she finds she has trouble swallowing at nightime, the M/S nurse said to put her head on her chest which will make her swallow, but its a bit of a worry....if she does that she gets pins and needles down her back and shoulders, so that was a new bit of news....I think because she just gets on with it all that we get lullled into a false sense that all is well. when perhaps its not.....
J tackled our neighbourgh about the noise she said it wasnt her it was outside, so I wonder if whoever was outside managed to throw something at our bedroom she wanted to borrow a bucket, but J said no which she wasnt to amused about....
I am so pleased I can get lost in my crafting, takes your mind off everything....
Sallie best of luck with the house sale, I am sure there is a lovely bungalow just waiting for you and Alun....also with the counsellor tomorrow....
I think I will have a nice cup a biccie. then off to bed see you all tomorrow..
Love Jean xx


SylviaInCanada Report 5 May 2010 21:25

Hi all


It is on Sunday for us in Canada and the US

....................... we've never gone for it in great detail either.

I usually get a card from J, and that is it!

I've been having the smear test since 1969, when I was 29 and had just arrived in Canada.

At first it was every year, that seemed to be the standard. Then after about 10 or 15 years, they dropped it back to every 2 years.

I've had one call back to have it re-done, that was about 30 years ago.

And about 8 years ago I got a letter to say I had missed having it done. But I thought I wasn't due to have it for another 6 months.

I checked with my doctor's office, and it turned out that the previous report said that I should have it done again after 12 months ........ only no-one at the doc's passed that on to me!!

There was a little committee meeting of the docs in the office, and they decided that there was actually nothing in the report that indicated any urgency, if there had been pre-cancerous or supsicious cells I would have been called back immediately, I had had no strange results in over 30 years .......... so it would be OK to wait the 6 months and go at my regular time.

Everything was fine! And no-one had any idea why the "return in 1 year" had been written.

I really don't like the test, and it really did hurt last time ......... but I would still go and have it done if it was deemed necessary.

I can't understand people who bury their heads in the sand!

Now mammograms (the squish test as I call it!) ................. I've already been told that the diagnostic clinic will not sign me off. They'll still want me to go when I'm 80+

It's hard to realise that 15 years ago I had just had a screening mammogram and had just been phoned by my doctor to be given the news that "something" had shown up so I had to go for a diagnostic mammogram.

May 22 was a Bank Holiday here (Victoria Day), and the next day, May 23, I had a lumpectomy, and was told that the initial examination shown that I did have cancer

One week later I was told that they had not got all the cancer. I could have another lumpectomy but it still may not get it all and would be followed by radiation and chemotherapy. OR I could opt for a mastectomy, and would probably be lucky enough to not have to have chemo and/or radiation.

Didn't have to think twice!

On June 6 I had a mastectomy ........ and the cancer had not moved out of the ducts, so I did not have to have any further treatment.

On June 28, we left for an already planned trip to England and Scotland. And had a wonderful time!

A total of 6 weeks had passed from the screening mammogram to the mastectomy!

I had no pain or discomfort and no lumps that could be felt by anyone ...... not even the surgeon could feel anything when holding the xray to see where she shoudl be feeling.

It was only the screening mammogram that found it because it was so deep.

I get so mad when I hear reports that governments think that mammograms should be cut back

off my soap box!!



Sallie Report 5 May 2010 20:59

Debbie, nice to hear from you and to know that you are all alright. You are certainly a very busy lady.

Sylvia, thank you for your thoughts for Alun's niece. I'm sure that over here we don't get a routine smear after the age of 70 either, but I may be wrong.

Marie, it's not too warm here, considering that we are now into May. It isn't warm enough to sit without the gas fire on at the moment, and here we are hoping to save on heating bills. Thank you for your condolences on the death of my cousin. We now know that her funeral is on the 13th May.
So Alun will have a day off so that we can go to it. Oh you do make me feel guilty about not exercising, I know I should do something to try and keep fit, but I've never been into that sort of thing. I had to giggle when you said you were not going to make a cuppa, as you know Mo and I love our cup of tea, so much so, I think we are both addicted to it. Ha! Ha!

Jean , like Debbie, you are also one busy lady. I can't seem to concentrate since the weekend, but I'm sure once I can get going I'll be fine. Hope D got on okay at the MS clinic. It's good that both her and Jennie just get on with things the way they do.

Mo, my teapot friend, hope everything is alright with you and yours.
Been and done the weekly shop, thank goodness that's out of the way. We won't be going next week, because the A--a we go to, is closing for four days, they are extending it. I don't know why because it is one of the
A--a W-lm--T stores so was big to start with. Over the last few weeks they have been moving a lot of things around, so we have taken longer to do the shopping trying to find where things are. I don't know what it will be like when we go in two weeks time. I go to see the Counsellor tomorrow, I haven't seen her for four weeks, so I'll see how I get on.

