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Just Jean

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Huia Report 16 Jun 2010 04:49

I visited Phil this morning. He was still in his bedroom when I arrived at 10.15. The carer had been putting ointment on his itchy spots and had started dressing him. We then went to the lounge and there was a book about dogs on the table so I showed him the pictures in it and asked him questions: an alsatian, 'remember your dog called Chum? and remember the dogs in the War Dogs training school?' Then a Bichon Frise: remember Ruths dog? and so it went. Then a book of photos of New Zealand scenes: remember when we went here? Remember going up the Caples track and I fell into a deep hole of muddy water and you had to pull me out and I had to get dry and changed?' He was responding to my questions, although I could not make out his answers. Then they brought his breakfast (also his room mates). Phil fed himself (sometimes somebody else has to do it). He had 2 bowls of porridge, a mug of a warm chocolate drink (possibly Complan), then he tried to tackle the toast with marmalade, not easy when he doesnt have teeth, it looked a bit chewy, not burnt to a crisp as he used to do his toast. I stayed 90 mins, usually if he is asleep I leave after 30 mins or less, I dont have much patience for watching him sleep.

When I got home there was a copy of a letter which the gastroenterology dept had sent to Parkhaven about our visit earlier this month. It said they didnt really know whether or not he had cancer but as he seemed comfortable they wouldnt do anything in view of his age and condition. It said 'he is clearly cachetic'. I had to look that up in the dictionary. "Cachexia, n, archaic, general wasting of the body or weakening of the brain". Cachetic is the adj. So now we know! He certainly is a shadow of himself.



Zack Report 16 Jun 2010 02:40

Hello everyone,from a very cold Bathurst,this post is no.2630.
Mo I got your nice email thank you very much, your home must be looking very nice after all the painting and the new kitchen cupboards.
You really do well at darts I probably wouldn't even hit the board.

Ann, this holiday had better be good after all the anx's it has caused,I am sure you will enjoy the sun.

Hi Sylvia, you must be looking forward to your daughters visit and especially seeing your grandson.I try to get to see my little grand children once a week some times that isn't possible, but they grow so quickly one week they are still crawling the next week walking.Abigail is having her 3rd birthday on Saturday, we are not having a party, instead her Father and his parents are coming down from Brisbane to be with Abbey and her sister Emily ,they are taking them to Jumbo Jungle its an indoor play area for children and they love going there, so they will have a good time.

Sallie you must be feeling better, that is pleasing to hear as you seem to back into your card making. I will be making 2 cushions to-day as birthday presents for Abigail and the 2nd one is for Emily.Barbara asked Abbey what she would like for her birthday her reply was that she wanted something PINK for her bedroom, Barbara came up with the idea of a cushion with her initial in white material on a dark pink square,which is then stitched onto a spotted green material which is the foundation of the cushion it actually looks very nice all together.

Huia I hope you get you scanner sorted out so that you are able to do all the things that you wish to do, I bet it cold over your way we have been having some very heavy frosts , my hands are very cold and my bedroom where I have my computer and desk is quite cold. I try not to put the heater on in the mornings as the electricity costs have risen so much, the kitchen and lounge area of the house get the sun all day in winter so the heating isnt needed there,I usually leave the answering of emails to the nightime but knowing I would be sewing later I wanted to get this done. Has there been any more news about Phil ,re the possible cancer, I do hope they are wrong.
How did the car service go? I have to put mine in very shortly as my regristration will be due soon I know I will need a new exhaust I hope there wont be much more to do.I hope you are keeping well especially your eyes.

Dear Jean, if you should be looking in, I do hope you are on the mend,thinking of you frequently and wishing you lots of Sunshine so that you can sit in a comfortable chair, put on a pair of sunnies, have a glass of wine and soak up lots of vitimin D, while dozing in the sunshine.
That sounds nice I might go out and sit in the sun myself but only with a nice hot cup of tea LOL

LIZ, Hang in there girl,I do think you are wearing that Oh of yours down.It was pleasing to hear that you got on well with her parents, I am sure you and they will be dotting grandparents & you will probably get a lot of pleasure out of being with the girl and the Baby, by the way what is the girls name, I hope all goes well for her.
How did your counselling season go ?

