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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jun 2010 21:28

Oh my god Sylvia,how dangerous was that.
I have spent the evening on here,cant be doing with all this football.
Hows baby MJ doing. You will be seeing him soon wont you.
He will soon be teething, oooohh lovely. Teeth are a pain coming,and going arn't they.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jun 2010 21:24

I forgot to tell you Sallie. I saw a man today, who had had his hair shaved
into a george cross,and had also had the remainder of his hair dyed red. We said if england lost,at least he could shave it off,BUT, if the dye had stained his scalp under the hair,he would need to use a brillo pad to scrub
his scalp clean LOL How painful.


SylviaInCanada Report 12 Jun 2010 21:20

Hi all

If anyone wants a laugh, google "vancouver demolition"

...... crew demolishing a building right in the heart of downtown Vancouver On Thursday, about 6 pm, at the tail end of rush hour. First one wall falls into one street, then the other remaining wall falls down into the cross street.

The demoliton company says

"we didn't do anyhting wrong"

"the media is making us look bad"

"at the end it is a good news story ............. no-one was injured"!!!!!!!

Meanwhile ........ I'm studiously ignoring any kind of sport!!!

I did try to get on fmp about 30 minutes ago ................ free while England is playing

I think they seriously miscalculated how many people would prefer to do genealogy instead of watch soccer!

Everyone's complaining that they either can't get on or it so sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooow

take care



Sallie Report 12 Jun 2010 20:20

Hi Girls,

I hope you're all enjoying the football!! lol. Alun is watching it, so I've popped on here to see if there is anyone about. I've got all the washing done and dried, so that's a good job out of the way. This afternoon I've been making some cards, so I'm quite pleased with myself today.

Mo, we nipped down to Tescos earler on, I think most of the staff there have gone mad, some of them are wearing red and white wigs, and others have their faces painted, all this just for football. As you say they don't do anything to celebrate St. Georges Day. I agree that if England loses, all the flags will be down, post haste.
Michael, doesn't like watching football unless England is playing. So he and Tim next door to them have put up Tim's trailer tent in J and M's front garden, because their garden is bigger and set up the TV, chairs and bought cans of beer, and I think half the men living nearby are watching the match there.

Well Mo, I need a cuppa, so I think I'll go and put the kettle on.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 12 Jun 2010 18:10

Huia, are you stuck in that scanner love. I bet you have got that fire going, and you are nice and snuggly warm. Whats the betting,if you do get it going,you will be very late to bed tonight,thats if you get there at all. LOL

Well todays the day for Liz's dreaded BBQ. I do hope that they make her welcome,and that she enjoys herself. If they don't, then I cannot see Liz wanting to attend the wedding. Bless her,they are all proper nasty.

Sallie,I could not believe how many people had flags flying this morning,when I was on my way to town.
It makes me smile,they cannot be bothered to fly them when it's St Georges Day,how unpatriotic is that.
You watch,as soon as England lose,those flags will come down quicker than they went up. LOL

Ann, I love going to M+S, I buy all my underwear from there. The sizing is good for me. When I went to BHS for measuring,they made two sizes bigger than I am. It looked like I had two socks filled with sand,stuck in my bra. You could not see my poor little boo*ies for material. LOL
Are you still doing your card making. Well you must be if you needed to get the A5 card,stupid me not checking before I ask a question.

Hi Marie,Debbie and our Jean.
Bye for now girls. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 12 Jun 2010 12:01

Hello Everyone,

Huia, sorry that Phil was asleep when you went to see him, hopefully he'll be awake when you go next time. Did you manage to get your scanner going? I hope you got the fire lit before you started, because if you're like me when I start making cards I forget about everything else. Enjoy using it!

Ann, lovely to see you home, we miss seeing you on this thread. You're not the only one that's fed up of the football already, everyone is going mad about it. Alun caught the bus up to town earlier this morning, and some man at the bus stop asked him if he had his England flag up ---Alun told him being a Welshman, no he hasn't, but he'll still be supporting the England team tonight, and would like to see them winning.
The man then told Alun, that he won't be watching at all because he doesn't like football at all, not even when England is playing, it must be bliss for his wife. Never mind, I've got some cards to make while it's on.

I've got some washing on the line, so I'd better go and see if it's dry.
Speak to you all later on today.



