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Just Jean

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Zack Report 27 Jun 2010 11:04

Hello all, Marie here from cold Bathurst,also wet Bathurst very miserable yesterday,and very cold to-day not a day to go out and about,so I spent the day cleaning I took the filter out of the heating system Cleaned it, then sprayed it and put it in the shower and washed it, dried it in the little bit of sun that poked through, cleaned in the grooves of the sliding windows. Vacumned the floors, stripped my bed, washed the sheets,, wiped some of the light fittings,and remade the bed,then had some lunch and watched some TV.
I should feel satisfied but I just feel down, I still havent heard from my son even though I emailed him re a bird of happiness locket, that he gave me when he was a young teenager , I would like to give it to my grandaughter, as a momento of me & I asked if it would be allright with him. I do know that he doesnt look at his emails very often, so hopefully he will do so soon.

Sallie , I do know what has caused this break but it is a long story and there is nothing I can do to fix it.
My daughter thinks I should go and have some counselling as I am dwelling on this and I need help to move on,but I always cry when I have to explain things like this to strangers, I dont think I can do that.
I hope De is much better now.

Mo , dont be too hard on the medical staff re your Nephew the chemo does take some time to work and it also does make the patient rather sick.
Mo dont use too much of that spack filler will you. HeHe
I am pleased to hear your grand daughter is better.

Dear Debbie, it is so nice that you are posting again I did miss your updates on the children, I will have a new grand child very soon this will be my 12th, I dont know the sex.I dont think they wanted to find out I know my son wants a boy as they have a daughter already.
My other son & daughter -in -law Tracie have decided to put their home on the market it is a very large house and has over an acre of land, it probably wont sell for awhile as there are many houses on the market in Bathurst.
They say that their prioritys have changed now that they have a child and Ryan is very involved in his cycling, they wish to spend the time they have spare to spend with their toddler, which is commendable, as it is a miracle that they even have him,and they are not likely to be able to have another child, his name is Jaimen and he is such a happy little boy, though little he is not.

Hello to Liz ,I hope you get your clothing for the wedding sorted both outfits sound nice.
Sylvia I hope your hip or leg is much better , time does fly when we get to our ages, look after yourself.

Hello Huia, I hope you are well, and as has been suggested I do think you should
consider speaking to the ward nursing unit manager
and suggest that you put on a little concert, with you as the singer, we often went to the dementia ward and sang for them, it seemed to calm them. You told me you where a soprano and you probably, like me know all the old war songs that these people loved, it would be wonderful for
you also as you love to sing, do you have a friend who might have a portable piano/organ/keyboard & would be willing to play for you.I think it would great. If I lived near you I would Volunteer as I also play the Piano.

Dear Jean, apparently I called you June once more. I humbly apologise.How are you both also your daughter I do hope she is ok, and that you are on the mend I hope you are getting plenty of sunshine, our bad weather is giving me the blues, even when we get a little sun it is too windy to sit outdoors, I didn't even go to the football match on Saturday as it was too cold and wet, my son -in -law Brian and Sebastian went as they played, Bathurst won the match.
I hope I havent forgotten anyone (((((hugs to you all))))))))


Sallie Report 27 Jun 2010 11:03

Just a quickie. Mo, it's the same here far too hot for me, although I think that they gave it hotter for your part of the country. I always look at what the weather is going to be like around the London area, with Richard living there.
He's like me, doesn't like it hot, so he'll probably be doing what I'll be doing today, hiding inside, out of the way of the sun.

Hope you managed to get your plants watered before the sun got too strong. I'll look in later today.

Have a lovely day everyone. Take care!

Love, Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 27 Jun 2010 07:52

Morning all.
I am up at the crack of dawn here,as it's so flipping hot,I could not lie in bed.
I am going out in the garden in a minute to give my poor plants a nice drink of water,before the sun get any warmer.
Would you all like a nice cuppa before I go.
(**)? (**)? (**)? {^^}/ {^^}/ {^^}/ [_] [_] [_]
Tea Coffee Water
@@@@@@@@ ###########
Chelsea buns Wafer Biscuits

Sylvia, the youngsters have no idea how things have progressed,in pregnancy,have they.
As you said ,I had no scans with any off my children.
They didn't tell you,you should not eat this or that as it's not good for the baby.
And the dreaded enema or olive oil with orange squash in it,just before birth.
The awful embarrassment of the nurse having to shave you down below.
Oh what a night mare it all was.
Well this is not going to get my plants watered.
So bye for now,I will be back later today.
Have a nice day everyone. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 26 Jun 2010 23:27

Hi everyone

no scans when I had J 36 years ago ........ just amniocentesis if they felt something might be wrong. That involved taking a sample of the amniotic fluid from the sac with a needle .......... and had all kinds of risks associated with it.

