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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jun 2010 19:45

Oh my lord it's THAT woman, Jean. Polly filler that called Paxo stuffing isn't it Jean. Oh no that's chicken filler. LOL


JustJean Report 24 Jun 2010 19:41

What you dont know Ann is its really polyfilla Mo uses......bye.......

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jun 2010 18:31

Hello Ann.
Yes we do have a local Debenhams. I went there when I was looking for an outfit for my grandaughters 18th birthday celebrations. But there was absolutely nothing I liked in there.
I ended up in a little local shop,that had just opened.
Fortunately, I am not a very dressy person,and I normally slob around in jeans, or a skirt unless I am going somewhere special.
And I gave up on makeup years ago, and now just use a cream on my face.
love Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 24 Jun 2010 15:58

Thanks for the hug Mo, When choosing an outfit (you mentioned the help given by the ladies in Evans) have you got a Debenhams near you. You can have a personal shopper there (I am 99% sure it is free) who will run round the store and put outfits together. My sister did it once. You give them the budget you are working to, the occasion and colours etc. It worked well for her.
It is quite cloudy here this afternoon although very warm, it actually looks a bit thundery. Hope it is fine at the weekend though as we are going to daughters in Hampshire.

Marie, so sorry that your son is not contacting you after your argument. I am convinced that wills cause more family fall outs than anything else. I assume that all the children are your children and his father was your husband? Do you know why he left the two girls out of the will? Maybe he felt he had good reason and your son felt that to go against his wishes would be disloyal to his father. I hope that you can heal the breach sometime.
Huia maybe it takes a while for the sleeping tablets to get you into a routine.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jun 2010 15:26

Liz what a shame you did not manage to get to Evans when they has their sale on.
I found two lovely skirts in there,but unfortunately they were to big.
How come when I nornally take a size 16,a size 14 was to big for me.
The ladies in the shop were so helpful,in putting things together,as I never can tell what should go with what.
I am not as good as Marie, who has lost a lot off weight,if I see food,I have to eat it,so can't lose the extra pounds. So I can't understand why the sizes were so different.
I am sorry I got the date off your birthday wrong,but I have amended it now.
I do hope you have managed to find something else you like.
Have you tried M+S,they have some nice things,a bit more expensive I know,but worth it for a special occasion.
Keep your chin up my lovely.

Hi ya Marie.
I am sorry you are feeling the cold at the moment. I do hope you have got your thermals on this year.
We must not complain about the weather,as we have got it beautiful here at the moment. And the forecast is for it to touch 30 by the weekend. Now that is hot for this country,and we will soon be moaning that it's to hot,and start praying for rain.
Well talking off the soccer,we actually won our game last night,by some miracle. Not that we were watching it. We just so happened to have the living room windows open,and guessed by the shouts off joy coming from neighbouring houses they we had scored. We only knew we had won when the news came on. LOL
I hope your woman prime minister,is better than the one we had, Maggie Thatcher never did us any favours,I can assure you. Mind you none off the ones since her have helped us pensioners since she was in power either.
Pensioners always go to the back of the pile when it comes to any benefits
our pensions are not great,but we are expected to exist on them.
And if we apply for the added benefits,nine out off ten times,most people are over the limit by just a few pennies or pounds, and don't qualify for them. And believe me,the paper work that has to be filled in is unbelievable,and most people give up before even filling the forms in.
By the way love, I see June and not Jean is back in your post. PMSL.
Never mind I am sure Jean will laugh at it.

Huia did you manage to get to see Phil. Is he well. Have you had any more thoughts,about using a tape or CD.

I hope our Sallie is o.k as she has not popped in to see us for a couple off days.

Bye for now girls. Love and best wishes to you all. Moxxx
(((((((((((HUGS FOR ANN))))))

(((((((((((HUGS FOR jEAN)))))))))) XXX MO


Zack Report 24 Jun 2010 08:10

Hello Liz, I do hope you found an outfit for the wedding,
Huia ,It is very cold here my fingers are frozen the last 2 days have been miserable and we will have rain on Friday & Saturday, OH for some sunshine I am sick of all this rain.

