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Sallie Report 24 May 2010 22:02

Hi All,

Huia, I've been busy making birthday cards today, so haven't had time until now, to look in. I have to get them finished in the next day or two, as I've got a busy few days ahead, from Wednesday on. The weather is still lovely here, but the weather man says it's going to get cooler, I just hope we don't get rain over the weekend, Alun and I are going down to Richard's on Friday, and they've got a couple of outings planned for us. Do you know if your son still plans to visit you over the weekend? It will be nice for you to have his company.

Ann, lovely to hear from you, it's nice to know that both you and T are having a lovely holiday. I'm not sure where Jean and J have gone to or for how long. If I remember rightly, I'm sure J has got an appointment at the hospital very soon, but there again I might be wrong. Just wondering if Mo is playing darts tonight, she usually does on a Monday night. If she is, let's hope her team will win.

Well I'm going to have a cuppa now, speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes. Sallie xxx


AnninGlos Report 24 May 2010 21:11

Hi from Tenerife

I have been reading but not posting, sort of dipping in and out. Weather not so good the past two days, cloudy and cool again but very pleasant. Good to read all your news, when are Jean and J back anyone know?


Huia Report 24 May 2010 21:00

Yoohoo, where are you all? It is almost 24 hours since Sallie posted.

We had a cold wet day yesterday. It was supposed to be stormy, but the met man says there is more to come :(((
It is still a bit on the cool side, but then winter is on its way so I can expect more of that.



Sallie Report 23 May 2010 21:10

Hi Sylvia, just missed your post. So pleased to hear that your leg is improving slowly but surely. As you said you'll have to be careful when you hurry for a bus or for any other reason. Take care!
It certainly sounds as though MJ is doing well now, his mum and dad must be thrilled to see his smile and to know that he is thriving. Hugs and kisses to MJ!

Love, Sallie xxxx


Sallie Report 23 May 2010 20:52

I can't get over how things have changed since I had Jennie. Chloe's mum Laura, had a baby girl two weeks ago, tomorrow. The hospital was so busy that they sent them home two and a half hours after the birth, I had to stay in bed for six hours after both of mine were born. I also had the midwife call every day for ten days, but Laura only seen her midwife once in ten days, and that was when she took the baby for a check up at the surgery. I'm not sure if that's the way for everyone now, or is it just Derbyshire Health Authority.

Mo, they've agreed that Richard can pay £40 a month until the bill is paid, at first they told him that he had to pay £80 pound a month, which was more than he could afford, so it's better than it was. I'll more than likely take the laptop down to Richard's with me, although I know Saturday we'll be out most of the day, but I'll look in if I get a chance.

Sylvia, Jean, Ann, Debbie and Marilyn hope you are all okay.

Speak to you all tomorrow!

Love and best wishes. Sallie xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 23 May 2010 20:08

Hi all

Huia .... we have a similar wood burning stove at our cabin. It has a glass door, and puts out a tremendous amount of heat. In fact, we have to keep our bedroom door closed during the evenings when the fire is lit, otherwise the bedroom gets too hot for us to sleep. We then have to open the window wide ......... which seems a waste, doesn't it??

At home here, we have an wood-burning open fire in the living room that we can light to bolster the central heating, or to have that lovely open fire. Half of the house is heated by blown air central heating, from a gas furnace. The other half (basically the rooms we built on 30 years ago) are heated by electric baseboard heaters in each room. The electric heating is more expensive than the gas ....... but it is compensated for by the fact that we can heat each room individually as needed.

I do hope that the two pregnancies go well, and any problems turn out to be in the imagination and not reality.

We call our holidays Stat or Public Holidays ............ stat being short for statutory (decreed by statue or law).

And we have a variety of them ...... some are Federal Stat Holidays, applicable all across Canada, most of them are provincial only.

So tomorrow, for example, is a Federal Stat holiday for every province except Quebec ........................ and by law the old Royal Union Flag has to be flown over all Federal buildings, military establishments, etc., as long as there is a second flag pole in place ........ that flag can never replace the Canadian Flag. A Royal Salute of 21 guns will sound in Ottawa and each provincial capital at noon.

Quebec does have a provincial holiday tomorrow, but they call it the National Patriots Day.