No ............ we had to use the old wives tales. Carrying forward, carrying back, ring on a string and held over the stomach, which direction did it move?


It's a lovely sunny day today. We went out this morning, and bought ourselves an umbreall for the sundeck ...... never had one before, and we've only ahd the sundeck since 1977!

It's J&M's 11th wedding anniversary today (26th) ..... where did the years go?!!




Sallie Report 26 Jun 2010 20:09

Hi All,

Mo, Alun took me to Hobbycraft, I only wanted to have a look at the different things for the Cuttlebug, but ended buying some Promarkers, they were selling them at half price, so I bought two packs of five for nine pounds 48 pence. I also bought a few other bits, Alun just bought some paint for the model railway layout that he's doing---I always seem to spend more than he does, lol.
At least I feel a bit better since going out, we had to go to Mo------s, to get some potatoes and bread, so as it's near to where Jennie and Michael live , we called to see them, that made me feel better too.
Not sure if I'll be able to extend the therapy, I'll see what she says when I see her next on the 15th July.

Liz, I shouldn't worry about showing some of your lumps and bumps, after some of the ones I've seen earlier in the week. One woman was wearing a short top with her rolls of fat hanging out over the waistband of her cropped trousers. Hope you get on okay with your Cousellor on Monday.
It will be nice when you are sorted out your outfit for the wedding, it will be one worry out of the way for you. Let's hope that things will be sorted out with your OH and his son.
Talking about scans, I think the scans these days are much better than they were when I was having Richard. I went with Laura for one of her scans, both Chloe and I went in with her, it was amazing how much clearer the images are now, to nearly 29 years ago.

I hope all is well with everyone else. I'll speak to you all soon.

Love and best wishes to everyone.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jun 2010 18:16

Sallie my love, please have a good day tommorrow,I don't like to think off you being down.
Could you ask the counsellor to extend your time with them,especially if it is working for you.
I don't think it very fair that you and Liz,are going to be left high and dry,half way to better health,especially when it's helping you both.
If your cuttlebug has not arrived by Monday, I think I would be sorely tempted to ring them and ask where the heck it has got to. Maybe they did not dispatch it till your money was with them.

Liz, great to hear that BM have gone that little bit further to help you out,
with that top.
Why on earth are you worrying about your shape,in the other dress. Have you seen the under garments that M+S sell to wear with more clingy clothing,they are brilliant. I think we have all got lumps and bumps we don't like being revealed,so you are not alone in your thinking.
Oh dear me, fancy Mr Wonderful falling out with his son. But it was nice off the son to let you know that the scan went well though.
I can remember,as a lot of us will,that we never knew what the sex off the child we were carrying was, till it was born. My son's fiance has her 12 week scan very soon,at least I think it's the 12 week one. thats another thing we didn't have,scans.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 26 Jun 2010 15:45

Mo thanks for the offer.

I am about to go out and pick up the dress from Bhs so I can show o.h. the two outfits but will pop into Evans and see if they have anything I like as well.
Got a call from BM Manager who said he had looked on line that evening after I went in to see if the top was available, realised it wasn't and so the next morning tried Head office to find out where any size 18s were. Then I called while he was at lunch to ask the same thing so he rang me back to say he had located a few, one being at St Neots, in Cambridgeshire. Coincidentally his new deputy manager was at the store being trained up so she is bringing the size 18 top back today when she comes home and it will be at the store by Monday, so I can pick it up after that. Can't do it Monday as counselling so will do it Tuesday after I have been for my vit d jab and smear test at the docs.
Thing is, I am sure it will look good but I probably wouldn't wear it again unless I got invited to another wedding and I don't know anyone likely to marry in the near future, also it might be a bit hot if the weather is similar to today, whereas the other dress is less kind to my apple shape and will be unforgiving if I eat too much lol, but will be cooler and something I might wear again for a meal out or similar.
It's his money so no idea why I am bothered lol..... will keep you posted.