Hi Mo I hope you and Roly are well.We have our first ever Woman Prime Minister,I am Sad to see Kevin Rudd go, but I also like Miss Gillard (who by the way has a partner) I think she will do a good Job.
Our socceroos finally won a game.( I cant stand the game its too slow, the umpiring seems to be always second rate and the players are dreadful actors) I think that sums it up nicely. Boring Boring.
Sylvia dear, I know you are not pickled as they are suggesting when they tell you to take more water, no you are just like most of us at this age a bit clumsy. I hope you have a lovely time up at your cabin and the sun shines brightly all weekend.

Dear Sallie I hope you are feeling ok, I know what it is like to be forgotted on your special day as my first born son who I love very much,didn't remember me for Xmas or my Birthday/mothers Day I think he is trying to punish me when I told him I was dissapointed about the treatment that he & his other 2 brothers and his sister were giving his 2 sisters when his father cut Barbara & Kathleen out of his will, I told them that it was wrong and that they had to be included in the distribution of the money.
I received a very nasty letter from him which broke my heart, I have not had a greeting from him since.

Deborah lovely to see you on the board

June dear I hope the medication is starting to work .
I have to have medication every day for my reflux also asprin as my father had a stroke, colestrol tab ,and ciprimil for my depression, I never forget to take it as I am a nasty old grand ma if I dont, my mother had depression but in her day it wasn't diagnosed' unfortunately she passed it on to me and I have passed it on to my 3 daughters we are all on medication.

I must close as I am now feeling teary, telling you all my little secrets, never mind as Sallie & Mo so often say a good sweet cup of hot tea will fix it
Actually my gran also said that, she was a Dear little Irish Lady and I loved her dearly.
Good morning to you all. Marie

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Jun 2010 05:20

Hi Huia, just pmd you and then saw your posts.

Do you think you are a bit cold or hungry in the night and that wakes you? What about having some porridge before bed, it is calming and will 'stay by you' as my Mum used to say.

No further info on the NY visitors yet. o.h. didn't have time to call his son so he is going to try today and say thanks for the FD card (the only contact number he has is the girl's mobile so he left a message on Monday, the day the card came, but hasn't been able to call again. He has to get the timing right or the girl takes the phone with her to work in the evenings or whenever, she is working in a bar and also doing cleaning work to make ends meet. I don't think they have the computer running at the mo because of costs.
When he speaks to him he will sound him out about coming alone and see what he thinks, also will find out if he has found any better flights from his end.

i went t the city yesterday to try and get something to wear at the Vergo shop that is closing on Saturday. It was dreadful in there, this was our local Co op shop, once there was a supermarket in one corner and the rest was furniture, clothing etc etc I have been going there since I was small as Mum used to get the divi and also used Provident cheques there to help spread the cost of clothing us especially when school uniform was needed. It was awful seeing the place so untidy and bare in places, big signs saying all fixtures and fittings for sale. The assistants are all losing their jobs since Vergo went bust, yet a year ago Vergo bought the Co-op shops, a few around the area and were handed the redundancy money for the staff in case things didn't work out. Now the girls told me the redundancy money has disappeared so they are worse off than if they had taken redundancy last year when the money was still with Co op. They thought they had a secure future.

I couldn't find a dress as the few I liked were too small. I went to Bon Marche as it's close by and found a pretty skirt reduced to £15 in whites, turquoise and lilac/purples (Bride's bouquet is cream and lilac roses, and the groom and best man etc are wearing lilac ties, they are getting one for o.h. too on white shirts, and grey or in o.h. case charcoal grey suits so I thought I would like something with lilac in to look smart on the photos. I thought a top I had would go with the skirt and I got a turquoise crocheted shrug/bolero top and they had a 20% off event so the two items worked out cheapish. Sadly when I got home and tried them they didn't look good so will be going back and my search goes on.

Better get to bed so I can get up in time to take those items back and try on another couple of things I quite liked, while the 20% discount is still offered. Didn't have time to try the things I got yesterday while I was in the store so will try the others and decide immediately.

