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Just Jean

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Deborah Report 2 Jul 2010 14:22

I'm fed up!!!!! I've just swerved to aviod a large lorry coming towards me on the road and I hit a wall and smashed my passenger side wing mirror. Such a stupid thing for me to do and as it is all electric, I can see it is going to cost a pretty penny to have it fixed. Oh well, nobody got hurt, that's always a good thing.

Mo, I really like the name Phoebe. According to my book of names, it says the following:-

"Latinized form of the name of a Greek deity, Phoibe (from Phoibos, meaning bright), partially identified with Artemis, goddess of the moon and of hunting, sister of the sun god Apollo was also known as Phoibos (Latin Phoebus)"

So, there you have it. I often feel for those poor children whose parents have given them names which are very difficult to pronounce or that are so "odd" they can never be remembered properly. At the Athletics Club there is a girl called Shivannah, which is quite a nice name but nobody can remember it when they see her.

I have a friend whose name is Ebby-Lee, and her 3 children are Sebastian Zachariah, Charles Montague & Elodie Grace. How's that for a family of unusual names?

I actually hate my middle name of Ruth, and when I was born in the early 60's a very old Aunt told my mum "Deborah, what sort of a name is that? I shall call her Ruth". Unfortunately the elderly aunt didn't live too many years longer so I never had to take her up on her choice of my name, but I think I was always Ruth in her eyes.

So, I hope you are all fit and well and looking after yourselves. I'll be back on here after the weekend - have a good one.

Debbie xx

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 2 Jul 2010 04:42

Just a quick visit, all been quiet at home here, we should find out if the son in NY has accepted that people here can't afford to pay for the wife to visit as well as him, and give them spending money so hope he will be ok with that, and her too, and he can come over to be best man for his bro and see the family and then sod off again lol The trouble that boy has caused for months because of this situation, but he always caused trouble when he was here too, getting into debt with a previous girlfriend's family and owing them money still, arguing with his mother and his dad and falling out with them til he wanted money and would come creeping to them all smarmy, boy is he a scrounger of the highest degree. Even the son here says it and his wife to be says she bets he will come and charm money off folk so he can go out with any friends he still has here and play the big I am!

Dutch, thanks for the lovely poems you write, they are so much from the heart.

Debbie, thanks, yes ocd is a funny old illness, so misunderstood and still a certain stigma to explaining a mental health issue. Glad your friend can laugh at herself, and she is lucky she has friends around her. I too feel very lucky, I have had so many messages of support ( thanks all) and it's good to know I can come on here and let things out, better than trying to hold it all in.

Sylvia, you be careful and don't go tumbling again.

I think the Queen looks and acts younger than her age, but her mother was a great example and let's face it, they don't have the trials and tribulations many of us, no wonder she is ageing so well.

Better get off the computer, I can hear noises upstairs that suggest he is getting up for work. The heat in the factory is getting to him and then he is cycling home afterwards so is pretty tired out, I suppose at some point we will have to sort out time off work for him and arrange a holiday, but will probably leave it till next month and arrange to go away in September, not abroad as he hasn't renewed his passport and said he's not keen on travelling far, but I so wanted to go away when the days were long instead of the same old time when the nights pull in so soon.

Take care all and thanks again for support


p.s. Mo, Phoebe is a name that's been used a lot recently, my son had a girl in his class whose little sis was named that and I have heard of others using that name too, don't think it would cause teasing these days. There seem to be a lot of Isabelle/Isabel?Isobels around lately too, two in my family alone.
Those are the names that cause teasing i.e. Is a bell necessary on a bike etc

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 1 Jul 2010 20:58

I will agree Sylvia, that her Maj is looking good for her age. But him, well I have not got a lot of time for him.
Both he and Charlie boy wear all those medals on their chests,and neither of them have earn't them.
I hope you have a lovely day today. Have you got anything special planned.
If you are going out, watch what you are doing,and take care,you don't want
any more accidents.