Huia Report 12 Jun 2010 04:51

Good morning to you all when you wake up (and afternoon to Sylvia). I visited Phil this morning but he didnt want to wake up, he apparently had 2 bowls of porridge for breakfast. I stayed only 30 mins, then went to a nearby city centre to see if anybody had any scanners that would scan negs. I had no intention of buying one at this stage, but the 2nd shop I went in had a sale on and they had an Epson V500 reduced from $699 to $522. It was the last one in stock, so I decided to buy it. I havent taken it out of its box yet. I have to clear a space on the dining table beside the computer, before I can set it up. Just as well I dont have any family at home. If anybody comes here for dinner they will have to balance it on their knees, but then it is mostly my son that visits.

I might light the fire before I start setting things up, the weather is freezing.



AnninGlos Report 11 Jun 2010 21:56

Hi Mo, yes got home this afternoon. We had a lovely break and the weather, while not fantastic, was not bad either. We came home via the Clarks Village (an outlet centre) at Street so had a good spend in M&S and also in the Paper Mill as I needed some A5 card.

Everything is unpacked and put away, we seem to bring more food home than we took away as we did a shop while there and then didn't use it all, still it is not perishable. Just got the inevitable washing to do tomorrow.

Sorry you didn't win at darts Mo, still at least you can enjoy playing if you are not 'trophy hunters'. Those who are so concerned with winning who lose must have a miserable evening.

I am sick of the football already!!!!!


Sallie Report 11 Jun 2010 21:26

Hi Mo,

Sorry you and Roly's teams lost last night. When you're up against the trophy hunters, as you say you don't stand much of a chance, as they take it seriously and are only in it to win. It's nice to play just for enjoyment and a bit of fun, but I'm sure they don't see it like that.

Richard still hasn't found a job, at the moment I think he's feeling a bit demoralised. Seeing that he's applied for well over four hundred jobs, and out of those only a handful of places have bothered to reply back to him, telling him that 'he's been unsuccessful this time', it make me wonder how they can say that, when he hasn't even had an interview.
Some of the people in these places don't even think about the cost of putting extra petrol in the car to get there,either.

Mo, I really hope that both your son and Richard will find a job before too long. It would be nice if they could get a proper interview, instead of getting them to go there for whatever reason.

Well Alun has just made us a cup of tea, so I'd better go and have it.

Speak to you tomorrow.

Love, Sallie. xxx


Huia Report 11 Jun 2010 21:13

Hi there girls.

I dont particularly want to join anything, I just want a bit of company occasionally. I am not sleeping as well as I would like. I might fall asleep for an hour or so then wake up and cant get back to sleep so get up and do some puzzles or read for an hour before going back to bed to (hopefully) sleep again. It leaves me rather tired next day which leaves me a bit depressed. But I will survive when this residual itching stops. Maybe then I will sleep better. Or I will go back to the doc.

Must visit Phil again today. I hope the weather isnt too foul. There is misty rain here at present.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 11 Jun 2010 19:35

Hello my lovelies.
Sorry to say Sallie,we went out in the first round at darts last night. We have vowed never to enter for it again. There were people there,that never play in both Roly's and my league of darts. Even some England players,
county players and goodness know who the rest were. All trophy hunters.
It's not our idea of a fun night out, which we expected it to be. Still you live and learn. I have got one more game this season,and thats on Monday night,then nothing till the end of September.

Sylvia,how the heck did your husband cope,you would obviously have thought he would have been in a lot of pain. It's bad enough when you get an eyelash in the eye,let alone what he went through.
I dont know, the pair of you have been through the wars lately. What with you with your leg and OH's eye,if we put you both together,you could go for a part in treasure island,as Long John Silver. LOL
I suppose you could start a new trend when you go to the 50th do,by going
starkers. It would save on having to buy something,and washing it afterwards. Mind you, you may find it a bit chilly.

Ann have you arrived home yet. So happy that you have had a nice time in Dorset. It doesn't matter sometimes if the weather is changeable,as long as you have got a few home comforts,and clothes for all weathers.