Take care all, looks like another nice day



Huia Report 23 Jun 2010 20:37

Last night (12 hours ago) was the first time I had taken the tablet at dinner time so I still have to see what the results are like. I woke several times during the night, despite the half sleeping pill, but managed to get back to sleep again. It would be nice if I could sleep straight through though.



AnninGlos Report 23 Jun 2010 15:44

Good to see you on here Jean if only briefly, hope you will soon bounce back again.

Huia a tape to sing with is a good idea or a CD as Mo says.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 23 Jun 2010 14:54

I have got everything crossed for you as well Liz. Your OH must see sense,
also his son in this country. It would be so different,if the pair in U.S were independant,and could pay for themselves to come over.
Don't allow the ex to win. If she wants him there,let her stump up the cash,
for everything.

Huia, could you manage with a tape or C.D to sing at the homes concert.
It would be wonderful for Phil to hear you sing again,and MAY bring back good memories for him.
Are the tablets working better by taking them at dinner time now.


Huia Report 23 Jun 2010 08:43

Liz, I forgot to cross my arms as well, but then it was hard enough typing with my fingers crossed.



Huia Report 23 Jun 2010 08:40

Hi Liz. Fingers, legs, toes, eyes are crossed for you.

Today I was propositioned by one of the residents when I visited Phil. He is a Dalmatian and called out to me and when I looked over and said Hello he sang a song. I am told he always serenades women who take his fancy! He then beckoned me over and I went and asked if he sang in a choir. Unfortunately I could not understand his reply, but he said something about tonight. I gather he wanted me to go to his room tonight. When I left to come home he seemed upset. I told him I had to finish my shopping.

One of the carers asked me if I would consider singing a couple of songs to the residents in the different wings some time. She is trying to organise quite a few of the visitors to do things like that. The trouble is I dont know what songs to sing. I would have to swat up on words. And I cant accompany myself on the guitar or anything like that. I do play the piano but havent done so for a long time and I have arthritis in one hand so probably wouldnt be very good.

I am now taking my half anti depressant tab at dinner time in the hopes I wont be so sleepy during the day but will sleep well at night.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 23 Jun 2010 05:29

Hi all, please please cross your fingers, and anything else for good measure!
O.h. came home from work last evening and said he had been talking to the son who is getting married and he is thinking the son in NY should come on his own, it's going to be too expensive to bring them both over. Now if that son and o.h. can organise things while o.h.'s ex is in Corfu, we might have things settled and done with. I am going to ring the son here later today and remind him how his dad wants to get his mortgage paid off cos of his health problems, which is true, and therefore hopefully back up the idea that paying for two is too much. O.h. has to get a new suit, pay for the hotel for us for two nights which is around £150 because it's the hotel where the reception is being held, then it will be buying drinks for others etc and our meals there, and my outfit, as well as a wedding present and petrol to get there etc, so a very expensive time and he will lose overtime as he did the other Saturday when we went to the bbq. It will also be better for the son here to just have his bro for company the night before the wedding as he is going to stay in a travelodge so his fiancee can prepare herself for her big day with probably her sis and her bridesmaid for company. It would be a bit of a strain I should think, if she had to entertain a s.i.l.. she has only spoken to by phone and email and who isn't used to our ways of doing things. She is better having her home to herself, especially as she is pregnant. Also if the new d.i.l. is here it will take some of the attention from the bride with o.h.'s sisters and father and stepmum.
Far better wait till son in NY has a job and can save up to bring his wife over, next Spring perhaps when they can meet the new baby too.

Off to bed now, lovely morning here, the sky has been pink since 3.30am and I have just watched one of our blackbirds tug a huge worm out of the garden.
Happy Days!


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Jun 2010 19:14

LOL, you can run Jean,but you can't hide from me,I will catch you in the end.
It's so good to hear from you again. I am just glad you hadn't emigrated and not told us.
I was going to ask Dutch to keep an eye open over in Holland,in case you had caught a ferry over there.
I loved it when we lived there,but that was back in the 60's,and I dare say it has changed a lot since then.
We lived on the Dutch/German border. And would love to go back,but I cant see that happening in a hurry.
Take it easy my friend,slowly but surely.
Love to you and the family. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 22 Jun 2010 17:56

Whoops that was me....sorry...