Debbie, believe me,if my son did not contact me,I would be straight on the blower,asking him if he was unwell.
He was txting me last night,about baby names. They are trying to choose one for their baby,but the poor wee might is not due till January.
They want to name the baby after me if it's a girl,but I always hated it when I had to say my middle name, Pheobe,and thats a the name they chose.
I know I was named after my grandmother,but I went through hell at school
when we had to say our full names. And I know that the old names are making a comeback,but I don't want the child to be teased when it starts school, as I was.

Well my friends,I am going to say night night . God bless you all. Love Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 1 Jul 2010 20:01

I tired myself out yeaterday, going downtown for a couple of hours BUT I did NOT fall again!

I wa actually so tired that I didn't post on my threads on GR.

It's Canada's 143rd birthday today, and thus a National Holiday, Canada Day

Queen Elizabeth and Philip are in Ottawa, attending the National Party to help us celebrate.

I think they are having better weather there than we are here!! I've got the heating turned on in this room again!! It was raining at 6 am, but is just grey and cloudy at the moment

They arrived in Canada on Monday. So far she has attended an International Fleet Review in Halifax (Canada's navy is 100 years old this year so all manner of foreign navies are visiting to help celebrate that), planted 2 trees (one in Halifax and 1 in Ottawa), and unveiled a statue in Ottawa of the late great Canadian jazz pianist Oscar Peterson.

Then it will be on to Winnipeg, Waterloo Ontario and finally Toronto.

There is no way that woman is 84!!! Or that he is 89.



Deborah Report 1 Jul 2010 13:46

Hi Ladies,

Now then Mo, you would worry yourself sick if your son wasn't in touch and I am sure it is just his way of keeping you "in the loop" as they say. I often tell my parents things that I am sure they don't really want to hear or aren't interested in, but it paints a picture for them of what I am doing at the time.

Liz, how are you today? You certainly sounded a lot more cheery and I am pleased that you aren't letting things get to you too much in so far as you have to rise above things. I have a friend with OCD and she does the most perculiar things sometimes, but she is wonderful and can laugh at herself, which I think always helps. It is a very difficult situation to understand as an outsider though. Good luck to you, and as many have said on here, there is always someone around who you can write to on the boards.

Been on my walk thismorning. Not so strenuous today as we had one man back in our group who broke a bone in his hip at Easter and was just testing out the walking today for the first time. He managed to get round with us but we did a flat walk around the lanes and it was slightly slower than usual. He won't be here the next 2 weeks as we are dong cliff paths, then it is a break for the summer and we start back again in Sept. We always go for lunch after the last session, so am looking forward to that.

Competition night at the Athletics Club tonight so I am on Checking In duty, making sure everyone has properly entered the events and got their correct race numbers. It is only the 1500m races tonight then all other events will be held Sunday when the competition is on from 9.30-4.00. That will be a long tiring day, but I enjoy helping out. I feel as though I am giving something back to the club.

Best be off now, have a nice day and I'll be back in touch soon.

Take care.

Debbie xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jun 2010 22:26

Oh Ann he can be such a baby, but he is 33 for goodness sake. I am sure he would have me wipe his backside for him if I would do it. But I am not that brave, it was bad enough when he was a baby, but not now yuk.
If he gets a headache, he phones me to tell me about it. LOL


AnninGlos Report 30 Jun 2010 22:10

That's right Mum, you give him plenty of sympathy Lol!!!! You sounded just like I would be.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jun 2010 14:03

Ooooh Jean that did urt. You naughty girl,I am deeply wounded now. LOL
Thick skinned thats me,to go with my thick head.

My son had to go to hospital this morning, to have a nevus removed from his hairline. He has inner and external stitches. He must take after me ( poor boy ), as when I was born,I had a female nevus growing over my left eye. He has now got to wait for the biopsy to come back. But he has to have his stitches out on the 3rd of July.
Typical male, he txt me to say,he could not feel his eyebrow. What did he expect,he had it done under a local anaesthetic (sp) I said to him it is the same affect as having dental work done,and it will be like it,till the local wears off.

I am having another lazy day today. I got all the clothes washed,dried and ironed yesterday. So today is a me day.
Well I will close for now. Love to you all. Mo xxx


JustJean Report 30 Jun 2010 09:43

Well here is Mo a budding poet,
her prose is good
or so she thinks.
but realy Mo,
it makes us wince !!!