Hello to Deborah and also Julie if she stills pops in.
Love & Hugs to you all & may the good Lord smile down on you all . Marie.


SylviaInCanada Report 16 Jun 2010 00:58

Hi Mo

and everyone

Gald you got that sorted out Ann!

I heard from J this morning ... they have booked their flight to come to us next month.

They arrive July 19. M has his PhD defense on August 5, then he'll go back home on Aug 6 ............... the idea is that he may have to make some changes to the thesis, and will be better able to do that in his own place, and in peace and quiet.

J will stay here wih MJ, and will be responsible for getting the corrected version to the university by the required date. She and MJ will go home on Aug 20

so we'll have a nice long time with them.

They will go to stay with her godfather and his wife for several days during the second week , giving them the chance to visit with 3 other old family friends at the same time. These 5 are the closest to "aunts and uncles" J has had over here, apart from OH's sister. They've all been heavily involved with her.

take care everyone



AnninGlos Report 15 Jun 2010 22:12

We booked the holiday in March, and when they let us know the flight was cancelled they said they would refund the flight but not the accommodation so we were committed to buying another flight.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Jun 2010 21:57

Oh my lord Ann, your day has been pretty hectic.
But I am glad T was able to sort it out for you. It's not like you have just booked this holiday is it. I mean I know that BA are having these strikes,but I would not have thought that would have affected your flight.
Right I am away to my bed. Night Night god bless. love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 15 Jun 2010 21:27

Hi, yes Mo got all the plants in today, that was after taking my car for MOT then meeting friends for coffee at the garden centre, then collecting the car after it PASSED its MOT. we didn't have any rain today, it was quite pleasant but there was a cold wind, still the washing dried.

we were up to our eyes this afternoon re-arranging flights for four of us in October/November to Cyprus because the one booked has been cancelled. It took all afternoon and I was not even doing it, T was, but I was getting the 'backlash'! He was getting very aggravated. Still all sorted now, we had to change airports from gatwick to Bristol which suited us fine, especially as the flight is a bit later, then we had to change airlines from BA to easyjet which I am not so keen on, then we had to organise a change ot taxi times the other end.
We don't think the flight was cancelled, we don't think it ever existed, we don't think the online travel firm took into account a changeover to winter schedules as it seems BA don't fly to Paphos in the winter months from gatwick, only from Heathrow when it is dearer too.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 15 Jun 2010 20:04

Hi everyone.
Sallie, we did very well in the opening games last night. We won the first three rounds,and got knocked out in the semi-finals. Never mind,I can have a rest from it now for a few months.

Sylvia,good to hear from you. It's a good idea to have continued with your OH eye cream for the extra day,as long as they did not stipulate just using it for a set period.
I hope your weather has brightened up a little.

Liz, put those papers away,and dont read the obituaries for a while. It's to darn hard on yourself,losing the people like that. And I think it comes harder when we read about it,and have not been told personally.
How did the counselling go this week. Was it any help for you,after the tiring and worrying weekend you had.

Ann did you get the rest of the plants put in . Was it dry enough outside to finish the planting.
The bedding plants I put in last week,are really flourishing. The busy Lizzies have doubles in size. Thats what a lot off rain does for the garden
isn't it.

Huia, did the car get through it's service o.k. I hope so as repairs cost so much dont they. And you need your car being so far away from Phil,so that you can visit him.
What a shame the scanner did not come up to the standard you expected.

Well girls,the painting and decorating is nearly finished. It's been a long process,as I have not really had the heart to do it. Shows I am getting older,as at one time I would have managed to finish it within a couple of days. But not now,the thought of just picking the paint brush up,wears me out. LOL

((((((((((HUGS FOR OUR JEAN))))))))) Hope you feel better soon love.