Yesterday evening, he had a bit of a todo with the son getting married over the other son coming over, son's parting remark was Are you drunk? and he put the phone down so now they are at loggerheads unless o.h. rings to apologise today from work (him, apologise? He is never wrong! It's always 'them others') Son had texted to say the 20 week scan went well but they decided not to find out baby's sex after all.
I bet the argument spoiled the day for son. O.h. was exhausted having worked till 10pm the night before and then gone in at 6am next day, his company are rubbish at arranging shift hours, they chop and change with the weather! When he got home he decided to put the shading nets in the greenhouse. Now today he has gone in at 6 again and is working a 12 hr shift.

Must go, hope everyone is ok and not having problems with the heat,



Sallie Report 26 Jun 2010 15:05

Hi Everyone,

Oh Mo, I do hope that it isn't terminal, I really hope and pray that he will get better. I don't even know him, but I feel so sad for him.
I'm not having a very good day today, one of my off days I'm afraid. I've got two more sessions with the Cousellor, so what happens then, I haven't got a clue.
Although I'm a lot better than I was, I still get my off days, just wish I didn't.

I'm thinking of going to Hobbycraft, to look at the things to use on the Cuttlebug. I ordered it late on Monday night from Craft Superstore and
according to an e-mail from them it should have been delivered on Wednesday morning, but I haven't had it, and haven't even had a card put through to let me know that the carrier has tried to deliver it. So I don't know where it's gotto, but one thing I do know is that the money has been taken out of our account.

Anyway, I'll speak to you later.

Love, Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 26 Jun 2010 14:02

Good afternoon everyone.
It's another beautiful day today here in Kent.
This weekend is the Air Show,at Biggin Hill. We used to go regularly every year,but it got so expensive,and almost on every occassion we went,it was dull and overcast. This year we decided not to go, and yes you are right,it's the most glorious weather inaginable. Still never mind,I would probably have got heat stroke,and sun burn't.

To be perfectly honest with you Sallie, I am worried sick about my nephew.
I am wondering if it's terminal with him. And that hospital have just expanded his life a little by doing the operation on him.
Thats the only reason I can think of,for them not calling him back to the hospital sooner than next month.

I hope you are all well,and are enjoying your weekend.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


Sallie Report 25 Jun 2010 20:50

Hi All,

Mo, I'm sure we would have done the same as you would have with your nephew, and just taken him to the hospital. How can they tell what's going on with him, when they haven't even seen him since he was last at the hospital. Maybe it's something that can be put right with some medication.
It makes me so mad when the hospital responds in that way.

We thought we might go out some where tomorrow, but not sure where to go, and I don't like being out too long if it's going to be hot again. I know I'm a real misery in the hot weather, lol.

Speak to you all tomorrow.


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 25 Jun 2010 18:32

Hello everyone. My what a busy thread it has been since I was on yesterday.

Sylvia, you little gad about, you certainly enjoyed yoursleves at the cabin didn't you. You only stayed there for three hours. Now what was the hurry to get back to the Motel,were you on a promise or something.LOL
Families are a complete mystery to me at times. My elders,seem to have had more tolerance with each other, unlike my kids. Four out of the five,get on very well. But they all seem to have a downer on the youngest. I know he can be a real spoilt brat at times, but he is their brother after all is said and done. But they have not got a good word to say about him, so when we see them, we tend not to mention him,as it only causes arguments.
The turquoise skirt that I bought Sylvia,I teamed up with a white broidery englaise top,and white shoes and bag. Not very eveningified though

Hi Debbie, how did Luke and Sophie get on today,at there sports events.
Well done to Daniel for his success yesterday.
My grandaughter got a 1st and a 2nd at the weekend at a meet at Cricklewood. I am not sure what races she was entered for,but my daughter rang and said she had been successful for a change.
They were talking about changing her event to the javelin as well,like Daniel.
I bet it was exhausting on your walk yesterday. No wonder someone came over feeling unwell,it has been so warm.

