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Just Jean

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Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Jul 2010 19:24

Hello Dutch,
Good to hear from you. It sounds like you had the most brilliant time ever
when you came over for your birthday this time.
How lovely to get all the photo's taken,it will bring back memories of your time here.
I bet you Sallie and Nina didn't stop talking at you mini meet. Sallie was saying that they got a bit lost trying to find you. lol
I hope she is o.k as she has not been on here for a few days. If I dont hear from her by tommorrow, I think I will send her a p.m.
Has the doctor/hospital,said how long they will be in sorting your medication out for youe pain relief. You can't carry on suffering like this love.
I think Jean is back from her holiday on Saturday. I am sure they were only going for one week.
Well bye for now lovely lady,take care. Love and best wishes Mo xxx


dutch Report 22 Jul 2010 16:58

Hello Mo and everyone had agreat week in England met two loverly ladys Sallie and Nina spent some time with my g,son and his partner and g,grandson Theo hes loverly only 7mths but always smiling,then found my son who i had lost contact with over the years ,it was 10tys since i saw him last cried when we met and stayed at his place with his partner realy nice girl,took some photos of us and done some earlier of my g,children and g,g grandson,other son picked me up and saw all my g,children there took more photos ,then back to my friends and the following day home ,i could,nt have wish for better birthday present and there getting passports to visit me ,then Monday night eldest son came have,nt seen him in two years hes the one who sent all the speeding tickets to us ,but he shook Jans hand and said he was sorry he came to get them so he could pay them,and just before got some flowers from interflora they were from my school friend who i met afew years ago after 52yrs,they were for my birthday ,so had agood week all round,just need to get rid of this pain now take care all

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 22 Jul 2010 14:37

Hello, this is such a lonely little thread at the moment.
I do hope everyone is o.k. I hope to hear from some of you all soon.
Love and best wishes to everyone. Mo xxx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Jul 2010 18:59

I forgot to tell you Ann. My grandaughter booked the taxi to take them to the airport,and while they were waiting for it to turn up,she heard her name being called. It was only the travel rep, the one all the holiday makers had been trying to contact for days. She said the jiffy bus was waiting for her. Well my grandaughter may only be 18,and stands the height of a ten year old,but she really let rip at the rep. She got on the bus,but lost the sixty pound taxi fare she had already paid. My daughter is trying to get a refund for her,from the travel company.
Just make sure you check the hotel booking Ann,after what happened to my daughter,I would hate to think of it happening to anyone else.


AnninGlos Report 20 Jul 2010 15:35

Glad your daughters holiday was sorted MO. I do hope that T Republic are not in any trouble as they have our hotel booking in November. Not the flights as we took that away from them and booked our own, but they have the hotel and taxis booked (we hope!).

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 20 Jul 2010 14:15

Hi girls.
Sallie the decorating has come to a halt at the moment. I am waiting for Roly to do some filling in for me.
Bless him he has got to go for his Colonoscopy tommorrow, so today he has had to take the clearing out medicine.
So I can't really get the whip out,and ask him to do to much,as he is spending a lot of time on the loo.
I think the flower baskets will be lovely Sallie, don't you. Daff is a very clever girl,she must have very green fingers.

Well done on getting the hospice work Huia. You should be able to pick it up very easily. You are such a clever person teaching yourself how to use the computer. My knowledge is still very basic.

Sallie, my daughters holiday was sorted out ar 4.30p.m last night. Considering their flight was at 9.00a.m this morning,it was a close shave.
They should be there by now hopefully.
Has Richard had any luck with a job yet.And how is Jennie.
My son was very lucky, he was re-employed by the furniture store he used to work for. But they have moved him up to their Orpington branch. It means he has to travel a lot further,and work more hours,but at least he is back in employment at last.
I really do hope Richard has some luck very very soon.

Sylvia, it's good to hear that the family have arrived safe and sound. Now enjoy.

Well girls, I must go and check on my little soldier,to make sure he has not dissappeared down the toilet pan.
Love to you all. Mo xxx


SylviaInCanada Report 20 Jul 2010 04:34

Hi everyone

family arrived safely, on time, but tired

We sent them for a walk, then met them at the coffee shop (!!), came home and had some salad

They were all in bed by 6:30pm our time ....... which was 10:30 pm their time! They had been awake since about 4:30am their time

so a long day for them.

MJ was very good ......... but wasn't interested in a nap ...... too many new things to see!!

Huia ...... good on you getting accepted by the Hospice Shop. You'll have no problems .......... but you will have a lot of fun!



Sallie Report 19 Jul 2010 22:38

Huia, I've just seen your post, just as I was about to turn the computer off.
Well done, on getting the job in the Hospice shop. I'm sure that you'll have no trouble in learning ' the ropes ', and it will do you good to go out and meet people.
Hope Phil was able to respond to you when you last visited him.
Take care.

I'll say goodnight now, my hot drink is ready.