Huia, hope you are okay. Did you manage to find out why Phil was scratching such a lot when you last visited him? I hope they will sort it out for him.

Liz, how are things with you and OH. I hope you are feeling better than you've been lately.

Hope Ann and T are enjoying their holiday, and that the weather is a lot better than ours.

Love and best wishes to everyone. Sallie. xxx


Huia Report 5 May 2010 20:47

Marie, make up your mind, is your birthday on Wednesday or on the 11th? On my calendars the 11th is a Tuesday.

I think we have the commercial Mothers day next Sunday in NZ. Mum always said she had a perfectly good day of her own in Sept. (her birthday). She didnt want the family loving her to order of the business people. I have never gone for it either.

Must wash Phils new pyjamas and put labels on them. Then do some mending on the new sewing machine I bought last Jan. and havent used yet! And try to do a bit of spring cleaning, even though it is autumn now. I do it when I feel in the mood or feel horribly guilty about how filthy the place has become or am expecting posh visitors (visitors are not very common here and posh ones even less so.)


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 5 May 2010 20:22

Jean I do hope D got on alright at the clinic. It was a long time for you to have to wait to find out how she got on.
Dont worry about the H****w**k,it will still be there tommorrow. Just you enjoy what you are doing,and relax.
I hope your pysical goes alright Sylvia. We never get a full examination at our doctors. I wish they did it automatically. The doctors only allocate 10
minutes per patient,unless you book a double appointment,and thats not always possible.
I was told at my last smear test that I would not be getting another one done,as I would be past the age of 65 by then. As thats when our practise
stops doing them. I dont know if it's the same at other doctors.
Huia,my friend who is now 66,has only ever had one smear done in her life. She refuses to go,even though she knows what the outcome could be. She said that the nurse who did her one and only test,hurt her,so she has refused to go ever since.
Theres no talking to her,she knows it all.
*********A HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO YOU MARIE ***********
Ours has been and gone over here. And have a lovely birthday. Have you
anything special planned for the day.
I do envy you your gym sessions,it must be great fun. And you are right,when you have a crowd off you all doing the same thing,you get more enjoyment out off it. And you encourage each other.
So Sallie,the for sale sign is up,but is the coffee pot brewing,to encourage the lovely smell when people come to view. Knowing you,it will be the teapot. LOL
Have you found a bungalow yet. I know you were saying that there are not many up for sale in your area.
I hope you left some food in the shops for others to buy.
Debbie,good to hear from you. Poor Sophie,I bet she thought you had all moved and left her behind,bless her.
You are such a good mum to your children,and such a support to them in whatever they do. These days that is a very rare thing,to see. To many parents cannot be bothered to do anything with their children,and just leave them in front off the t.v,or games cosole.
Enjoy yourself at Twickers.
Love to all. Mo xxx


Deborah Report 5 May 2010 19:46

Hi Ladies, just thought I would pop in between dropping off at football and picking up at Brownies. Oh, what a thrilling life style I have.

I've skimmed over all the past threads, no we didn't go away for the weekend - just been very busy with various things. I have been doing a lot of work for the Athletics Club and as there is a huge party of them travelling this weekend to Portsmouth for Hampshire County Championships, there was a lot of extra organisation this last fortnight. I am usually only in charge of the Kit Cupboard (which makes me feel very important), but this time I have been more involved with various admin duties as well. I enjoy it and if it weren't for volunteers, then nothing would get done.

Interesting reading about electricity bills. We have ours read once a quarter, and if we aren't at home the Electric Company leave a card for us to read our own meters and send the card in. If they don't receive a card then they estimate the bill. But that is only allowed for 2 quarters before they insist upon reading it them selves. So we are never too far out for very long with our readings.

Anyway, got to go or else Sophie will think nobody loves her enough to take her home. LOL

Off to Twickenham on Saturday to watch Jersey Rugby Club play against Ampthill Rugby Club, from the Midlands. Clash of the different leagues and the only time Jersey have reached such dizzy heights. Should be a good day out. Any excuse to go away for the day.

Speak soon.

Take Care. Debbie xx


Sallie Report 5 May 2010 15:10

Hi All,

Just a quick look in before I get ready to go and do the
weekly shop.

At last the Estate Agent's have put the for sale sign up. It's taken three weeks, since we decided to put the house up for sale with those. It's so different since we last moved over nineteen years ago.

Marie, it's lovely to see your post, I will 'speak' to you later, when I have more time.

Well I'll have to go and get ready now, so I'll see you all later on. Sorry about the rush.

Love Sallie.xx


Zack Report 5 May 2010 14:01

Hello All, It is very cold here to-night, we had heavy rain yesterday and the night before. It cleared up late to-day it is windy and cold I had to put the heater on.
Mo I love going to the Gym and exercising it is very social as most of the womem are around my age, one of my friends is 77 yrs and she is very fit. We have a lovely time and have become good friends, we have one lady who is very over weight, she is slowly losing weight, we give her lots of encouragement.
Just in case I dont get to post in the next few days ----------

******HAPPY MOTHERS DAY *********

Next Wednesday the11th May will be my 71st Birthday.