New Year's Day, Good Friday, Canada Day (July 1), Labour Day (first Monday in September), and Christmas Day are all federal statutory holidays.

Easter Monday, Thanksgiving (second Monday in October), Remembrance Day (November 11), and Boxing Day are holidays mandated for federal employees, and are also provincial statutory holidays in most provinces.

Each province has its own provincial stat holiday ..... BC Day is on the first Monday in August. That same day is also a holiday in many of the other provinces, but is called different names in them all.

Sallie ...... thanks for asking. The leg is slowly improving, as I do my exercises 3 times a day, and put my legs up against the wall behind the bed head afterwards. I think I'm about back to where I was 10 days ago ............. slowly slowly! Must remember not to hurry for the bus, or across the street.

MJ seems to be doing well, or so we hear. Had his 2 month check-up last week ...... weighs something over 12 lbs, measures about 23" ......... so "normal". He had his first shots, cried a little bit, but then settled down to feed, and seemingly has not had any reaction since (touch wood!).. His gas and fussiness in the evenings also seem to be easing off ............... so they are getting more laughing baby and less crying/screaming baby.

I'd suggested a couple of weeks ago that fennel tea might help ......... this was then reinforced by the German-born nurse who gave MJ his shots, and another mother sitting in the clinic (who said it was particularly helpful when she ate Indian curries!) ..................... so J decided to try it. It is almost impossible to buy "pure" fennel tea over here, it's nearly always mixed with other herbs ........ the one I have is fennel-and-passion-flower. So, we'll see if that also helps the fussiness.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 May 2010 17:26

Hi everyone.
Huia,your holiday breaks are very similar to OZ arn't they.
We don't get a day off to celebrate the queens birthday though. Most are bank holidays. But many shops stay open,to encourage us to go out and spend. Not this household though,we are that tight,that we squeek when we walk. lol
Glad that Phil is o.k. I hope your son does get up to see you at the weekend. It's nice to have a bit off company isn't it. Especially family.

Sallie,thank goodness they have sorted out Richards bill. Even though it is still a lot to have to repay. I hope they have agreed to take small repayments from him.
They have no idea,how hard it is for people to get back on the right footing,
once they have been landed with a debt like this. More so as it was not their fault.
I am sure you will enjoy your weekend at their house. Are you travelling down on the friday.
Oh I have just thought,we will miss your daily input.

Liz,I can't believe how much has changed,re pregnant woman. Son 's fiance had to go to the doctor today. She had not passed water since she got up yesterday morning,and was in quite a bit off pain,in the lower abdomen.
The doctor checked her urine sample,and said there was no problem with it. But he has sent a sample away,to see if there are any other complications.
They queeried the midwife situation again,and was told to ring the midwifery service again during the week. If they have no success he would sort it out for them.
Why could he not have done it anyway. Stupid system if you ask me.
He has given her folic acid to take,and told her not to worry,it's her body getting used to the fact off being pregnant.
I can remember going to ante-natal classes with my first child. I can only assume that this is what the NCT course is about for OH's ,son's ,girlfriend. Cor that was a bit long winded to explain. Cant we call her something else. Naughty naughty Liz,no not stupid cow,thats not a very nice thing to call her. LOL
I know what you mean about about the memory loss by your OH. Roly is the same,and I do believe the brain problems that they have both had,seem to go a long way in explaining things. It's so frustrating at times
I know. More so when they think they are always right.

Hi ya Marie,lovely to hear from you.
I was annoyed with my son initially,when I found out that his fiance was pregnant. But she has been on the pill a long time,and the doctor changed her pill. So we can only assume she fell,during that time.
I think he should have tied a knot in it a long time ago, but there you go.
My bottle brush is still alive,but is not doing very much at the moment. Thank goodness we did not have as bad weather here as other parts off the country.
It has been a really hot day here today. But probably not as hot as you have been having.
Don't you go worrying about not getting up till 10.00am. Your time is your own to do as you wish. And not getting to sleep till late,is probably the reason this has been happening.
Good luck with making the beanie hats. I am sure they are very welcomed by the hospital.