Dont give up the day Job...lo....
love me xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 30 Jun 2010 09:11

Dutch that is so lovely, and also so true.

We are all here for each other,
Through our troubles and our woes,
If we can make each other smile,
If only for a little while,
Then each and everyone of us,
Will be blessed with happiness.

God bless you one and all. Love Mo xxx


dutch Report 30 Jun 2010 07:03

You know some of us are not well and the pain we try to hide
But one of our friends needs us we put our pain aside
Its not easy doing this but its inportant that we do
And for some the pain is so great but they will do the best anyone can do
You no its not always on the outside that people can see
The worse is in the inside and friends cannot see
But as long as we have friends and people on here who care
Thats half the battle won just being there
So my friends i,ll leave you with this thought
Our friends are worth there weight in gold ,and will help without abackward thought
So no matter how bad things may get just remember one thing
Were all here for one another and the strength we bring

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 30 Jun 2010 02:00

Hi all

Vit d jab done so hope it kicks in and gives me some energy this time, the hair growth amazed the practice nurse and she is going to tell a friend of hers who has been losing her hair, to get tested. She has also said she will find out about whether it would help post natal hair loss but I think that's a different ball game to be honest. My jab bled a bit as it was so hot here she said it affects the way the blood clots, normally I hardly bleed from injections. The smear was a bit uncomfy and she isn't sure it will 'work' - if we get a query result I might have to have eostrogen before having another test, lovely, just what I need lol

O.h. spoke to his son again and they are going to contact the NY lad and tell him there is only enough money for one fare over. It will be up to him then if he comes alone or not at all. I had a quick chat with son's pregnant fiancee, and she said she is fed up with all the hassle over him coming, and she would prefer he comes alone, so she doesn't have to entertain her future s.i.l. as they have never met and she wants her house to herself to get ready for the wedding. She is very thoughtful, she says as her bridesmaid will be 35 weeks gone, and a guest will be 36 weeks and she will be 28 wks, she is getting a couple of folding canvas chairs to leave in her dad's car so if anyone feels tired while hanging about for photos, they can have a sit down. She is very down to earth, doesn't want designer stuff for baby, and is enjoying finding bargains at boot sales and charity shops and such. She says as it's due in November, it probably won't need more than vests and babygros and little cardis etc for the first few weeks, just as long as it's warm, and comfy.
We were having a laugh about my outfits, as I asked her to check what her mum and stepmum are getting, don't want to turn up dressed the same lol

I picked up the long dress from Bhs and also the larger top from Bon Marche but having tried them both on, have decided I prefer the Bhs dress and would be more likely to wear it again. I am going to take the odd sequins off the front, there are groups of 5 purple ones stitched to the darker purple flowers but it will look better without them. I am also thinking of unpicking the narrow scarf and getting some fine material to line it to make it more of a stole, I can easily add the beaded trim again to each end and it will cover more of my front and or my shoulders depending which way I wear it, so more useful.

I will get him to take some pics of me wearing it so I can send it to some of you to see what you think. Will have to try and lose a couple more pounds on my tum and buy a pair of control bloomers, don't want anything too thick or tight in case it's as hot as it was yesterday, phew, nice to sit out in but to drive and walk about, too hot! I will also get a shrug in case the weather is cooler on the day, so I have a choice, all will be things I can use again. I liked the colours (turquoise and shades of purple flowers on white) of the other outfit more than I liked the style and will be cooler in a dress than in a skirt and top. The long dress has a full lining slip inside and doesn't seem to cling so will be comfy I think. If I look too fat I can pretend I am with the pregnant guests lol It's the Sophie Gray one called Violet Secret Garden but I can't find it on line to let you look.

Please don't worry about me here, I won't let him grind me down, and if I do win the lottery, don't worry, he would only get what I chose to give him and that wouldn't be much! He has no claim on my money or my house same as I don't really have a claim on his. My house is willed to my son.