Right I am going to do a Sallie,and put the kettle on for a cuppa tea.
Bye for now. Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 15 Jun 2010 12:27

Hello Girls,

Oh this is a lonely little thread! Where is everyone gone?

Mo, dare I ask how you got on at darts last night? I hope your team had some luck, and managed to beat the other team.
I didn't have a chance to get on here yesterday, between making cards and spent a good bit of time on the phone, finding out how the three patients in the family were.

Sylvia, glad to hear that OH's eye is now better. Your weather sounds a bit like ours here in 'sunny Britain', lol!

Liz, how are things with you? Hope you got on okay with the Counsellor yesterday.

Jean, hope things are getting better for you. Thinking about you !

Huia, hope you managed to sort out the scanner, and that it's doing the job you wanted it to do. Also hope Phil was awake and more alert when you last visited him.

Ann, have you managed to make any cards since you got home? At the moment I'm making a couple of get well cards.

Marie and Debbie hope all is well with you both. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!

Going to do a bit more to the cards I'm making now, so speak to you all

Love, Sallie. xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 14 Jun 2010 03:45

Hi Mo and everyone

the day started with rain, but the sun came out by lunchtime and it is now a lovely evening

OH's eye is almost better ............ I'm insisting that we continue putting in the antibiotic cream for at least one more day, but he's had no pain in it, just a little dryness just before bedtime on Thursday. So he's been lucky!


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Jun 2010 01:31

Hi all, it wasn't a bad afternoon, very short really for the distance we travelled, from 20 to 2 after leaving here at 5 to 12, to leaving their home at 6.30pm and arriving here around 7.40pm. train fares and taxi and his bus fare cost £37 but so glad we didn't take the car as he wouldn't have been able to drive back and I was too tired, having not slept much the night before.
I am still niggled tho that we received the command to visit on that date, and when I queried why they hadn't done it the following week so it was almost Father's Day, was told some people couldn't make it then. (Now realise it was to suit his mother as she will be going on hols at the end of the week) We hadn't even been asked if it was convenient and o.h. wasn't happy it was a Saturday as he lost a lot of overtime and he is trying hard to pay off his mortgage early because of his health problems incase he can't carry on working at his particular job for much longer. His eyesight isn't good and he needs to be able to see small print and screws etc in gloomy conditions in the machinery he maintains and fixes, it's computerised machinery and the working conditions aren't wonderful, hot, steamy and tight squeezes, and his knees play up where he has to kneel or crouch down a lot.
I had so wanted to go away this sort of time to take advantage of longer hours of daylight than our usual Sept. hols but with all this wedding stuff going on, o.h. didn't even bother to renew his passport so we won't be seeing Corfu this year now I don't expect unless I can persuade him to sort the passport out and book time off work.

I hope the two of them work out ok, but definitely think the son will have to change a lot more to give it a chance, the poor girl has to go back to work pdq as they have a big mortgage and won't be able to afford for her to stay home with the baby. She has her head screwed on and is buying things from people at work or at boot sales and ebay and she doesn't believe in designer gear at all so no fancy things for little one, or her!
The son was talking about spending £800 on a new computer when we were there, and he got a new bike to get to the station on as he has to come here to work every day, that's the second bike in a year! Somehow I am not sure he has grasped the idea of watching the money yet! Oh and he was out boozing with his mates on Friday evening while she was home cleaning the house ready for our visit. What does that tell you?
O.h's ex's partner is apparently determined the son in America will be home for the wedding, but I don't understand their attitude, she told me he and his new American wife would be at hers the night before the wedding, which isn't true at the mo, and I thought it odd as he is supposed to be best man so he should be with the groom anyway, not 45 miles away.
I asked the bride to be what was happening about her getting ready etc and she said the son will be staying at a travel lodge nearby, hopefully with his bro if he does get over here, but otherwise on his own or with a mate who presumably will have to take the place of the best man. We should be staying at the hotel where the reception is taking place the night before so o.h. could spend some time with his son if he wanted, I would be happy with a good book and a nice long bath lol
Quite obvious the mother, o.h's ex, doesn't think of the way things should be only how she wants them to go.
It will mean o.h. shelling out more money for the son's fare, if he is able to come and not having to work at any new job he can get.