Well girls,I am talked out for now. So I will say bye for now.
Take care one and all. Love and best wishes Mo xxx

(((((((((((((((hugs for Jean))))))))))))))


Sallie Report 23 May 2010 15:16

Hi Girls,

It's a beautiful day here, so I'm thinking about sitting on the patio where it's shaded, to make some cards.

Huia, it was nice for you to be able to walk Phil around the room, and it was also good for him to move about, albeit slowly. I thought you meant a woodburner, we've never had one, just the coal burning open fire, but it was lovely to sit and watch the flames, such a cosy feeling. Now, it's all gas for us, so it doesn't feel the same anymore.

Marie, lovely to hear from you, pleased to hear that you are alright, apart from feeling tired. It's a shame you can't go and visit your brother and sister-in-law in Queensland, I'm sure the holiday would do you good. Never mind you might have a good win on the Lottery, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Just hoping that you feel less tired very soon.

Liz, oh dear I hope things will turn out well as regards the new baby when it arrives and also it's mum. I just hope that OH's son will be supportive, because once the baby arrives his girlfriend will certainly need more support than she seems to be getting at the moment.

Mo, how are things with you and Roly on this lovely day? Alun and I are going down to see Richard and Christie for a few days next weekend, so it would be nice if the weather will stay at least like this. I don't mind it a bit cooler, as long as the rain keeps away.

Well, I'm going to make some cards now ready for both Jennie and Janet's birthdays next Saturday. I'll pop in again later.

Love, Sallie. xxx


Zack Report 23 May 2010 10:56

Hello All, sorry i have been off the boards for so long, but I have been very tired, and I have needed to have a bit of a rest, I have not been able to get to sleep until the wee hrs of the morning so I have had to sleep longer some days i havent been awake till 10 am,I think I have been trying to fit too much in to my days.
I have read all the posts.
Huia , it is nice to know the itching is getting better,the wood heaters were so much better than the open fires we had the heaters in several of our homes, when it was lit for winter it was kept going untill it was full of ash then I would clean it all out & start again we always had a nice warm house in winter. I now have ducted heating electric as my home is smaller, it is very convenient and I find it good heating wise, except that the cost of electricity has risen so much.

Hi Liz, sorry that things are not going well for you all.
I fear the future of the girl who is pregant to your OH's Son ,she is in for a very bad time especially if the child turns out to be autistic and the chances of that happening is almost certain. I pray for her sake it wont be.

Hi Sallie, I am fine just tired I need a quiet holiday away from the cold,if I could afford it I would go home to Queensland and visit my brother & sister -in-law, but money is short and with the trip to Italy in Oct. I have to watch every cent I spend.
Hi Mo ,how are you and Roly, it sounds like your Son is getting himself into a bit of a pickle also,what bad timing to get pregnant when she had just found a job,havent they heard of birth control??we can't put all the blame on the girl what was your son thinking of,he has already had 2 children so he knows how & where they come from.
How is D going? Mo did your Bottle Brush survive the snows?? Our weather is cold , with frosts but when the sun pokes it's head over the Blue Mountains the frosts are soon gone and the days are beautiful especially when we dont have the cold southly winds. I have been doing some knitting for a charity that supplies premature babies with beanies for their little hairless skulls,so I went and sat out in the Sun and knitted a beanie,the Sun was very warm on my back, I had to keep changing my position as it started to burn my skin.

Debbie if you are looking in Hello to you and family.

Ann I hope you are enjoying your holiday.

Marilyn which part of the world are you now in, I wish I had the money to do what you are doing,good luck to you my
friend enjoy it while ever you can.

Sylvia,stop trying to chase all those good looking fellows, with their oh so nice butts,tripping over the walkways like that is not good for you ,get yourself a nice young Physio and ogle his butt .LOL bye the way did your husband actually get the veggies cooked?
I hope I have included everyone in my greetings if not I will let you smack my hand.
Oops Jean & J, I hope your break away from your Loud inconsiderate neighbour helps you to feel better and that you both come home ready to take on this thoughtless neighbour.

Love and Hugs from over the pond oooooxxxxx Marie.