Sallie, every Wednesday and Thursday is Roly's darts nights out. It so nice and peaceful then,and I can watch what I want to on the t.v.
My ex sister in law and niece did ring the hospital, about my nephew being unwell. But because he had the radiotherapy,they say he has to wait till he has his next brain scan,to see if the tumour has shrunk.
Mind you,if it had been me,I would have put him in the car,and driven up there and demanded someone saw him.
But I cant make them do that unfortunately.

Liz, if you cant get the size that you want in that top,would you like me to take a look locally here for you. It's not a problem, as we have at least two branches near to us.
One in Chatham,and one in Sittingbourne.
But that Sophie Gray dress does sound lovely.


Sallie Report 25 Jun 2010 13:47

Hi Everyone,

Sylvia, so pleased to hear that you enjoyed the last three days away. It's sad that a family end up like that, I can't understand anyone not wanting to see their grt. grandchildren. She must be a very hard person, with no feelings for anyone but herself, it's a great shame, things could be so different.
Families can be a real pain, my parents had a problem with two of my father's sisters, especially one of them more than the other. She caused so much bad feeling with other members of the family, by saying lies to one member of the family, about another. She was also one of these people that thought she was so much better than anyone else, and had the right to tell everyone what to do. Some of the family just put up with it, for the sake of keeping the peace, but my parents wouldn't have any of it, and told her so, so she never spoke to them again.

Debbie, hope you enjoy your lunch out, with your old school friend. Is it Luke and Sophie's school sports day? I'm sure that they'll both do well in the events they are in.
How is your sister getting on? Hope she hasn't had any problems lately and that things are going along okay, for her.
It's too hot for me to be out in for too long, let alone walk far in it. I hope the lady soon felt better and rcovered by the time you all had a drink in the pub.

Huia, just wondering if you have managed to get into town today, and had a look in Evans. If you have, I hope you managed to get it all sorted.
Did you get something to eat before OH got home.

Mo, glad to hear that your granddaughter is getting along okay, it must be such a relief for you all. Although I'm sorry that things are not going so well for your nephew. You would think that he could get in touch with the hospital to let them know that things are not to good with him. Luckily, Jennie hasn't got anything as bad as your nephew, but the hospital always tells her that if she starts having any problems, she's to let them know that she's on her way in. Let's hope that they can sort things out for him when he goes to the hospital next.
Hope Roly and his team did well at darts last night. Is Thursday a regular darts night? If so, it looks as though Thursday is a popular night for both our hubbys night out.

I'm going to have a sandwich now, I'm a bit late today as I haven't felt like anything to eat until now, must be the hot weather.

Speak to you all later on.

Love and best wishes. Sallie.


Deborah Report 25 Jun 2010 11:23

Morning Ladies, good to hear you all so jolly on here at the moment - must be the sun. Oh, Sylvia, your family situation couldn't have been written more complicated by a film director. Aren't families difficult at times?

Huia, over here they have sessions for Dementia sufferers called "Singing for the Brain" and sing everything from Nursery Rhymes to Hymns and anything in between. I think volunteers go and do it at the various Units here. If it works that you sing a couple of numbers and they go down well, perhaps you could do it again every couple of weeks for a while, or get some friends who sing to help you along. They say that singing unlocks all sorts of memories.

Mo, didn't know that you used to live in Holland. We are thinking possibly of heading that way for our summer hols. No plans made and they probably won't be til we are on the boat to France but Holland sounds promising at the moment.

All well and sunny here. Went on my walking class yesterday but we were on a cliff path and it was so hot. One of the ladies took a bit of a funny turn, so we moved inland and slowly walked back to the cars, which, luckily were parked in a pub car park so we all had a lovely refreshing drink before going home. It only cut our walk short by about half an hour, but safety was the priority.

It's very hot here today, Luke & Sophie have their sports events at 1pm, but I am out for lunch with an old school friend and couldn't change the date, so Peter will go to watch the children, before spending the rest of the afternoon on the golf course. Daniel went to Guernsey yesterday and won his race, which he was pleased about. He also competed in High Jump but came 4th in that. He did a high measure, but not high enough. Running is his favourite though.