Joyce, lovely of you to say I could visit, and I could also visit friends or rellies here and in Germany, Malta or Miami, (if I had the money lol) but I would still have all the stuff to come back to, so it's best I try hard to work with the counselling and get things cleared up so I can get back to the house. After that, if my health was ok, I could work towards visiting folk - maybe I could let the house or rooms out and do it that way. Just have to find the mental and physical energy to sort out my things and get rid of lots, ocd is such a stupid illness but so hard to treat hence there being many many people suffering with it and getting nowhere.

Huia, of course you could come to the housewarming - and then I would come back with you for a visit!

Hope you are ok and Phil is still being well looked after and that you can find somewhere to spend some time to alleviate the solitude you find yourself with now.
Funny tho, isn't it? that you can be lonely even with someone in the house with you, if the relationship is gone to pot!

Sylvia, I bet you can't wait to see MJ again, babies change and grow so fast.

Jean, will reply to your pm later love. Take care and hope the new meds help more.

Oops, too many words



Sallie Report 29 Jun 2010 21:48

Ann, glad to know that you're okay. Hope you enjoyed your weekend away.
It's nice to hear from you.

Jean, let's hope that the new tablets will do the trick.
Lovely to hear from you. Take care!



Sallie Report 29 Jun 2010 21:33

Hello Ladies,

Liz, as Mo has already said, if only we were all rich so that we could help you to get out of the situation you're in. Oh! if only I had a big win on the Lottery there are quite a few people that I would help, you would be one of them, and I certainly mean that. I only hope that his son will have a word with him, because he needs to told what he's doing to you. He should also be told, to stop taking things that he can't change out on you. If you do the Lottery make sure he can't half of the winnings, as I know he would be entitled to. So please do whatever needs to be done to make sure that doesn't happen. Just take care!

Marie, sorry to hear that the weather is so cold with you in NSW. You certainly have been busy doing all the extra housework. You put me to shame, I'm sorry to say that I'd much prefer to do make cards, than do the housework, I do it as quickly as I can so that it's out of the way. If someone had told me a few years back that I would say that now, I would never have believed them. It's strange that I can't imagine snow at the moment with all this hot weather we're having, but I only have to think back to our winter, and I suppose it isn't too difficult.

Sylvia, pleased to hear that your knee is much better with the stronger support bandage, take care when you're out and about. If I remember rightly, I don't think it's too long before your daughter and her family arrive. I bet you and OH are really looking forward to seeing them. You'll certainly see a big difference in MJ, it's amazing how quickly they grow, they don't seem to stay babies for long. Hugs and kisses to MJ!

Joyce, it's lovely to see you on this thread. Hope you are not in so much pain today, I wonder how long it will take them to decide on your medication. Thank you for the mail I received from you this morning, although I haven't opened it yet. How are things going with all your family?
Let's hope that the new medication will take the pain away, so that you can hopefully start to visit them again. It's something for you to look forward to, at least.

Mo, like your son, Richard stiil hasn't been able to get a job. I don't see your son getting a job very easily in Scotland, either. I always think that if they can't get a job around the area that they both live, there isn't any chance of getting one anywhere else in the country. There doesn't seem to be many jobs around this area at all, and the few there are, are asking for experience.
I didn't go to see the Counsellor last week, my next appointment with her, is on 15th July. I think that she's on holiday for the next two weeks, so by then it will be four weeks instead of three since my last appointment.
I actually got my Cuttlebug today, goodness knows where it's been, seeing that they tried to deliver last Wednesday, and didn;t leave a card to let me know. I hope all is well with Roly.

Huia, I hope that you are okay and that the weather isn't too cold. Have you been to see Phil over the last few days? Hope he was alright, as he can be, and that he was able to respond to you. Have you decided whether you're going to sing to the residents, yet? I'm absolutely sure the residents will enjoy hearing you sing, and it might stir some memories for Phil.

Debbie, glad to hear that your dad brightened up a bit after you had helped him to pick the fruit in his garden. I bet the vegatables and fruitfrom your sister's allotment, were really lovely, there's nothing like fresh home grown fruit and veg.

Jean, if you're looking in, I hope you're starting to feel better. We really miss you on here. Hope all is well with J and D.