Sallie did you enjoy the peace and quiet last night,when Alun was at his
Model Railway club.
Has Richard managed to get a job yet. My son is not having any luck at all.
He had what he thought was an interview today,up at Lakeside. Spent money on extra petrol to get there. Was kept for 10 minutes,then told they are not holding formal interviews till later in the month. He was completely cheesed of,as he said he could have done other things with the money he had to spend out.
He, like Richard has been to so many interviews,but been unsuccessful.
It's very demoralising for them isn't it.

Liz, in case you do look in tonight,good luck for tommorrows BBQ.

I wonder how Marie, Huia, Liz,Debbie and our Jean are today.
If you are looking in girls (((((((HUGS)))))))) for you all.
Love to all. Mo xxx
Ooops missed you Sallie,you posted as I was typing.


Sallie Report 11 Jun 2010 19:21

Hi Everyone,

The weather is quite nice here today, and they've given it nice for tomorrow, but after that back to our usual British summer weather. Oh well, I suppose we must be thankful for the odd good day here and there.

Sylvia, it sounds that you all had a lovely time with your visitors, I bet the time went very quickly, and could have done for a bit longer. To think that they were held up because of an accident, they could have spent extra time with you, had thay known. Hope all is well with you and OH, and also with MJ and his mum and dad.

Mo, how did you and Roly get on at darts last night? I hope you had a good match. Were you looking forward to going to the 70th Birthday do tomorrow? Although as you said you don't really know anyone there, apart for the cousin, and haven't seen him for years.
Laura, Chloe and the baby came from school today, so I made them something to eat. Chloe loves to come and have some food with us. She had made a hat with the St. George flag on in school today, so she came from school with it on.
Alun's sister phoned last night, and she was telling him that she is finding it very hard to cope with her OH, he's had Alzheimers for over six years, since he was 58, and she feels that things are getting more and more difficult each day. I wish we were living nearer to her, so that at least we could give her a bit of support. One of her daughter's lives about 7 miles away from them, but she has two little girls to look after, and also works part time, so is limited to what she can do to help her mum.

Ann, hope you are home safe and sound, and that you had a good journey.
If the weather was like it was here, at least you had it dry to travel.

Jean, if you're looking in, hope you're having a fairly good day, today.

Debbie, hope all is well with you and your family, and that your father is feeling a bit better than he's been.

Marie, is it still as cold with you? Hope you and the family are all okay. Take care!

Huia, I'm so pleased that this thread didn't self-destruct. We would all be lost without it. Did you manage to find something you can join? It would be good if you can find something to join, especially if it's fairly near home. Hope you find Phil as okay as he can be when you visit him. Take care!

Liz, did you manage to get into town today and get what you wanted.? Hope the hairdresser did your hair as you wanted it done. Have a nice day tomorrow, and don't let any of them upset you. I'll be thinking about you!

We haven't heard from Marilyn for a while, I hope all is well with her and her family.

I'm going to make a nice cuppa now, so I might look in again later on.

Love and best wishes to you all. Sallie. xxx


Sallie Report 10 Jun 2010 22:50

Mo I've only just remembered, that both you and Roly were playing in a mixed double darts match tonight. I hope that you both won? I knew you were both out tonight, but thought it was Roly's cousin's party, until now.
Just waiting for Alun to get back from the Model Railway club, so decided to send you a message.

Sylvia, pleased to hear that OH's eye is improving, hopefully it will soon be a lot better.

Ann, good to hear from you, so glad to know that you've enjoyed your holiday. Have a good and safe journey home tomorrow. Take care!

Goodnight to everyone.



AnninGlos Report 10 Jun 2010 21:16

Hi, reporting in from Dorset where we have had a lovely break, really lovely accommodation and such nice people who own it. They had an extension built on to use for a holiday apartment. The weather has been mixed, from very hot last weekend, to wet Monday PM, the rst of the week has been a mixture of cloud and sunshine but no rain. Today it has been very windy, Sadly we go home tomorrow.

Jean, belated birthday wishes if you are looking in, sorry you are not well and hope you feel better soon. I have been to a couple of craft shops here and, of course just had to buy some supplies.
Sylvia, your OH's eye sounds very painful, hope it is better soon.


SylviaInCanada Report 10 Jun 2010 20:30

Hi Mo

and everyone

I've had a busy 3 days ....... and now I'm knackered!

A friend that I met on Friends Reunited (the parent company of GR) back abour 6 years ago is visiting a friend north of Seattle, just south of the US/Canada border. I met up face-to-face with Anne and 3 others from FR for lunch in London in 2008 ........ we're also on another much smaller site together (only 7 people!).