Anne, I went on the walk through Waterworks Valley on Wednesday and it was beautiful. I really hope that when you come over the weather is good and you are able to do some of the route at least. It really is a gorgeous pathway, with lots of ups and downs to challenge the legs!!!

Liz, I went to town thiismorning and bought a couple of lovely pairs of crop trousers in Evans. They were on an offer that if you bought one pair the 2nd was a lot cheaper. A good way to sell more things, but I wanted 2 pairs anyway. In our shop they have some really lovely outfits, and a huge Sale Rail. Sorry I couldn't pick something out for you and send it over. I love lilacs and purples, so I would have enjoyed doing your shopping for you!!!!

Anyway, gotta go, Daniel and his friend have just come back from school to get ice creams!!! They shouldn't really, but as long as they are back before break is over, they don't get told off.

Take care everyone and enjoy the warm weather.

Debbie xx


SylviaInCanada Report 25 Jun 2010 04:47

Hi everyone

Lovely to see all the news ..... but so sad to hear about the family fall-out Marie

We have real problems when we visit my cousins in Australia. There were 5 sisters who all emigrated down there with their husbands and children back in the late 50s and early 60s. They're now down to 3 sisters. I loved 4 of them dearly ...................... BUT one of the sisters M is a real b***h.

She has 5 daughters by 3 different men. The eldest E is only 6 years younger than me, and I love her and her husband dearly, but she has been badly treated by her mother ever since she was born illegitimately. When we visited in 2006, we were told that M was not speaking to E and 2 of her other daughters ...... and had FORBIDDEN her sisters to speak to the 3 girls (their nieces)! Plus their children had also been told the same

The reason?

Husband no 2 had died, he had been very close to E, and the other 2 were his daughters with M. He and M married after they arrived in Australia (having lied about their status when they emigrated with 5 children!), but divorced within a couple of years ................................ about 40 years ago. He then re-married, but remained close to those 3 girls (but not to the other 2). His second wife died before him, and so he left his money to E and her 2 half-sisters.

M heard about this, and decided that he should have left his money to her!

As he hadn't, she was insisting that the girls should give her the lion's share of the money, which they had refused to do.

Oh yes .......... M has a major gambling problem, and has gambled away any and all money that she ever had.

M's husband (no 3 officially) died last year .................... and all her daughters went to his funeral although none of them liked him (neither did I, I thought he was a real creep!). One of M's sisters commented in her Christmas letter that "E and the other girls supported M, as it was their duty to do"!

When we were with M and her sisters in 2006, everyone warned us not to mention E's name. M finally said to me "I suppose you're going to see E aren't you?" I said "yes, we are" in that don't-you-dare-tell-me-what-to-do voice ....... she didn't say another word!

All my cousins are now well over 80, and the daugthers are in their late 40s to 60s!

M missed her grandson's wedding, and has a gt grandchild she has never wanted to see

Isn't it a pity .............. mother not talking to her daughters, and the aunts not talking to their nieces seemingly because they are too afraid (for some reason) of M. One of them told me that "family had to stick togetrher, and sisters were closer than nieces".

OH gets so mad about them!!

We had a fun time for the last 3 days............. we stayed in a motel about 5 hours drive from Vancouver for 2 nights.

On Wednesday we drove a further 2½ hours up to the cabin, checked the place out, no apparent winter damage, OH unloaded the generator and put it in its hidey-hole, and put some other stuff away, and I sat and supervised whatever I could, plus doing some knitting

We had about 3 hours there, the weather was quite nice, but then some huge black clouds appeared from behind the nearest mountain ...... so we beat a retreat, and drove 2½ hours back to the motel!

The lowest temperature over the winter had been -30C, and it had already reached +26C at least once since "spring" came. It was about 21C while we were there. So very pleasant.

We left the motel about 10 am this morning, stopped and had lunch at a lovely coffee shop, and got home in mid-afternoon. Didn't hurry, and so it was very restful.

I seem to be spending the rest of this evening reading up on all I've missed!

I haven't been able to go and do any shopping for the Golden Wedding do we're going to on July 3

.......... so I'm going to go with my usual evening skirt, a maxi-length black skirt with a slit up the back, and a white short sleeved top with "diamond-like" stones set around the high scoop neck.