I slept most of yesterday as everything caught up with me, but still had to get up and cook dinner, o.h. said he hadn't thought of doing it but supposes he could have, as he was just sitting watching tv all day. So he is going to make tuna and pasta bake for dinner Monday evening, well it's tinned tuna, tinned sweetcorn and a jar of pasta sauce, big deal, told him not to forget to do other veg with it, the bake on it's own doesn't do much for the five a day rule lol

Means I can take my time getting back from counselling which will be good.

On Tuesday I may go to the funeral of a sweet little lady I used to work with, she knitted lots of things for my son when he was born, and used to send him money every birthday, bless her, and I haven't seen her for years, but used to bump into her son and d.i.l. at times. Last time was N.Years and they told me she had alzheimers but was coping at sheltered housing accommodation then I read in the paper she had died. That's another one, lost my Dad's cousin in January, my cousin's wife a few weeks ago (her service is on my son's birthday for her ashes to be buried with my cousin's) a good friend's Mum died a few weeks ago who I knew quite well, a chap I knew for years died a while ago, and a neighbour's husband from where I grew up died a couple of weeks ago, I used to play with their daughter. I am half afraid to read the death notices these days.



Sallie Report 13 Jun 2010 22:06

Huia, glad to hear that you got the scanner going, it's good that you know what to do, as I wouldn't have a clue where to start. Do you stop in town while your car is being serviced? If you do, I'm sure that you can easily find something to do while you're waiting.

Ann, as I've said it was nice here up until about four, but then the rain started, so that stops any outside jobs. Let's hope it'll be dry tomorrow.
After months and months of trying to make up my mind on whether to get Cuttlebug or not, I've finally decided to get one. I suppose I haven't been in the right frame of mind to do much crafting, but now I'm finding it a lot easier to concentrate, I think it will be a big help. Just hope it isn't too difficult to use. I notice that they are still a lot cheaper in Superstore, so will send there for it. Do you still use your Cuttlebug quite a bit?

Love, Sallie. xxx


Huia Report 13 Jun 2010 21:00

Sally, I got the scanner going. At first I thought it was no good at all as it didnt recognise the fact that I had put some negs on the glass but then I realised they had to be in the strip down the middle. I didnt want to use the special holders they had for negs as some of the old ones are odd sizes. I am going to have to use some black card and cut holes in, the size of the negs, to encourage the scanner to recognise that there is something there. It is not as good as I would have liked, and I cant find a way (yet!) to crop the negs in the preview. I might just have to print off any photos that I like that need cropping and then scan the photos on my other scanner. Or get my son to do them on his scanner.

Off to town soon as our vehicle is due for servicing.



AnninGlos Report 13 Jun 2010 20:55

Hi Sallie, yes we are fine, been busy doing the garden, bought some new plants today to fill in the gaps but haven't planted them all as we got rained off.
Mo, I should just think you were fed up with painting, boring old job isn't it?


Sallie Report 13 Jun 2010 20:51

Hi All,

Liz, I'm so glad that all went well for you yesterday, and that you were made to feel welcome. It was nice that you got on well with her mum and his step-mum. The girl sounds a nice person, so lets hope that she'll change him for the best. It was nice that she showed all the mums the things she has ready for the wedding and also the things for the baby. I hope they'll make a good life for themselves and the baby.

Sylvia, I had a look at the Vancouver demolition site you told us about.
I can't beieve that these people thought that it wasn't their fault, after watching how it happened, they were very lucky that no one was injured or even killed.

Huia, have you set up your new scanner yet? If you have, I hope it's all working as it should and that you are enoying using it. Also hope the weather is not as cold as it's been.