The US hosts were kind enough to bring Ann and her OH up here on Monday so that we could have lunch together. It was a great 2 or 3 hours. They had to leave about 2:30 pm to avoid rush hour traffic going south ..... unfortunately, what we didn't realise ('cos no-one had been listening to the radio) was that there had been a bad accident, and all traffic had to diverted off the highway. It took them an extra 2 hours to get to the border! Anne said there was a gas (petrol) tanker on its side, things looked bad ......... but we haven't heard a word about casualties or anything.

Tuesday was physio .... which means I'm usually out for at least 3 hours.

Then yesterday, my cleaning lady came, so I escaped to the Mall, had lunch, a little walk round, then found the coffee kiosk near the main entrance to wait for OH.

As Sallie said, he had an eye problem ......... shortly after coming in from the garden on Saturday afternoon, he felt a bit of grit or "something" in his eye. He tried washing it out with an eye bath, several times. No success. I tried putting in Visine eye drops, several times. No success. By Monday morning, it was so swollen and red and he was so uncomfortable that he called his optician and got an emergency appointment for 10:30 am. She couldn't get it out, thought it might need lancing, so made an appointment with an opthalmic surgeon for Wednesday afternoon. So he went to lunch with 4 people he'd never met before with a swollen, half-shut, red eye! He did say that he would blame me!!!!!

He found later on Monday that putting a hot damp wash cloth over his eye made it feel more comfortable, and he repeated that a couple of times on Tuesday. The surgeon said that he had done the correct thing with the damp hot cloth!

Turns out it was a tiny piece of skin that had been abraded off the inside of the lower lid, no idea how. The surgeon put in a drop of local anaesthetic and removed the piece with tweezers.

OH was given a prescription for a special antibiotic eye ointment ....... and I have to put in a "one half inch strip" 2 or 3 times a day. He tried to do it himself early this morning before he went out ....... got it all over his eyelashes, so I had to get up to do it for him!!

Anyway, it's much better now. Problem is that he has a high pain threshold ..... the optician said "you must be in agony". He says "No, it's just an irritation".

I told him he had to tell the surgeon it was B****y painful or else he might get left with nothing done for days!!

ah well.

Having a quiet day today ............. it's also raining and chilly, so am not encouraged to go out! OH will stop by the house to pick me up to go for afternoon coffee.

Mo ..... I still haven't sorted out what I'm going to wear for the 50th Anniversary buffet dinner dance. Think I'll go with the black skirt that I have ............... maxi length. But no idea about the top!! I do have until July 3.

Plus ... I can't wear "nice" shoes at the moment because it hurts the hip and knee too much if I do, so I'll have to wear my regular daytime "sensible" ones.

Off to make my lunchtime sandwich and have a mooch around on the boards.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 10 Jun 2010 15:47

Ha got ya all. What would I do without you. I got fed up talking to myself, Oh woe is me.
I am completely shattered,I have been busy painting all the door frames,and skirting boards upstairs and down stairs. Me and my big mouth,saying I would start the job Roly has been promising me he would do ages ago,and that is all the painting. The walls are yet to be done. I think I have a big sign on my head saying MUG. But I am fed up of waiting.

Our Jean knows me pretty well,but I was not panicking this time, honest injun Jean.Did you do anything nice for your birthday Jean.
It was nice to look in here and see that you had added,we do miss you.

Liz, If the hairdressers cut my hair any shorter,I would be completely bald.
I always keep it short as it is. It's easier for me to wash and go,without any hassle. I hope yours turns out as you want it to.
Just threaten the hairdresser,that if she cuts it to short,you will send the butcher round to sort hers out for her. LOL
I hope the BBQ turns out alright,don't forget to look for my airballoon overhead. If they play up,I will off load the water bombs I have got prepared,they will think it's raining,and all run inside and leave you in peace.

Huia, do they have tea dances over there. A few off my neighbours go to one locally to us. They thoroughly enjoy themselves. And as they are held during daylight hours,they feel safer in going.
They do sequence dancing,but you don't have to dance if you don't want to.
Some just go along for the company.
We also have the womens institute. I used to attend,but they started to hold that in the evening,and I didn't want to go out at that time off an evening. We used to have different speakers,on various subjects. And lots off things like flower arranging,cake icing etc.