That'll have to do ................... I have some diamante earrings to dress it up.

MO ........ I meant to ask you. You said you bought a teal coloured skirt?? What colour tops did you get to go with it??? I have a teal coloured taffeta long skirt that I bought second-hand 3 or 4 years ago, but I never seem to have a top that looks right with it.

take care everyone



Sallie Report 24 Jun 2010 22:14

Hi Liz,

Just thought I'd tell you that there are some lovely clothes in Evans. A few years back the clothes they sold were a bit old fashion, a bit grt. grandma-ish, but now they sell more 'with it' sort of styles, if you know what I mean. Hope you get sorted soon. Good luck!

Love, Sallie.xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Jun 2010 21:49

Well unless I can get the top from BM in an 18 that outfit will go back and I will just have the Bhs dress altho I have to say I forgot about Evans, it's not a store I use often but will have a look, I think our Bhs has an Evans dept too altho I had a quick flit round Bhs and couldn't see anything else suitable except some white sandals if I decide against the pair in BM

I have more than enough other outfits for the night before the wedding etc and really need to get rid of the stuff that is too small now.

Must go and get something else to eat, had some soup and made a call, watered all the garden and want to eat more than soup before he gets home and starts moaning about me cooking late in the evening. What he forgets is that I don't get up till early afternoon so had my bagel around 3pm so soup was lunch and I need dinner now lol

Catch up with you all later,
take care and thanks for support and advice etc
When I get the right outfit I will send a pic to some and they can pass it on


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jun 2010 20:36

Hi Sallie, thank goodness you have posted,I was getting worried as we had not heard from you.
Just to update you on my grandaughter,she seems to be fine. She had to have another smear the other day,and has to have another follow up in August. So they seem to be keeping an eye on her,thank the lord.
She actually popped in to see us the other day, as she wanted another favour.
Ooh that sounds awful doesn't it, but unfortunately it's true.
We had not seen her since she moved last time,and this time she wanted us to arrange storage for her furniture,as she is moving again.
Only this time she is saving for a mortgage, so she had moved in with her boyfriends mum, so that she does not have to pay rent.
My nephew has not been to good,but he cannot see his specialist until next month. It's such a worry.
Roly does not follow the football Sallie,so unless we get through to the finals,he will not be watching it. His choice I might add,not me being bitchy and not allowing him to watch it.

Well love guess what time it is. Time for tea. I have got to make it myself as Roly is out at darts.
Night Night god bless. Love Mo xxx


Sallie Report 24 Jun 2010 20:22

Hello Girls,

I've had a busy few days, what with shopping, a few extra chores in the house and making the cards for the church that my brother is the Vicar of.
By the time I had done what I had to, I was too tired to come on the computer.

Ann, I hope the weather will stay nice for your weekend at your daughter's, and that you and OH will have a good time. At last, I've decided and ordered a Cuttlebug, so I'm just waiting for it to be delivered--just hope that it won't be too difficult to use. I must be getting better as I could finally make up my mind on which machine I wanted, but I don't think my heart nor my mind was in it.

Huia, you made me laugh when I read your post about being propositioned by one of the residents in the home with Phil. It would be lovely if you could sing as one of the Carers as asked you to. I'm sure it would help you, giving you something to think about and to prepare for.
Like the others, I think that a cd might be a good idea. Hope Phil was no worse and that he was more alert when you saw him last.

Liz, the Co-op here in Ilkeston was also taken over by some other company last year, but not sure if it's Vergo. I do know that the Co-op isn't as good as it was, which is a shame, because it was always so good in the past. They've moved the cafe up to the second floor now, the decor looks alright, but with a lot of the staff being new, including the manager, it isn't the same. Margaret the old manager ran the cafe very strictly and smoothly, but the new one is not as organised as she was.
I hope you'll manage to get something to wear, as Mo said, Evans have some nice things in their stores, so it might be worth you looking there.

