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Just Jean

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SylviaInCanada Report 28 May 2010 19:12

Hi Mo and everyone

The one I wish they would develop a test for is ovarian cancer ............... it's usually so far advanced by the time it causes any problems that it's too late.

My cousin in Australia died of that .......... diagnosed in 1995, continual chemo etc, died 2001.

Rainy, showery, cloudy, sunny ... and cool!

welcome home Ann

take care everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 May 2010 16:14

Cooeee Ann,welcome home. What does it feel like to be back in this country. You will miss being able to laze by the pool,drinking tequila. LOL

When I went for my mammogram,the woman doing it said that it would be stopping at seventy,but that it could be continued if you requested it,but as a general rule women did not bother.
I think that todays woman,is more aware off what could go wrong with their bodies,and tend to take more care in general.
Things have improved so much over the years.


AnninGlos Report 28 May 2010 15:54

I think I am right in saying they stop calling you for mammograms at 70 but you can still request them

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 28 May 2010 13:44

Bless you Sylvia,yours is a definate reason why I believe that mammograms,should be given to all women,regardless off age. I also think that smear tests should last a womans life time.
Right I will now get off MY soap box.
I hope everyone is well,and those off us in the U.K,are enjoying our lovely weather. Lets hope it continues over the bank holiday weekend,so that those who are still working,can enjoy it.
I am now going to go back in the garden,to do a few more bits.
Bye for now girls. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 28 May 2010 00:56

Hi Mo, and everyone

Jean .... take care of yourself

Sallie ..... safe trip, and have fun, even if it does rain!

Mo ....... I asked a couple of years ago if they would stop giving me mammograms when I reached 70 ........ got a very firm NO, you'll have to continue coming in evey year as long as you are able to get here.

That's because I have to have diagnostic not screening mammograms. I had breast cancer and a mastectomy in 1995, lucky enough not to have to have any further treatment.

BUT the cancer was only found in a mammogram, it was far too deep to be felt by anyone ......... even the surgeon couldn't feel it with the xray in front to her showing her where it was.

We also know that it had developed in the 4½ years since I'd had a mammogram. So I was very lucky.

take care everyone


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 May 2010 22:03

Cooeee Sallie,
Have a lovely weekend,and have a safe journey tommorrow. Hoping to hear from you when you are away. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 27 May 2010 21:47

Hi Girls,

Hope this is the second time lucky, I'd almost finished writing one message when I lost it, so I'll try again.

Jean, if you're looking in, I really hope that you'll start feeling better soon, you know that we are here for you anytime. I'm not sure if I'm right, but I feel sure that J goes for his check up at the hospital tomorrow, if it is, hope that all goes well for him.

Mo, we go down to Richard's tomorrow, we're looking forward to seeing both him and Christie. Although I don't think the weather forecast is very good for the weekend, we're supposed to be having heavy rain.

I've been to the Counsellor today, she's very pleased with the progress I'm making. I have three more sessions left with her, so I'm not sure what happens then, I'll just have to wait and see. To think that at first, I wasn't too keen on her, but she's really nice now that I've got to know her.

Sylvia, hope your leg is a lot better and are able to get about a bit more now. Take care of yourself.

Liz, Huia, Ann, Marie, and Debbie thinking about you all.

Well, it's taken me a while to get this written, as my brother and sister-in-law rang just as I started this for the second time.

I'm taking the laptop to Richard's, so if I get time, I might look in at the weekend.

Have a lovely weekend everyone, and take care!

Love and best wishes.

Sallie xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 May 2010 19:40

Hello girls.
I have just recieved the results off my mammogram as well. All is well thank goodness. They stop doing them in this country when women reach the age off 70,so a few more years left for me yet.

Sylvia, I thought Arnica was used to bring bruises out. I do hope you get
back on your TWO feet very soon,you poor thing, you are so accident prone
Don't forget what I said once before,we are going to have to wrap you in foam rubber,so that when you fall,you will bounce back up again.

Liz,I don't know what is happening on these boards. As you said,there are only two or three pages,every day.
I think that a lot off people are afraid to post,because off all the trouble that has been happening recently.
I have to agree,that I normally stick to the threads off the people I feel safe with.
I found that when I added to some threads,I was totally ignored,so did not bother anymore with them.
Is there any more news on the baby at your end. My son's fiance was sent home from work yesterday,because she was unwell. I don't some how think they will keep her on in the job. They have started to quote health and safety at her. Yesterday the reason they sent her home ,was that they were afraid that she would be sick on someone.The poor girl has got terrible morning sickness at the moment.

I wonder what has happened to Sallie,she has not been on for a few days.
I know she is going away at the weekend,but surely she has not shut herself in her

A big hello to Jean,Marie,Ann,Huia,Debbie and all our cyber friends.
Bye for now. Love to all. Mo xxx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 27 May 2010 04:51

Good luck Sylvia, that's a great name for the mammogram, I had mine a short time ago, not nice but soon over and forgotten till the next one!

Love to all, fell asleep watching tv a while ago so not much time on here, not that there are many threads anyway, once was the time I would plough through ten pages every night, now it's often only 2 or 3.



SylviaInCanada Report 27 May 2010 04:23

Hi all

I am now trying Arnica on the back of my knee and the hamstring .... I didn't realise until a friend told me yesterday that we could buy it over here!

I go for my annual squish tomorrow ........... that is, Thursday!!

wish me luck.