JustJean Report 22 Jun 2010 17:49

I everyone, thought I had better come on to let you know I am still in the land of the Huia, you sound just like me I am still sleeping a lot , but I am going to try taking the tab at lunch time, see if it makes any difference, thanks for the tip....
Marie, I was blessed to read your good wishes, thank you...hope you are well...
Sallie I used to do some parchment craft many moons ago you have wetted my apatite, i will see if I can remember how to do it or if I have patience to do do hope you enjoy it, how is Jennie? D is ok.
If I am not to late enjoy your break Sylvia and hope the leg is better, you must take more water with it....
Ann, your garden sounds wonderful, I am so envious , my few pots seem to be doin g o.k. except the Daff camelia, the leaves are dropping off I moved it into the sunny side of the back yard, could it be to hot for it?
Liz will p.m. you

Debbie, always busy busy, you are so great with your kids, such a good mum....bless you...
I hope I havent missed anyone out, I am sure there is someone else....... oh yes our beloved leader, Mo.....your doing a grand job, darting here there and everywhere pretty good for someone of your age.....I am off....

Take care everyone much love Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Jun 2010 16:29

Hi all.
Liz it feels like your Oh is being used by his son doesn't it. Kind off well if you dont pay for me to come home for the wedding,then it will be your fault. Thats not very nice at all,it's like being blackmailed.
I have to admit that my youngest son can be rather selfish like that as well. And by him not getting his dad a card for fathers day,he has upset his dad so much,that today it is my sons birthday,and Roly did not even want to go visit him,to take his card to him. We never give presents to our kids because with having the eleven grandchildren to buy for,it has become to expensive for us, so we just give cards to them instead.
It's good to hear that the therapy session went well.

Huia enjoy the Thursday lunch. Company is what you need, even if you don't talk to a lot off people there,it's being amongst folk that will do you good.
Just remember not to take your tablet,till you get back from your lunch,you don't want to be falling asleep into your meal. LOL


Huia Report 22 Jun 2010 09:59

Hello all.

I am glad your day went well Liz.

I dont know if I said on here that I was feeling lonely and depressed and couldnt sleep, so went to the doc last Thursday. She prescribed some sleeping pills to take at night and some mild anti depressants to take in the morning. She wanted to see me again today for a 'long talk'. I told her I was quite a bit better but the anti dep. were making me feel rather sleepy during the day, so she told me to take them at dinner time instead as they would help with the sleeping. I am glad I can take them then instead of in the morning as I dont want to do much when I am so sleepy. I had hoped to visit Phil after seeing her but I was too sleepy so I will go tomorrow instead, and on Thursday I have been invited to a birthday lunch down the road, for a local woman who will be 80, so I am getting a bit of a social life, not that I am too good in crowds due to a slight problem with my hearing. Hearing aids are no good in a crowd. But at least I can go and listen to others and come home when I have had enough.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 22 Jun 2010 05:11

Hi all, I added to the Friendly thread about a card arriving from NY - it's obvious the son is homesick and wants to be able to come back for the wedding as the card was full of flattering (smarmy) remarks lol about what a wonderful dad he has been and is blah blah blah
Oh well it will keep o.h. happy for a while and make sure he coughs up for the fare for son to come over, would be fine with that but I think the new wife should stay in NY and have some time with her daughters, she is out working all hours cos the son hasn't had a job since he got there in Dec 2008 and it must have made a difference to the girls' lives, Mum was teaching before so home when they were home.

Counselling went well and the weather was lovely, got the bedlinen washed and on the line before I went so all dry when I got home.

Sylvia, glad there was a call that did the job eventually, and glad you sorted things out with your daughter, it helps to clear the air sometimes.

Enjoy your trip to the cabin and take care

love to all - time for bed now

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 21 Jun 2010 21:21

Have fun Sylvia, but please take it easy,and don't overdo it. Speak to you when you get back. Love Mo xxx