Huia Report 19 Jul 2010 22:24

Hi all. I have looked in but not added for a couple of days. I have now been accepted by the Hospice shop as a helper, but my training doesnt start until August. It will be one morning a week (what I wanted) with experienced staff. I have to learn how to use a till and eftpos, but as I mostly taught myself to use the computer (after an initial explanation from somebody) I cant see any problems.

I must send a message to the GR team to ask where they have hidden the new Hot Matches that they say I have. I couldnt find a single one, unless they have given up on using the burning match symbol beside the names.



Sallie Report 19 Jul 2010 22:13

Hello Ladies,

Sylvia, Ihope your family have arrived safely. Enjoy the next five weeks with them, and make the most of having MJ there for that amount of time. Hope the weather will be good, so that you can have some family outings.
Take care everyone!

Ann, I've also been in touch with Daff, so after she told me what kind of plants she needs, I've told her that I'll send some to her. Hope that both you and OH are okay.

Mo, have you done any more decorating over the last couple of days.
I've been making a few cards, and trying out the Cuttlebug, I think I'm getting the hang of it.
Glad to hear that your granddaughter was on the way home, hope she had a good journey, without too many problems.
Did your daughter and her family manage to get sorted out with the hotel?
I hope they've got off on their holiday without any problems.

Marie, sorry that they couldn't take your stitches out, but it's best to be sure than sorry. Let's hope that you can have them taken out on Wednesday.
I'm fine now thank you, although we all expected my younger cousin to die, it still came as a shock.
Pleased to hear that Kathleen's head is now much better, and that it will continue that way.

Debbie, hope you are all okay there. Even though Daniel and Matthew are away, I'm sure that you have plenty to keep you busy, with the activities that Luke and Sophie do.

Liz and Huia, I haven't seen you both for a couple of days, I hope that you are both alright.

I hope Jean and J are enjoying their holiday in Llandudno. A nice relaxing holiday will so them both the world of good.

Well, I'm going to have a hot drink now, and I'll probably have an early night. So I'll speak to you all tomorrow.

Take care everyone!

Love and best wishes.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Jul 2010 18:25

Enjoy the family reunion Sylvia, see you when you have the time. Love Mo x


SylviaInCanada Report 19 Jul 2010 17:17

a lot of marine cloud this morning, but it is brning off quite quickly, so it should be a lovely day

and the week is forecast to be nice, at least until Friday

just paying a quick visit before I go to have my shower and get dressed.

J & co arrive in about 4 hours or so

Expect me when you see me for the next few weeks ...................... I'll drop in when I can.

Take care, and look after yoruselves


Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 19 Jul 2010 17:07

Hello everyone.
Oh Marie,you have gone from being our black eyed girl, to our green godess.
Bruising can change to lovely colours can't it. I hope the stitches are healed better before Wednesday.
Dont do what my son did, he took his own stitches out,with scissors and tweezers. Vanity got the better of him,because they could not take them out at the time he wanted them done.
It was a good job they had healed properly,or he would have been left with a lovely scar.
It's good to hear Kathleens headaches are abating.
I must go girls, I must prepare some dinner,before I starve to death.
I hope you are all well. Love to one and all. Mo xxx


Zack Report 19 Jul 2010 05:02

Hello all , thank you all for your good wishes,I was to have the stiches out this morning however the Doctor said it is too soon, Wednesday maybe.I am a sight some of the bruising is now green not a good look.
Hello Sallie, how are you ,after your bad news re family it is always so sad to lose family, I still miss my Parents especially my mum when I am doing my research I often think of her as I would give her a call and ask her if she could remember what I wanted to know and now she isnt there to ask, thats when I miss her most..
Mo you have got the activity bug go for it girl, things must be looking good in your home. What a cock up with the holiday arrangementsI hope they have been sorted.
Kathleen has been Headache free for two days, thank you Lord.
Deborah your boys must be having a wonderful time,and also the younger ones would love having you to-themselves.
Sylvia enjoy your time with your family I hope you have nice weather for the visit.
It is funny how we dont like to see an empty Shelf or a Chest of drawers bare.
I am having trouble with the page bouncing up & down I am not able to see the text . Love to you all Marie


AnninGlos Report 18 Jul 2010 21:10

Will do Mo. A bit worrying about Travel Republic.
My sister has had several holidays with them and not had a problem. However we are booked with them in November for Cyprus and we had our flights cancelled, actually they had booked a flight that didn't exist because the schedule changed to winter schedule. Luckily we had not booked airport parking as we had to change flighta and airports. Hopefully the hotel room is still ok. well it is as far as we know.

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 18 Jul 2010 20:39

Hello ladies.
Ann I have p.m'd Daff re the plants. Am now waiting to hear where I have got to send them to. Poor Daff's inbox must be going crazy,bless her. Could you let her know that I am a legitimate donor for the plants,as I have never spoken to her before,and she doesn't know me. Thanks Ann.