Mo, I don't blame you for being fed up of painting, I would be exactly the same if I were in your position. It started raining here late this afternoon, and I'm sure it doesn't know when to stop.
Alun took me to Hobbycraft and Range after we had our lunch, as usual I spent more than I intended to. Still, I have a lot of cards to make for the church that my brother is the vicar of, my sister-in-law asked me if I could make some so they can sell them in the church fair.

I phoned my cousin this evening, her daughter went out to a night club in Chester last night, and some stupid, thick person spiked her drink --although I can think of a much better name for him or her, but I'd better not put it on here. She really has been poorly, she's been having awful stomach pains and being sick, a doctor has seen her and given her something to take. I just hope that she'll be okay, love her.

Mo, have you heard anymore about how your granddaughter and nephew are getting on? I hope that things are going alright for the both of them.

Jean, how are things with you and your family today? Hope all is well with you all.

Ann, Marie and Debbie hope all is okay with you and yours.

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 13 Jun 2010 13:46

Well i'll be damned Liz,he showed his true colours then. But I am pleased that you were made welcome,and not left out in the cold.
Just the wedding to face now then love. Is the other son going to make the wedding after all. The one in America I mean.
Good luck for tommorrow. Get it all off your chest at the therapy session.

I am fed up off painting now. I have done ALL the painting so far. It's all this preparation that takes the time. So tommorrow,I am going out for the day,on my own. I dread to think what mess I will come back to though.
Roly is supposed to be starting painting the ceilings and walls. The same as he was supposed to be doing all the woodwork,that I ended up doing.
It's a good job I love him,or I would have committed murder by now.
I will make sure I cover the carpet and stairs,because he would forget to do it. And I would end up with a muti coloured carpet. LOL

Right girls, I have got to go and start dinner now. No rest for the wicked.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Huia Report 13 Jun 2010 08:45

I am glad it wasnt as bad as feared, Liz, apart from the journey home.



JustJean Report 13 Jun 2010 08:17

Mail sent Liz, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to everyone~~~~~~~~~~~~

Love Jean xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 13 Jun 2010 05:26

Hi all, off to bed in a mo but thought I would add this - thanks for thinking about me!

Update on Saturday..... (visit to meet the parents before wedding)

Well I went to bed on Friday night/Sat morning around 2am instead of my usual 5am but barely slept with having to be next to him so early in the night, he was fidgeting and f***ing and snoring, but I struggled up after a few hours dozing, and got ready and we made the train on time, 1pm. His son picked us up from the station at 20 to 2 (only a 30 min train ride) and we went back to the house, it's a nice house and they had the bbq going. His Mum and her partner were there and ok, and her Dad and stepmum and her Mum were there all around my age, one in sheltered accommodation, and we got on fine. The girl is lovely, and starting to show the pregnancy, they have decided to find out what sex the baby is at the next scan in two weeks, his mother wants it to be a girl, I hope it will be a boy as I think the son will relate better to a little boy he can play footie with etc Good afternoon except K was his usual stupid self, kept shouting instead of talking and his son had to keep shushing him because the neighbours were out in their gardens too, and of course he drank more than he needed to and acted as silly as always when in social situations. They put on some nice food and plenty to drink, wine, tea coffee etc and o.h.'s cider! They really made an effort and the son seems to be happy with his fiancee, hope they work out ok, she seems to be changing him a bit altho he had gone out on the Friday night with his mates for a drink and was late back, while she was home cleaning. He had thought they could do the cleaning, shopping and preparation all before 1pm on Sat. but she knew otherwise hence doing some Friday. O.h. said she has to sort son out to help her more so she doesn't get too tired. Fair enough! He did do most of the bbq and serving up and clearing plates etc so she got to sit down sometimes too.