Sallie, the 70th birthday party is on Saturday. But we have decided to not to go. Well I say we,Roly has decided as it's quite a way from us,not to attend. It's a shame really,because he has not seen his cousin for donkeys years,and it would have been nice for them to have met after all this time.
But wether it's because to much time has lapsed,and Roly may feel that he does not know him any more,and that they would be like strangers.
But theres me,I would not have known anyone either,I only met his cousin
once,and that was back in the 60's.

Well my friends,I will see you all tommorrow.
Love to you all Moxxx (the invisable woman) LOL


Sallie Report 10 Jun 2010 15:29

Hi Sylvia,

Just read Sue's thread on theTips Board, I hope OH's eye is alright, and that the antibiotic cream will keep an infection away. There's always something! Hope you're okay. Speak to you later.

Love, Sallie. xx


Sallie Report 10 Jun 2010 13:39

Hi Girls,

Hope this is second time lucky, I had got half way through writing a message, and it just disappeared. At first I thought the thread had self destructed, as Mo had said it would. LOL's Oh Mo, you are awful frightening all of us, your friends, like that. It's a good job that you are a really lovely person, and that we all think a lot of you, otherwise, I don't know what would have happened. LOL's.
Is it tonight that you go to the 70th birthday do? If it is, I hope that both you and Roly will enjoy yourselves.

Huia, good to know that you had a lovely day, it's sometimes just nice to do what you want to do, with nothing else to think about. I think as Jean suggested, a Photography Club might be a good idea, if there is one near to where you live. My cousin's husband goes to one, not too far from where they live in North Wales, he really enjoys going to it. Also, he's made a lot of new friends there. I hope that Phil will be more alert when you visit him over the weekend. Have you taken the photos for him yet?

Jean, it's lovely to see you post on here! I'm only too pleased to give you my support, as you know I've been down that road, and at times, still am. I know exactlly what it's like, it's a horrible feeling, and it's nice to have someone that understands. You know where I am, so anytime you need me, I'm here for you. When does D get the rest of her exam results? I'll be thinking about her, and wishing her well.
Next Wednesday, I'm going to Derby to a craft store, to be shown how to do parchment. I don't know whether I'll be able to do it, but thought I'd give it a go. Have you ever done it?

Liz, I know exactly what you mean about hairdressers, in my experience, they either cut off too much or hardly any at all. Although the last time I went to one in Derby, and the girl that cut my hair, did it just as I liked it , so I'll be going there again, which should be the week after next. Good luck, I hope she'll do it as you like it. Hope you enjoy yourself on Saturday, I'll be thinking about you, and hope that the weather will be nice , at least stay dry for you.

Thinking of Sylvia, Debbie, Marie and Ann, and hoping you are all okay.

I'm now going to get back to doing some cards. I'm toying with the idea of making some for the church my brother is the vicar of. While they were up here last weekend, I made three Ordination cards for them to give to people they know that are being Ordained in the next couple of weeks. The problem is, that you can only buy those sort of cards in a Cathedral shop, so it means that some people have to go to a city to be able to buy them, and that isn't always possible for a lot of people.

Right, I'm going to start again now, instead of waffling on to all of you.

Speak to you all later. Let's hope Mo won't keep to her word at 10p.m. lol.

Love and best wishes.


JustJean Report 10 Jun 2010 12:21

Huia, dont worry about what Mo says she is inclined to panic....
what sort of things do you want to do? what about joing a photography club.

Liz, I am sure you will look lovely, and change of scenery may do you good,

Sallie I do thank you for your support as you see things are getting easier.

Now Mo, stop frightening our friends, or else....

love to Debbie and Marie and everyone else.

love Jean xx


Huia Report 10 Jun 2010 10:32

Hi all.

Where is everybody hiding? I hope the thread wont self-destruct as Mo says. I have had a nice easy morning and this afternoon I took myself for a walk along the ridge road at the top of our hill. Tomorrow - well, I will have to see what I am going to do, apart from make an appointment to get our vehicle serviced next week. I will visit Phil on Sat or Sun. I want a bit of a social life so am trying to find something interesting to do. But I dont want to commit to anything permanent at this stage. I will just have to see what comes up.