Well good news, my grandaughter is on her flight home. Now all I am waiting for is to hear about my daughter and her families holiday tommorrow.
All she needs now is conformation, by e.mail that they are booked in for ten days and not seven.

I bet it seems very quiet in your house Debbie. The boys are probably having a ball,and not even giving you at home a thought.
I think it's a good idea, not allowing mobiles on their holidays. After all, they could be lost,and if the children get homesick,how on earth would the parents feel. They may not be able to afford to bring them home. And I suppose no news is good news.
Did you enjoy Shrek. I loved the first two films. it's my kind of humour.
Was it hard to adjust to the 3.D glasses.

Well ladies I will say bye for now. Love and best wishes to one and all.
Mo xxx


AnninGlos Report 18 Jul 2010 13:34

Nothing to do with this thread really, but anyone interested in helping to help someone please check out Daff's thread ( Sommat nice, Hanging baskets and Moustachios on Chat) thanks PM me if you want to know more


Deborah Report 18 Jul 2010 07:31

Morning Ladies,

Another early start for me. I've been doing bills & accounts since 5am, when I got up as Peter went out fishing then. If I wake up I have to get up. I can't lie around in bed cos I get a headache, so it's easier for me to be up and about.

Marie, I hope your bumps and bruises are well on the way to recovery by now. What a silly think to have done - so easy to trip over nothing isn't it? I always feel more annoyed with myself if I do anything like that.

Mo, I hope your daughter sorts out her trip ok. It's terrible the way she is being treated. Are the companies she booked with covered by ABTA or ATOL? She may have some comeback from them if there is a problem.

It is quiet in our household with Daniel & Matthew away. We will have no contact from them at all, unless an emergency arises - so, I hope no contact at all. They were forbidden to take mobile phones with them on the trips, but the teachers have all the relevant emergency details, and the school is on 24 hour alert at Activity time.

They should be having an absolute ball. According to the itineraries, Matthew should have been shopping at O'Connell & Grafton Streets on Fri morning, then visiting Trinity College in Dublin & Dublin Zoo in the afternoon. Saturday he should have gone to Croke Park (home of Irish Rugby), then a coach journey from Dublin via Newry to Donegal to new accommodation. Today they are visiting Marble Arch Caves,Bundoran Seaside resort, Waterworld & amusements and then a bowling alley & restaurant in Letterkenny. I have no idea what these places are as I have never been to Ireland, but we have been given a lovely pictured booklet made by the school of all their activities, and everything looks fabulous.

As for Daniel in Austria, he travelled overland all day Friday and should have arrived at the hotel in time for an evening meal. Saturday he was due to go mountain biking in the morning, then a Gorge walk & picnic in the afternoon, with swimming in the evening. Today they are due to visit a glacier thismorning, go on a mountain hike thisafternoon then spend tonight in a Hut high up in the mountains, where there is no electricity, running water or home comforts, other than campbeds. It is a "bonding" evening and all the children have to perform some sort of skill or entertainment in front of the group. Daniel & a couple of his mates have been practising a few jokes and card tricks. Not sure they will work, but time will tell.

So, they should both be having so much fun, and certainly doing things that we would not be able to pack into a family holiday. There isn't a moment for them to get fed up, homesick or wishing they weren't there. Such a wonderful experience for them both.

It is nice for a change, just having Luke & Sophie at home. We went to see Shrek in 3D yesterday, then out for lunch at a lovely seaside restaurant, which was a nice treat for them both.

Anyway, best be off as this isn't getting the bills typed.

I hope that you are all well, and that, Sylvia, you have a fantastic time with the family over. I think 5 weeks is a lovely time to be able to spend with them and you will see so much change in MJ in just that time he will be with you. Wonderful.

Enjoy your Sunday everyone.

Debbie xx

Mo in Kent

Mo in Kent Report 17 Jul 2010 22:34

Hi Ann, I don't know who my daughter booked through, but it was done via the internet.
I know that she spent ages trying to ring them earlier on today,and could not get through. Thats why she was sending e.mails till they were coming out of their ears.
They booked through Travel Republic, and they arranged with Hotel for the hotel itself.
Update my son in law has just phoned,and he got through to Travel Republic and spoke to a woman on there who told him the office was closing for the weekend,but she has sent him an e.mail saying she will deal with it at 9a.m on Monday.
She seems to think it is an error by hotel rooms .com,and that they should be booked into the hotel for the full 10 days. But who's to say that they may ask them to leave after the seven days,and then they would have to camp at the airport for three days waiting for their flight home.
What a nightmare, considering they are supposed to be leaving on Tuesday.


AnninGlos Report 17 Jul 2010 21:18

Mo which company is your daughter with? That is just not good enough is it? Overbooking the hotel, and I am sure they could find them somewhere else that had 10 days free, as far as we have seen in Tenerife hotels are by no means full. Do you know where in Lanzarote she is staying?