Huia Report 23 May 2010 09:12

To walk Phil I have to stand in front of him, take his hands, get him to stand on the count of 3, then walk backwards as he shuffles around the room. At least he doesnt move too quickly, so I have time for a quick glance over my shoulder occasionally to make sure I am not going to bump into anybody or thing. I must do it more often. He doesnt seem so sleepy these days, so maybe it was the heat in summer, or perhaps the itching was keeping him awake at night and he needed that daytime sleep. If he is over that, then that is good.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 May 2010 05:39

Hi Huia,

I am glad you found Phil fairly ok and able to walk with you, it would be nice if you can get him a little more mobile when you visit, so that he isn't just sitting on a seat or asleep. Well done you!

As for normal families, not sure there are many of those about these days lol, so many families that have extended family as in stepmothers and fathers etc etc too

off to bed now, it's a glorious morning and I wish I could go outside and snooze in the sun but the idiot neighbour is too nosy and noisy, and I wouldn't feel comfortable - it's such a small garden and he could stand at the fence and spit on me if he had such a mind, wouldn't put it past him, he is a pig.


Have a good day everyone


Huia Report 23 May 2010 04:59

Phil doesnt seem to be so itchy now. When I visited he kept trying to stand. As I noticed a 'smell' I commented to one of the carers that I thought somebody had dirty pants. She came and had a delicate sniff and led him into the toilet to change his pants. When he returned to his seat I was given a cup of milo to give to him, and when he had finished he kept trying to stand again so I took his hands and walked him around the room (i had to walk backwards). I think that settled him a bit more, but I didnt stay to see. I must walk him more often. I am sure he can benefit from more exercise, since he used to be always on the go.

Sally, we dont have an old-fashioned open fire. We have a wood-burning 'space heater'. It is a box about 21 inches suare and roughly the same height on a small pedestal. There is a firebox inside, and the flu goes up through the ceiling and roof. There is a glass door on it, so we can see the flames (if I keep the glass clean!). It is much more efficient at heating than the old open fire, where most of the heat went up the chimney.

Liz, some families......! I think mine must be the only normal one.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 May 2010 03:59

Hi all,

first of all answer re pregnancy, I think the girlfriend said she has been to the hospital to see the labour ward and she is on the midwife ward, whatever that is! It's all so different nowadays, I suppose she went to her doc first for confirmation and then the procedure of appointments go on, maybe they show her the ward after the first scan. Apparently she is wanting to go on NCT courses rather than the basic NHS ones and the son is not happy about that....
He spoke with his dad last night and things don't sound rosy. Girlfriend and son were supposed to be going to a party at o.h's ex's half brothers, and I think they live in London so not sure what the arrangements were, o.h. couldn't follow what was said - he finds it hard to grasp things most of the time, as does the son, lol, and couldn't even figure out who he was talking about at first, he then said Oh your Mum's step brother, till I reminded him it's half brother. I know and remember more about the family than o.h, he's useless at remembering stuff. Anyway they weren't going to the party as girlfriend has a dodgy tum, so hope she is ok, o.h. didn't seem to concerned. I also thought they were doing a car boot, and o.h. forgot about that so rang back to ask, and that's today so how they were supposed to go to a party in London and get up and do a boot sale heaven knows. Typical of the exwife - she will never turn down the chance of a party and gets drunk at any opportunity - she has no common sense and o.h. said last evening she should never have become a Mum, to her the kids were a nuisance. When I first met him he said she was a rubbish mother, and I asked if they had discussed having kids. Oh no he said, why should we, we were in love and just married, we didn't discuss it, and she got pregnant a month after the wedding! What a dipstick he is - surely they should have discussed things. She never wanted to be around the kids and would go out at any chance she had, if she could leave the kids with o.h. and when on holiday, she would make him take them off for a walk or whatever so they didn't get in the way of the sun giving her a tan!!!! No hope for kids with a mother like that eh? She kept them clean and fed but emotionally I don't think they got much from her and o.h. is the sort who won't discipline but spoils kids so no wonder they are the way they are now. He thinks the son is getting cold feet, he said he doesn't think he really wanted to get married, but why the heck did he propose, stupid idiot? Of course the girl was desperate to marry and have kids so she didn't give him a chance to enjoy or get used to being engaged before she was arranging the wedding for as soon as she could book something, and now they are pregnant too, well I think it's all going to be too much for him, and I will be very surprised if things go well. I might be being too unkind and maybe it will be the making of him but knowing him as I do, and knowing that there is some degree of autism in him, as with his father, grandfather and cousin who is very autistic, I do fear for them all. I just hope the baby isn't autistic too, S. will be heartbroken as she told me last year she wanted to have children badly but didn't know how she would cope if there were any kind of problems. She definitely won't get support from the father, he is not emotionally able to be supportive, like his father.