Dear Sallie I am sorry to hear of your sister-in-laws unexpected passing it must have been a terrible shock .I hope her grand daughter is ok, very hard for a child to understand.

I have recently received a letter from the clinic where my doctor Practices to say that it is time for my pap smear but I am sure the last time I had it, she said it was my last one as I am now over 70yrs, I must ring and ask about it.

I will close as it is late and no I am not going to have a cuppa but I am going to reheat my Wheat Pack so that my cold tootsie's will have a nice warm spot in the bed.
Love & Hugs to you all.


Huia Report 5 May 2010 06:51

About 40 yrs ago one of my neighbours who was my age wouldnt go for a smear, she said she would be too embarrassed. I told her I would sooner have a few minutes of embarrassment than take a chance on having cancer.

I just lie back and 'think of England'! No, it isnt all that bad, and now I have a female doc anyway, although last year I had to go to the super clinic to get something checked out and have to go back again, I think, in about 4 months time. It isnt worrying me.



SylviaInCanada Report 5 May 2010 03:38

Hi all

It was sunny today ........... but chilly, even in the sun!

Salllie ............. Sorry to hear about Alun's niece. I hope she recovers well.

I had to go to the doc to get some prescription refills. Now he wants me to go back next month to have a full physical exam as I managed to miss having one last November. At least I don't have to have the smear anymore ............ they stop giving it to us at age 70 (unless there is or has been something suspicious). Hurrah!!!



JustJean Report 4 May 2010 22:22

Here I am Sallie, been rather busy though, I have started the friendship album for my godaughter, she goes away on the 15th so wanted to give it to her friend before she goes, so thats all I have been sorting out, but now I have started so it shouldnt take long..... also keeping up with the cards , I have another place to to put them in so got to do some more hopefully I will get some pay this time, wont be much ,but handy to buy some bits and pieces,trouble is once I get going all the other stuff such as H******K goes by the board, luckily my J is a gem and takes over the
glad to hear your Jennie is coping well, just like D she went to the M/S clinic this morning then went straight into work, then off out right from work so havent seen her yet !!! so I will have to wait to hear how she got on....
I am shattered so going to bed hopefully to sleep undisturbed.....
nite nite all will try and come on tomorrow.

Love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 May 2010 21:27

Oh good grief Sallie,you must be dreading the phone ringing now. I do hope you get some good news soon.
I have not had a phone call about my nephews results. I suppose I will have to ring my brother again tommorrow night,to see if there is any news.
I had to chase him about the news that I had any way,after he promised he would ring me.
We didn't have darts last night,because off the bank holiday.
Well I'm blowed the kettles on in your house again. lol. I had one about half hour ago.
Speak to you tommorrow tea pot. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 4 May 2010 20:57

Hi Girls,

I'm back again! Yes thanks Mo, I feel a bit better since going to see Jennie. While we were out Alun's sister rang us, so Alun phoned her back, she told him that her youngest daughter has had a miscarriage, although she's got two little boys it's still upsetting.

Mo, have you heard any news about your nephew's results? I've been thinking about him and hoping that the news isn't too bad. Did you have a darts match last night? With it being the Bank Holiday I thought you might not have had one.

Jean, I hope things are all okay with you, you've been very quiet lately. I know you've been busy with your cards, but it's strange not seeing you on here very much.

I wonder if Debbie is okay, she hasn't been on much lately, either.

Sylvia, I hope your weather has improved by now. It's cold with showers here, have to put the gas fire on, as it's too cold to sit without it on.

Hope the rest of our friends on this thread are all okay.

Well guess what girls? I'm now going to make a nice cuppa, that's really unusual for me. Ha1 Ha!

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 4 May 2010 18:45

Hello girls.
Sylviaaaaa,are you still on safe ground,or did you get blown away.
Has that wind dropped yet. I hope you did not suffer from power outages.
Sallie,I dare say the main reason you did not feel like going to Hobbycraft
with Alun,was the shock off your cousin. Not you being lazy.
And it is to be expected that you didn't feel up to much today as well.
Hopefully the visit to Jennie and Michael,will help to lighten the load for you
Try and stay strong Sallie,we are all thinking off you.
Liz, my bluebells are still looking good,even though we had so much wind
and rain. They are quite hardy plants arn't they.
Like you we have gone back to having to have the gas fire on. It's been flippin freezing here.
I cant believe how cheeky that Huia has been to you. lol
Fancy your OH leaving you to sleep that long. Whats up with him,did he think you were hibernating or summat. Stoopid man,made you miss the
Craft fair. Or was that because he was afraid you would spend his money.
Oh my,we have not heard from Jean today. I do hope her neighbour showed her face,and that Jean is o.k.
Phones ringing be back soon.