I have to go every year for ever, as I had breast cancer in 1995.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 May 2010 19:36

Hi our Jean. Good to see you. Come back as soon as you are feeling better. You know we are all here for you,but will not pester you,as you need time to mend yourself.
I hope all goes well for J. And that you both find a nice place for a little you time.
God bless you my love. Take good care off yourself. Love to you both.
Mo+ Roly xxx


JustJean Report 26 May 2010 19:28

Hi, everyone, think I better do a bit of explaining, we havent been away we both felt as though time out may be a good idea, especially for me, I have been to the docs, as I have become very low and stressed, so now It would seem I have depression, so I have some tabs and hopefully will buck up soon, but I am going to have a break from here and when J gets this weekend out of the way if we can find some where to hire a cottage we will have a week thanks for all your concern and love... I will be back....

Love Jean xx.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 May 2010 19:12

Good evening everyone.
Oh Huia ,I am pleased that Phil's pelvis has healed pretty well. But what a shame he did not see the dermatologist. It would have cleared up any doubt about what was causing the itching,for you both. But at least it's not so irritating for you now.
I did laugh at your explanantion,off having to shovel his food into him. Was it a shovel you would use in the garden. awwww poor Phil,bless him.

Well girls,we were out in our front garden very early this morning.
Our son's car had been parked on the drive,since it caught fire in January.
But he was lucky enough to find a buyer for it on Monday.
When it went,we found that it had leaked oil all over the drive. So Roly decided he would use the pressure washer on it. But to no avail,the darned oil would not lift. So off we go to B+Q's,and get a special detergent
that SHOULD remove oil.
First thing tommorrow,Roly has got to go through the whole process again. Providing it's not raining that is.
We then decide we had better cut the hedge between our house and next door. It's their hedge,and not really our responsability. But as our sons car had been parked so close to the hedge it could not be cut by them.
At least when we cut it,we do it properly. Not like next door,who only tickle the leaves,and it's cut to them.
The people who lived there before,were so good,and kept it so neatly trimmed.
But the new family are not gardeners,and have not got a clue.
Still you know what they say. If you want a job done properly,do it yourself.

I hope you are all well. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 26 May 2010 06:05

Well, Phil's appointment wasnt with dermatology, it was with orthopaedics. Last year (Sept or Oct) he broke his pelvis and they wanted to check that it was all ok now. The man didnt even inspect him, just asked how he was doing and the carer told him he was quite a bit better than when he had first gone to them in October. We were in and out in less that 5 mins! I am still none the wiser about our itches, but the treatment the doc gave me is working, I think.

Phil was awake when I got there just before midday. He had fed himself his breakfast and drink this morning, but I had to shovel his lunch into him. He didnt eat it all, or drink all his drink.

Time I lit the fire and got dinner.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 May 2010 22:19

Off course you are right Huia,if they diagnose Phil,you will know what it is,and can then get treatment yourself from your own doctor. Come on Mo engage your brain,and use it.
Now get out in that kitchen and rattle those pots and pans. ( thats a cue for a song I believe ). Lol
I hope you find Phil well when you see him.
Nite Nite love, enjoy your day over there.
Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 25 May 2010 21:32

Mo, I wont be getting checked at the Super Clinic. It is by appointment only, sometimes we have to wait a long time for an appointment, but at least if I know what Phil has I will know what I have and can go back to my doc if I need to.

Right, better wash the dishes and get ready to go out.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 May 2010 15:48

Hello girls.
I posted on here last night,when I got home from darts. But the blooming
thing has gone AWOL. I posted right after Ann,really cheesed off about it,as it was a long post.

We lost at darts last night,but never mind. We all played like right plonkers,
can't blame anyone for our losing,not even the poor reserves,who had not played all season.

I cant believe you have been gone for four weeks Ann,and that you will be home in a few days. It seems to have flown by.
Have a safe journey home,see you when you are home.

Huia,have you had the storm that the weather man forecast.
Good to here that you and Phil are going to the super clinic. It seems that
Phil cannot be completely clear,off whatever was causing the itching,or else they would not be sending him there.
At least you can get yourself checked at the same time,to make sure that you are both clear off it.

Brrrr Sylvia,you are making me feel even chillier,in your description off your OH putting the heating on. I certainly don't blame you for laying in bed till the house warmed up a bit.
Fancy you having a holiday to celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday. We don't celebrate that ,how unpatriotic this country is. No celebrations for our Lizzie,or Vicky's birthdays.

Hi Sallie,Liz ,Debbie, Marie and off course our Jean.
I will pop back later tonight. Bye for now. Love Mo xxx


Huia Report 25 May 2010 06:25

Phil has an appointment at the Super Clinic Dermatology dept. tomorrow so I will go with him and one of the carers. With a bit of luck I might find out what causes my itch, since I am sure I caught it from him.

Our son doesnt know if he will be up at the weekend, it depends on the weather. There are big storms on the way and it is not nice driving in bad weather. There are some idiots out there who drive so carelessly, taking no account of wet roads or strong gusts of wind.



SylviaInCanada Report 25 May 2010 04:35

Hi all

lovely to hear from you Ann. Glad to hear that you are having a good time.

It has been really chilly here ........ 5 or so degrees lower than normal during the day, and cold enough to put on the central heating in the mornings.

It was a holiday Monday today, Victoria Day, celebrating Queen Victoria's birthday. OH got up, turned on the heating, then came back to bed for 20-30 minutes. I waited another 30 minutes!!

Hope you are all well.



AnninGlos Report 24 May 2010 22:09

Yes we are having a great time and it doesn't seem possible that we only have 4 days left. we have just been to the local restaurant and shared a portion of canarian potatoes with mojo sauce followed by spaghetti carbonara for me and spag bol for T plus half litre of red wine, then we came back and had an amaeretto while T watched the football.