Oh well, it will all come out in the wash.

Huia, hope the itching goes completely very soon, and you find Phil ok when you visit.

I can't wait to see that hot air balloon with all you lovely people peering over the edge, you have to get towards Ipswich in Suffolk, August Bank Hol Saturday, don't forget now lol

Must do some emails so back tomorrow I hope



Sallie Report 22 May 2010 22:02

Hi Girls,

I've had a busy few days, so haven't had time for anything. Alun's niece came to stay the night with us on Thursday, it was nice to see her ---she was on a one day course not far from here, so we invited her to stay with us. Also had a couple of other visitors, but not to stay, and I'm sure that a few members of my family decided between them, that it was 'call Sallie time ' , so I seem to have spent a lot of time each evening, talking on the phone. Probably be ages before I hear from them all again, it's either all or nothing.

Mo, how are you and Roly? I hope your son's girlfriend will change her ways before the baby arrives, surely she won't expect your son to do all the things that need doing and to look after the new baby. I hope they won't push his other two children's noses out when the new baby arrives.
Have darts finished for the time being now?
At last Richard's electric bill has been sorted out, thank goodness, I think it's still pretty high, £500, but it's better than it was. His flat is all electric, no gas at all, so I suppose it's not that bad.

Huia, oh I love an open fire, those were the days, It's many , many years since we had one. So pleased that your itching is a lot better than it was, let's hope that it won't carry on too long. I haven't been anywhere today, as Jennie and Michael came for a roast dinner today, instead of tomorrow.
So by the time that was done, I didn't feel like going out anywhere, so Alun and I, have had a quiet Saturday afternoon at home. I hope all will be well with Phil when you next visit.

Liz, I agree the best way is to get in touch with OH's son's girlfriend, is when she'll be on her own, at least once you've explained the situation, she'll know that it isn't your fault. Sometimes it's like walking on eggs where families are concerned. Hope you enjoyed your peaceful evening yesterday, I'm sure you felt better for that.

Sylvia, I hope your leg is feeling better, and that you are able to get about now. How is baby MJ getting on, hope all is well with him and his mum and dad.

Jean, if you're looking in, hope you and J are enjoying your holiday, at least the weather is lovely. Take care the both of you!

Ann, not sure how many weeks holiday you have left. Hope that you and T are enjoying yourselves.

Debbie I know you said you were going to be very busy, we are looking forward to hearing from you, and hoping that all is well with you and your family.

Marie, how are things with you? I hope all is well with you and yours.

I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx


Huia Report 22 May 2010 20:57

Hi there Mo.

It was only last weekend that son cancelled his visit. He was coming down with a cold, as well as not wanting to get the scabies again. I am still a bit itchy after 2 applications (a week apart) of the malathion, but not as bad now. I understand the itching can continue for a while as the dead bodies and their 'doings' are still under the skin causing an irritation. I am not sure if Phil is still itchy. I have made only short visits and have avoided touching him in case I re-infect him or he re-infects me.

I hope son will be up next weekend as he has a document to sign, since he has EPoA for Phil. I will ring him later today to tell him.

We dont have Bank Holidays in New Zealand. We have our provincial Anniversary Days (Auckland in late January), Waitangi Day 6 Feb, Easter, Anzac Day 25 April, Queens birthday first Monday in June, Labour Day late Oct., and Christmas/Boxing days. Plus New Years day and the day following.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 May 2010 19:09

Good evening everyone.
Huia,well done on getting that fire going yesterday. Is it very cold over there at the moment then.
We have been quite lucky with our weather over here,it seems like our summer may be starting.
Mind you,at 6.00 this morning,we had a very fine mist,and apparantly earlier it was foggy. I was not awake to see it as I was still in the land off nod. And it did not warm up here till dinner time. So much for us having the heatwave that was forecast.
How is Phil now.? Has his itching gone. And whilst we are on the subject,
how is yours.
We have another bank holiday weekend next weekend. Is it the same over there.
Is your son coming to see you soon. As last time he was due,he put off coming didn't he,in case he caught what you had.
Take care mate.