Marie, I really hope that things will get sorted between you and your eldest son. It isn't a nice situation at all, I kow that years ago before I was born, there was a bit of bad feeling in the family, because of a will. It just isn't worth all the nastiness and bad feeling that it can cause.
Wills can cause a lot of problems. My mother's eldest brother, left the majority of his money between my brother and myself, but because Alun and I use to go and decorate for him, he left the house to me, as he had told me a few years before that the house would be mine one day.
Anyway I wanted my brother to half of what the brought, so I had to write a letter to the people that were dealing with the will, stating just that. I felt it was only fair, as my brother and sister-in-law who was living about ten miles away from him, did his and our other uncles washing for them every week. They also had them for Sunday dinner every week and took them shopping. So although we did things like decorating and having them to stay for a few weeks during the year, it was my brother and sister-in-law that were there all the time.

Sylvia, I hope you and other half are enjoying your couple of days at the cabin. Glad to hear that your leg is getting better after your recent fall, please take care when you go on buses from now on. Although these things tend to happen so quickly and easily. Pleased to know that things have been sorted out with your daughter and son-in-law, and that your OH was happy to have the call from your daughter. The men tend not to show their feelings like we do---Alun never shows if he's hurt about something.
If someone has hurt him, he won't say anything to them, because he doesn't like to cause bad feeling. I think he's a bit too soft for his own good sometimes. Hugs and kisses to MJ!!!

Mo, hasn't Roly been watching the football? You're very lucky if he hasn't.
Janet and I have been up to town today, Thursday is market day, and there are a few stalls that we like to get things from, so with it being a nice day decided to go. We had our usual snack, with a pot of tea, just an excuse to sit down to relax and have a good natter. It's strange, but we are never stuck for anything to talk and laugh about.
Have you heard how your granddaughter and nephew are getting along/
I hope that they are both getting along okay.

Jean, nice to see your post and hope that you are feeling more like your own self. Pleased to hear that J and D are both okay. Jennie is fine at the moment, thank you, although she's had a couple of small nose bleeds. We're not sure if it's because of the medication or that she's just following Alun, as he suffers from small nose bleeds now and again. She goes to see the Consultant on the 7th of July, so we've told her to mention the nose bleeds.
Have tried doing any Parchment again? I found it very relaxing when I was doing it, took my mind off other things completely. Both the ladies at the craft place are both very friendly and helpful, so that helps a lot.

Debbie, you're a very busy lady with all the activities your children do.
Hope your dad is a litle bit better.

Dutch, good to see your post, it would be nice to see you when you feel like chatting to us all.

Love and best wishes. Sallie. xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 24 Jun 2010 19:58

Good on you Liz. Get Im Indoors to treat you to the other dress as well, it sounds lovely.
Don't forget,you will be there the night before the wedding as well,so will need two good outfits.
Weelll it's a good excuse to get him to spend some money on you girl,so go for it. LOL

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 24 Jun 2010 19:53

Took items back to BonMarche and got a refund, had another look round and wouldn't you know, found a loose fitting matching top to the skirt I had just had refunded! Put together they looked lovely and only £24 the two items, but the only top they had was a 16 which is a bit tight. They tried two other shops around Norfolk but no luck only a 22 which would be too big, if only an 18 had materialised! I bought them both to see what o.h. thinks (meant I had to buy back the skirt I had just taken back lol) They suggested I try online but again no 18, not even a size 20 so looks as tho I either have to starve till August or take them both back.
I did look in Bhs afterwards and had a dress put aside as it was £45 and I didn't have enough money till I get some of o.h. - his son's wedding, he pays lol ! It's in the Sophie Gray collection but I can't find it on line, it's a midcalf length dress with a sort of cowl neck bit but wide straps so easy to wear a bra under. It's white floaty polyester (aren't they all this year, so hot) and has lilac and purple flowers on so will tone well with the wedding colours of cream and lilac. Here and there are purple sequins on the purple flowers and there is a scarf with beads on the end that you can put round your neck if it is a bit crepey lol

It should feel fairly cool with only having straps altho I might need a little bolero/shrug, which I would get in white or purple.
I think it will be perfect if I get some good drawers, it's lined but will have to get some with flat elastic top so they don't show - will need strong harvest festival ones tho lol Had some white and silver open sandals with a wedge heel put aside in Bon Marche and all I will need is a handbag as I don't think I have a white one that will look right. Could get a purple one - I have seen several around in Tesco and other stores.

Will keep you posted