The son wanted to watch the football so I suggested we leave before it started and said we could walk to the station, a mere 15 mins, so the son drew a map. O.h. seemed ok about it, her dad and stepmum had already left, just her mum who lives locally and his mum and her toyboy to drive back here later I suppose, typical that they hadn't suggested giving us a lift really when they knew we were going by train, they only live a few streets away!
Anyway starting ambling towards the station and o.h. was grimacing, said his dodgy knee which he smashed up in a drunken fall when younger, was playing up and he was weaving about as if drunk, and stopping and starting. I began to get a bit worried, didn't want to miss the train as another hour to the next one and didn't want to ring the son as he would be watching the match...... p.h. managed to stagger to the station and sat down saying he felt odd, I realised he hadn't eaten the right things and the booze had messed up his blood sugar levels. I seriously wondered whether to call an ambulance but found a couple of Werther's sweets in my bag, and gave him those and he recovered enough to stagger over the bridge to the other platform, and felt a bit better. He really looked drunk and people were staring so I explained he was diabetic and had got a bit out of sorts, and we got on the train ok, he fell asleep most of the journey and I got a taxi outside the station, paid with his money lol and got him home. He slept most of the evening and had some food when I gave it to him and finally stirred enough to go upstairs and get to bed.
I am really p**d off with having to look after him because he can't be sensible - didn't plan to become his carer, I have enough of my own problems so more incentive to get away now before things get worse.
Oh well, at least the visit is over, the girl showed us the baby things she has already collected and her wedding shoes and stuff too so that was nice, and I got on fine with the mums so will know them at the wedding in august. I will make sure he takes me somewhere nice on holiday afterwards lol I will have earned it! His ex and her partner are off to Corfu next week, lucky beggars. I wanted to go back at this time of year so we got nicer weather and longer days but once he knew about the wedding and this get together, obviously arranged to suit his ex for her hols, he shut down on the mention of hols and didn't bother to renew his passport!

I dozed off on the sofa a little while ago so ok now to catch up on here, as I couldn't do much on Friday evening but won't be too late as I am really tired.

Catch you all tonight,
counselling tomorrow so can let it all out lol

Love to all,



Sallie Report 12 Jun 2010 21:49

Hi again,

At the moment I'm trying to finish off a card, and looking in here too.

Sylvia, it's a good idea to try and ignore any sport. Does your OH like to watch the football. Alun has just come into the room and told me that England and the USA drew 1-1. He was hoping that England would win, but he said that a few of the US players play in the English League. Me being me, I thought England would have walked over the US team, but there again I don't know a thing about football. lol's. Let's hope they do better in the next match.

I'll have a look at that site when I've finished on here, thanks Sylvia, it's nice to look at something that gives us a laugh. Hugs and kisses to MJ! xx

Mo, I think the majority of women hate football, but put up with it for the sake of their OH. That man was a bit of an idiot wasn't he, shaving his hair in the shape of the St. George Cross, and then colouring his scalp and what was left of his hair. Oh well, I suppose it takes all sorts to make a world!

Right, I'm now going to finish the card off, if I carry on at this rate I'll never get any cards done! lol's

Speak to you all tomorrow.



Huia Report 12 Jun 2010 21:35

I decided not to instal the scanner yesterday. It was mid afternoon when I posted and I was a bit tired. I did remove my original printer which I dont use these days and put the other scanner/printer in its place so the new scanner can be where that had been. I am going to tackle the installation this morning after I have had a play on here. I slept until 8 am and it is now 8.30, but I have the whole day ahead of me. My sleep pattern is not good. I went to bed at 9.30pm, woke at 10.30 and couldnt get back to sleep so got up and did some puzzles for an hour, went back to bed, still couldnt sleep, got up again. I finally got back to sleep about 1.30 or 2.00. I hope my sleep pattern will get back to normal soon. But at least I dont let it worry me as I can sleep during the day if I want, unless I have an appointment anywhere. I am trying to get more exercise, not too likely when I get this new scanner up and running! The sun is shining so I should go for a walk now but I hope it will be fine later.

Off to look at some other threads.