Liz, I have a question for you. My son's fiance,went to the family planning
centre,to have her pregnancy confirmed.
Now, they told her ,she has to phone to book her midwife herself.
Have things changed,as I thought it had to be done through her doctor.
All my pregnancies,were confirmed by my doctor,and the midwife and hospital appointments were done through him.
Who is right her or me.?
She came to see us today,and she suddenly,over night has morning sickness. Oh boy has she got a shock coming to her,this is just the beggining. I dread to think what she is going to be like when she goes into labour.
Good luck at the family BBQ,please let us know how it goes.
We will have to send up our spy balloon,to watch whats happening. So if you see an unidentified flying object in the sky,you will know it's us lot poking our noses in. LOL

I wonder where Sylvia,Sallie,Marie, Debbie, and Ann have got to.
Come back girls we miss you.

A big (((((((((((HUG )))))))))) for our Jean,if she looks in.

Take care girls. Love Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 21 May 2010 16:04

Hi all, just a quick message as I should be out shopping, o.h. at work til 10pm as someone sick so have a peaceful evening ahead lol

Sylvia, sorry to hear you have hurt your leg again, not sure what we can do about you lol, hope you can do whatever is necessary to let it repair properly.

Huia, Your Maj, glad you got the house nice and warm and can get a good fire going again. Do you have to get the chimney swept sometimes, or is it a woodburning stove type fire? O.h. so enjoyed getting a roaring log fire going at the place we rented a couple of times on the coast here, he even cleaned it out again afterwards lol
You take care and stay warm, damp and cold is not a good combination.

Mo, you are feeling the way I am about o.h.'s son's news recently, they are not in a good situation to be having a baby on top of all the other expense but at least the girl has sense and is a worker. Apparently they are doing a bootsale this weekend to try and get some money together, presumably to pay for the NCT classes she wants to do that he doesn't want to attend lol, or for some things for the baby. Can;t imagine they would have much to get rid of, they have only just moved into the house a year and a bit back, and he had nothing much at the time, it was her flat they lived in with her things. I haven't spoken to them since we had the news and I talked to the fiancee, but will call her next week when the partner will be on his way home from work, and explain I have been told to butt out, she won't say anything but at least will know I am not being nasty to her by backing off from offering help. I will knit some things later on, we will be there on June 12 for the meet the parents barbeque so will watch carefully and see how things are then.

Oh well, off to get ready, take care all,


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 May 2010 14:56

Hello girls.
Guess what,...I am going to be a nanny again.
I am not overly impressed though. My son's fiance is pregnant,and is due next january/february
His two children from his marriage,are going to feel very left out.
They live with their mum,and my son only gets to see them every other weekend.
Poor mites are going to wonder why the baby can live with dad,when they can't.
Do you remember my telling you about,when I was cleaning the pub for my son,when he had it. How his girlfriend at the time,sat and watched me do the work. Well this is the girl he became engaged to.
Nothing has changed,my son now does the housework. How the heck is she going to manage,if she can't even clean the house,for goodness sake
She just sits and strokes their kitten all day.
She is supposed to be starting a new job on monday,but how long will they employ her if and when she tells them she is pregnant.
Sorry, I know I probably sound like I have got a downer on the girl,but their timing is all wrong in my eyes.
And yes I know I will shower the baby with love,but I cannot help but have my doubts.


Huia Report 21 May 2010 10:25

I have looked in, Sylvia, but havent added.

Today was very wet and very cold, so I lit the fire for the first time this year. It is the best fire I have ever done. Usually it doesnt burn very well and goes out but this time it got really hot and has heated the whole house through. It is now 9.20 p.m. so I am letting it go out. It is a fairly old fireplace and I am a bit nervous about leaving it going all night, even though we do have smoke alarms.

I still say 'we' even though I am now on my own, I wonder if I will ever get used to saying 'I', or if it will always be the Royal 'We'.

Huia. (HM are my initials, perhaps they stand for her majesty!).


SylviaInCanada Report 21 May 2010 05:00


noone's been to visit since Wednesday!

Hope everyone is OK