Ann, I hope you're alright, as Mo's already said we haven't seen you on
here very much lately.

I'll say goodnight now, speak to you all tomorrow.

Love and best wishes.


AnninGlos Report 29 Jun 2010 21:09

Jean you snuck in there. Do hope the new tabs work for you. Vertigo is horrible.


AnninGlos Report 29 Jun 2010 21:08

Sorry you are right Mo, I thought I had added yesterday. I was away from Friday until late Sunday afternoon, busy yesterday doing things and at a meeting today. However, I have been on the board since Sunday but can't think what happened,
Debbie, I hope we are able to enjoy that walk, we are starting to look forward to going to Jersey now. Just hope the weather is better than it has been on previous visits. Last time we were there was ten years ago but a week later than this year, it was dry but mostly grey and dull. I think we got to sit by the pool once. Still it was ideal for what we like to do, bus and walk, then bus and walk again.
anyway, here I am Mo.


JustJean Report 29 Jun 2010 20:59

Hello everyone still struggling with the vertigo, but went back to the docs, so he has changed my deppression tabs, so hopefully I wont sleep all the time, and some new vertigo tabs, thanks for all your kind thoughts and good wishes, I am so grateful ....cant do much writing but soon will be able to join in, I am sure,
love and hugs Jean xx


JustJean Report 29 Jun 2010 20:59

Hello everyone still sruggling with the vertigo, but went back to the docs, so he has changed my deppression tabs, so hopefully I wont sleep all the time, and some new vertigo tabs, thanks for all your kind thoughts and good wishes, I am so grateful ....cant do much writing but soon will be able to join in, I am sure,
love and hugs Jean xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Jun 2010 18:07

Sorry about that girls,that was one of my neighbours,she came to let me know that another of our neighbours,had been rushed into hospital.

I hope you enjoyed your roast dinner Marie. We are living on salads at the moment. We have just had Salmon with it. So it's kind of a hot/cold meal.

Sallie how did it go with the therapy last week.
Still no luck for my son on the job front. He got so excited,as he went for a second interview on Friday,but they phoned him yesterday and said he had been unsuccessful.
Has Richard had any luck yet.?
My son is talking about moving up to Scotland again. I can't see the work situation being any different up there to down here. But his fiance comes from there.

Oh Debbie, I had to chuckle about your fruit and veg collecting. You sound like you belong in that old programme, from way back, The Good Life.
It seems odd that you had to have the amnio done before Sophie and Matthew. My eldest two girls were born exactly one year apart 5th october 1964,and 14th october 1965,and they didn't do amnio's back then.
They basically only did them if you were above a certain age, mainly the over 40's, in case off any problems.
But these days people are waiting till much later in life to have children.

Sylvia, I am sorry you also seem to be having bad weather at the moment.
It seems like Canada,OZ, and NZ are suffering the weather we have every winter. It just seems so strange that we have got it nice,and you are all having it bad over there.
There is you, Marie,and Huia all with cold weather.

I wonder if Ann is o.k
We have not heard from her in a while. A big HELLO ANN, if you are looking in.

Hello Dutch, I hope you are feeling a little better,and not in to much pain.
I do hope they sort your medication out soon,so that you can have a better quality of life.

Now our JEAN ((((((((((( HUGS FOR YOU))))))))))))) We miss your chat.

Bye for now lovely ladies. Love and best wishes to you all.
God bless you all,and keep you safe. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 29 Jun 2010 15:22

Good afternnon one and all.
Liz everyone is concerned for you, please take advice from your very very close friends, and do something positive about him.
He is not good for your depression,he is dragging you down love.
When his son's speak to him,I do hope he does not take his agression towards them out on you.
If he starts,PLEASE get out of the house,even if it is ony for a few hours,to get away from him.
I only wish as Dutch has said we were all wealthy enough to be able to help you financially,to get away from him.
I say it every week,if only that win on the lotto would come up.
Please don't think I am nagging at you, I only speak out of concern for you.

Hi Marie, I can't believe you are due for snow,when we are sweating in this heat. LOL
Got a visitor be back soon.